March 13

by Michael Granados

Eyes Possessively wide open staring at the screen of my Outlook email like I had read the subject line “your system was approved!!!” And I open the email to see the message…

“How would you like to walk into your job this week and hand your boss your 2-week notice knowing that you’ll bring in $300 to $500 PER day from home...Every Single Day?”

Mhm, I click the link anyways knowing far too well what I’m getting myself into and my whole face went BLANK!

I “Michael Granados” will reveal to you what happened but first I’ll answer your question to “Is Myigga System Legit?”

NOPE! Yep, it’s true, sorry to be the one to break the news to you but what If I hadn’t? You’d be spending $1,000’s of your hard-earned money on “fluff” and “theory”, feel frustrated with guilt, and wanting to quit…

But good news is you’re here now and you’ll see the Dark Truths no one’s sharing with you, the pros and cons, alternative and so much more so you can legitimately get on the path to financial freedom, more time, and to live life on your own terms(without a boss)

OH if you want to get on with things and see my #1 Recommended Alternative system where you can literally COPY A Millionaire’s business, then click here now to see.

Alright, let’s get into it!

Myigaa System Overview

Person's Name: Matthew Cooper

Occupation: Affiliate Marketer

Best for: 9-5 employees, people who want to own their own business, want passive income, want to become a digital nomad

Is Myigaa System Legit

Summary: Myigaa is yet another "turn-key" solution promising you to make money with a few clicks and not having to sell on the fact that you get this "done-for-you" ecommerce website wit products and you can re-direct any internet traffic from like Social media, Google, YouTube, etc, and get paid commissions when people come to your site and purchase.

I've seen systems like this in the past with those like 20 minute Cash System and Commission Plan X being just a few of the many.

If you'd rather save yourself time from reading about this program, then check out my #1 recommended mentor and program right below...

Rating: 5/100

Recommend: No.

What Is MyIgaa System?

what is myigaa system

Myigaa(short for Make Your Income Great Again and Again) is a $1,000 per day complete turn-key eCommerce solution that gives you the ability to manipulate any source of online traffic from all social media platforms, Google, and more and re-direct this internet traffic directly to your personal eCommerce website so people can purchase a product/service and produces transactions you can make money from.

“Supposedly” you don’t have to do any selling for this, be good at marketing, be “techie” or have any kind of experience, just a PayPal account to get paid and to make it work for you(LOAD of bull). I’ve seen a few systems ALMOST exactly like this one and I wrote reviews for them here:

So it all sounds like somewhat of a "myigaa scam" with the inofrmation they're feeding you but Let’s dig deeper inside this Myigaa Review.

Going Inside Myigaa System

Here’s the home page you come to after going through the email optin page you're asked to start with:

myigaa system

And underneath that will be a form to enter your details again to learn more about the Myigaa system and how to get started, but first is the video...

The creator of the Myigaa System is Mathew Cooper:

myigaa creator

At the beginning of his video pitch, he’ll tell you how this is a $1,000 per day system, and by just spending 15-20 minute of “work” with this fully automated system that’s Copy and Paste simple, you can too be well on your way to your financial freedom.

myigaa $1000 per day system
myigaa 1000 in 24 hours
myigaa copy and paste simple

So what you’re getting is a “Members area” where you will get all sorts of products in the make money online space where you’ll end up selecting one and sending traffic from all parts of the internet to your eCommerce website and get paid

myigaa production

The products you’ll be promoting are the Myigaa program itself, the upsells, down sells and so on which these products are not up to standard, and promoting the company itself is not a great way to go, it’s very contradictive.

Matthew says all you need is 15 minutes to set up your system to get going:

myigaa 15 to 20 minutes

OH, did I forget to mention it’s so easy a 12-year-old can do it?

myigaa 12 year old

Once I heard the “12 year old can do it” pitch I was like OH YEAH, this is definitely somehow related to the other programs I’ve reviewed on this site. Anyways…

Here are a few “benefits” you get from his team:

  • You’ll have the option of one-on-one coaching. You get the whole mouthful of how your “coach” is just one call away
myigaa one on one coaching

  • His team will also give you all the tools to drive traffic(people) to your eCommerce website
myigaa tools to drive traffic

The part that gets me is when he says he needs a total of 45 people to join him and his team

myigaa 45 people to join

He then goes on to say how there’s no catch, how this isn’t for people who are already doing well with making money online and people who know their stuff rather beginners...Of course, they prey on the newbies!

Also, he goes on to say how he needs the money for data and being able to improve on his platform so he can keep delivering you the best stuff.

Myigaa System Income Proof

This is what’ll get you if you’re a beginner:

myigaa income proof
myigaa income made

Earlier on in the video, you’ll get snapshots of income proof the owner makes to visually prove to you “hey I make money with this, it works”, but this is another tactic to get you to fall for the system.

Myigaa Reviews(What Others Are Saying)

Before I show you the myigaa system reviews of what other people are saying, most of these people are bought off from places like Fiverr to write a review for a system they don’t even use...Again this is to look the part.

myigaa reviews
myigaa 1,400
myigaa first sale
myigaa $4,000
myigaa income
myigga reviews
myigaa mentorship program review
myigaa reviewed

Not convincing enough?

There are also a few skype calls

myigaa chat
myigaa skype

Now for sure you’re going to buy in, right? WRONG. The fact this guy went to this extreme length to prove to you that look “I get on calls with people” is beyond laughable and somewhat applaudable I have to give him that for trying.

How Much Does Myigaa Cost?

Myigaa regularly goes for $197 but you can get it for Today “ONLY” at $47. Supposedly there are only 2 spots available left and 15 other people are watching this right now...It’s a sense of urgency tactic to get you to buy and commit right away.

myigaa cost

Who’s Myigaa For?

No one. But let’s entertain who it would be for hypothetically speaking - Complete beginners who’ve never made a penny online and don’t know how to spot a scam or someone fluff program off the bat.

  • People who don’t want to learn the SKILLS to make money online
  • Lazy people
  • Tire Kickers

Who’s It Not For?

  • EVERYONE who is smart enough to see the B.S in this.
  • People who want to learn the skills to make money online
  • People who want to learn to a degree sales
  • People who don’t want to rely on a “turn-key” “done-for-you” system
myigaa not for

Pros And Cons


  • NONE. Well, smart sales message copywriting gets people in a trance emotionally and logically sold on the program. Got to give them that much.


  • Fake income claims
  • Fake reviews
  • No substance in this program
  • You don’t need to learn skills


There are WAY more and better alternatives, and they are:

My favorite BY FAR is ENTRE Institute because you get REAL-world training from 7-10+ figure experts in their respective industries and the owner who is a 2X-8 Figure CEO in Jeff Lerner who went from over $400,000 in debt to making now well over $60 MILLION showing you the ropes how to build a digital business in the top 3 business models:

What I Liked Most About Myigaa

Nada. Well, l have to fill this section a little so I’d say crafty Copywriting. I know good copywriting messaging when I see it and this video was just over the halfway decent line.

What I Liked Least

EVERYTHING including what I said underneath the “Liked most” section above.

Final Verdict: Is Myigaa System A Scam?

YEP. Myigaa is nothing more than another “predator” looking to pounce on the prey - In this case, the beginners who’ve never made a penny online or maybe have but were sick and tired of trying something that hasn’t worked and…

Want a done-for-you “turn-key” eCommerce website solution where you don’t have to do ANY selling, heck you don’t need any skills!

But as you and I now know from reading this review that’s not true, right? You’re only buying into “the dream” and then when you have the system in your hand you’ll be kicking yourself in the foot and will want your money back...Good luck with that. However, if you finally want to stop running into these low types of systems…

And get to be the one in full control over how much you really can make, get your time back, and be able to live your life more freely, then I recommend you check out my #1 Alternative where you can COPY a Millionaire’s business:

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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