Welcome To The Official  Home Business Academy Special and Exclusive Premier Bonuses Page


Hey, Welcome!

When you join "The HBA Premium" To MAXIMIZE Your Earnings, I will be gifting you with some TOP NOTCH Special Bonuses you Can Not get anywhere else (I promise you) - These bonuses will be listed below "AFTER" The HBA Funnel Builder Academy Bonuses For The $25 package, They are located in the "Special Bonus #4, Special Bonus #5, Special Bonus #6, Special Bonus #7, and Special Bonus #8.

So if you get the $125 HBA Premium (Traffic and Conversions), I will gift you three additional "Special Bonuses" that are INSANELY too good to pass up. By the way, If you don't take these special bonuses package now and you decide to later, you'll likely receive an email from me introducing you to these bonusds again (possibly) and from there, I'll give you 72 hours to act fast...And I say 72 Hours because I'm looking for Fast Action Takers who are SERIOUS About getting ahead and building a long-lasting money-freedom and time-freedom business...

So, from the top, I created a Video version you can watch BUT ALSO View the bonuses below the video as I tend to update things from time to time (Also, the "Get Started" green button will be at the very Bottom of this page, so make sure you see everything from top to bottom)...

 First, here's what you're getting right away:

  • The Home Business Academy Freedom Faster Sales Machine. You get to step right into a ready-made business by getting immediate access to using the products, sales funnels, marketing materials, world class customer service, the culture, and more and earn 80% commissions on all sales generated by your efforts... even though paul and mike dd most of the work! (Value $10,000 - Yours FREE)
  • Funnel Builders Academy. You will Get Step By Step training, demos, and more on how to use your funnel builder to create and build businesses online that work for you 24/7..You'll have unlimited access to our over the shoulder training done by our in house funnel building expert. Everything from basic to advanced is covered, and you'll be able to create any type of page, offer, membership site, or sales funnel you desire. ($97 Per Month Value - Yours FREE)
  • Access up to 11 LIVE Masterminds and Q&A Sessions Every Week! Get personal help Live... and learn from current successful entrepreneurs during our 11 LIVE weekly masterminds. LIVE help is the FASTEST path to results in any business. ($197 Per Month Value - Yours FREE)
  • Get Instant Help and Connect 24/7 Inside of Our Private Freedom Crusaders Community Group. Our goal is to work WITH you as often as possible to make sure you get the results you want online. This community group is active 24 hours per day with helpful "Freedom Crusaders" just waiting to help you build your business, answer any and all questions, and keep you inspired to create the freedom you desire. ($97 Per Month Value - Yours FREE)
  • DAILY (Mon. - Fri.) Grow Rich LIVE Mastermind. Listen to The Secrets of The Rich and Free on Our DAILY (Mon. - Fri.) Grow Rich LIVE Mastermind. These audios are the secret ingredient to going from some success... to being one of the top earning 4% of people on the planet! Listen LIVE or catch the replays anytime. ($97 Per Month Value - Yours FREE) 

The Home Business Academy Bonuses ($25,095, Yours Free!)

First, here are all the bonuses you will get from Paul and Mike:

  • 75% off: The HBA Funnel Builder Automation Tool - You are geting a WORLD CLASS website building tool that many people have used to create mind blowing pieces of digital real estate for themselves and clients across the globe. You'll be able to convert your traffic and visitors into leads and build your email subscriber list with ease and get people to buy into everything you have to offer. ($97 Value - Yours For Only $25 Per Month!)
  • 100% Risk Free GUARANTEE! You have a full 3 days to go through your entire All in One Business and bonuses, and everything you've seen on this page. If before the refund period is up, you feel you didn't get WAY more than $25 worth of value, we'll refund you right away. No Questions Asked. Just let us know before your next subscription bills and we'll never charge you a penny more.  Plus, when you give us just 3 days, you'll get to keep any of the Lifetime Mega Bonuses below! 

MEGA BONUS Package #1: You Get LIFETIME Access to The Founders Vault Private Training Package Designed To Help You Attract REAL and Lasting Wealth In The Information Age. This includes:

  • The Magic Morning Formula. You get the Complete 7 step daily formula our co-founder has used to create a massive passive income stream that allowed him to retire young and free at 40. 7 step daily formula the co-founder has used to create a massive passive income stream that allowed him to retire young and free at 40. Inside are the secrets to creating magic in your life and business so you can see miracles everywhere, experience joy and become extremely powerful, influential and magnetic. You can use this formula to begin unleashing abundance for yourself, in as little as 30 minutes per day. ($47 Value - Yours FREE For Life)
  • Algorithms of Abundance. What if you could download the computer program that runs inside the brains of the MOST Successful people in the world, and upload it directly into your brain so you can think and act just like they do? In this rare presentation, you'll get to take a private tour inside the mind of a man who is currently one of the world's wealthiest people (we're talking ELITE, top 3% bracket, in both annual income AND net worth). You'll get 23 brain formulas for programming prosperity that you can use as a HUGE shortcut to begin navigating life and business, like the world's richest minds. ($97 Value - Yours FREE For Life) 

MEGA BONUS Pacakge #2: Lifetime Access to POWERFUL Top Earner Secrets & Resources to Help you Master Traffic & Conversion Skills So You Can Convert That Traffic into Leads, Sales, and Raving Fans That Buy From You Over And Over Again!

When everything else is pretty much done for you, the only 2 things you need to focus on are getting leads, and following up with them to turn them into sales.

So, included in this All in One Business are over $1,200 of lead getting and email follow up resources.

Including Pre-Written emails that you can copy and paste and use as your own from day one... that we paid a professional copywriter $700 to write.

Use these resources to quickly get leads and sales for your All in One Business, then use them to build anything you want to for life!

  • Affiliate Domination Course. In this complete 13 module training series, you'll get the exact formulathat the company co-founder paid $30,000 to ethically 'copy' from one of the most famous 8 figure marketers in the world. The best part though, is that the co-founder didn't just copy this formula, he applied it again, and again and again to rise to the top of EVERY company he decided to promote and it worked like clockwork, each and every time.  He even used it in one company to produce over 2,000 sales PERSONALLY! This means that this private formula is absolutely PROVEN to work and that you can use it for yourself to create success with WHATEVER you decide to promote for the rest of your life. ($497 Value - Yours FREE For Life)
  • The Ulimtate Copywriting & Headline Formulation Magic Cheat Sheet. How to ethically steal the secret money making magic words of top income earners in online marketing and deploy them instantly for your profit building purposes. Know in seconds, EXACTLY what words create a magical draw pulling people into you and your messages so they almost can't resist being magentically attracted to your business so they can buy from you and help you grow your income faster. ($127 Value - Yours FREE For Life)
  • The Little Black Book Of Emails - 111 Pre-written Emails By One of The World's Top Email Copywriters. Writers block be GONE! With this valuable treasure chest of money making emails, you'll never have to share your computer and wonder what to send to your email list. It's like hitting the email marketing jackpot, even if you hate writing and think you totally suck at emails. The founders literally paid a copywriter $740 for these emails! ($740 Value - Yours FREE For Life)
  • The Little Black Book Of Emails Masterclass. Not only will you get instant access to a HUGE archive of HIGHLY persuasive emails, you'll also get an exclusive training showing you how to use these emails to your best advantage. In other words, how you can bridge the gap from Having an Endless Supply of AMAZING Money Making Emails right at your fingertips ready-to-send, to developing a HIGHLY-VALUABLE SKILL you can use to differntiate yourself, avoid the spam box and increase conversions with your own special magic twist. ($47 Value - Yours FREE For Life)
  • Hidden Secrets To Stories That Sell. For the first time ever, you can discover the hiden X factor to stories that sell. What if there was a simple hack that could turn all of your stories into scientifcally proven tools of influence designed to persuade your prospects to do exactly what it is you want them to do, every time you open your mouth or start to write? The expert trainer in this revolutionary module has sold millions of dollars in products online and is excited to reveal this EASY but powerful formula so you can wield your influence with mathematical certainty. ($97 Value - Yours FREE For Life)
  • The 3 Magic Emails - The 3 Simple Emails You Type One Time That Can Turn Leads Into Sales...And Be Working In Your Business For You, Just Like A Robot, Message Delivery And Money Making Machine...You will get the exact 3 emails top online marketers have been using for years to turn leads into sales with automation. Just type them once, and they can help make sales for you for life! ($77 Value - Yours FREE For Life) 

Now Here are all the bonuses you will get from Me (Michael Granados)

As Option 1, David is giving you an additional $30,000 in FREE Bonuses and I'm giving away my Exclusive Fast-Action bonuses worth over $2,700 for FREE when you take the "Fast Start Business Blueprint Special Offer" which you get 48-hours to claim on day 5 of your Online Business Builder Challenge. They are:

  • BONUS #1: My Affiliate Marketing For Entrepreneurs Academy Mini Course($497 Value). Paul and Mike will show you what affiliate marketing is and the powrer of it and Iโ€™m also an expert in this field with many years doing it. My course will show you video training and tutorials from the ground level up, from making offers, messages, websites, funnels, email, copywriting, lead generation, traffic, ads, organic traffic, freebies, and so much more! All this is just a mini-course with expert knowledge, and if you take Mike and Paul on their Premium $125 a month HBA program, I'll unlock the WHOLE Course for you which is regularly priced at $2,097! 
  • BONUS #2: Exclusive access to my High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing For Entrepreneurs Academy Course($397 Value). There are many levels of affiliate marketing and high-ticket is one of the fastest ways to help you earn $1,000's+ in commissions having to sell less products! You'll be shown the direct-route to making more commissions in less time with my material, and offers so you can hit the ground running as fast as possible without having to mess up.(PLUS, Bonus #9 below will show you one of the ways to my 6-figure funnel you'll have to see to believe!) 
  • BONUS #3: 180 Done-For-You Emails by a professional Copywriting($6,097 Value). These done-for-you emails are no joke, a professional copywriter has made sure to give you the best internet marketing emails you can get...anywhere online! These will last you about 6 months+. Just put them into your email autoresponder, sit back, relax, and watch what happens!
  • BONUS #4: Viral SEO Secret Hacks($397 Value). Iโ€™m going to give you my COMPLETE Search Engine Optimization(SEO) course where you will be able to effortlessly get your website as well YouTube and Pinterest ready in less time.
  • BONUS #5: Facebook Accelerator Course($297 Value). Donโ€™t worry about how to maximize your engagement on Facebook anymore with my video training course which will show you step-by-step how to get maximum exposure to your products/services for the long-term.
  • BONUS #6: Special Access To ALL of My Social Media and Extra Guides($197 Value) So you can have a greater way to make an impact and income on channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Email Marketing which means you're going to crush it and make more money in the long-run
  • BONUS #7: Discover Your Niche Mastery Blueprint($197 Value). You're getting in your hand my prized niche mastery blueprint where you can nail down your Niche and dominate your marketplace NO MATTER WHAT! This blueprint uncovers the step-by-step process to selecting the RIGHT niche so you don't have to worry about making money in it or having to try again. There are videos in this blueprint I pulled from my Affiliate Marketing that would be worth $100's each and you'll see the 5 crucial steps before choosing a niche!
  • BONUS #8: FREE Access to My 6-Figure High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Funnel you can clone and use for yourself to generate high ticket commissions daily($597 Value). If you need help getting started and want to promote some high ticket Make Money Online offers like Legendary Marketer, I'll give you Exclusive access to my funnels with all the scripts, templates, promotional material and more. PLUS, I have other high ticket products you can promote!
  • Bonus #9: Free Access To My Private Facebook Group with a 1-1 Coaching($127 + Value). I have a group for like minded individuals who are growing their business and want to become or are digital entrepreneurs. Youโ€™re also going to get full access to 1-1 Zoom calls with me! 

Is it OK if I over-deliver for you?

Special Bonus #1: You'll get my fast action Storytelling for business scripts so you can "sell" without selling($97 Value) which means what? You won't have to feel like a salesman, rather you can use stories to get your point across and make the sale.

Special Bonus #2: My Full Sales Funnel Domination Course($997 Value) so you don't have to worry about how to use sales funnels or even create one from scratch! Yep, that's right, I have FREE templates I give away so you can start generating revenue right away which means you'll free up more of your time.

Special Bonus #3: My One Blog Post Away Challenge($2,097 Value). You will get my very popular and life-changing 30 day blog challenge unlike no other out there where you will be able to build a highly profitable blog in 90 days or less! Most people just show and tell you to get a domain and hosting and then get a website, but this is not that - I've reverse engineered the whole process and made it effective and efficient of your time so you can know EVERYTHING from getting leads, to sales, copywriting and so much more! 

The HBA Premier Bonuses...

software box

# 1 Software In A Box...This is Going to AMPLIFY Your Unfair Advantage By Growing A RAVING Community Of People who Will Follow You Until The End, To Ethically Spy On Your Competition And See What They're Doing So You Can Model Them And Be Able To Follow Up With Your Leads And Paid Affiliates using email. So the first three special bonuses are for this software in a box.

Special Bonus #4: Group Convert($197 Value). Are you leveraging Facebook groups to build your audience yet? If not you should be. This simple chrome extension will collect ALL all the email addresses of your new FB group and send them directly into your favorite email autoresponder hassle free!

group convert box

Special Bonus #5: Watcher Spy($197 Value). To be successful online you should always be learning from the "who's, and now you will be easily by downloading this extension that lets you follow everyone on your Dream 100 list.

watcher spy 1

Special Bonus #6: Affiliate Extractor($297 Value). This will be a sure fire way to bump up your commissions, it's a simple yet powerful chrome extension that'll allow you to follow up with all your leads and paid affiliates using email.

fp affiliate extractor

Special Bonus #7: FREE Complimentary Vacation Incentive($1,000+ Value). How would you like to get a Free complimentary Vacation to WHEREVER You'd like to go? Whether you want to stay and visit in the US or go international, I will be giving you your dream vacation and or to any place you would like to go (Selected places available and many of them to choose from). Relax in the sun soaked beach, gaze at the endless neon of the Vegas Strip...sample local cuisine at a picturesque Mexican plaza and so much more! 

vacation package

Special Bonus #8: FREE Restaurant Voucher($300+ Value). I will also be gifting you a Free Restaurant incentive in the voucher amount of $100 or $200. I will show you where to go find locations via your zip code and send you your voucher via email. 

restaurant voucher

Grand Total:


PLUS: I always throw in extra bonuses - you have to see to believe. 

So the bonuses above are the combination of taking the entry level HBA Funnel Builder Academy AND HBA Premium.

Take advantage of this year to make it your best one yet, Click here to get started:

P.S. Don't be the person who looks back on this time and says to themselves "WOW, I really should have taken action!"

Be The Best You Can Be,


Copyright - Viral Home Based Pursuit
