November 4

by Michael Granados

Would you like to build the blogging business of your dreams from someone who went from broke and frustrated to $100,000/Month blogging in 3 years?

Is Create and Go A Scam OR can you really learn how to build a blogging business and escape the ordinary?

I’ll cut right to the chase, Create and Go IS Not a scam. Oh what a relief it is(I kind of just sounded like the Charmin bear there, and no we’re not wiping…) and what a shock you’re going to feel running through your veins when you hear about whether or not they can help YOU make a part-time or full-time income with a blogging business that will allow you to live a full and happier life...At all times.

But before I get into the T Bone steak of things(excuse me if you’re vegan), Here’s a little roll of momentum you need to have and know…

With so many people losing their jobs, living in unprecedented times, and the dynamic of the Internet, I’m not surprised you’re one of the MILLIONS of people today taking the alternative and Better approach to making money and setting yourself apart from the standard 9-5 Rat race.

Alright, let’s get started!

Create And Go Overview

Product Name: Create And Go

Founder: Alex And Lauren

Product Type: Blogging Training, Affiliate Marketing

Price: $197-$647

Best for: People who want to monetize with a blog, affiliate marketers, people who want to create more freedom with a long-term online business.

create and go home page

Summary: Create And Go is a blogging company made to help you start, grow and scale a profitable blogging website. Creators Alex and Lauren have both made money blogging for many years and now they've turned to helping people like you and I build a money-making blog part-time or full-time and be happy having an online business.

I think there courses are good and you can gain a lot with some of their free content but I also think there is better out there that'll help save your money and help you create the blogging business of your dreams.

Rating: 92/100

Recommended: Yes

What Is Create And Go? (Who Is Create And Go?)

Create and Go is a blogging website made to help show you how to build a blogging business by growing an audience and monetizing it so you can have more control over how you live your life.

Here’s their mission:

“We’re on a mission to help 10,000 people make a part-time or full-time income with a blogging business that allows them to live a fuller and happier life”

Alex And Lauren// Bloggers

Creators Alex and Lauren are the creators and co-founders of multiple six-figure blogs dedicated to helping you make a full-time income online, and here’s how it all began…

July 2014

alex and lauren create and go

Alex and Lauren both met on Tinder and immediately clicked, and are no longer romantically together but friends, and around that time they both met, Alex was 25 and had begun to notice some things…

  • He was trading his time for dollars
  • His job made it impossible for him to socialize
  • He made good money but felt really poor due to expenses

And really looking at his and Lauren’s life he realized it SUCKED. They began to question everything as if this were really it…

They were hustling hard but getting nowhere, so bottom line, they decided to do something about it…

They created their first blog. And it failed miserably(after 3 months), they spend 3 months posting crap like recipes on the internet for profits

create and go 3 months

And that gave them a handful of visitors, no fans, and zero F*** given for what they had to say. Back to the drawing board…

On September 25th they created their second health and wellness blog and they didn’t know what to expect but they changed something…

They began to focus and make it about the people, not themselves, and from there on people started to read their content, follow them, and made great money. Their next move was most ballsy, in the next month before they were making a single dollar from their blog, they:

  • Quit their full-time jobs
  • Sold almost everything they owned
  • Moved into his dad's house
  • Became full-time bloggers

They were terrified and worried and after months of this, they made $172.82 from their blogs, and they realized one thing…

Most of their initial failures came from buying crappy, second-rated courses and training in the “make money online’ industry.

By trusting their process, they began to exponentially grow their blog traffic, sales, through a combination of affiliate marketing(link) and eventually creating their own products to sell. That was the beginning of what was to come.

They made Create And Go to help you, and that’s where will go in next.

Going Inside Create And Go

Alex and Lauren thought it would be awesome to share what they were doing by documenting their journey and showing you how to di it with Create and Go. They originally thought the site would be about travel and blogging but decided they would show the business side of things since they both have business degrees.

Transitioning to the home page of the site, you’ll see this:

create and go home page

You can immediately sign up for their FREE blogging course which I’ll talk about later, so stick with me. But for the most part, they have sections on:

  • Starting a blog
  • Basics
  • Design
  • Grow
  • Make Money
  • Tools
  • Courses
  • Income Report

I’ll go into these more in-depth but let’s look at the 3 steps to your path of blogging success:

3 Steps To Blogging Success

create and go blogging success
  • STEP 1: Start and Build A Blog
  • STEP 2: Grow Your Audience
  • STEP 3: Make Money $$$

Why Create And Go?

why create and go

  • Radical Honesty. There are really A LOT of scammers out there online these days and maybe you’ve fallen victim to them and unlike these people who just talk the talk, Create and go actually walks their talk with honesty.
  • Teach you how to build a real business. This is not a trick, hack, or technique, nothing something gimmicky that will be here today and gone tomorrow so you know your business will be here to stay for the long-term.
  • They don’t just blog about blogging. They didn’t just start their blog talking about how to make money(like most people do), they started in the health and wellness space that grew their blog to over $20,000/month before they started teaching others how to start and monetize their own blogs at Create And Go.

Listen, I can relate to these two, I won’t go into my story in-depth here but I also started in the health and wellness space helping people with back pain(Remove Back Pain, look it up when you have the time - for proof, not to show off), and I have grown my blog to over 4-figures per month THESE DAYS. Not back when there was hardly any competition or you can just throw up an article and video and rank it, but today where there is more competition.

In fact, here's an image of my site just so you can see:

remove back pain

Thereafter, I started to help people learn how to NOT ONLY make money with a blog they will be happy and passionate about, but ALL digital marketing - I coach and consult as well. On this journey, I went on to create one of the most popular blog challenges available online called The One Blog Post Away Challenge

I highly encourage you to check that out, in addition, to Create And Go or as an alternative.

Start A Blog In 7 Steps

create and go start a blog

On this page of Create And Go, Alex and Lauren layout the simple 7-steps to building out your blog(the beginner's guide), and they are:

  • STEP 1: Choose Your Perfect Blog Topic
  • STEP 2: Build Your Blog
  • STEP 3: Become A WordPress Ninja
  • STEP 4: Get Some Blog Design Inspiration
  • STEP 5: Select A Great WordPress Blog Theme
  • STEP 6: Write Your First Blog Post
  • STEP 7: Get involved IN The Blogging Community

Look, this is a very well detailed step-by-step guide on starting your first or even second blog, but I see it WAY too often…

The internet is FLOODED with the same thing by so many damn people, it’s crazy, and the same common them...get a host and domain, and then you can move to the next step.

While this way is Proven and does work at the beginning, I believe you should learn so much before you even start a free or paid blog, and that’s why I created the One Blog Post Away Challenge which helps solve your problems to:

  • Mindset
  • Offer Hacking
  • Picking One Winning Product
  • Greatest Feedback
  • Offer sequencing
  • And so much more

In fact, I created a video that shows you the Old vs new way of getting started with your blog:


create and go blogging basics

On this page, you’ll get a list of a blog to choose from on the blogging basics of:

  • Is Blogging Dead
  • Best Blog Examples
  • Blogging Terms
  • Reasons To Blog
  • What Does A Blogger Do?
  • Blogging Platforms
  • And so much more
create and go blogging basics page


create and go blog design

Would you like to have a beautiful design blog that people will drop their jaws for and refer others to?

Alex And Lauren created a blog design page so you can have all the blog post resources for things like:

  • Lifestyle Blogs
  • Free Blog Images
  • Blog Writing Tips
  • Blog Legal Pages
  • Transfer A Free Blog
  • vs .org
  • And many more!
create and go blog design page


create and go grow

How do you grow your blog to the point where you get MASSIVE traffic and money?

By things like:

  • Writing exceptional headlines
  • Blog SEO
  • Blogging Statistics
  • Blogging Tips
  • Blog With A Full-Time Job
  • Instagram Blogger
  • And many more!
create and go grow page

Make Money

create and go make money

At the end of the day when it's all said and done you want to know how to make money, right?

On this page, you will learn how with blog post resources in areas like:

  • Google Adsense
  • Freelance Blog Career
  • Highest Paid Bloggers
  • Successful Fitness Blog
  • Phases of Blogging Success
  • Blog Design
  • And many more!
create and go make money page


create and go tools

Not sure which blogging tools you’ll need?

Good news is you can find out which ones will work best for you on this page where you will get blog resources on things like:

create and go blogging tools


create and go courses central


Under the courses tab you will find all of Alex And Laurens paid courses like:

  • Launch Your Blog Biz
  • Pinterest Traffic Avalanche
  • Six-Figure Blogger
  • Pro Blogger Bundle
create and go courses
create and go featured courses

And if you’re unsure which one to go with, you can take the Course Roadmap option to find out which course is right for you.

I won’t go too deep into every course here but just know that they are very helpful and will all overlap one another at some point.

5-Day Blogging Bootcamp

create and go 5 day blogging bootcamp

After you signup for Free for the 5-day Blogging Bootcamp(which you can on this page), you will get day 1’s email that looks like this:

alex and lauren email

Alex And Lauren want to help you pick out a blog name and niche you will love. And if I click on the link here’s the other page:

create and go free course

I get you should pick out a niche at the beginning and choosing a domain name which is good to have on the back of your mind but you don’t need to purchase the domain from the start!

Again, you may want to “feel it out” on a free sub-domain and there’s more that goes into “just picking a niche”, the most important part is research, and to research:

  • Your competition
  • Domain authorities
  • products/services
  • Problems
  • Etc.

Most people are good at figuring out the elemental steps like getting a website and domain but then after that, they figure out their niche is too competitive, there’s no one buying, and so forth.

Underneath that you’ll be pointed to get a Bluehost account:

create and go bluehost lesson

WARNING: This is so “NORMAL” and a “CASUAL” or Passive approach by most people in this “make money online teaching you how to blog” space…

They are usually an affiliate for that hosting platform so they want you to buy so you make a commission. Genuinely, I’m sure they want to help, but in all my years of doing this, there’s a better way.

You can start with a FREE sub-domain WordPress website that will still rank on Google with a .siterubix one below:

Alternatively or in conjunction with your free domain, I would take the One Blog Post Away Challenge because it’s reversed engineered the process of starting your website, in fact, It’s not until like weeks 3 or 4 where you actually start it, which I know is best.

As Featured In...

create and go featured in

Create And Go Reviews(What Other People Are Saying)

create and go reviews
create and go testimonials

How Much Does Create And Go Cost?

For starters, you get started for Free with the 5-Day Blogging Bootcamp, and then from there go up to the paid courses which vary from $197-$647. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Launch Your Biz is $297
  • Pinterest Traffic Avalanche is $197
  • Six-Figure Blogger is $297
  • Pro Blogger Bundle is $647

Is There A Money Back Guarantee?

Yes. Just about all of these have a 60-day full money-back guarantee.

Who Is Create And Go For?

Create And Go was designed for the person in mind who wants to have more freedom, get their time back, live life on their terms without having to worry about the 9-5 life, and do it through blogging.

Here’s more on that:

  • Beginners who are looking for an additional or replaceable income to their 9-5 Hamster wheel rat race and want to put the effort in to create a long-lasting supply of income with a blog.
  • People who want to make passive income(in their sleep) and be able to work from wherever and whenever they feel like it.
  • People who don’t mind sitting in front of a computer and learning the skills to type and write “written word” content on a daily basis.
  • Aspiring Affiliate Marketers who want to learn the skills to make content, build an audience, and monetize them to make LOADS of commissions.
  • People who don’t want and like to settle for ordinary and know there’s a greater way to make money by sharing their hobby, interest, and or passion with the world.
  • Moms and Dads
  • Students
  • And so much more!

Who’s It Not For?

  • People who are tire kickers
  • People who want a “push-button” method and have to do no work
  • Those who feel “entitled” and lack the fact that it’s about an opportunity, not an entitlement.
  • People who don’t want to blog
  • Fast money seekers

Pros And Cons

  • People bumping up their income from $4,000-$5,000+ from changing a few things so you can have full confidence you can not only spot the problems you're having along your way but be able to fix them faster which means you'll reach your income goals quicker than ever
  • Simple and intuitive blogging path to success so you don't have to worry about following a PROVEN step-by-step process from the second you set up your blog to monetizing it which means you'll have an easier time consuming the knowledge and taking action with it.
  • They don't just talk about making money because they started in that niche so you can get a greater perspective on how to monetize in the toughest niches which means you'll always find a way to surpass your competition.
  • Radical Honesty so you don't have to worry about being scammed or learning from some BS course with all fluff which means you'll actually enjoy the course, be more happier and relieved that your results are REAL!
  • Some of the modules can be a little overwhelming for someone starting
  • Some of the steps to starting a blog are pretty standard and is just like what everyone is saying.

Overall, Create And Go is a good course and the pros outshine some of the cons but I don't really like their generic Free blogging training course for one it's not enough and two it's very standard, that's why I prefer my #1 alternative that actually helps you build a blog in a way you've never seen.


What would it say about me if I didn’t share with you the alternatives?

I want to be as transparent as possible, so from my experience here are your other options:

My favorite one is Wealthy Affiliate and here’s why. They are PROVEN to help people turn their blogging websites into part-time and full-time money-making machines and not only that but they give immense value…

With their 2 types of training focused on:

  • Niche training
  • Affiliate Bootcamp

PLUS, all the extra resources like the community, classes, FREE to start Keyword Research Tool, State of the art hosting capabilities, and so much more makes the platform way above waters than anywhere else.

If you’d like to learn more, click here to see Wealthy Affiliate.

Alternatively, you can also go through my One Blog Post Away Challenge where you’ll learn the RIGHT ways to start a blog without having to purchase a domain and hosting right from the start…

You’ll actually get to see what others are not telling you to do first.

What I Liked Most About Create And Go

Man, there is so much to like about Create And Go, where do I start? How about with this…

The fact that it’s a simple and intuitive path for you to get blogging success. Alex And Lauren have really broken their formula down to the simples form so you can:

  • Start and build a blog
  • Grow your audience
  • Make money!

And they do all this with:

  • Radical Honesty
  • Real Business practices
  • Showing you other niches too

What I Liked Least

There’s not really much to leave here other than the fact that some of the methods may be overwhelming to newbies but you can always go back and check them out with your membership.

Final Verdict: Is Create And Go A REAL Scam?

Most definitely Not. Create And Go Is A legitimate platform made to help you build the blogging business of your dreams and to let go of the whole “get a college degree, go to work, and pay your way out of debt, save money” all your life paved the way we’re all so used to hearing.

With Create And Go you can count on the support from Alex And Lauren as well people inside of the Facebook group and overall community, step-by-step text, and video lessons to help you pace yourself and get the right knowledge you need to build a highly profitable online business with.

If that’s something you feel is right for you, then go ahead and check them out here, but if you want to follow my footprints and check out my #1 recommendation and “Why” I choose and have stuck to them, then click the button below to see more.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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