November 3

by Michael Granados

Have you ever asked yourself the question “Are These Jeff Lerner Reviews” real or fake?

What About If Jeff Is A Scammer?

Listen, I’ll come out with it, Jeff Lerner is BY FAR the best digital entrepreneur I’ve had the pleasure to come across online and be able to learn from on how to turn a passion, interest, or hobby into a money making home-business machine and I'll show you how to so YOU can enjoy more Freedom, get more time back, and live life on your own terms…

I get where you come from - “Internet Guru’s” left and right, people promising you to make LOADS of money if you just take a course or push some type of button and CHA-CHING but this is NOT that, how?

I “Michael Granados” a 4-figure+ PER Month Consistent home-based business owner(like above $5,000+ who also hits 5-figure+ months frequently with JUST one business model alone I focus on most) have gone through literally EVERYTHING online and have come across some really close alternatives like Dave Sharpe and Legendary Marketer(in the alternative section) and scammers in my time(and still do) like one I wrote about called David Dekel, Wesley Virgin And Chance And Abdul, and like you, I had my guard up…

I feared falling for people easily, for purchasing courses I didn't even need, and not having control, but that all ends here today with what I’m about to show you about my mentor Jeff Lerner, so stick with me as I reveal to you the Shocking truths, the pros and cons, alternatives as well how to pick up his FREE content.

But if you went to get on with it and get the ENTRE Blueprint, click here.

Before I get started, I also wrote a separate review confirming Jeff was not a scammer here you can check out, and I made a whole separate review for his Entre Institute platform here(since I don’t want to make this post as focused on that), and if at any point you have questions, comments or concerns, feel free to leave me a comment at the end of this post.

Alright, let’s get rolling.

Jeff Lerner Overview

Person's Name: Jeff Lerner

Occupation: Digital Marketing Entrepreneur, Affiliate Marketer, Digital Agency Owner, Course Creator, Public Speaker, Personal Help Enthusiast

Best Product Known For: ENTRE Institute and ENTRE Nation

Best for: 9-5 employees, people who want to own their own business, want passive income, want to become a digital nomad in this new economy.

jeff lerner review

Summary: Jeff Lerner is a remarkable Digital Entrepreneur, Investor and ONE of the best there is in the online digital space - he's made MILLIONS promoting products he doesn't even own to other people with affiliate marketing(monetizing a passion, interest, or hobby - runs his own digital agency, has his own courses like ENTRE and has built up tons of business that have made a fortune and he know he teaches people literally how to shortcut and COPY your way there too.

Rating: 99/100

Recommended? Yes!

Jeff Lerner Reviews

I’m doing this post a little different than my other one on the fact that I want to show you what other people had to say about Jeff and his training, sound good?

jeff lerner facebook reviews
jeff lerner insight
jeff lerner reviews 1
jeff lerner testimonial
jeff lerner testimonial 2

What did you think about those jeff learner reviews?

Who Is Jeff Lerner? (Jeff Lerner Biography)

jeff lerner review

Jeff is a 2x 8 Figure CEO/Founder, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Investor, Influencer, Creative Trainer to over 1500,000 awesome life seekers.

Early on in his Entrepreneurial career he founded and co-founded several businesses like:

  • Xurli. An Inc 500 digital marketing agency
  • 7 Mile Digital. A consulting and lead generation company

And just about his most popular one(and that one you’re likely here to know more about) ENTRE Institute.

Before I go deep inside ENTRE, here's a quick backstory of Jeff to give you context into what you’re about to see next.

Quick Backstory

Jeff is a native of Houston, Texas, and spent most of his 20’s attending university by day while working nights as one of Houston’s top working piano players - a “gig” which often found him playing in the homes of billionaires, CEO’s, and business owners….

This exposure inspired in him an interest in entrepreneurship and business. In 2008 at age 29, after multiple failures including a restaurant franchise that left him with over $400,000 in debt, he found his calling as a digital marketer(and paid off his debt in 18 months!)

Here's just one of his earning screen shots:

jeff lerner earnings

And then over a decade later, Jeff became an in-demand international speaker and active founder/co-founder of the companies I listed earlier above.

Jeff is married, and an active father to 4 children, and still play the piano an hour a day.

Why Jeff Lerner?

I can wrap this up in one sentence: Jeff Is unlike any other Digital Entrepreneur in the fact that he wholeheartedly wants you to achieve excellence and live an awesome life so much so that he has created value around how to do this without it “just revolving around business maters”, which is called the 3 P’s Of Excellence

jeff lerner 3 ps of excellence

Jeff states that everyone wants an awesome life, there’s nothing special about wanting...but defining your awesome life and executing on a strategic plan to create it, regardless of personal circumstances, is something most don’t ever do. The ENTRE Blueprint breaks awesome living into 3 areas of excellence -the “3 P’s:

  • Personal 
  • Professional and
  • Physical
3 ps of excellence

I’ll talk more about the ENTRE Blueprint as we move forward.

How Did Jeff Lerner Make His Money?

Like I mentioned earlier, Jeff started a couple companies before ENTRE Institute:

  • Xurli
  • 7 Mile Digital

Jeff ran a digital marketing agency in his early days while at the same time growing his affiliate marketing business through products like:

  • Copy A Millionaire

  • Freedom Shortcut
  • 6 Steps To Freedom

These were a couple programs Jeff made with a couple of partners which was in the affiliate marketing space, and now he's transformed into ENTRE Institute.

Going inside Jeff Lerner 

Do you remember how I mentioned Jeff Created ENTRE Institute? This one:

entre institute home page

ENTRE Institute is the Premier training platform made to take community support, specialized knowledge with online education and training, and personal development to help YOU take your Business and Life to the next level…

entre formula

With Entre you get:

  • Online Education and training so you get all the resources you need to launch a new internet business from scratch OR scale an existing business to the next level.
  • Live Events and Workshops so you can network, connect, and get support from the world’s premier community of entrepreneurs, lifelong learners, and awesome life seekers.
  • Coaching and Personal Development so you can have 1-on-1 coaching to help you identify blind spots and achieve your goals. Plus you get a robust life development curriculum(The ENTRE Blueprint) taught and led by Jeff.

Related: Entre Institute In-Depth Review

Under each of those categories, you can Learn more and we’ll start with Online Education and Training…

entre training

Just underneath that is the Entre Blueprint

Entre Blueprint

Jeff created a 6-step Video training Course for creating a Wildly Profitable Online Business where you will get the ultimate Internet Business training that combines tactical training on the 3 most lucrative online business models with Jeff’s unique “awesome life” method that combines:

  • Psychology
  • Economics
  • Life Coaching
  • Personal Development

Inside you will be able to get trained on exactly how to implement the top 3 business models online so you can use to pay for a more awesome life, as well as getting the mindset and strategies to ensure your success.

The ENTRE Blueprint also comes with access to a one-on-one Advisor to assist each student. Here’s a video I made:

On this same page you can view the rest of the product lines Jeff has like:

  • ENTRE Nation
  • ENTRE Nation Elite
  • ENTRE Digital
  • ENTRE Coaching
  • ENTRE Inner Circle

Live Events And Workshop 

entre live events and workshops

Here you can view the latest events and workshops Jeff has done and be able to register.

Coaching And Personal Development

This will basically lead you to the same page as Online Education and training, nothing different.

Awesome Life Challenge

awesome life challenge start

When you get the ENTRE Blueprint, you will also get exclusive FREE access to the awesome Life Challenge which is a breakdown of everything Jeff learned about how to create an awesome life from over a decade of study into daily videos that will help you transform ALL aspects of your life:

  • Personal
  • Professional and
  • Physical

Jeff’s Courses

Jeff has some really amazing and PROVEN courses made by Jeff and contributed by Industry Experts who KNOW how to make money online and have made over thousands and millions per year, so this is no fluff or theory. Check it out:

Jeff Free Resources(Free Guide Included!)

What I believe to be the most Jaw-Dropping part of this Jeff Lerner Review is the fact that he has an ABUNDANCE of FREE resources like his:

  • YouTube Channel
  • Podcast
  • Facebook Group(s)
  • Instagram
  • Live Broadcast
  • FREE Guide

Jeff’s YouTube Channel

jeff lerner youtube channel

Jeff published like a mad man with SO much value in not just getting your mind into business but how to develop into a greater human being with so much productiveness like you wouldn’t believe.

He’s always releasing NEW videos every week where you can get your questions answered in video format and he gives you all this content that someone would charge for. Here are some of his videos:

Jeff’s Podcast

millionaire secrets podcast

Jeff has a podcast called Millionaire Secrets where he goes around an interviews successful Million AND Billionaire Entrepreneurs in just about every space you can imagine like:

  • Digital Entrepreneurship
  • Ecommerce
  • Dropshipping
  • Amazon FBA
  • Network Marketing
  • Digital Agency
  • And so much more

Each and every single one is gold and they all have “little gold nuggets” you can take away from and apply them to your business and all other areas of your life.

The last one video above in Jeff's YouTube section was a podcast on display but transferred to YouTube too. Here's another one:

Jeff’s FREE Guide(Shortcut)

You may have already run into this earlier(sorry If I was a little pre-mature in showing you that, but it was for good reason), Jeff has this Free Guide called the Millionaire Shortcut where he reveals to you the following:

jeff lerner millioniare shortcut book

How Much Does Jeff Cost?

That answer depends on what you want from him, is it his 1-1 phone call attention, his courses, and training, events and workshops? Let’s break it down:

  • His ENTRE Blueprint is $39(well worth the price)
  • His 3 Courses are $1,997 Each
  • His 1-1 phone call is like $16 per minute(not sure if this is still available)

His ENTRE Blueprint will be the best place to get started for sure and for the price he could be charging you $199 or more. When he asked other people if he raised the price would people pay for it, others said absolutely.

At one point it was like $7 and now $39, so I wouldn’t wait on this discounted price because you could end up paying hundreds if you do.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30-day full money-back guarantee.

Who’s Jeff for?

Jeff was created for people who want to not only grow a highly profitable digital online business but be able to achieve excellence and live an awesome life.

Here’s more:

  • Beginners who don’t want to be mislead and “scammed” by other gurus with crappy material and would rather start on the right foot(or again) and trust in someone who has years of experience and PROVEN courses to help them start making the income they desire
  • 9-5 Hamster Wheel workers who are sick and tired of the grind and living for peanuts and want an alternative way to leave or make a part-time and full-time home-based business.
  • People who don’t want to settle for good enough and what’s comfortable
  • Aspiring Marketers who want to learn the skills that will pay the bills and continue to be used all around different industries
  • Course Creators
  • Digital Agency Seekers
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Moms and Dads
  • Students
  • Retirees
  • Brick and mortar business owners
  • And so much more!

Pros and cons 


  • PROVEN Digital Entrepreneur in Jeff who has made MILLIONS of dollars online with 3 different business models and cleared over $400,000 in debt so you can have confidence and certainty knowing you will be following someone who practices what they preach which means you will make fewer mistakes and have more energy to follow through.
  • LOADS of reviews from other people so you can easily conclude that Jeff is who he is which means you can become another success story and move forward with a rewarding outcome
  • Has trained well over 150,000 awesome life seekers so you don’t have to worry about being the only fish in the pond so to speak which means you’ll have more fun and happiness like other people are having.
  • ENTRE Blueprint and Awesome Life Challenge courses so you can have a step-by-step master plan and roadmap to how to achieve maximum income and betterment in your life which means you will be well prepared with knowledge before you act.
  • Delivers Free resources so you can get all the Jeff you need and get to see how he thinks and acts which means you’ll get more familiar and build a trustworthy relationship with him.
  • And so much more!


  • There really are none and I’m not saying that to be biased(I know some people will be like “Whatever”). This is 100% my opinion and after being around him for a while, he is literally unlike other digital entrepreneurs who you can point out all the cons. Just check out what another person on my YouTube channel said:
jeff lerner cons


Just in case your curiosity is telling you “hey, what else is out there?” Here are those:

TOP 2 Details...

Kyle and Carson is my next favorite alternative to Jeff based on the fact that you will be trained to produce a wildly profitable blog website that ranks in Google so you get FREE people searching for you without paying for ads!

And if starting a blog interests you, then check it out here:

Still to this day, I prefer to side with Jeff for the fact that he is always going to light a fire under your butt and make sure you don’t accept less than what you could have, and he has everything ALL in one place so you don’t have to go from person to person or platform trying to find a different industry or information.

What I Liked Most About Jeff

There’s so much I can add here, so I’ll leave my list:

  • PROVEN Digital Entrepreneur who cares about your success not taking your money and doing whatever with it.
  • A Humanitarian who puts you in front of everything he does and makes sure you are always at your best.
  • A Charismatic leader who knows how to inspire, create and influence you in the best ways possible
  • He has all his courses in one place
  • A barrier to entry to work with Jeff is lower than other Entrepreneurs
  • ENTRE Institute and everything it stands for

What I Didn’t Like About Jeff

I Mean I have nothing bad to say about the guy, he’s truly a likable person with sincerity in all that he does. And again, I’m not being biased.

Final thoughts and next steps 

What was your favorite part about Jeff Lerner? Your Least?

Look, Jeff’s not perfect and so isn’t anyone else - he wasn’t born with the best genetics, a gifted athlete or even to be an extrovert, he was just like you and me…

Adaptable, we use our environment and resources to be the best person we can be, and have a mission to help and serve as many people as possible.

If that’s something you want to become more of and you’re not afraid to take the challenge of becoming a greater person as well someone who earns more income so you can have the freedom, your time back, and live life on your own terms, then click the button below to get started.

Do you have any questions about this jeff learner post and anything about this "jeff lerner reviews"? If so leave me a comment down below and I will get right back to you ASAP.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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