November 18

by Michael Granados

How would you like to COPY A Millionaire's Business so you can make a long-term income with your passion, hobby, or interest online?

Is The Millionaire Shortcut A Scam And Can It Really Show You The Fastest Way To Become A Millionaire?

I’ll cut right to the chase - The Millionaire Shortcut by Jeff Lerner IS Not a scam! But wait a minute, can you really COPY A Millionaire’s business?

You bet your bottom you can! Listen, I know you’re not here to waste your time on some “guru” or a “scammer” who only wants you to buy a $997 or $5,000+ course and leave you high and dry like a tumbleweed out on the open road, and that’s the problem I see ALL across the web(No Joke)…

People falling for getting rich quick schemes, regurgitated content, and people trying to show you how to make money when they haven’t themselves, YIKES! But don’t worry, this is not that kind of post as you’ll see in just a moment - Jeff Lerner(the creator behind the Millionaire Shortcut) will reveal to you why he is to be trusted and he is who he says he is...

And I “Michael Granados” a full-time online business owner who’s made $1,000’s+ online PER day(Making well over 5 figures per month at the moment) with the help of Jeff(and others) will show you how literally and ethically “shortcut” your way to having more income so you can pay off your bills or have more to enjoy with, more freedom, get your time back, and to live life on your own terms...Without having a BOSS(Yeah, All this from one eBook)!

Plus, you’ll get to discover the pros and cons, alternatives, and so much more you’ll need to make the right decision by the end of the post.

Alright, let’s get started with the millionaire shortcut book review, shall we?

The Millionaire Shortcut Overview

Person's Name: Jeff Lerner

Occupation: Digital Marketing Entrepreneur, Affiliate Marketer, Digital Agency Owner, Course Creator

Best Company Know For: ENTRE Institute

Best Product Know For: ENTRE Blueprint

Best for: 9-5 employees, people who want to own their own Affiliate Marketing business, Digital Agency, Courses, want passive income, make money online, and want to become a digital nomad

the millionaire shortcut book

The Millionaire Shortcut Summary: The Millionaire shortcut was created by Digital Entrepreneur Jeff Lerner of the best Digital Education training platform ENTRE Institute who walks you through why the amount of millionaire's each year are increasing at a rapid pace and how you can leverage the internet to become one OR get a piece of the pie by running a home-based business from the comfort of your own home or anywhere in the world.

You're going to find out how to use the Top 3 Business models online to create an awesome life and be able to finally have more freedom, get your time back, and be able to live life on your own terms with the best digital education platform. These 3 business models are: Affiliate Marketing, Digital Agency, and Course Creation. PLUS...

Jeff gives you an All-In-One Digital Education where you will not only increase your earnings but your personal, physical, and professional life too!

Also, Jeff does an amazing job at revealing the hacks and lessons how YOU can replicate his success literally by COPYING what he does. 

Rating: 99/100

Recommended: Yes

What Is The Millionaire Shortcut?

The Millionaire Shortcut is a FREE eBook guide made by Veteran Digital Entrepreneur Jeff Lerner who's the creator of ENTRE Institute, revealing the Fastest Way for you to become a millionaire which in essence is to Copy someone who already has the results you want.

Why The Millionaire Shortcut?

First and foremost, it's created by an INC 5000 8-Figure Digital Entrepreneur in Jeff Lerner who knows what it takes to Win no matter what challenges and obstacles get in the way...

And he openly shares with you the secret and tips you MUST know if you want to replicate his success as well as the many other people who've already taken the steps to be great. Above all is this...

Would you rather spend days, weeks, months, and years wasting it trying to figure out how to build a wildly profitable online business? Of course not, right?

Let’s go deeper...

Going Inside The Millionaire Shortcut

You’re going to learn three unique things inside this Jeff eBook:

  • Why the amount of people who become millionaires every year is increasing at a rapid pace(and how you can become one too or get a piece of the pie)
  • The simple “hack” Jeff used to shorten the process of becoming a millionaire and how you can start using it TODAY.
  • Plus, a bonus video on the next page that brings it all together so you can move forward with 100% confidence and certainty!
millionaire download

Millionaire Shortcut PDF

Let me give you a sneak peek inside of the millionaire shortcut jeff pdf book, okay?

millionaire shortcut book inside

Pages 1-10

  • Jeff introduces himself and states that by the end of this book, you’ll know exactly what the ‘Millionaire Shortcut’ is and the best possible way to use it to your advantage(page 2)
  • How Jeff used this “shortcut” to transform his life generating $40 MILLION to date and be named in the Inc 500 twice(page 3)
  • How Jeff overcame $400,000+ worth of debt and how you can overcome yours too!(page 3)
  • Everyone deserves to live an awesome life and how you can live one with the ONE secret(page 5)
  • 1,700 NEW Millionaires are created every single day in the United States alone!
  • How this is a case of asking “who’s the next” millionaire, and how it can be YOU(page 7)
  • How Jeff failed at so many online opportunities but then finally came across some real training and crucially found a mentor(page 9)
  • The fastest way to become a millionaire was by doing the opposite thing(page 10)

Pages 11-15

pages 1-15

  • An important thing you NEED to know before you use the Shortcut to create an awesome life for yourself(page 11)
  • Why you’re trying to get away from risk in your current life(page 12)
  • The “What” and “How” and the “Who” to online business(page 13)
  • Jeff letting you COPY him(page 14)
  • Jeff informs you about the 3P’s of an awesome life

Related: ENTRE Institute Review Post

Jeff’s Short Video

class with jeff video freedom

Inside Jeff's eBook, you’ll see a link that looks like this on ever bottom of the page:

millionaire shortcut ebook start

You’ll want to click on that link so you can watch the Class with Jeff's special short video on the fastest way to become a millionaire OR Inversely after you opt in to receive the book you’ll be sent there immediately right after.

Related: Is Class With Jeff Legitimate?

Inside the video, you’ll get to hear from Jeff on how people are becoming Millionaire's faster than ever before and how you can become one OR get a piece of that pie…

And by the end of the video, he will have an offer for you called the ENTRE Blueprint

entre blueprint course

The blueprint will give you EVERYTHING you need to create the awesome life you desire and Jeff goes on to say how a lot of people will say “Jeff I’m ready to be successful, just show me how to make money”...

And we all get it, I’ve even been there, but here’s the problem - if you just dive right in and start setting up your business right away...chances are, you won’t build something that stands the test of time!

This is where Jeff is different, listen to this...

What Makes Jeff Different?

I created a whole separate post about Jeff Lerner you can see here, but Jeff is unlike any other in the fact that he takes a more holistic upfront approach where he shows you how to:

  • Live a more balanced life
  • Taking care of your health
  • Building great relationships
  • Developing leadership
  • Communication skills
  • Incoming generating skills
  • And so on

This is what makes Jeff stand alone in his unique category of online Digital Entrepreneurs who can also show you how to make money online, and quite simply said - Jeff is the best there is.

Now back to the ENTRE Blueprint…

Inside of the ENTRE Blueprint, you’ll get 6 lessons that show you:

  • Lesson 1: The 3 P’s of Excellence
  • Lesson 2: The ‘3 Legs Of Successful Action’
  • Lesson 3: The 3 Phases of Legacy
  • Lesson 4: How to build the ULTIMATE Lifestyle Business
  • Lesson 5: How To Build the ULTIMATE Cash Flow Business
  • Lesson 6: How To Build The ULTIMATE Legacy Business
the millionaire shortcut testimonials
millionaire shortcut look

The Millionaire Shortcut Audiobook?

At the moment there is not an audiobook version of the millionaire shortcut, but it would be cool to have, right?

Who’s The Millionaire Shortcut For?

The Millionaire Shortcut was designed and made for people who are tired of being stuck and tied down to an ordinary life of work a 9-5 job all your life, have no freedom, not enough money to spend on the things you want like a meal, a vacation and more. and know that the digital land scape is huge and you can start a wildly profitable business on it.

Here's more audiences:

  • Beginners who WANT to not only seek a better life but are willing to put in the time to learn the Skills and strategies to be able to have a long-term sustainable online business.
  • People who want to learn from a PROVEN Digital Entrepreneur in Jeff Lerner and want to know how he was able to make MILLIONS so you can take a slice of that pie for yourself.
  • 9-5 employees who don't want to settle for "good enough" and want more than just an average life.
  • Aspiring marketers who want to learn how to impact and persuade an audience ethically.
  • Moms and dads
  • Retirees
  • Students
  • and much more!

Who’s It Not For?

The millionair shortcut book is not for you if you are a:

  • Tire kicker
  • Someone who wants a "push-button" solution
  • Who doesn't want to do ANY work or put any effort
  • Wants fast cash
  • Is desperate for many right now
  • Doesn't care about long-term results

Pros And Cons

  • PROVEN Digital Entrepreneur Jeff Lerner with over decades of experience navigating the online web so you can have full confidence that this book will get you results which means you'll feel happier because you're following someone you can trust long-term
  • You get to COPY a Millionaires Business in 3 different areas so you have variety and you can reduce the chances of making mistakes greatly which means you'll get to earning much faster!
  • The ONE secret you can take today and BOOST your online business which means you will have an unfair advantage unlike everyone else trying to make this work
  • Jeff's Backstory so you can get to know him better which means you'll build a relationship and trust with him much more easily
  • EXACT methods used to make Millions so you can replicate them which means you'll have more energy saved, time, and money.
  • There really were none and I'm not saying this to be biased, it's just the simple truth. There's no one else out there like Jeff his unique abilities and the way he approaches his online business.

The pros greatly outweigh any of the cons and that's truly because the Millionaire Shortcut will show you how you can build a long-term business online that'll pay you for many years to come and give you more freedom. your time back, and allow you to live life on your own terms! Click here to download your Free Millionaire Shortcut eBook


There really are no close alternatives and I'm not saying that to hide anything from you but the truth is there are no close FREE alternatives where you will get to learn the fastest way to become a millionaire and get to learn from someone like Jeff Lerner.

Other ones would probably be what I have:

PLUS, I'll throw in my FREE(For a limited time only) Healthy Affiliate Cheat Sheet and Course where I show people how to build a wildly profitable health affiliate marketing business the RIGHT way, and if you're interested in the health space, click here to get the Free Health Cheat sheet and Course

Related: Healthy Affiliate Review

That's about it. I still recommend you pick up the millionaire short cut and I can give you my $1,000+ per month affiliate guide over time.

What I Liked Most About The Millionaire Shortcut

There’s so much I like about the free eBook so rather than just give you one, here’s a list of my favorites:

  • You get to COPY A Millionaire’s business
  • You’ll learn the ONE secret that will save you years of mistakes
  • You get to learn about Who Jeff Lerner is and why he matters to your success
  • The “Shortcut” to build your online business with success
  • Simple hacks to use so you can get results faster
  • The 3 top business models you can COPY
  • And so much more!

What I Liked Least

There’s nothing to add in this section and I’m not being biased here, but because the eBook is simply amazing! You’d be doing yourself a huge disservice by not seeing how Jeff was able to make his Millions and how you can start using it for yourself today.

Final Verdict: Is The Millionaire Shortcut Legitimate?

Yes. It's no longer a question of "is the millionaire shortcut real" but that The Millionaire Shortcut is your Shortcut to freedom, more income than you thought was imaginable, and to finally be able to live life on your own terms, but only with one condition...

If you want it bad enough. My take is you do if you're still here, and by the way you can leverage the Millionaire Shortcut to take just a piece of the pie and use it to your unfair advantage to make a legitimate online business that will produce you an income for many years to come.

Although there are no easy push button solutions, you can find the closest alternative which is being able to COPY A Millionaire, and that's what Jeff has opened up to you in his Free eBook and platform. Are you ready to make it happen?

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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