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(Hurry and get my free bonuses at the bottom of this page!)

What Comes With Your FREE Membership:

Who Exactly Is Wealthy Affiliate?

Click the button below to get your FREE account(no optin and credit card required).

Your Excuses Always Lead To More Pain...

It sucks having to wake up every morning to the sound of your alarm telling you it's time for your 9-5 job that you dread going to every day, that you can't pay your bills on time, support your family the way you need to, and find your way out of a crawl space and into the right vehicle that will allow you to work less and spend valuable time with the ones you love.

You know you want your circumstances to change and you want a work from home based opportunity that gives you the flexible hours, and let's you make money with your passion, interests, or hobbies.

The reason nothing for you has worked thus far is not because you are inadequate, it's because you fear and have disbelief  in what else is out there. You keep telling yourself that "I'll do it tomorrow", and you always put it off, you go to the next shiny object only to find out that what you're on is a scam and BAM!

You just lost $100's upon $1,000's of dollars.

More Obstacles Will Rise Up

You're going to run into companies who will not pay you well for the work you put in, you will find others who will try to scam you, and you will flat out give up.


You'll always feel like you have a lack of time, especially when you come home from a long day on your 9-5, and the money is tight to pay your bills, to take yourself a much needed vacation.

You come home from a long day on the job and the last thing you want to do is find a way to get up and research how you're going to make more money to pay your bills, and to be your own boss. The lack of knowledge of not knowing who and what to trust just keeps you in a vicious cycle.

I Was Once Too In Your Position

I know EXACTLY what you're going through, I remember always finding short side jobs and never really taking them serious because I got paid pennies! Or that I'd fall into traps with scammers. Most of all, I had a lack of time, the money, and knowledge to go through with making a lasting change...

But when I realized this one concept it changed everything...

I've Discovered The Secret

"It's not a lack of resources, It's a lack of being resourceful"

The solution to all my worries of staying in debt, not being able to provide for my family and myself all went out the window when I found out about how people were sharing their passion, hobby, or interest and making a BUTTLOAD of money!

This is my so-called “paycheck” for the month of July 2018. (Total: USD$3,282.51)

And do you want to know the best part of this?

The best part is...

I will not only be getting this kind of 4-figure paycheck months after months, but it will be growing every single month, just like you having a pay raise for each for your paycheck.

Take a look at the growth of my income since Jan 2018...

P.S. The income proof in the video was taken a few months back. I'm now making over $6K per month. See below for updated income proofs :)

Can you see that it is growing exponentially?

My question to you is…

Do you want to get results like this…?

If you do, you’ve come to the right place and please watch this video to the very end because I will be revealing to you the secrets I’m personally using to get these kind of results at just 26 years old without finishing my bachelors degree and not having to work a 9-5 any more.

To start off, I’m just an ordinary guy like you who wants to make money online and live the lifestyle we desire.

Not only that, like I’ve said, I don’t have a bachelors degree or a 9-5 anymore, plus I had an aching back that stopped me from having to work. I’m just an ordinary person who grew up playing the game of soccer at an elite level, and who has gone through one job after the next.

If you’ve been searching online for awhile, you’ve probably come across a lot of hyped up sales pitches before claiming you to make thousands of dollars within a week, a day or even a few hours time.

To be honest with you, almost all of them are not real. It’s impossible for you to start generating thousands of dollars within a very short period of time if you’re completely new to this.

So the income proofs I’ve just shown you are mine and they are 100% real. I’m not giving you those unrealistic income claims just to capture your attention and take your hard earned money.

Instead, my mission here is to show you how I realistically create my own 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income stream in 6 months time at 26 years old!

Okay, so let’s not waste anymore time and dive right into explaining how this business works, alright?

Real Life Example 1: Uber

Let's take a look at Uber, a peer-to-peer ridesharing App...

Most of you should have taken a Uber ride before. Did you notice that there is an incentive program where you can get a discount or a coupon code when you invite your friends to take Uber?

That's Affiliate Marketing!

You're "getting paid" for recommending your friends a product or service you like.

Uber, a peer-to-peer ridesharing App

Real Life Example 2: Hotel Booking Websites

Another example is our hotel booking websites like Booking.comHotels.comAgoda or Expedia.

The similar concept applies. You can also get a discount or a coupon code when you invite your friends or family members to book hotels via your unique link on their websites.

And this unique link is also known as your "Affiliate Link" or "Referral Link".

Online Hotel Booking website

Can you start to see why Affiliate Marketing is actually all around us but not many people are fully utilizing it?

Of course, I'm not asking you to go invite hundreds of people to take Uber and book hotels online. That's not how you create your own passive income streams.

Those are just real life examples to help you understand the business model and show you that affiliate marketing is actually all around us.

The Good Thing About Affiliate Marketing is that...

You are your own boss working for yourself and not getting paid based on the number of hours you've worked.

Personally, since I've built up my website, it's been running for me 24/7. Even if I decide to take a break and go travel for a month, my website will still be there working for me.

In fact, there are times when I receive Email notifications informing me that I've just made a commission even when I was sleeping, traveling or doing something else.

That's definitely not gonna happen in traditional jobs, right?

So, can you start to see why Affiliate Marketing is my top recommended online business for anyone?

But Michael, I Don't Know How to Build Websites :(

Don't be scared by the term "building your own website".

I understand this can be very scary for those of you who are not tech savvy.

But guess what, building your own website online is really NOT THAT HARD!

Even until today, I still don't know a single line of code. Listen carefully, I don’t know anything about programming.

So rest assured that building website will not be a huge obstacle for anyone of you if you're following the right system  :)

What's My Story?

I remember the cold chilly day like it was yesterday...

I was at my 9-5, sitting deeply into my office chair inside of my 15 inch by 15 inch cubicle, just taking my break and waiting for the time to strike 2:30PM, and then it happened....

An old friend of mine named Tyson send me a Snapchat message, and I look at my phone to send him a message back. We must have chatted back and forth for about the whole duration of my 30 minute lunch break(good thing I didn't have a huge lunch), and we caught up. He told me about how he was in the trucking business now, and as for me?

I was looking for a way out of this place that never had valued me enough, I was underpaid, A post college graduate thinking that this job would get me above, but I was mistaken. I replied back to Tyson with an "Hey that's good, how do you Like it? I'm doing fine man, I'm good too. I've been thinking about going back to school to finish one more year for my bachelors, or take up some EDX training courses.

After I said that he immediately replied back with a "Hey, have you heard about affiliate marketing?" UH NO I said. Well, there's people making a side-hustle, a part-time and even full-time job out of it. No way right?

It sounded crazy but I thought to myself: "When I get home, It's research mode. I couldn't remember my car ride home that day and If I even worked, I was so distracted by trying out affiliate marketing. After watching One YouTube Video After the next, a blog post after another, I thought Ok, Let me do this!

I first put up a website, applied for the amazon affiliate network, put some content on my site and threw the products there. I also went onto Instagram and started placing my links in my Bio. BOOM, it's so easy....

NOT! I completely failed! I tossed up a Weebly and even Wix website that didn't get me the attention I needed on my products. No one on Instagram bought from me, they clicked but they didn't purchase. That's when I felt defeated as HELL. I closed my laptop after putting in work for a month straight and said tomorrow is another day.

When tomorrow came, I had work to Overwhelmingly go through - It was at the point where I knew I should have left, but I needed stability and to build up more on my resume. But it wasn't worth me staying much longer, grinding physically as well mentally at a minimum wage job that should be paying me well over $20/hour. Bad right?

Imagine not sleeping, and OH Yeah, 30+ people go relieved and I was one of them. Not my fault, just a company thing. Back on Benefits I went feeling ridiculous that I couldn't go out and spend money on a good meal, I had family supporting me, being in debt with school bills rising over $10,000!

This research really possessed me, and I wasn't going to stop until I knew there was a better way. So on google I typed in "affiliate marketing training", and I found a few training. I tried out one called Wealthy Affiliate and BOOM! (Happy Boom this time).

That's when I finally had a plan to do this "affiliate marketing thing" the right way. I used the skills I learned to publish blogging content for my health and wellness site, applied back to amazon associates program and started producing something valuable that was done correctly. But I still faced issues.

My traffic was low, and every time someone would purchase from me, it was only a front end purchase. So I went back and added email autoresponders so I can collect people information to resell to them and or build that trust with. After the first few months it worked, I drove them to my main offer as well other products suited for them, and I was making good money for months on end. Then google came out with updates for health and wellness websites and I was knocked down.

Should I turn it into a Shopify Store I said? I did for a time but it wasn't my cup of tea. Over the months my numbers drastically reduced and then some days I went up to $100, while others less than a dollar, seriously. So I went back to the drawing board after a year of focusing on my site and learned that people were making recurring monthly commissions off products that were like 30% and up on EVERY Sale. That's when my whole world changed...

I went from just having one source of income to another one that would guarantee me take home money at the end of every month. I became much more confident, I didn't have to rely on other people to buy a meal for me, feel socially anxious about being myself, driving without thinking about gas, and letting down my family. My finances got in order and my debt has been payed off.

What Others are Saying About Wealthy Affiliate...

Travel The World at 24 Years Old!

Wealthy Affiliate community has been one of the biggest influences in my life. I started as a beginner but as a result I became a full-time online entrepreneur and I have been traveling around the world at 24 years old. My only regret is that I didn't start earlier in WA.


Founder of YourOnlineRevenue.co


The Solution to Making Money Online

Learning internet marketing is like figuring your way out of chaos and WA was the one program which showed me the way out of it. If learning to make money online is your goal, WA is the solution.


Founder ofHowToMakeHonestMoneyOnline.com


P.S. These are all testimonials from REAL Wealthy Affiliate members. I've included their respective websites for your reference :)

Wealthy Affiliates Super Powerful State Of The Art Hosting...

The one thing everyone including myself loves and that makes Wealthy Affiliate so special is their unique hosting:

I just wanted to take this time to show you that I've helped out company owners, beginning affiliates, network marketers and so forth. This is only a sample.

Imagine What Your Life Would Be Like If You Had Just A Snippet Of My Success...

You'd finally be able to pay off that mortgage, put your kids through college, earn more in your sleep then you could ever have at your 9-5 J-O-B.

Right now you're chasing review after review, looking for the next opportunity only to find out there as scams and courses out to get you for that famous $997 cost of admission. And you're not going to learn to make your first $1, $100, $1,000 a month by chasing fake gimmicks. 

After you get started just for Free, you'll have access to state of the art training to start, tools to speed up your success, and a direct route to reaching your goals much faster!

The roads are endless, and you're the one in control navigating your own ship. You'd have more time to enjoy your friends and family, and go on that much needed vacation you wanted to without having to worry about a boss, or having enough money to take an extra day or two. 

Your Next Step...

If you're interested in Affiliate Marketing with Wealthy Affiliate, the business model and platform that is generating a 4-Figure monthly passive income for a 26 year old College Dropout, my recommendation for you is to give Wealthy Affiliate a shot.

It's the place where I started off as a complete newbie when I was 24 years old.

  • I learnt how to build websites without any programming knowledge
  • I learnt how to define my niche
  • I learnt how to drive Free Targeted traffic from Google
  • I also learnt how to choose and promote affiliate products to earn passive income online while I sleep and travel!

No credit card information is needed for a free account.

Just click on the button below, create a Free account with Wealthy Affiliate and I'll be on the other side to guide you.

Here Are All The FREE Bonuses You Will Get When You Sign Up For Wealthy Affiliate Through My Link...

FIRST: Kyle And Carson's Offer Of:

  • 2 FREE .Siterubix websites on Managed WordPress Hosting($197 Value)
  • 30 FREE Keyword Searches From A Powerful and The Best Keyword Research Tool($97 Value)
  • 10 FREE Website Training Videos Designed For A Beginner($297 Value)
  • 10 FREE Videos about Affiliate Marketing Techniques and Strategy($67 Value)
  • Powerful hosting and domain platform($397 Value)

PLUS! EVERYTHING YOU'RE GOING TO GET From Michael Anthony Granados (Me)...

Affiliate Marketing For Entrepreneurs Academy Mini-Coruse
($197 Value)

Do you give me permission to not make you like any old average affiliate?

Inside of my exclusive and private mini-course, I'm going to show you the real world of Affiliate Marketing, no fluff! You'll get a good look at the side NO ONE ever shares with you....the mentality.

As well, you're going to get a rare look at the 5 steps you need before going into a niche, how to use websites vs not using one and a bit on how to use a blog to explode your income.

Niche Blog Mastery And Secret Hacks Blueprint
($47 Value)

At the foundation of every successful affiliate marketer is their niche/industry. 

Whether you have an idea of what niche you want to go into or don't, I'm going to give you and show you the top 7+ questions you'll NEED to answer to yourself to find long lasting success...with your ONE and only blog....

Yeah, forgot about moving from one niche to the next, the first one will be YOURS!

Blogging $0-4k Video Series
($97 Value)

I wish someone would have told me what blogging was about and what it would take to get started to earning a living doing it. So...

I'm going to give you my blogging series exclusive YouTube and Vimeo Video series so you can have easy access to everything blogging, which means you'll spend more time cranking out another post and having success much faster.


SEO Secret Hacks
($107 Value)

Want a huge crash course on SEO?

From What SEO is To on Page SEO, Off site SEO, content creation, WordPress And So Much more will be revealed inside of this in-depth course.

Build a lucrative site much faster with A Blog and Google(as well YouTube too).


seo hacks
One Blog Post Away Challenge
($100 Value)

You'll get Free access to my one blog post away challenge which is the most unique 30 day challenge to get your blog making a passive income faster.

No where else will you find a course like this on the web it's that unique and it's the difference between you making a little and A LOT....of the right and wrong mistakes!


These are all the bonuses you're getting just for getting a FREE Account! But WAIT!!

Plus, Here's The Rest Of My Highly Exclusive Bonuses You'll Get When You Go Premium:

Top Earner Mentor Masterclass
($5,097 Value)

This is my Step-by-Step Blueprint showing you everything I do to build and grow a business from nothing to 6 or even 7 figures.


This will start at a beginner level, and show you everything you need to go from $0-$100,000 + a year online. I'm going to show you how to launch your own internet business that is consistent, reputable, and predictable so that you can have more time to do the things you love doing without having to constantly check up on your computer, phone, or tablet.

Once you're in generating a consistent income, we will focus on scaling up your income so you can hit your $100,000 + year online goals.

After you go through my coaching program you will have all the knowledge you need to scale up to 6 and even a 7 figure online income, just like mu successful students who went through the training before you.

Top Earner Mentor Leverage My Bonus Package
($2,997 Value)

The difference between super affiliates who make sales effortlessly and amateur affiliates that struggle to make sales is a bonus package.

If you look at all top affiliates they will offer a bonus package to get their customers to buy through their link.  

I'm going to save you the time, money and technical headaches that come with making your own product and trying to promote a physical product.

I'm going to let you leverage my bonus package and plug people into my coaching program so they can get the help they need too. 

Your members will also be able to leverage all the same bonuses you do. 

You can spend your time applying what I teach you to make sales and I will take care of training your members and providing them with everything they need.

The UNLIMITED Million Dollar SEO and Advertising Traffic Combo
($997 Value)

Most people that ever try to promote any products online, struggle to even make a couple of sales. On the other hand, successful marketers and affiliates that makes thousands of dollars per month in recurring income know how create irresistible offers that people simply can't say "no" to.


With the Affiliate Accelerator Training you will learn the step-by-step process (actual screen sharing) to start selling Wealthy Affiliate, or ANY affiliate product or offer to start building passive income online.

This same information could potentially make you a 6 figure affiliate marketer if you put in the work and treat this as a real business.

DFY High Converting Funnels
($2,097 Value)

The difference between Top earners and amateur affiliate marketers is their own custom sales funnel.

Top Earners don't don't use the same funnels everyone else is using. 

This landing page you're on is the only funnel you will really need to run your business on, but...

I will be setting you up with the sales funnels I create and write the copy for to make sure they have all the right elements to make you sales.

It's interesting for me to make more sales funnels than just this one and see how they convert.

I've also Mastered a business in the Health Space, and I'll be giving you those funnels for free, as well as helping you create them if you ever decide you want to explore that space.

For the past 2 years, I developed a Back Pain Website that is converting for me greatly, feel free to verify for yourself at my Instagram @removebackbackpain

If you have a sales funnel built for you from a third party, it will cost you between $5,000-$30,000 +

Right now my free starts at $8,000 to build you a funnel that converts and into buyers. You'll get it free.

This will save you money and frustration because you're getting access to funnels I create for myself that make hundreds of dollars for me every single day.

Done For You Email Swipes
($6,097 Value)

I give you my extra email sequences, plus broadcast, "the seinfield" and "opera sequences", my ad copies to every FB Ad post I've run, Instagram Post & ads, Google Adwords, Search Engine Optimization(SEO) tactics and strategies.


You don't have to prisoned by one route of traffic, I will literally hand you over all my knowledge on how to create a successful blogging/content marketing website, and other traffic sources like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Snapchat, and then some.

Done For You Ads
($397 Value)

When it comes to "chow" time(getting leads and buyers) I will give you all my Facebook ad templates, copy, targeted audience not only in the Make Money Online Affiliate Marketing space but also my hard work in my first ever business - the health and wellness lower back pain niche.

Listen, I know how time consuming it can be if you don't have the right Facebook or for the matter any other advertising platform like Google, Bing, Instagram, etc.

So being that I'm not only an SEO expert but I'm Google ads certified, I've ran local digital agencies advertising and content creation campaigns, I will provide you with what's working all the time!

You can rest assured that my templates are golden and you'll only be seeing the highest of quality ad templates, creatives, and targeting for your niche.

Video Training
($1,097 Value)

You'll get a FREE A-Z Affiliate Marketing for beginners and experts course that I made all myself and it will keep you up to date on everything going on in the affiliate world so that you don't have to guess what to do next.


I'm giving you my YouTube videos with walk throughs in creating more value for your audience, and how to get them up the step-by-step "Value Ladder".

You can spend less time worrying about reading dull information, and actually spending your valuable time seeing the process of how funnels, and earning commissions really work.

10K IG Followers Program
($497 Value)

10 months ago I used to have less than 1,000 followers on my Instagram profile...

I used to use Instagram to have fun, see what my high school friends where doing and just use it for entertainment.

But later I decided to apply my Facebook knowledge and find an advertising strategy that allowed me to generate over $200,000 in sales by posting simple posts and stories.

When I finally cracked the code, I recorded everything and put it inside a well organized program. When you join 10K IG Followers you will get access to this full Instagram training curriculum.

You may already have a business, or maybe you're starting with no prior marketing knowledge. In both of those cases... this is for you. I will give you all my blog posts tactics and show you how to grow you Instagram organically as well with a social media automation tool second.

Right now our focus is getting early success stories so we have case studies to showcase once we go live.

Facebook Lead Generation
($297 Value)

If I would have known that I was sitting on a gold bucket while surfing my own social media account years back in 2017 and understood that Facebook was an ENORMOUS platform for generating leads on autopilot...Man would I have reached my success much sooner!

I'm going to show you how to setup your Facebook page, start a group, communicate with cold, warm and hot leads so that you ONLY get the RIGHT and BEST people interested in what you have to offer them.

I show you with my other funnels like my pre-qualification survey how to get this done.

That's not even the best part. I'll walk you through step-by-step how to create your own funnel inside Facebook so people come to you ALL THE TIME.

Top WordPress Plugins, and Themes
($397 Value)

I'm going to give you ALL of my WordPress Plugins that I started with as a beginner and later upgraded to throughout my career. 

This will help enhance the speed of your website, the use of lead generating systems, how I place my widgets strategically in different areas of my website and blog posts. 

The difference between a site with content and one that generates leads like CRAZY is likely your content, but a theme will have a lot to say with it to.

You'll be given exclusive access to my free and premium themes that brought me in well over 100 leads per day.

Outsourcing Dreams
($297 Value)

Every affiliate business will likely come to a fork in the road where content and other tasks will be outsourced to other people, and I want to make sure you know where to go when that time comes.

I'm give you EVERY contact I have, and website I would go to find writers, and I have one of my most prize possessions called the "Rolodex"...

This is my very exclusive list of people that I outsource my top tasks to.

Coaching Call
($197 Value)

I want to ensure you get the most out of your experience with Wealthy Affiliate so much so that I offer 1 on 1 coaching, consulting, and my exclusive Facebook Group.

You'll have the option to video call, or phone call with me where we talk about beginners to expert affiliate marketing and passive income tips, so that we find the right ground for you to earn more and worry less.

Not only that, but you will get my super affiliate mentorship along with the top earning affiliate Spencer Mechahms help too. Him and I both will fast track your success so that you don't have to spend countless hours figuring out how to properly systematize your business.

if you run another business or if you have aspirations of expanding, then I will help you understand your options and get you on the font foot and not on the back end where I once was.

And, on this page only, you're going to include some exclusive bonuses you can't get anywhere else!

Super Cool Bonus #1

Wealthy Affiliate Promotion cheat sheet and #1 affiliate program Clickfunnels Dream Cheat Sheet. Revealed is how to promote Wealthy Affiliate and Clickfunnels affiliate program in every way imaginable so you can have guaranteed faster ways to earn which means you’ll be able to recover your costs and free up more time for yourself.

Super Cool Bonus #1

My Full Sales Funnel and Clickfunnels/Wealthy Affiliate Course.You’ll have Step-by-step training videos with access to tons of resources so you don’t need to worry about the technical details, and go at it alone which means you’ll spend more time on the things that matter in your business.

You're in good hands, I will literally guide you and help you every step on the way to become a super affiliate! I've designed this push and play system because I know that's what you get stuck with when you try to start an online business.

Let's get you to your time freedom so you can enjoy some sweet time with your loved ones.Trust in me, I've been winning all of my Life, It's in My DNA...Let's Go!

Total Value:


How To Get All These Amazing Bonuses For Free...

When you join your FREE Starter Account, I am going to offer you a bonus if you decide to proceed with becoming a PREMIUM member within the first 7 days(including a 59% discount).

When you create your account at Wealthy Affiliate, I will be personally contacting you on your profile with a "hello" and some more information about WA, how you can get help from me, and how to claim your bonus.

Trust me when I say this, it is going to be some AMAZING stuff(hint: it includes how to make a $6 million dollar website, and I have tried the training for myself and it works!)

(Free and premium bonuses are limited!)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I HATE UPSELLS! Is there any like that in Wealthy Affiliate?

There are only 2 levels of membership inside Wealthy Affiliate - Free Starter MembershipPremium Membership.

Free Starter Membership: Completely Free, No credit card info needed, No limited "trial period".

Premium Membership: $49/month or $359/year (You can get your first month of Premium Membership at $19 if you join through my link here and upgrade within 7 days)

Unlike many other programs out there, there's NO upsells in Wealthy Affiliate. You can get access to the entire community as a Premium Member. Rest assured that you won't be bombarded by any sales pitch asking you to pay more and more!

2. What about the Hidden Fees? Is there any in Wealthy Affiliate?

Apart from the cost of Premium Membership, there's one more fee you will be paying - the cost of your website domain name.

2 Free subdomain websites are provided for Free Starter Members. But if you're serious about this business, it's best that you purchase your own domain name so that you can fully own your website.

One domain name usually costs around $14~$16 PER YEAR. So, it's a pretty affordable investment for your business which I do not regard it as a "hidden fee".

Every internet marketer would know that the cost of your own domain name is an essential investment, just like you need money to buy food almost everyday.

The good thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that you don't have to worry about web hosting fees because it's covered in your Premium Membership.

3. What will I Get Inside Wealthy Affiliate?

Great question!

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-rounded platform for you to learn, apply and get help to build your own affiliate marketing business.

Things provided in WA include:

  • More than 50 lessons of Step-by-Step training (video + text)
  • Web Hosting
  • 2 Free websites for Starter Member. For Premium Member, unlimited Free websites + hosting up to 25 domains.
  • Keyword Research Tool (Essential for any online business)
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Opportunity to connect with thousands of like-minded entrepreneurs in the amazingly helpful community
  • Private Access to the Owners of Wealthy Affiliate (Premium Members)

This is by all means an inexhaustive list. Just know that WA has all the necessary training, tools, resources and support you need to build your own affiliate marketing business.

4. How Much Money can I Make?

The honest answer is that it really depends. It depends on the amount of time and effort you're willing to put into your own business.

Personally, I'm now making 4-figure passive income every month. But that's only possible because I put in the hard work for months.

As you can see from the screenshots of all the success stories above, there are people making up to $60K per year or more. At the same time, there are also a lot of people who struggle to even make a dime online.

I'm not here guarantee you to make money online just by joining this community. I'm just guiding you in the right direction where people are making real money online.

T. Harv Eker said, "Your income can only grow to the extent that you do.”

So, it all depends on whether you're willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen and write your own paycheck.

5. How Long Does it take for me to See Results?

Once again, this depends on the amount of time and effort you're willing to put in.

We all have different schedules. How do you compare someone who can spend 8 hours per day versus someone who can only spend a few hours per week? It's impossible.

The truth about Wealthy Affiliate is that it's NOT a...

  • 'Get Rich Quick' Scheme
  • Push-button solution
  • Turnkey website

Any program that promises you any of these is lying to you. There are no such things.

In Wealthy Affiliate, the amount of money you can make is directly proportional to the amount of time and effort you put in.

Whilst, the time you take to achieve your goals is inversely proportional to the amount of time and effort you put in.

Make sense, right?

Still Have Questions?

Feel free to schedule a 15 minute 1-1 Zoom meeting with me

Copyright 2019 Viral Home Based Pursuit

