June 25

by Michael Granados

Would you believe me if I told you all you’ll need are 3 clicks to rank on Google and YouTube and get a tidal wave of FREE TARGETED TRAFFIC instantly without knowing SEO, without building backlinks, or writing any content?!

I’m sure alarm bells are snoozing off in your head as you ask yourself “Is Video Marketing Blaster A Scam” or can you really rank on Goolge And or YouTube that easily?

I’ll cut right to the chase and give you the truth you’ve come here seeking...NO video blaster is not a scam! Surely there has to be a catch, right?

Not exactly, the online catch I can think of is the fact that so many people, your competitor and their parents are ALL competing for space on Google and YouTube and you run into uncertainty whether your video will rank, let alone get any views…

You face the challenge of competing with people who have a larger audience than you, a larger budget, leaving you at the bottom or perhaps in the middle section of the keyword you wanted to rank for. Even worse…

You keep making video after video thinking the next one will rank and get LOADS of traffic, but it never comes, and then you feel broken down, defeated. Luckily for you there’s a solution and it’s Video Marketing Blaster, and in this review I’m going to break down how you can get more traffic to your video so you can get more leads, and sales.

Let’s get started.

What Is Video Marketing Blaster?

is video marketing blaster a scam

Video Marketing Blaster is a software that will help you rank on the first page of Google and YouTube and get laser targeted visitors to your website or funnel...in just 3 clicks.

I know it sounds skeptical and all hype but it’s not, her’s why. Stoica the creator has been in the SEO game for over 20 years with his business partner Vlad and they have tried every sneaky SEO ranking tactic in the book…

And the #1 thing that works right now isn’t about to change anytime soon and that is ranking YouTube videos. 

Can’t argue with that, just look at the trend here...

According To OptinMonster 89% of video marketers say video gives them a good ROI.

A few years ago both decided to stop building backlinks and ranking website all together, however, they didn’t stop making money from “search engine traffic.” And let me tell you…

That was the best decision they EVER made! Why? Stoica and Vlad secretly found out not only do videos rank better than websites, but the traffic converts 10x better! OH YEAH…

Have a look at the statistics for yourself...between 64%-85% of people are more likely to buy after watching a video. And more on that, 70% of people are more likely to buy a product after watching a TV commercial than do after reading a newspaper ad.

Any light-bulbs going off in your head yet?

The #1 Secret every marketer already knows is Video Is The Future. Here are some stats shared on their home page:

  • More than 70% of all traffic is video
  • YouTube watch time on mobile is growing by 60% year-on-year
  • 90% of users find videos helping in their purchasing decisions
  • 33%+ of all time spent online is spent watching videos

And here’s the most important note: YouTube is the baby brother of Google!

How does it actually Work?

You just upload a video and you get top rankings, right? Not quite…

Back when “SEO” was the thing doing all the necessary stuff like backlinks, pinging, bookmarks, etc, Stoica and Vlad started noticing more and more videos ranking on the first page of Google

video marketing blaster backlinks

And these videos had no backlinks associated with them. So they thought to themselves “how the heck is this possible?”

They had hundreds of backlinks being outranked by simple videos and it was shocking, And they tried to replicate others success with perfect on page and off page SEO but nothing had worked!

They decided to take one action that no one though was possible...Reverse Engineer YouTube and Google’s Ranking System.

After putting out thousands of videos to see what worked and didn’t they came to the conclusion, a shortcut that turned into a software where you can:

  • Find untapped buyer keywords that you can easily exploit
  • Generate perfectly SEO optimized Titles, Descriptions and tags 
  • Drive 100% Free traffic from Google and YouTube 
  • Tap Into the Massive Potential of SEO Without Actually knowing SEO
  • No previous experience needed

Here’s the 3 step process:

STEP 1: Find Untapped Keywords

The software VMB(Video Marketing Blaster) will suggest untapped keywords and related keywords for your main niche. These are keywords you can easily exploit and and will bring you highly targeted traffic that will convert like crazy.

find untapped keywords

STEP 2: Autopilot SEO Optimization

With ONE click VMB will analyze our competitors, identifying all the weak points in their videos and will automatically exploit them for you. After just a few seconds VMB will give you a perfectly balanced combination of titles, descriptions and tags that will get you TOP RANKINGS!

autopilot seo optimization

STEP 3: Copy/Paste and Profit! 

You can upload your videos or live events on YouTube and watch the traffic flooding your offers!

copy paste profits

Video Marketing Blaster is a 2 in 1 software. Here’s Module #1:

Keyword Finder. VMB will analyze all the keywords targeted by your competitors and suggest to you the keywords that are bringing htem the most traffic and can be easily exploited.

Honestly, over 90% of marketers are targeting the wrong keywords, they try to rank for one short-tailed keyword and the problem with that type of keyword is that even if you rank - the traffic will be way too broad. So even if you rank, all the work will be in vain….hence the traffic will not convert!

Luckily with VMB the software will suggest you highly descriptive BUYER keywords that users are searching for on Google and are sending targeted traffic to your competitors, and doing it all manually is close to impossible and would take hours if not days...Do you have time for that?

MODULE #2: Video Details

In order for you to get ranked you need PERFECTLY optimized titles, descriptions, and tags. VMB takes the guess work out for you and analyzes your competitors, finding a balanced combination of titles/descriptions/tags.

You’ll have the right balance of keywords that will make google fall in love with YOUR video and give your video instant top rankings!

How Much Does Video Marketing Blaster Cost?

The original price is $97 but you won’t have to pay that, you can get the special offer for just $27. It’s a one time payment - no monthly fees.

Plus, if you get in before the price goes up again, you will get additional bonuses that’ll I’ll list here and at the bottom of this review.

BONUS #1: VIP Invite to the private live training lesson($497 Value)

You’ll learn how to build your own Video Marketing Agency Using Video Marketing Blaster.

private lesson webinar

NEW BONUS #2: Affiliate Promo Videos Intro Pack($400 Value)

new bonus video marketing blaster

#1: 20 Apple Style Intro/Outro Videos

20 apple style videos

#2: Vintage Photo Packs

vintage photos pack viral marketing blaster

#3: 850 FREE Royalty Images

850 free royalty images

#4: The YouTube Review Trick Ebook

the youtube review trick ebook

#5: 100 Music Loops PLR

100 music loops plr

#6: Audio Video Platinum Pack

audio video platinum pack

What Are Other People Saying About VMB?

Here are some Video Marketing Blaster testimonials for you:

video mrketing blaster testimonial
video marketing blaster results

Video Marketing Blaster Pros And Cons

Video Marketing Blaster Alternatives

Wouldn’t it be selfish of me not to show you other video marketing alternatives?

I’ve put together a list of Video Marketing Blaster alternatives and they are:

  • TubeBuddy
  • VidIQ
  • Tube Ad Rocket
  • VidNeos
  • BombBomb
  • Magisto

What I Liked Most About Video Marketing Blaster

There’s so much I like about Video Marketing that it would be nearly impossible for me to highlight just one thing I liked most, but I did…

And it’s the fact you can get LOADS of views to your offers faster. Here’s the problem now a days, getting targeted organic traffic is GETTING HARDER(I should know as an SEO) and everyone is competing for the same keywords, they want top ranking positions in the search engines, YouTube, and it’s just plain difficult especially with marketers doing shady ranking tactics…

Good thing is with Video Marketing Blaster you don’t have to worry about ANY of that. You can subconsciously feel plugged into your business without thinking “what if”...

What if my video doesn’t rank? What if I don’t get any views? None of that. The software is top notch and up to date with the times.

Final Verdict: Is Video Marketing Blaster A Real Scam?

Heck No! Video Marketing Blaster is the real thing(as hard as that still may to believe) and you can honestly get more clicks to your website or funnel after people watch your videos by finding them on…

Google or YouTube. Stoica understands video is the future and it will only continue to skrocket in the years to come, and instead of focusing on backlinks, guest posting, roundup posts, you can literally make a YouTube video using Video Marketing Blasters Keyword search and have a higher chance of having your video shown to the MASSES!

Imagine searching for a keyword for your future video. You find the right keyword with a low competition rank, great volume and the first thing that comes to your mind is, WINNER! 

You make your video, hit publish to YouTube and within minutes your video shows on the first page in one of the 1-3 spots. You’re getting view after view, it doesn’t stop. It’s kind of like you have a hose you can’t turn off. Highly qualified people watch your videos, they take action to sign up to your lead form, purchase a product and your income starts to rise.

Ready to check out Video Marketing Blaster? Click the button below.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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