December 16

by Michael Granados

Would you like to see a game changing course on how to generate FREE Leads on Tik Tok?

What Is 15 Second Free Leads AND how can it help you Boost your business?

15 second free leads is a course of specific strategies on how to find endless ideas for content, setting up your profile to maximize traffic, and how to get started on the platform Fast!

15 second free leads reviewed

Unlike other older Social Media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, the Tik Tok Algorithms are Fresh and firing on all cylinders so you can maximize your reach to the masses and reach your ideal audience so you can turn a view into a follower, and into a sale...Point blank.

This is very well the Fastest and Easiest way EVER to Get Free Leads, and I "Michael Granados" a Tik Tok user who's been able boost my online business will be breaking down the specific details on how YOU can do the same...For ANY Business!

But before I get started, if you just want to get on with it and check out the 15 Second Free Leads course and other people's results, then click here.

Okay, let's get Tik Toking with the rest of this 15 second free leads review!

Going Inside 15 Second Free Leads

15 second free leads

On this page you'll watch a video where owner of Legendary Marketer David Sharpe shares how this in fact could be the fastest and easiest ways to generate leads ever and below shares three questions:

15 second free leads questions

Did you read #3?

Yep, you can realistically get 852,661 FREE Video Views in the next 28 days! This strategy is 100% Free and only takes 15 seconds to do.

And here's the proof to show it:

15 second leads proof

Let me share with you a quick backstory before I show you inside the course...

A Quick Backstory...

David Sharpe has been teaching online marketing for 10+ years and every once in a while one of his students will blow him away, they were all looking for faster and easier ways to generate leads with all the "traditional" marketing strategies...


These students found results and they cracked the "Lazy Man's Code" to Endless Free Leads...

and David was really pissed that these students were getting such amazing results...for little work. And then later on came 4 dudes...

who blew TikTok out of the water in their first year! They're not:

  • Gurus OR
  • People with big lists OR
  • Big audiences

Yet, they used the 15 second Free Leads formula to open a flood gate of free leads...

most of which EVERYONE else overlooks! These are the same people who thought Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat were for kids...

and all of them are saying the same thing about Tik Tok right now. BOTTOM Line is this...

Don't get left behind!

Here's what you'll discover inside:

Part 1: Endless 15-Second Video Topics

15 second free leads course

In part 1, Jake Thornhill who is a full-time Pastor from Greensboro, NC will show you how to create a never-ending vault of content ideas that will ensure you an endless flow of free traffic into your business!

Part 2: The Perfect TikTok Profile

15 second leads part 2

Matt Steinman, a full-time online marketing vet from the suburbs of Detroit will give you the "6-Point TikTok Optimization Framework" so you can create a a TikTok profile that will generate you an unstoppable amount of free leads!

Part 3: Get TikTok To Share Your Videos

15 second leads part 3

Jonathan Montoya, who recently quit his full-time job as an electrical engineer in March 2020(mostly due to the 15 second free leads formula) will show you how to use the TikTok algorithm to your advantage so you can have TikTok share your videos for FREE!

Part 4: Post Exactly What Your Audience Wants

15 second leads part 4

In part 4 you get Dom Bavaro, who will reveal how he generated 1,000+ followers and made 5 affiliate sales within the first 2 weeks of opening his accounts...because he figured out how to know EXACTLY what his audience wanted before posting a single video.

Part 5: TikTok For Technophobes

15 second leads part 5

Legendary Marketer CMO Matt Heltzel will easily break down for you how to use the app, different functions of the app, and he'll even share his phone screen LIVE so you can see him post a video in real time.

Do you mind if David Sharpe overdelivers with a MASSIVE Bonus for you? Absolutely Free?

15 second free leads bonus

David's made MILLIONS online selling other people's products and he doesn't say that to brag, however, he wants to teach you "How" he did it!

So he'll be delivering you the 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge with all those amazing secrets laid out step-by-step for you to devour.

Peak Inside...

Here's what the course looks like once you're inside:

inside 15 second free leads

Each Part will have an in-depth video showing you how to master using TikTok so you can get Unlimited Leads and Sales.

What Other People Are Saying...

15 second free leads reviews
15 second free leads testimonials
tik tok
15 1
commission made

How Much Does 15 Second Free Leads Cost?

If you thought $100's or even $1,000's, you're wrong...It's just $1!

There's no catch, David wants to make sure you have a breakthrough online and that you get the business you deserve. PLUS, here's everything you're getting for $1:


Yep, the extra bonuses:

  • Bonus: Facebook Ad Templates
  • Bonus: High-Ticket Email Templates
  • Bonus: High-Ticket Video Scripts
  • Bonus: High-Ticket Phone Scripts
  • Bonus: Personal 1-on-1 Business Plan Consultant

Total value at $839.00, but you get all that for a risk-free $1!

BONUS Content (20X Your Leads And Sales With This Strategy)

Did you know you can take your TikTok video and share it on other platforms for Ultimate reach?

Here's a PROVEN way I'm using to distribute my TikTok videos for more exposure, leads and sales, and how you can replicate it for success too...

I call it the "Back Alley Swoop". This is where you take your TikTok video and post it to Instagram Reels (your story too), and then take that same video and post it as a YouTube short. But you can also start with YouTube if you have videos (or would like to start) and then take a one minute split, post it on TikTok, then to Instagram Reels, then to YouTube shorts, and even more!

Here's a video I made:

Who Is 15 Second Free Leads For?

15 Second Free Leads formula was made for beginners and even intermediates to expert online marketers and business owners who want to have an unfair social media advantage where you can breakthrough faster to get more leads and sales.

Here's more:

  • Non Techies who want a done-for-you solution where you can get flowing in the right direction from the start without having to fumble and make mistakes
  • Online Marketers who want an ENDLESS amount of FREE Leads that will turn into high paying customers
  • People who haven't had a breakthrough online on any social media platform and want help by the TikTok algorithms and all the experts who have the results you want
  • People trying to become "omnipresent" on more social media channels and want to expand their attention.
  • People who don't have to worry about posting long videos
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Network Marketers
  • Ecommerce
  • Amazon FBA
  • Digital Agency
  • and so much more!

Who's It Not For?

  • Lazy People
  • Push button seekers
  • People who complain about putting out content

Pros And Cons


  • PROVEN formula to get an endless amount of FREE Leads and sales so you can move forward with 100% confidence and certainty that this Will work for you which means your business will skyrocket faster and more efficiently.
  • TikTok masters and experts so you can easily follow along without having to waste months and even years of mistakes which means you'll get the RIGHT attention you need to make you more leads that turn into sales today.
  • TikTok is BOOMING with views so you can get your content in front of 1,000's+ in a single 15 second clip which means you don't have to worry about producing longer "YouTube" like videos.
  • Developed by an 8-figure+ online marketer in David Sharpe who knows how to get and demand attention so you can follow a proven step-by-step guide which means you'll be able to COPY and model what David and others are doing successfully/
  • You can create a passive income with TikTok when you do it the right way so you can make money while you're sleeping which means you'll keep getting views from all around the world and people clicking on your Bio link to buy from you!


  • There really are none, other than let's say the algorithms slowing down but there's no sign of that! So get in while you can!


There really are no close alternatives to TikTok and how it behaves but other social media platforms to use are:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Snapchat
  • Twitter

What I Liked Most About 15 Second Free Leads

I have A LOT, so let me list them instead, okay?

  • One short 15 second video clip can explode your video and make it go viral so you get loads of views, followers, that turn to leads and sales.
  • Experts showing you how to leverage TikTok so you don't have to guess what to do.
  • A Proven formula for generating endless leads and sales(than you know what to do with!)
  • Extra bonuses like the 15 day online business builder challenge, and more high-ticket trainings.

What I Liked Least

There really isn't anything, and I'm not saying this to be biased. 15 Second Free Leads is a game changer!

Final Thoughts And Next Steps

What was your favorite part about 15 Second Free Leads? Do you have a least favorite?

With every social media platform growing but slowing down in terms of "reach", the ONE platform that you can turn to for more reach has arrived...

TikTok. If you're tired of not getting enough people to view your content, getting enough followers so you can engage with, or getting an endless flow of leads that turn into sales...

Then look no further than TikTok. Are you going to waste your time like many people do "thinking" and then missing out on boosting their business and thinking back to "what if", or will you get to TikToking?

Time's Tiking...

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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