Do you really expect me to believe that I can learn how to create a FREE website for affiliate marketing?
Hey! Get it together, I'm about to tell you whether you can or can't. Drum-roll please...
YES. I'm not ripping you off settle down, you are going to see how you can create your very own unique and free website in a matter of moments, but not only that, I'm also going to up it one more and show you how to get free training!
Who doesn't want free? If you're not jumping in joy by the end of this article, you either don't want to change your life, or you have a "shiny object syndrome" problem.
Enough of the small talk, let me take you into my world for the past 3 years...
Why Do You Need A Website For Affiliate Marketing
Wait, stop, no. Before I can even tell why you need a website for your affiliate marketing needs, I need to let you in a couple secrets about why you need a website in general.
I appreciate everything you've done this far to get your foot into the affiliate marketing world, I was once in your shoes and I understand how costs are usually at the center of our fears, so I'm going to keep this next part short.
A website serves SO many purposes that I get overwhelmed just thinking about it... Having a website is what I like to call a Virtual "Real Estate". Now hang in there with me, I'm not about to go full buy properties, rent properties, Monopoly status on you, I'm entering a portal.
The internet portal that is. When I first started building a website through the best training platform for affiliates of all types that you can see more on here. I had no idea it would become what it is today:
- A place for people to see who I am
- How I can solve people's problems
If I'm talking all hype about a website, what about the people who say you don't need one? I usually get these 2 kind of an answers and it till this days pinches my sciatic nerves...
- "I have social media"
- "I can just share my affiliate link"
That goes to show that you are a beginner, but it's OK, I'm willing to work with people that can fix their mistakes and learn the right ones. But those that don't want to put the effort to learn how to properly share their affiliate links, best of luck.
Here are 5 reasons why you need a website...
1. Merchants(Retailers) Are Watching You
Imagine applying for a job without a Resume, how the heck do you expect the hiring manager to know who you are and check out your qualifications?
This is exactly how merchants(which if you aren't familiar with the word is a fancy way of saying retailers) think and there's a real person behind the business not a bot, so they take into account your resume, which is?
That's right, your website! Most merchants are leaning towards qualifying their affiliates and doing less of just letting you sign up and walk out with your link. So it's VERY important that you have a website if you want to share your affiliate love with people who really need to see your offer(s).
I remember once applying for a CBD Oil company with one of my first businesses, and I had to apply to a question that said how much traffic I get in a month.
The exception was that it's an exclusive affiliate program so I could understand the rules against having every affiliate automatically sign on with them. The point I'm trying to make is to have at the very least, a website.
2. Trust & Relationships
After my 2+ years in affiliate marketing I've learned that people buy from those who trust them and or show the effort to build a relationship with. There's no better way to gain these two qualities than having a location where your audience can come and find you...
This will help you so much in the long run because people like the feeling of visiting websites before they go onto the merchant to make a purchase, which brings me to my next point.
3. Foundation of Your Business
Nothing screams affiliate marketing like content, or does it?
Ofcourse! Telling you that your content isn't important is kind of like saying that apples are not nutritious. In these prime years of my affiliate marketing career, I can't get the words SEO out of my mind, which is short for Search Engine Optimization. The whole goal of writing content which we use the word blogging for that is to rank your posts on the first page of Google.
The foundation of affiliate marketing ALWAYS begins with content marketing and at the front-line of the battle is SEO. The more you write for targeted keywords(words people are typing into google), the better you stand a chance at ranking high on Google. Don't see the big picture yet?
Check out this formula:
Content = SEO = Traffic = Money
But "Michael" you make that sound so simple! Whehter I'm one of the great affiliate marketers or not, it's actually really simple and beginner friendly. Take a look at how fast I had a post rank within a day for a freshly new website:
We're talking about not even a 6 month old website here! If I can do it, I know you can too.
You don't know how many people I run into that don't either have a website, don't blog or at the very least create content. How do they expect to solve real life problems their audience needs?
So at the foundation of your affiliate business is a website, it's like the new way to find a business and visiting than an actual brick and mortar.
4. Organic Traffic
I spoke about getting a website up and running for content and I touched a bit on traffic, now let me expand on "Organic traffic".
Do you want to spend all your time throwing money into advertisements? No, I didn't think so, just had to check with you. If you've already tried advertising and it didn't work, don't worry, I got your back, you're in the right hands to take another try at affiliate marketing.
When you blog or produce video content on your blog, you can expect to get FREE traffic! And even better is this next part which will blow your mind...
Most people who land on a website have been shown to convert into not only a buyer but a "Lead". Most people don't purchase on first contact of an offer, it takes the average person 7 times to see a product/service before they buy.
Let's take an example of "BOB":
Bob is searching on google to fix his problem with a lower back pain strain. Bob lands on an article about lower back pain back stretches for a strain. He's searching for general info so you know he needs some immediate actions or exclusive information only you can offer him.
It's at this point in his reading that a Pop Up interrupts him, and on it is something like the 5 best ways to stretch your back for a muscle strain without aching. What do you think is going to happen?
It's likely Bob will give you his email address. Now that Bob has shown interest in this topics, you send him your PDF, report, or whichever format you have it in, and you can follow up with him now about products to fix his problem.
Do you see the benefit of this? You smashed two birds with one stone...
You learned where bob landed and what lead him to opt into your email list. Which also leads me to my next point:
5. Analytics
What if You could figure out how much time Bob spent on your site or things like:
- How far he scrolled
- What pages he clicked over to
- What products he bought
With this data at your fingertips you can make a pretty good guess as to what people like about your content and where most people are buying from. After so, you can place more capture forms or make changes around your pages as necessary.
You can't really get that from social media. Plus, if you ever decide to do advertising you can always send people to your blogs, and even re-target them! OH the power of affiliate marketing, don't even get me rolling.
Added Benefits of Having a Free Website
Come in close, did you know that having a free website is low cost?
No really Michael?! Hear me out.
With a free website you can get a feel for how to build a website and what it takes to maintain one. It's like when you get a free sample at Costco and you sit there and think HMM, I need this but that means I'd have to buy something I'm not familiar with.
It's totally OK to be a stranger to a website, I once was, which explains why I choose to check out a free website instead of paying for my REAL domain.
2. You can practice writing for your niche. One of the biggest reasons I talk to people about why they want a free website is because they want to get a feel for their niche, and what it can take to reach their dream customer.
This is a great advantage for most beginners and for those few goals at the start that you want to cross of your list.
3. You can prepare to get premium training. One of the "Trilogies" of my free website careers is being able to do a "try before you buy" strategy...
Testing out a free website is no different than doing a test run on a car you're about to purchase...
When you build a free website, you're preparing to endure the cost of eventually going all in on investing time and money. When I first started with a free website on one of if no the best platforms for affiliate marketing, I knew in sight that I would like to invest more of my money for proper skills.
3 Best Ways to Create A Free Website.
Finally! the fun stuff begins. Are you ready to see the 3 and only best ways to create your next free website fast and with no hassle?
I'm going to walk you through step-by-step how to get started today once you leave here.
#1. Webnode
Webnode as it's reads is a "Easy & Free Website Maker". How much more obicous does it get right? What I like about Webnode is that you can create a free website in less than a minute. You'll have togther your:
- Account
- Template
- Website
STEP 1: Head to, and click on "Get Started"
After you click on get started you'll be presented with your account information screen. Here you'll create your website, email address, and password.
STEP 2: Select the type of website you'd like.
You'll see two options - Website and Eccomerce. Since we're not trying to create a Shopify store and this is about affiliate marketing, we want "Website"
Make sure to click on Website here and NOT Ecommerce.
STEP 3: Select Your Template.
You'll get over 50 different nicely designed templates to choose from. You can't go wrong with any of these. As an affiliate who blogs, I'd personally select something simple where I can show my blog roll to my visitors. So I highly suggest that you do the same.
And that's it! Once you select your website, you will be taken to your back office where you can edit your website.
2. Wix
Have you seen those Wix commericals with celeberities creating a website easily? If you haven't don't worry, I'll show you what I'm talking about:
Yeah it's something like that. Now let me show you how to get started.
STEP 1: Go to and click "Get Started"
Once you get there, it should look something like so:
STEP 2: Create your account.
If you already have a Facebook or Google account, you can create an account through them or you also have the option to use your email and password.
Click the "Sign Up" Button,
Note: For the purpose of this, I will just put my email and password. But you can try the other options, doesn't matter. In fact, I actually prefer Facebook or google because it saves your information on third party services for fast access from them or to share your info from Wix straight away.
STEP 3: you'll be asked to take a survey.
You can take the survey or skip it. For this I'm going to skip it.
STEP 4: Create your Free Website.
The cool thing about Wix is that you can choose a couple questions and have Wix themselves create the website for you. Or you can opt to create your own website with the Wix editor. You'll be able to select your own template and use the drag and drop features right away.
The most common way to do it is option 2. So for this demonstration, I want full control over my website.
STEP 5: Select your Template.
So like Webnode, you'll be presented with different selections to choose from, common templates too. But where it's different is that Wix has more features and you can sort by things like popularity and new. Check it out:
And that's it! The rest you can play around with and create the look and content of your website to best suit you and your niches needs.
3. Wealthy Affiliate
Now onto the last but MOST definitely not the least option that you have to create a free website for affiliate marketing. In fact, this is my favorite and In my honest and humble opinion, the best way anywhere on the web.
Look, I could have named like 30 more free websites but the point is that they are all unique in their own ways, and this next one I'm about to reveal to you is by far the:
- Easiest
- Functional
- WordPress Ready
If you don't know a thing about WordPress then let me tell you a thing or two about why you need it.
WordPress is the biggest platform for every affiliate marketer and blogger. With it by your side, you can create content and organize your work much easier. Plus, Google likes to rank websites with WordPress.
Without Further a do, I introduce to you Wealthy Affiliate.
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform has what's called a .siterubrix domain and website. This is where you can get your free domain and WordPress ready website at no charge!
STEP 1: Go to
Here you can place your email address in the bar above and click on "Get Started". After you easily do, you will be taken to the dashboard that looks like so:
STEP 2: Look to the left panel and click on "Websites"
After you'll see this screen:
I already circled in Red where you need to click, which is "Site Builder"
STEP 3: What Website Do You Want To Build?
Here, you will be presented with 3 options:
- On a Free Domain
- On A Domain You Own
- Register A Domain
Unless you already have a domain elsewhere or a domain, then you need to select "On A Free Domain."
Again, I have once selected in a Red circle where to select.
STEP 4: Choose your domain name and Name of Your website.
You;ll get an immediate drop down with this information:
Note: When you select your domain title, you should have it resemble your niche. For example if I'm doing something on soccer, I'll probably use my domain name as:
My Title: Soccer Skill Players
You can always refer to how to choose domain names from Godaddy here.
Thereafter, you can select from over 4,000 templates! And that's it! One other thing now..
If you don't have a niche selected, don't worry, I got your back. It's always good to know what niche you want or at least think you want to try out before making a domain name. You can check out niche selection and domains more in this lesson.
And another fast way to create your website and get your free domain is through the quick access page that you can click on here.
I made a video on all this too, so if you want to see a more visual representation, see it below:
Free Top Level Affiliate Marketing Training
Wealthy Affiliates is more than pick up a free domain and create a website, there's more to it.
The Wealthy Affiliate platform not only comes with 20+ free .siterubrix accounts but the RIGHT affiliate marketing training!
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate comes with the access to the Best affiliate marketing training platform on the web today. Me telling you that it's changed my life and brought me more freedom to have with my family, and given me more financial security without a supervisor or boss looming over my shoulder.
As a free member, you get access to the free first couple of lessons within the training. Thereafter, you can decide if you want to continue with them as a premium member. You can learn more about the extraordinary Wealthy affiliate pricing and how you can get their best deal ever here
My Final Thoughts + Bonuses
What did you think? These are three of the best and easiest way to get started with a free website for your affiliate marketing journey. Everyone starts in a different place, but from most people that I talk to and work with seem to prefer.
I also offer very lucrative bonuses for those that come join the Wealthy affiliate program with me, and such those are like:
- How to build a 6 figure website
- How to get my free email swipes
- 1-1 mentoring, zoom meeting
- and so much more.
You can always check out my actual review on Wealthy affiliate and at the bottom of the page you'll see all my Awesome Free Bonuses.
How did I do? Feel free to leave me feedback down below, I actually would appreciate it if you did. Also,If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I usually respond within 24 hours.