December 19

by Michael Granados

Is Freedom Breakthrough A Scam AND Can a COMPLETE Newbie or someone struggling can create a profitable and successful affiliate marketing business...starting from scratch with ZERO experience or zero technical skill?

Usually, I’m calm when writing reviews but I’m fired up and not for the right reasons, but before I share with you why, I’ll cut right to the chase and tell you that Freedom Breakthrough IS not a scam, but does that mean it’s the right program for YOU?

Listen, my names “Michael Granados” and I’ve been making money online for many years now with affiliate marketing and other online business models and I’ve just about seen it all and In this review, you’re going to see behind the scenes if this course is worth your time(and money), the pros and cons, alternatives and much more so by the time you’re done you know very well if this course is for you.

But first, I apologize ahead of time for saying this...more than 90% of affiliate marketers WILL NOT make money, they will become frustrated, get scammed, and eventually quit, AND make matters worse…

They call affiliate marketing a scam. Luckily for you, that changes today.

Alright, ready to get going with this freedom breakthrough review?

What Is Freedom Breakthrough 

what is freedom breakthrough

Freedom Breakthrough is a step-by-step course designed by Jonathan Montoya who went from full-time Electrical Engineer to in 9 months become a full-time internet affiliate marketing showing you how to replace your current income by becoming an Affiliate Marketer.

Affiliate Marketing is like THE Business model you can make the most money with online and theirs a low barrier to entry which means you can get started very fast and with little to nothing to spend on, but here comes a WHOPPING $997 Course!

Great, another person with an overly priced course, right? Before I say no or yes to that I’m going to throw you a curveball and start by telling you who this course IS for...

Who Is Freedom Breakthrough For?

Freedom Breakthrough was made for you if you’re currently working for a company that is taking all your time OR:

  • You have ambitious goals and are tired of feeling burned out but you’re utterly driven to scale a business that allows you to make a more significant impact, increase your profits, and you back your time to work on other aspects of your business or to check other goals off in your life

BUT WAIT there’s more(in the funny 70’s commercial voice):

  • If you’re old or young who knows nothing about running a business but who realizes how important it is to have a financial plan
  • If you’re deep in debt and working for that paycheck to paycheck life and want more
  • You have little to no tech experience 
  • You’re a stay at home mom or dad who’s looking to earn an additional income but are limited on time
  • Existing online affiliate marketers, network marketers, and more who are not getting results

Why Should You Listen To Jonathan Montoya?

Literally, this is the first thing he slaps in your face:

why listen to jonathan montoya

You want to see the results, right? I don’t like doing it myself but it helps position people as the “authority” and expert, so basically, this is Jonathan’s backstory…

Quick Backstory

Jonathan is an “expert affiliate marketer”(great another one, you’ll know why I’m gasping in a bit), who breaks things down in a step-by-step manner to prevent any overwhelm…

His course “Truly” over-delivers by covering literally everything and he’ll be adding to the course continually to keep you up to date with trends and best practices.

Jonathan operates with honesty and integrity and treats every student with the utmost respect and gives them the attention they deserve. So Jonathan went from having an over $80,000 Electrical engineering 9-5 job to quitting it and becoming a Full-time Affiliate Marketer…

LIKE HOW? Sounds like a WTF moment if you’ve been around for awhile trying to make this work...and believe me it’s WORK.

This is where my fire comes out…


NOBODY else shows you what’s really happening behind the scenes, but I will listen in. So if you’re new, you will be completely blinded by how he got to where Jonathan is today…

Just like every other “Affiliate Marketing Expert” He got into the “Make Money Online” Niche to promote make money online affiliate offers to newbies and “people just like him”...

OH, you mean you from like a day ago? Man, you became the expert fast, well there’s a story behind that, let me share.

So we all know 9 months is SUPER Fast now(I spent years, 3+ to get to where I am), but how did he do it? Jonathan is no better than the other “make money online” gurus who promote expensive ass courses to people so they can join an opportunity and then those people who join turn back around to do the same thing to others…

And at first, it may not look that way, but that’s the DEEP darkness of affiliate marketing - promoting the expensive course to people who don’t even need it but fall for it because of:

  • Deception
  • Misleading people
  • Misinformation

But how did Jonathan became this good at Communicating, persuading, and so forth?

Legendary Marketer.

I’ve been tracking Jonathan’s progress for some time and will it is impressive, I was never sold on the fact that he was this “Huge Authority” figure all of a sudden(even after 9 months)…

But with the help of a program like Legendary Marketer which is an online marketing education platform run by David Sharpe, his skills as a marketer became greater…

Paying for a $2,500 and also a $5,000+ course can do these things. Believe me, I’m not jealous, I’m very observant and sure of what I’m seeing. In fact, I run a health and wellness business helping people with back pain…

I started a blog around it, grew an audience, and monetized with affiliate marketing AND ONLY when I did well, then did I create this site as a side project trying to expose and go deep into people and programs.

After I saw Jonathan’s ads appearing on Facebook I was like YEP - Here comes another “Make Money Online” "Nicher"

Pumped up by the ads taught by legendary Marketer(heavily ad driven by the way), and the amount of attention this guy got was CRAZY…

Besides the point, I just wasn’t convinced(I’ve seen too many of these types of “gurus” on YouTube) and so on…

But too many people praise these “affiliate gurus” for leading the way into the industry...Yet many don’t actually prove themselves in another space...because it’s easy to go into the Make Money Online Niche and promote courses.

They make a course to make money and usually, the content is regurgitated, seen everywhere but presented in a different way around a topic.

Sorry to keep going on, BUT I HATE when people do this...They never go into a niche outside of the MMO niche, it’s always this space and the people usually fall into promoting business opportunities…

And then later justify that’s not true. I at least started in the health and wellness space, I’ve proved myself, and Now I help a lot of people with my health affiliate tips and tricks as well more…

Why can’t people do that? OH WAIT...Because it’s easier to get into a course learn the “high-ticket income” skills and then turn around and promote it again...What a business, right?

What’s worse is then these people get:

  • “Raving fans” that persuade everyone else
  • They get interviewed by other affiliates (cross-promote)
  • They get recommended by others…

And it's another form of “Disguising”, so it’s so hard for you as a newbie to tell people apart.

Anyways, let’s go inside the course:

freedom breakthrough course

You’ll get 12 modules, and these cover everything you’ll need to know to become successful at affiliate marketing…

Module 1: Picking The Perfect Affiliate Niche

freedom breakthrough module 1

  • You’ll be able to identify some problems you can solve and show you where to find the solutions and get paid without doing the work yourself
  • You’ll be shown how to identify if the business model is profitable or not and worth your while pursuing that opportunity
  • Multiple videos, revealing to you the most profitable affiliate products to promote at this moment in time. And Jonathan discusses with you how to promote it.

Module 2: Creating The Affiliate Website Asset

freedom breakthrough module 2

You’ll learn:

  • The most valuable thing you can own as an affiliate marketer(your website). Even while you’re sleeping, your website runs 24/7 and can make you money from visitors who buy via your affiliate links on your website.
  • Jonathan takes you from domain to finished site in a few easy steps. This module leaves no stone unturned when it comes to creating the most valuable thing you could create as an online entrepreneur
  • You receive comprehensive checklists so you don’t miss a step, from start to finish.

Module #3: Google SEO Mastery With Nathan Lucas

freedom breakthrough module 3

  • Google is the largest internet search engine in the world, every day constantly people are searching online, and you’ll be shown how to rank your website on Google so people can come to you organically.

  • Jonathan says this a very special module because the trainer is this Nathan Lucas super affiliate, and owner of Freedom Influencer. He’s made millions of dollars as an affiliate marketer and supposedly you have the best to cover this topic.
  • After this module, you will have 100 content ideas ready to go and will know where to find them, how to get other people to write for you, and so forth.

I have a problem with this...Nathan Lucas is A YouTuber Expert, since when did he become the master of blogging?

One day I remember seeing a video of Nathan who I highly respect, by the way, talking about how he wasn’t big into blogging but that he was going to get into it and might I say this was like late 2019 or Early 2020 - I can’t remember the exact time but I know it was around there…

And this guys crushing it on YouTube doing his thing, and now he’s the Google SEO guy? Look, this is my field, I started in the blogging world and do it everyday…

And even if Nathan Lucas has a good blog, It’s all again “overshadowed” by the fact that he already has a huge following, and likely is listening to the updated trends in the Legendary Markets’ Club or elsewhere…

But nonetheless, you’ll learn. 

Module #4: The Perfect Affiliate Funnel

freedom breakthrough module 4

  • A funnel is a way for you to capture the name and email address of your perfect customer so you can sell to them over and over without paying for advertisements.
  • Not a technical person? How about not sure how to build websites? No problemo. You’ll be able to snag Jonathan’s done-for-you affiliate funnel for quick launching. You can literally click a couple of buttons to copy his exact system.
  • Jonathan will explain to you the methodology behind a funnel and how it is far better suited to making you sales, even while you’re not at your phone or computer than a website is.

Module #5: Email Marketing Mastery

freedom breakthrough module 5

Module #6: Free Traffic With Facebook

freedom breakthrough module 6

Module #7: The king of free traffic YouTube

freedom breakthrough module 7

Module #8: Free Traffic With TikTok

freedom breakthrough module 8

Module #9: Paid Traffic With Google Ads

freedom breakthrough module 9

Module #10: Paid Traffic With TikTok Ads

freedom breakthrough module 10

Module #11: Paid Ads With Facebook

freedom breakthrough module 11

Module #12: Launch Jacking

freedom breakthrough module 12

BONUS #1: Affiliate Offer Secrets By Alex Branning

freedom breakthrough bonus #1

BONUS #2: Launch Jacking

freedom breakthrough bonus #2

BONUS #3:The Facebook Affiliate Formula By Joshua Ong

freedom breakthrough bonus #3

BONUS #4: Leverage The Authority Of 5 Super Affiliates

freedom breakthrough bonus #4

Freedom Breakthrough Course Free Download?

Nope, there is not one. I know I get asked that question above a lot and people are actively searching for a "free download" but there's no such thing...Unless you want to get into trouble.

Freedom Breakthrough 2.0 Review - 3 Day Challenge

One thing Jonathan recently created is the 3 Day Business Breakthrough Challenge as apart of his 2.0 upgrade, and this is where you'll find out how thousands of people generated their first paycheck online through a challenge...

And how you can copy Everything Jonathan used to create a 7 figure business without having any products, experience or much time.

In the 3 day training here's what you'll learn:

  • How Jonathan said goodbye to his 9-5 job in just 9 months to starting his online business...
  • #1 way to have $1,000 days without having to create your own product...
  • Build your Automated business in 20-30 minutes. Step-by-step and click by click...
  • How you can create a passive income business online with only a 5 hour or less per week...
  • How to create multiple passive income streams on Autopilot, which allowed me to have complete time and financial freedom...

Here are the days:

  1. Day 1: The simple but powerful 3 step system to make daily commissions online
  2. Day 2: Watch Jonathan build a business in front of you step by step and click by click in just 30 minutes or less.
  3. Day 3: How Jonathan gets thousands of eyeballs on your offers every day on Autopilot (without having to pay for ads)

Bonuses You Get:

  • BONUS 1: Jonathan's complete done for you business. You can Copy his exact system for Free in a few seconds.
  • BONUS 2: Get his white label eBook. Use his Authority and Brand to promote Multiple offers with one link. Download his eBook as your own and ad your links to it.
  • BONUS 3: Get his secret emails that have generated Jonathan 6 figures. Simply plug and and play with these proven Prewritten emails.

My thoughts on the course is this...It is helpful on the fact that you will be shown how online business works and how to do affiliate marketing from top to bottom so you can push yourself to get through. however, it's another class act to get you to join the higher cost courses...

Which I get as a business owner myself, but most of what you'll learn is how to get traffic through TikTok and while there are other traffic generating platforms, it's not like you need the course to do it, why?

I didn't need it and I started getting LOADS of traffic through TikTok just by watching people's FREE YouTube videos and taking the time to research these things, but I get there's more to it then traffic that  Jonathan shows you how to do EXCEPT...

You will highly likely be promoting his course back to the same people like yourself! Let me ask you...

Can you go to bed at night knowing you're promoting a course you joined to then promote to other people right away and feel good about it?

Some may, others will say "this is business, rock on", but the truth is, most "Gurus" teach you this...

Join a course, sell the course back to others for high ticket commissions. While it's not like "you have to" sell the course, this is the objective of just about everyone who does join, so be careful.

What Other People Are Saying…

freedom breakthrough reviews
freedom breakthrough

How Much Does Freedom Breakthrough Cost

The total cost is 1 payment of $997 OR you can make two payments of $597.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes. You have 14 days to request a complete refund - Jonathan will give you back your $997 it satisfied, no questions asked.

Pros And Cons


  • 12 In-Depth affiliate training modules taught by people doing well in affiliate marketing so you can get the advantage you need from the start which means you’ll save more time, energy, and months as well years of mistakes trying to go at it alone
  • Private Members-Only Facebook group so you can have all the support you need in your journey which means you’ll never be left scratching your head and wondering what to do next.
  • Done-For-You Funnels to create over 6 figures in income so you can get traction faster and more easily which means you’ll have a 24/7 passive income-generating machine.
  • You’ll learn how to make consistent affiliate commissions so you can pay off any debt, get rid of stress, and improve your health and quality of life which means you don’t have to worry about be covered each month.


  • Expensive course but that’s what the market prices these types of courses at.
  • Another “Affiliate Course” taught by someone who’s not been in the game long enough


Listen, take into account what I said earlier about Jonathan - He’s a great guy, means well but from my experiences(doing affiliate marketing longer than he has an in 2 different spaces), there are better ways to get started as a beginner or intermediate/expert, and they are:

I would have put myself in there(not to boast) but I don’t charge for my affiliate courses, only the most expensive one worth over $1,000’s I give away as a bonus for getting into other programs…

And I actually show you behind the scenes inside my Health and wellness niche website and total business as well Affiliate Marketing in the MMO niche, but you have ENTRE Institute…

Where you will be able to COPY a millionaire’s business in Jeff Lerner. And he teaches 3 businesses which are:

Wealthy Affiliate is good for creating a niche blogging website in anything you’d like, and it’s where I got one of my very first starts back in early 2017, and for legendary Marketer…

It’s useful to understand how to build a high ticket affiliate marketing business but IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Use the courses to build around a passion, hobby, or interest, please. Don’t be like these people who join a course and don’t even go through it for what it’s meant for…

And just turn around to sell it. It sucks, but that’s what Affiliate Marketing is now a day.

There are far more courses out there but you honestly need to take into account Personal Branding and I’m just not convinced Jonathan's the right person for me to learn from(even if I was a complete newbie, I’d do more research)..

PLUS, I like investing in people who’ve PROVEN themselves in another industry other than this “Make Money Online” Bullshit affiliate marketing angle…

That they really don’t have. At least mine, I can show people how to replicate what I do with the health side...and more.

Again, without the help of expensive paid courses like Legendary Marketer, and promoting himself in the Make money online space, I don’t think he’d be where he is today(as well as the other people like this)...Not saying this to hate him, but to show you the truth.

What I Liked Most About Freedom Breakthrough

Umm, What I liked most would have to be the structure of the course, you get to be introduced with a warm welcoming video, how to start the right way, and then Jonathan Introduces you to other affiliate marketers who help out in the course…

So it’s not fluff, it’s just information that’s been repeated by these other “gurus” in affiliate marketing.

What I Liked Least

Although there’s a lot of good, the downside is a lot of the information can be found for free, especially with people giving away their once paid courses for free - that’s just what the market speaks to…

But there are parts that are great but again it’s just overlooked as “ground level” because of all the testimonials, results, that don’t make you question it.

Final Verdict: Is Freedom Breakthrough A REAL Scam?

No. The Freedom Breakthrough Affiliate Marketing Blueprint is a great way to get into the world of Affiliate Marketing without having to spend months, and years making mistakes by getting a step-by-step walkthrough of how to make affiliate marketing work for you in various strategies…

And with Jonathan Montoya who went full-time affiliate marketer in just 9 months, I’m sure you’ll find some gems. However, not only because I’ve been around for some time but because I’ve seen these types of courses that just spring up out of nowhere…

I personally wouldn’t get into it. If you’d like to learn from Jonathan Montoya, check out his course here, but if you’d like to see my #1 recommended Mentor and program, click the button below…

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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