In front of me there's a window, to the left of me is a book shelf, to the right lies a trash can and right behind me is my family, and why the heck does this crap matter to you?
Aside from the fact that I'm sitting inside my second bedroom office writing this article out for you, I'm also thinking the same thing you are at this exact moment:
"Was Wealthy Affiliate The Right Choice?"
I've been in the Wealthy Affiliate world since early 2017 and I've been earning a full-time online income with my #1 recommended way of doing it which is affiliate marketing. And guess who I have in part to thank for getting me there?
That's right, Wealthy Affiliate. Listen, I know you've probably searched the web, you've chewed through one blog post after the other, watched one YouTube video after the next and the most shocking of them all...
Social media! Not really shocking, but there's a ton of word being thrown out about Wealthy Affiliate everywhere you go, in fact, just the other day I ran into a friend I was following on Facebook know about Wealthy Affiliate but had never been apart of it, and here's why.
- He was skeptic
- he feared what would happen if he joined
- help him make money
- would it actually help him make money
- self-doubt
- and the list goes on.
I've actually made a great amount of Wealthy Affiliate in a shorter amount of time and that's because of the time that I put in and I speak more about how I'm doing inside the next page:
This won't be the most in-depth wealthy affiliate overview because I have a whole separate article well over 10,000 words that goes into it more specifically right HERE.
Make sure to check that out when you get the chance. Anyways...
If I were to tell you to join Wealthy Affiliate on the sole purpose of getting money and nothing else, I'd honestly drop my business and stop everything I'm doing...forever. But why?
Look, as a Wealthy Affiliate and an affiliate marketer in general, your goal is to provide MASSIVE VALUE to your audience/customers. Everytime I run into a person who wants to become an affiliate or is an affiliate and wants to use Wealthy Affiliate as their vehicle, I always here this...
How fast can I make money? GEEZ, that's not my target audience anymore, I'm glad those days have passed. I made a video for the mentality you need in this video:

Do you hear what I'm saying in that video?
Good, that's a start. On a more serious and specific note, I also made a couple videos that'll blow your socks off that talk about:
- How to Make Money On Wealthy Affiliate
- How long does it take to make money with wealthy affiliate
So let's get into those.
Making REAL Money With Wealthy Affiliate
Enough of people telling you programs like these are only out to get you, that only a very few selective people succeed, and that rarely anyone will earn as an affiliate with Wealthy Affiliate...
Watch me debunk that myth.

Here are a couple extra points on how to use the Wealthy Affiliate platform to make money:
- Whether you want to start an Amazon store or drop-shop products via Ebay, the Wealthy Affiliate training will help you TREMENDOUSLY which means you can diversify you income stream portfolios and never get bored of one thing.
- Freelancing so you can make money to pay for your Wealthy Affiliate premium which means you'll have another source of income and generate online income 2x faster. More on that on this page.
- Other opportunities like Network Marketing/MLM's, Surveys,Binary option trading, Email chains, Entrepreneurship courses, so you can use your affiliate marketing skills in other areas of online marketing, meaning you will become well rounded and well known in different areas.
TADA! There wasn't much of a magic trick or some type of secret on how to make money inside and with the use of Wealthy Affiliate but the most important thing is this...
With your website and blog you will be able to:
- Target your specific audience in any given niche
- Share your VALUE with your audience through informative, helpful, and educational content. Thereafter, then comes the products/services.
- You get keyword research tools that will easily let you find which phrases people are searching for on Google along with other search engines and what is it exactly your dream customers want and to give it to them.
- Free sub-domains, domain purchases, and the most powerful hosting platform anywhere online.
- Up-to-date highly useful training on how to sell physical products as well digital.
- Friday Live webinars by Jay
- A community of like-minded individuals, from beginners to experts.
- Extra resources so you don't ever feel trapped.
Great, now that you know how you can make money with wealthy affiliate, I'm sure you're itching to know about "How long" right?
HOLD UP! You're going at 100MPH my friend, and I want to make sure you don't crash into a wall, so listen up.
You need to change your mindset from "how long" to "what skills do I need to get the income I want?"
The reason why I see so many people come and go is not because they don't have a desire and are not motivated, it's because they lack "the reality" of where they need to start and end.
That's exactly why I put together a free mini course that goes deeper inside the mindset of affiliate marketing in general.
If all you wanted was cash and right now, you're doing yourself a HUGE disservice and you might as well leave this article right now, I don't teach people how to make fast money and get rich quick.
Thanks for sticking around, it shows me that you're hungry and that you want to develop a mindset like mine.
How Long Will It Take You To Earn With WA?
We both know that your fast money mindset ad wit that you need a long-term one instead, so here's what I have to say to you:

Are we one the same page now?
I can promise you that you'll have a much smoother journey and way to climbing the ranks in your affiliate career with Wealthy Affiliate if you just focus more of your time on the skills you need than asking "how much".
Free To Join!
Like most online courses, they come with a price tag attached to them rightfully so, but what if you could try them out before you invest your hard earned money?
Not all, in fact, 99% of affiliate courses online require you to pay upfront and they are extremely expensive, like $997 expensive. And if you go for one of those Udemy courses or one that's just slapped together, the quality is terrible and you can't expect to get quality training, which means you'll get bad results.
With Wealthy Affiliate you get the chance to try it out before committing 100%, and I mad a video for you on what you'll be getting with your free membership:
Final Thoughts And How To Get Started
Do you feel that?
Your breathe getting stronger, your heart pumping a little faster, your eyes opening up wider...
That's a good sign, It means you're ready to become something greater than yourself. Let me tell you, the bet decision I made as a newbie affiliate was let go, trust the process, put my hands in those who knew better than me and...
Become one with Wealthy Affiliate. To get started for free and to get your free WordPress website, click on the button below and it will take you over to my page that will show you more about Wealthy affiliate and all the bonuses that I offer you worth over $15,000.