April 22

by Michael Granados

Want to learn how to make $250 - $500 Multiple times in a day?

If so, then you've come to the right post to see if this is the Truth or downright fiction.

Congratulations, and welcome to my six figure success academy reviews!

Your in-depth article and conquest to finding out if this business opportunity online is a hidden gem or your worst nightmare.

This program is no different than any other scheme that I've reviewed for you, and from the outside looks of it, I can smell another Pyramid operation.

First of all, I want to say Thank you! I can't stress these two words enough because I'm glad you're doing your research beforehand before buying a "great product.

Your going about it with the right strategy to avoid scams and find the legitimate ways to make money in 2019 and beyond, but if you can't wait to see what my recommendation is, then I suggest you head on over to what's likely the best training for people starting out their online careers here.

Before we get the ball rolling, I want to be completely honest with you...

I am in no way shape or form affiliated with six figure success academy, and If I were, you'd be likely to here me already telling you how great of a program it really is.

So please, just rest assured and consciously know that I'm not here to pitch you a sale, and for you to swipe up your card card for a purchase.

Instead I am here today to present you with everything you need to know about the program, and how you should honestly avoid it at all costs.

Six Figure Success Academy Summary

Product name: Six Figure Success Academy

Founders: Mike Balmaceda & Ty Cohen

Product Type:Affiliate Marketing/ Work at home

Price: $997

Best for: Video Enthusiasts

Summary: Six figure success academy hides behind closed doors in that it presents itself as the best affiliate marketing training platform and you can make money from home with no experience. It's not about eccomerce, amazon, ebay, networki marketing, MLM, coaching or anything like that. Basically you'll be producing video content and marketing it in terms of Webinars and small mini videos in a micro niche.

Rate: 60/100

Reccomended: No

What Is Six Figure Success Academy?

Simply said, six figure success academy is another one those high profits in a small amount of time programs where you can earn $250-$500 a day and live the financial freedom life, that looks great from a glance but don't be fooled...

With one hard look and research, it's not entirely a scam but it will take a great amount of effort and work to make money, and if you don't have the experience and drive it'll be tough to make any money.

You have two founders and owners:

  1. Mike Balmaceda, Founder at AMPLIFY
  2. Ty Cohen, Founder at Platinum Millennium

Their goals are to make you and millions of people get to their first $100,000 in the next 6 months! And it gets better...

They inform you that you don't have to run any ads, have a current business or hold any products in inventory. In fact they say it is "super easy". Don't believe me, I sat through their entire webinar presentation and caught eyes of it all:

This is just one of many frames that I took captures of, and you're going to get all of them from this point forward!

Essentially what you will be doing is making YouTube videos for business owners with courses, and training's, so that you can market their products the "new way...

Which is a fancy way for saying Video Marketing. All you need to do is find what they call a "Joe", someone looking for a new way to bring customers to their door via Videos, and you're going to help them sell these courses and or training's.

Have a look at the ONLY 3 steps you need to make $100K+ per year using their program:

Simple right?

If you're someone new to video marketing, affiliate marketing or just getting your foot into the career path of a digital marketer/strategist then I can't really blame you for wanting to put all your chips in on this one. I've reviewed plenty of products that sound like a fast cash quick turn around and the owners leave you on your own but...

These two are legitimate especially for the fact that they don't hide behind a fake name like others will.

As I landed on their landing page I immediately took notice of Six figure success academies headline that reads as follows:

The No risk way don't you say? How could they state their is no risk when at the end of their webinar they're asking for you to pay up?(which I will get to the pricing soon).

If you want to watch their webinar and sales pitch, you must enter your information by pressing the "Get started right now" button like it shows up above.

After, you'll be directed to a pre-warm up presentation video where you're welcome to the webinar, and how to get the most out of the webinar video by limiting your distractions, and what screen is best to watch the webinar from, which is your computer.

After the 20 minutes are up, you then will be entered into the webinar room. I did my countless hours of research on both Mike Balmaceda and Ty Cohen I found some useful and surprising information.

Six figure success academy was founded in 2018 by these two gentlemen, Mike used to work in IT, seriously hated his job, quit and pursued entrepreneurship instead.

Ty was in the corporate world for 9 years, tried various ways to make a passive income online like:

  • Online marketing
  • affiliate marketing

And finally got his foot into the door with SFSA(Six figure success academy). One problem I do have with their system is that although it teaches you how to make money producing webinars, it's not safe to say that webinars are enough to start, keep, or run a business.

I know that very well, since I'm a six figure earner myself, and I absolutely without a shadow of a doubt know it takes more effort than just a webinar to keep the money rolling in.

Here's a couple of red flags I kept noticing:

Did you spot it? Many times again and again it's supposed to be "easy". Even if it were easy how man times would you have to shoot a video to get it right?

To add on, producing a webinar alone is tough work, featuring one can take on hours and hours of practice, trust me!...

I do webinars myself and that has taken me days(NOT minutes or hours) to get down. Overtime, I've developed this skill set but I have not made it my primary one.

Going Inside Six Figure Success Academy

After going through the webinar presentation, many slides caught my eye, and for all the amazing but more so wrong reasons.

Six figure success academy has a total of 6 weekly courses that are designed to make the workload as simply explained and action based possible. Let's start with week 1.

Week 1 is off to a bang, and then you're moved into week 2 where you will find a "BOB"

In week 3 you'll me trained how to make the actual video, which is the center piece of the show.

As soon as week 3 is over you're turned to Setting up the video ready to be watched with the help of your "BOB" in week 4...

Alright, now this is where you'll shake things up a bit so you can spread "BOB's" video to an audience. You'll be outreaching to influencers in the space, and get them to say yes.

If you're not saying you're certainly not winning right? Affiliate marketing is big on scaling your profits, and in the last but not least week(week 6), you'll be learning how to generate repeat income weekly...

Wouldn't you like to be walked down the path to success by two experts in their industry now that you've seen what the training entails?

Who wouldn't! But you have to take into consideration that this is a short term solution to a much bigger problem...

A Lack Thereof Digital Marketing skills. That's right, these two individuals didn't get to where they were because every opportunity they faced failed them. It was for one thing.

Seeking an opportunity and NOT a skill. If you want to make money online, it's best to develop a proper foundation in affiliate marketing, and it shockingly doesn't start with this program.

But don't get me wrong, if you're already on the ship with Six figure mentor success, then you might just be crushing it online, and one of these money making machine gurus.

Whether it's a Scam or another business opportunity I review, there's one thing that never aligns...

You don't get the skills required to do that work elsewhere. It's either a quick push button(which I understand many people just don't have the time to learn more than one skills to make them truly successful online) or a "give me, give me" hand me downs, it'll be hard to compete in the marketplace.

What are you getting? As I had mentioned earlier and as far as I am concerned, you'll be getting a 100% fully automated niche finding machine with more products worth over $23,000! 

Don't believe me? See it for yourself:

How Will You Make Money With Six Figure Success Academy?

Wait a minute! If you thought you were going to spend $23,476 on a program that may be able to save you years of mistakes, let me be clear...

that's not what you will pay. PHEW! What a relief right? Instead, you'll get instant access to all their training and systems for just $997. It's still a hefty price, and one that I for a fact would NEVER put down money, especially if it were my first time trying to make a passive income online.

Here's more on how you can pay:

Like another program I review there is not one exact niche you will be spending your focus on, rather Mike Balmaceda and Ty Cohen make it clear that you don't need one, but as an experienced and expert digital marketing strategist, that's complete B.S. to me.

The fact of the matter is, it's really difficult to continue(keyword there) making money in areas that you don't have a full concentration in. I learned this the hard way when I was bouncing around from health to the soccer niche and then to the affiliate marketing world.

Unless you narrow down on a niche, it will be extremely difficult for people to gain trust from you.

Can Six Figure Success Academy Be Considered A Business Model?

Ofcourse it can! and for these reasons why...

I took a fast notice that Six Figure Success Academy is purely for affiliate marketing and a work from home opportunity. If the big $$ signs in the beginning were not any indication of that, I don't know what is.

There are two different type of video producers, those who will make video content for someone else's businesses, and those who make them for their own. If only your "BOB" has the resources and skills to do it themselves, wouldn't it make life easier on you?

What I mean by that is I personally think it's better to have full control over how you want to go about making a video, and doing it for your own businesses or passive income stream in affiliate marketing.

That's why I love making my own YouTube videos or Vimeo videos because I know that:

  1. It's my own content for my business
  2. I care enough about the product.service

Number 2 there sits heavier on my mind, and I wouldn't be producing videos for anyone or my own if I didn't believe in the product/service. Affiliate marketing is big yes, but when you can enjoy what you're trying to promote, you will have a much easier time making money.

Who Is Six Figure Mentor Success For?

I'm a straightforward person, so you might not like what I have to say but it's better to be someone that is truthful with facts than to have someone beat around the bush right?

For that, I think that the six figure mentor success program is for people who want to push a button and generate cash like as soon as today.

I've dealt with a fair share of people who don't quite understand affiliate marketing, and I always tell them that 1 out of the 3 reasons people want in is because they see how much other people are making inside.

Not to say you can't get there, but these people and myself have put time and energy into learning the right skills. Anytime a businesses goes down, I'd be able to restart a new one without the hurdles.

So six figure success academy is great and all from a distance, and you could make some cash, but it's for people who don't want to put the work in themselves to understand how affiliate marketing should start, which I show you in this article.

Plus, even when a system like this can be profitable, they end up failing because they're not proven to work in the long run.

If you're new to affiliate marketing, and you want to get started making a steady income the right way, then check out my step-by-step training guide on affiliate marketing.

The Horrendous Truths About Six Figure Success Academy

There were plenty of things I noticed about the six figure success academy which I thought was taking advantage of people that in truth people were asking "Is six figure success academy a scam?"

I can respect that these are two professionals who will offer you tremendous content and quality but at the end of the day, tell me what person in their right mind will pay almost $1,000 for a program that doesn't come with many success stories?

When I went online, I found only a limited amount of testimonials, and even at that I found one that wasn't "good enough". 

That's a very general answer for a program that is "claimed to be great". Nonetheless there IS a testimonial, and for some people it's enough to take a gamble on their future success.

What I Did Like About Six Figure Success Academy

I actually did like a few things about the six figure success academy, 3 of them in fact.

  1. You get step-by-step training and action based plans
  2. You have two very experieinced mentors
  3. Video webinars are attractable in every marketplace

I honestly think it's great that Mike and Ty created an automated syatem that can help you not only find the "BOB's" who need videos created for their courses but that you can take out the guess work from finding influencers, and learning what to say in the script.

What I Don't Like About Six Figure Mentors Success

With the good, there has to be the bad, and Six figure mentors success has plenty red flags here.

It's an up-sell platform! Gosh, I can't tell you how much I hate these with a passion. Based on whether you're on the first tier or third, you're limited by your:

  • commissions
  • marketing knowledge

Many people don't have the money to continue spending up battled costs,and even worse, they don't know how to market. To keep a business and money rolling in, like I've said plenty time before, you need the skills to market.

If this opportunity died down today, would you know how to market other products/services?

Is Six Figure Success Academy Considered A Scam? - Final Verdict

Absolutely not, i't legit. But here's the thing...

Although it's a legitimate program, that doesn't mean you should hop on board. There are repercussions to consider.

You'll be helping other people's businesses online but you'll never have the chance to explore your own niche in what you have a passion for, interest, or hobby. And that's what affiliate marketing is all about(at least to me).

Best Webinar Alternative

If you are so determined to make video content via a webinar, I know of a much simpler, easier and much more productive way!

When I got into helping people stay away from scams and platforms like Six figure success academy which are great but a short term road, I was experimenting with Webinars, but don't ask what I did, but where I started...

There is a software platform online called Clickfunnels that's about creating landing pages for people to place their information so you can follow up with them via email, along with:

  • Sales pages
  • Courses
  • Membership training
  • Webinars
  • and so much more

If you're interested in learning more about Clickfunnels and how you can use "The Perfect Webinar Script" not only for creating beautiful landing pages, but product webinars, check out my in-depth review about the perfect webinar script here

How I Make Real Money Online With Affiliate Marketing

With so many money making opportunities on the web it's very difficult to make a decision, but what if there was a way that you could make your own webinar videos without having to pay a single dime?

Listen, I want to show you how I'm not only making webinars myself but where you can start a pure business based on your interest, hobbies, and or passion.

There's no shortage of passive income streams out there in the affiliate marketing world, but there is one that stands out from the rest...

Over the last few years(2017-2019), I've managed to create a six-figure income at just 26 years of age, without a 9-5 and more time freedom in my life.

If you'd like to follow my footsteps and get super affiliate mentoring, click the button below:

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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