May 6

by Michael

Are you interested in making between $5,000-$10,000 a Month with the help of a 100% Fully Automated System that will rain in the profits faster?

How about getting access to the first AI that can make literally “anyone” $1,000 a Day on autopilot…without any tech knowledge needed, and a system that will do “Everything” for you?

Welcome to this InfinitAI Review where I “Michael” a long time making money online person and multiple business owner will be pulling back the curtain to reveal the REAL Truths, pros and cons, alternatives and so much more so you can finally get ahead with ease but FIRST…

Let me answer for you the Biggest question you came in here looking for today…Is InfinitAI Legit?

Drum roll, please…NO, InfinitAI is NOT Legit. Why? I’ll answer it all below but for starters, the same pattern in the video is seen in other sites like this - you get a guy or a girl going on about the money pouring in, to then how there’s this 100% turnkey solution/system, and the reviews look fake. By the way, some of those other programs are like Ecommerce Limitless Artificial Intelligence and Mary’s System.

If you feel you’ve heard and seen enough, and you’d like to get on with my #1 recommended making money online platform that comes with residuals after residuals without having to start at zero and from complete scratch, check out my #1 recommended place to get an advantage here.

Alright, let’s get into the review.

What Is InfinitAI?

InfinitAI is a 100% Automated Turnkey Ecommerce System with AI that finds the best product or products at a lesser price in wholesale rather than retail price so you can gain even more profits from the same product. You’re getting the first AI that can make literally anyone $1,000 a day on autopilot without any tech knowledge needed and the system will do everything for you. In the video, you get a guy who goes by the name of Jonathan, he details everything you’re getting and how to get started.

On the InfinitAI site, this person Jonathan mentions something about being featured on Forbes as a prodigy, but after thorough research, I couldn’t find anything about him…Maybe it’s like 5 pages low on Google? I don’t believe it’s there. Material like this is created to invoke authority and show people higher value, so to a complete newbie and beginner who’s never made a dollar online and has very little experience (or has failed online), they are more vulnerable to buying into this type of marketing tactic.

Why InfinitAI

Even though I don’t recommend the product, people would find InfinitAI attractive because it’s a Fully Automated system with this “glorious” AI that can make people $1,000’s+ a day (rather than monthly) without literally doing much to anything. Who wouldn’t want that and a box of chocolates?

Who wouldn’t want to just click a button or buy into something where you don’t have to do any of the hard work without any skill set needed and the system will generate anyone between $500 to $5,000 a day without dedicating much to no time (the average user spends between 2 to 3 minutes a day on their platform mainly to check how much profits they made - according to their “FAQ”.)

InfinitAI FAQ

If you believe it’s that easy and you want to accept the “lazy”, low quality, and mediocre route, you have A LOT more issues to sort out. Nobody will just give you a money-making machine where you don’t have to put in any energy and time…

Whenever you find an opportunity like this, RUN!! Now, if you’re done with settling for “Average” and you’re sick and tired of the instability of the economy we are in - the job market changing day to day, people losing their jobs and others gaining them…But are they the right position for that individual?

We’re already struggling with the government changes, politics, interest rates, and all these price increases for the individual and business owner, it’s NUTS! I’m here to show you there’s a better path…

One where you can learn the “UNLIMTED” For Life Income Skills so you can have the stability in your life that you desire, so you can have more control over the outcome(s) and not be left up to someone else and up to chance. If you’re ready to believe in yourself and build yourself a longer-term sustainable outcome, then check out my #1 recommended system for making money online here:

Let’s go deeper into InfinitAI

Going Inside InfinitAI

Before you get to the “InfinitAI” website, it’s very likely you would or were struck with a YouTube ad or something similar, but when you click on the ad, here’s the site you’re brought to:

What is InfinitAI

After a “3-second” countdown with “12” people watching the same video you are, you’ll then see a guy on the screen who goes by the name of “Jonathan” - He reaches quickly to his right and picks up a bag, unzips it and turns it upside down to drop a LOAD of cash on the table in front of him…

While the cash is dropping, he says he’ll show you how he made $40,000 in the last 72 hours with that pillow. Here are some red flags already:

  • Red Flag #1: Projections of making money screams trouble to the big entities looking to take these sites down
  • Red Flag #2: If you refresh the page, you will see that again “12” people are watching…So that number doesn’t change
  • Red Flag #3: saying “and how this can all be yours” is a projection which is a problem as well
  • Red Flag #4: This one is off the video, but when you click on the terms and conditions at the bottom of the page and you scroll to the very bottom where there’s an “address” - If search that on google, you’ll notice in the results that those addresses are also attached to other programs like “Mary’s System" and "Ecommercie Limitless Artificial Intelligence (ELAI)"

Not too long after, you’ll see something with the guy being a prodigy featured in Forbes…But when I go to look him up on Forbes, I didn’t find anything…And I looked HARD. That’s another red flag for you.

Profits Revealed…

Here come some more red flags but before I tell you which those are, let me explain what happens after you get the Forbes message…

You will get frames of people showing you their phone with profits made…

  • Now, I’m not saying profiting is bad or that showing them from time to time is, but it seems too farfetched and out there - It’s common that when you see people’s numbers, you get more warmed up to the idea of it working for you, and also showing other people’s profits can run people into problems.

Throughout the video, you see Reviews upon Reviews and even a video call with another person going over how his stores are doing good.

This conversation back and forth makes everything look and feel so real, but be CAREFUL…Not everything is as it appears.

Checking Availability…

Under the video, you’ll notice this:

InfinitAI Availability

If you want to get in before you miss your spot, you will click on the “purple” check availability button to get this:

InfinitAI Sign up

This is a tactic in marketing used for creating scarcity and FOMO or in other words, fear of missing out. It’s kind of like when someone tells you they have 100 cookies with different flavors but someone else tells you they only have 5 that are super special, very tasty, and go out fast…

Which one are you more likely to get? Usually the latter. And this is no different than using a “countdown” timer to get you to take action faster so you don’t miss out and you’re left wondering “What if”.

Did you know that when you refresh the page and click on “check availability” again, you keep getting the same amount of spots available and the exact change in time of numbers?

Yeah, don’t believe it. To the right of the available spots is a “form” where you will be asked to enter your:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number

To get access to the done-for-you system, you’ll have to enter your details and then go to the next access page, but I WARN You…Don’t do it! For one, it’s a waste of energy and time, and second, you will be getting texts one after the next.

If you look under the “arrows” to the left of the quiz you’ll see:

  • McAfee Secure
  • Verisign
  • Symantec
  • GeoTrust
  • SSL

By adding this, it gives you an extra layer of protection and they try to make you feel all safe and secure about entering your details…In other words, they want to get your mind at ease and in peace.

Anyways, before entering your details, if you look just under the form, you’ll see this:

InfinitAI Ecommerce

Right after you enter your details, here’s the page you’ll see:

InfinitAI getting started

You’ll see a similar setting with the guy “Jonathan” then going over what you’re getting and how to get started. You may have thought you were getting something “Free” and even though the “system” is completely free, you have to pay for your own personal domain and hosting.

Just under the video is this:

InfinitAI Final Step
  • Total users
  • Profits Made
  • Average Profit Per User

(It makes it look even realier when you’re on this page and by showing you numbers, you begin to think you could be next too).

If you look under the numbers, you’ll see a slider:

InfinitAI Explore

You can toggle left and right - By moving things, you are psychologically getting yourself in action and as you see the “potential” it makes it even more real.

To the right of the image above, you’ll notice how it says that “2” spots are available and that 15 other people are watching…So if you refresh the page, again, you get the same number(s).

When you click on the “Buy Now For $67” button, here’s where it takes you:

Infinit AI Cost

The checkout page to me looks suspect because of the layout - I’ve seen others way better where the checkout details appeared right away and to the right of the page usually. 

InfinitAI Reviews 

There are many "reviews" in the first video you'll watch...These are reviews of people showing and going about how they're profiting and are doing well. You'll also get a video call with a person going over how his online shops are doing good too.

Now that you know this about the Infinitai usa reviews, let's see what the cost is.

How Much Does InfinitAI Cost?

InfinitAI Costs $67 for your own personal domain and hosting. The system itself is “free” but you have to pay for your own domain and hosting for your e-commerce ste/store(s). When I tried to click on one of the "FAQ" questions to go get a "domain", the site didn't connect, so that's not good.

I wouldn’t give them your money…And for what? It’s not worth it. I would rather invest my energy and time as well as costs elsewhere to get something of higher quality and is very real…

If you’d like to see my #1 recommended alternative money-making system that is legit and works very well, click here to check it out:

Pros and Cons


  • There really are no "Pros" to this system and platform but entertaining things, decent marketing I'd say. It captures your attention


  • False use of "scarcity" to get you to sign up
  • Very tacky way of marketing by throwing money on the table and going over how you can make money too (these things can cause issues)
  • Unrealistic reviews, likely fake
  • Not having to put much time and effort and how everything is done for you


There are MUCH better alternative money-making systems and platforms, but it’s not enough to just get “something”, if all you’re looking for is “Quick Money” and these money-making schemes that don’t teach you Anything or Anything of “Substance” where you will learn the UNLIMITED for Life Income Skills…

Then you will keep jumping from one thing to the next - You’ll be left with a lot of instability of direction and feeling like this doesn’t work. I’m here to show you a much better path to create stability and something much longer-term…

Here’s what I recommend as my #1 place to start:

Your Free System is BY FAR the best system I recommend because for one, it’s created by a high-level 8-figure entrepreneur who’s created many proven systems in the past…

And with this free system, you’ll get introduced to the Ultimate Cash back, savings, and referral program with residuals without having to start at zero and completely from scratch. You’ll also get training and a free course that is Super Helpful.


Here are a few other alternatives (but start with the one above):

I created a system myself where it features the “Your Free System” so you can go through there if you’d like, and I have combined what I believe to be the BEST products and residual products online with my done-for-you videos, pages, templates, and scripts. You can duplicate it and share it with others.

What I Liked Most About InfinitAI

Honestly, there’s nothing I liked about this system and site but If I had to entertain things and choose one thing…

I’d have to say the Marketing tactics - It’s somewhat clever how the video is created to invoke curiosity and to get you to desire this system. Even though I don’t like how it’s shown, it’s made for someone who has no experience online and wouldn’t know any better.

What I Liked The Least

I’d say the same for what I “Liked” most above - The video marketing tactics are well put together for someone who is new but that’s also why I dislike it the most. So many people are thinking this could work and go make a purchase…

Even when many could know it’s not right, yet people still buy into this stuff. It’s programming the viewer to think this is the way to go and there’s very little to no work needed on your behalf and how most people do this for 2 to 3 minutes and primarily to check how much profits they made.

That’s not signaling any kind of work, any kind of effort, and no time? Those are all red flags too.

Final Thoughts

What was your least favorite part about InfinitAI? Is there something that really made you think twice before committing to InfinitAI?

The final verdict on Is infinit ai legitimate is that it's really not. It looks like there is an InfinitAI scam at play, so be careful.

With so many systems and sites like InfintiAI popping up telling you how you’ll get a 100% automated system doing all the work for you, A Lot of people are falling for these scams every day…

It’s usually the complete beginner with little to no experience. The “average” person who doesn’t have the knowledge to know any better will think that all they have to do is buy a thing or too and everything else will be done for them…

That couldn’t be farther from the TRUTH! Anything worth having and worthwhile takes energy and time (even money - skin in the game), so if you’re sick and tired of these hamster wheel schemes if you’re fed up with the uncertainty of the economy and markets, and if you finally want to make a change to learn the Unlimited for Life Income Skills…

Then check out my #1 recommended “Free System” below where you will get something legitimate, real, and even free training.


Hi my name is Michael Granados, and I am an online home business owner with years of experience learning and moderating the online world. I’ve managed to build my online credentials, and I would like nothing more than to help others achieve the same desires.

Your Signature

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