November 5

by Michael Granados

How would you like to see the Fastest Way To Become A Millionaire in this New Digital Age?

What about turning your passion, interest, or hobby into a long-term money making home business?

Inside The Millionaire Shortcut Review you're going to get access to a 2X-8 Figure CEO who will literally hold you by the hand and show you how to become a Millionaire online OR if you want a slice of the pie you can do that too, and list to this...

New Millionaires are popping up online, next door to you, in your backyard(okay, that last one was a bit of a joke), but you’re living in a new economy where people are losing their jobs, hating waking up to put a pair of jeans on and a shirt, drive to a dreaded 9-5 job, only to waste a whole day making ends meet, and here’s the BIGGEST of them all…


But WAIT! Is the Millionaire shortcut some kind of scam? No, rest assured everything inside is 100% legit.

Hold back your tears for another day and listen closely, I "Michael Granados" a 4-Figure Per Month home based business owner(like over $5,000+ and hitting 5-figure months at the moment too with JUST one online business model) will show you how to get the same results...

And with the help of Jeff Lerner(who by the way is no scammer, I wrote a review here if you’d like to see) -  to give you context, he is someone who went from literally living at his ex-parents house, over $400,000 in debt, and a lost track of his musical Piano career and somehow with gut strength found his way to cutting out the noise of disappointment and made over $40 MILLION and cleared all his debt.

Alright, let's get into it.

Millionaire Shortcut Overview

Person's Name: Jeff Lerner

Occupation: Digital Marketing Entrepreneur, Affiliate Marketer, Digital Agency Owner, Course Creator

Best Platform Known For: ENTRE Institute

Best for: 9-5 employees, people who want to own their own online business, want passive income, want more freedom to work from home.

millionaire download

Summary: The Millionaire Shortcut is a step-by-step eBook Created by Digital Entrepreneur Jeff Lerner of the best digital education platform ENTRE Institute showing you how to use the internet to your advantage so you can build a digital business in today's New digital economy and work from home or anywhere you want to.

Inside you'll see what Jeff did to go from $400,000+ in debt to MASS over $40 MILLION+ by leveraging the internet and how YOU can get the same results as well(literally copying Jeff!)..

  • Why the amount of people who become millionaires are increasing every year
  • the simple 'hack' Jeff used to shorten the process of becoming a millionaire and how you can start using it for yourself to get the same results much faster!
  • PLUS a bonus video on the next page that brings it all together so you can move forward with 100% confidence(and certainty) knowing this will work you too.

The millionaire shortcut book jeff review will show you that and more, PLUS...Jeff uncovers the ONE secret you must know to make it and if you don't do it, this will cause you a lot of mistakes, years of no success, and eventually wanting to quit.

Rating: 99/100

Recommended: Yes

P.S. Want to see my #1 recommended alternative platform where you can learn UNLIMITED Income For Life Skills with a CRAZY Awesome NEW Cloned Business That's the Fastest, Easiest way to grow an amazing income from home? See here how to clone my 6-figure per year business with residuals

What Is The Jeff Lerner Millionaire Shortcut Book?

Jeff the owner of ENTRE Institute states it in his own words:

“By the end of this book, you’ll know exactly what the “Millionaire Shortcut” is and the best possible way to use it to your advantage”

Jeff Lerner// Digital Entrepreneur

The Millionaire Shortcut is a guide to help you shortcut or in essence COPY Jeff Lerner the Millionaire’s 7-figure business, and this is NOT far from the truth by the way.

You’ve probably done some research and seen others say “there is no shortcut” this stuff takes work and is hard, and well of course that’s the truth but they didn’t get the context of it…

Shortcut here means to find someone who has the results YOU want and follow their path and strategy so you don’t have to waste months and years of making mistakes yourself, getting all worked up mentally and physically, and eventually wanting to quit.

Luckily you have Jeff and his guide to start with where he wants you to realize that if he was able to go from over negative $400,000 in his bank account and pretty much down and out to become a millionaire…

It can work for you too! Now that you know what is the millionaire shortcut, let’s cover a few pointers of Jeff's book next.

Going Inside The Millionaire Shortcut

One headline that takes away the the millionaire shortcut book jeff wrote is when he says:


jeff lerner millionaire shortcut book inside

Which is true, and just in case if you’re telling yourself “I don’t need millions, I just want a slice of that”, then that’s totally fine, I’ve had people ask me that all the time.

Jeff’s Landing Page

Let’s look at the first page you’ll come across before getting the PDF Book:

jeff lerner millionaire shortcut book

Jeff say’s you can download a FREE zero-cost copy of the Millionaire Shortcut to discover:

  • Why the amount of people who become millionaires every year is increasing at a huge and rapid pace
  • The simple “hack” Jeff used to shorten his process of becoming a millionaire and how YOU can start using it today.
  • PLUS a bonus video on the next page that brings it all together so you can move forward with 100% confidence!

Click below to get your FREE Millionaire Shortcut eBook!

Jeff’s Pages

I wanted to give you a sneak peek inside and then you can read on to see more pages if you'd like:

Here's the front page:

jeffs book

So basically, Jeff goes through his backstory the first 1-10 pages or so illustrating how he did it and how it’s possible for you - this is for context which is great.

Pgs .1-10

On page 10 Jeff reveals his secret for the fastest way to becoming a millionaire and without giving it away I’ll give you a hint:

“Think Shortcut”

Pg. 11.

millionaire shortcut

  • The two most common and proven ways for average people to become a millionaire are Real Estate and /or building an Online Business.

Pg 14:

  • Jeff will give you a once in a lifetime opportunity to COPY him!
  • He has 3 top business models he used to personally go from $400,000 in debt to becoming a millionaire.
  • These 3 business models have helped people like you and I make $5,000 a month to $10,000 a month and beyond!

Key Takeaways:

  • If you want to become wealthy in this new age and economy and design your best life on your own terms then you should follow Jeff so you can COPY his business
  • Online Digital Real Estate is the key to your financial freedom
  • Copying someone who has the results you want is Important
  • Jeff’s Backstory

Related: ENTRE Institute Reviewed

Jeff’s Short Video

class with jeff

Inside of Jeff’s Guide you will find a link that you can click and will take you to an image like the one above where you'll watch a class with Jeff video showing you the fastest way to become a millionaire.

Related: Is Class With Jeff Legitimate?

But even before that, after you optin to get his book, you will be redirected to that page with the image above. Your guide will be sent to your email so you can view it later but in the meantime you can watch a short video to learn the fastest way to become a millionaire from Jeff…

And Get FREE Bonuses of $673. What’s the point of the video, right?

Jeff will show you how you can start making money online which is really good, and at the end he will pitch you an offer to get his ENTRE Blueprint

WAIT! I know what you’re thinking...he’s pitching me! This is totally normal, and from my side as someone who’s making well over 4-figures per month thanks to Jeff and my other mentors, this is HOW BUSINESS WORKS!

So don’t let anyone else tell you differently or get them to make you think the millionaire shortcut scam is real(because it's not), and if they do they either are trying to REALLY tell you two things:

  • They don’t get business
  • They are trying to offer you their #1 recommendation

The Millionaire Shortcut Reviews

the millionaire shortcut reviews
millionaire shortcut reviews

Who's The Millionaire Shortcut For?

the millionaire shortcut jeff wrote is made for people who are sick and tired of the "traditional" 9-5 lifestyle and are sick and tired to the point where they need a change and to start making great money with the internet and Digital Marketing.

Here's more:

  • People who want a part-time and full-time online business that will last for the long-term
  • People who are searching for Passive Income and want more free time to do the things they love with those they love.
  • Aspiring Marketers who want to make an IMPACT while at the same time learn the skills that will pay the bills
  • Awesome Life seekers who want to achieve more than just income and will welcome excellence in all areas of their life

Who It's Not For

  • Tire Kickers
  • "I'll try-ers", and "We'll see what happens" type of people
  • Lazy people
  • People who want fast money
  • Complainers

Pros And Cons


  • You get to COPY A millionaire's business so you can get a head start and find yourself earning much faster than you even thought which means you'll be more excited to keep moving forward and make less mistakes.
  • Jeff Lerner a PROVEN digital entrepreneur who is grateful and open enough to reveal ALL his secrets to how YOU can start making a difference in your life and financial life which means you'll feel confident and certain at what you're learning and taking action on.
  • Jeff's Backstory of how he became to be so you can clearly see this man is living PROOF that if he can clear over $400,000 in debt and come from a background like he did, that you can too!
  • Inspiring, trustworthy, and honest material that comes from Jeff's heart so you don't have to worry about it being some lame "internet-guru" fluff you'll waste your time on which means you'll life your spirits up and feel happier because of this.


  • There really are none, and I'm not saying that to be biased - Truthfully! Jeff is the one Digital Entrepreneur online who comes with literally no cons online and I can't say that about everyone else.

What I Liked Most About The Millionaire Shortcut

There's so much to like about the the millionaire shortcut lerner Free book but If I had to pick just one thing it would be:

  • The Ability to connect. What? Listen, I know you want to make a great sustainable income and move on with your business but there is no business without the ability to connect with Jeff or any mentor for that matter. What I've learned in all my years is RELATIONSHIPS are key.

Here are some other things I liked too:

  • You get to discover the ONE secret that'll fast track and make your life a whole lot easier.
  • You get to relate with Jeff and see that YOU too can replicate him.
  • You get to COPY Jeff's business!
  • The "why", "how", and "what" of starting your business
  • and so much more!

What I Didn't Like

I can't add anything on this section and I'm not being biased - Jeff really hit the nail on the head with this one and gives you enough curiosity to want more from him...

And that's best for you so you can take the RIGHT actions at a higher level.

Final Thoughts And Next Steps

The Millionaire Shortcut is not fluff, not theory or something you can just pick up at your local Walmart or anywhere online for that matter, it’s Unique on the fact that Jeff Lerner has PROVEN he can not only do this for himself but teach others how to.

You’re not going to be left disappointed and feeling like reading this guide and learning more from Jeff was a waste of your time, and just in case you feel like going elsewhere, think about this…

Where will you go? You’ll likely continuing searching these “internet gurus”, keep reading and watching videos like mine today, bitting your fingers and holding onto your thoughts so carefully just to make sure you don’t fumble and make a mistake choosing the wrong one…

Only to find out a month and years later you just wasted so much of your time, energy, effort, causing all these headaches OR you can make the right call for your future and side with Jeff Lerner and his Free Millionaire Shortcut book and save yourself A LOT of wasted time and effort, and achieve an outcome where you will not only earn more income then you ever thought was possible…

But get more time freedom, a break, and finally living life on your own terms. If you'd like to see my #1 recommended alternative platform where you can Learn and Build UNLIMITED Income For Life Skills and Clone one of my High 6-Figure+ per year businesses and make it your own with residual income products/services, see the cloned business here or continue forward with the shortcut guide. Which one is it going to be?

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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