April 29

by Michael Granados

Are you struggling to get approved for the best terms and rates at the maximum amount for ANY type of solution because your credit is in a bad place and are ready to give yourself the gift of higher personal credit scores so you can have a better financial future?

How about getting a FULLY Done-For-You personal credit repair company that’ll take you from Bad credit to good credit without having to worry about making mistake after mistake trying to do it on your own?

Welcome to this Kaydem Credit Review where I “Michael" a long time multiple owned business owner and Business funding expert (with Viral Funding Solutions too) will be Unleashing the TRUTHS to Kaydem Credit, the pros and cons, alternatives, and so much more so you can finally BOOST your credit up and get forward with your own health, wealth, and relationships without being a burden but first…

What do you say we answer the question at the top of your mind…Is Kaydem Credit Legit? Yes, they are, HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean they are best for you, so that’s why you have to stick around and find out for yourself and read until the very end so you can get your credit raised without a hassle and have endless opportunities at your fingertips to grow as a person and in your financial life whether it means buying a new home, landing and keeping a job, insurance premiums, a car loan or business loan.

Alright, let’s get into it.

What Is Kaydem Credit?

kaydem credit repair home page

Kaydem Credit is a leading credit repair company for people who don’t want to suffer any longer with low credit limitations and want to achieve a better financial future. They’ve been around for 13 years repairing people’s personal credit profiles and have helped over 9,800 people get measurable, notable, and often significant results and sometimes it can happen in a matter of a few months.

Why Kaydem Credit?

Aside from Kaydem Credit being a Full-Service Done for you personal credit repair company, there are these three:

  • They’ve been around for 13 years so they have the experience and knowledge
  • They’ve helped over 9,800 people get significant results
  • They have a simple 3-step process (which you’ll learn about below)

Let’s go even deeper inside now

Going Inside Kaydem Credit

As a Full-Service done-for-you credit repair personal credit repair company, here are three things you can expect to get help with:

  • Credit Inquiry and Derogatory Information Removal. You’ll get the chance to have your old and unwanted credit inquiries and other derogatory information such as late payments, charge-offs, collections, repossessions, and even bankruptcy removed
  • Debt Negotiation and Reorganization Consulting. You can get the right information with resources and guidance to help you reduce, consolidate and negotiate your current debt, as well as get the powerful tools in helping you systematically pay down your debt.
  • Personal Credit Repair Optimization. You can get your personal information cleaned up and that includes things like your name, date of birth, SSN, address, and employer so that it is all up to date without question. Things will be ensured that all credit lines and amounts are being reported accurately.

Kaydem Credit Services

Depending on the level of credit repair you’re seeking and needing, it’ll vary and you can get a free consultation with a Credit Repair Specialist to find out which package is best suited for you but here are these packages…

  • Inquiry Removal Package. Kaydem Credity can dispute your inquiries from the past 6-8 months to raise your score and get you approved for credit.
    • This is for clients who want inquiry removal
    • The price is $348 for a single-person use.
    • You get hard inquiry removals
    • Timeframe takes 70-90 days
  • Minor Credit Restoration Package. This is for clients that have an okay credit score.
    • To further expand on the above, this is for clients who had bad credit, four or more derogatory tradelines or late payment(s)
    • $798 is the price point for a single person use
    • For clients who have bad credit
    • Timeframe to finish: This would be Kaydem Credit working with you for a full 12 months. Not only will they dispute your negative items during this period, but they will also provide you with consulting and guidance on the best ways to rebuild your credit. Each one of these disputes usually gets completed in 30-45 days from the dispute date.
  • 12-Month Inquiry Removal Membership Package. This is for clients who want a FULL overhaul of their credit by raising their credit score, removing the hard inquiries, and disputing outdated information from all three consumer credit bureaus.
    • Made for clients who have poor credit and hard inquiries
    • The price is $998 for a single-person use.
    • This is for clients who have okay or bad credit
    • There will be heavy credit disputes for wrong/incorrect inquires
    • Disputes on misleading our outdated information
    • The timeframe it takes: 12-month membership. Each inquiry removal request can usually get completed within 30-45 days from the dispute date.

Joint Credit Repair Packages: 

This is a joint inquiry removal package. So a credit inquiry occurs when a financial intuition checks your credit report, typically happens when you apply for a credit card and or a loan. Where Kaydem comes in is at the dispute stage and can dispute your inquiries from the past 6-8 months to raise your score and get you and your secondary to approve for credit.

  • This is for clients who want inquiry removal
  • The price is $498 for joint removal
  • There’s a hard inquiry removal
  • Timeframe to finish is 70-90 days

Joint Minor Credit Restoration Package

This is for clients who have an okay credit score.

  • This is made for clients who have fairly good credit and 3 or fewer derogatory tradelines or late payments for you and your secondary.
  • The price point is $798 for a joint account
  • The timeframe is this: Even though Kaydem disputes your negative items for an extended period, many of the clients see results within 30-90 days.

Cooperative Restoration Package

This is made for clients who want One full restoration and one minor credit restoration as a joint package

  • To add on, this is for those who want a joint account package and a focus on one main account as primary with only minor repairs to the secondary account
  • A $1,098 price point for a joint account
  • Timeframe to get done: Although Kaydem will dispute your negative items for a certain amount of time, many of the clients will see results within 30-90 days.

Full Joint Credit Restoration Package

This is made for clients who have a joint account and want two full restoration packages on both credit reports.

  • This is for clients who have bad credit, with 4 or more derogatory tradelines or late payments.
  • A $1,298 price point for joint accounts
  • For Clients who have bad credit
  • Timeframe here is this: Kaydem Credit will work with you for a full 12 months. Not only are they disputing your negative items in this period but they will also provide you with consulting and guidance on the best ways to rebuild your credit. Each of these dispute requests usually completes within 30-45 days from the dispute date.

12-Month Joint Inquiry Removal Membership Package

This is for those who want a FULL overhaul of their credit, by then raising their score, getting hard inquiries removed, and disputing outdated information from of all three credit bureaus.

  • This is for clients who have poor credit, and hard inquiries too.
  • A $1,698 price point for join account
  • For clients who have okay or bad credit
  • These take heavy credit disputes for incorrect inquiries
  • You get to dispute misleading or outdated information
  • Timeframe to finish: 12-month membership. Each of these inquiry removal requests is usually completed within 30-45 days from the dispute date.

How It Works (In 3 Simple Steps)...

  • STEP 1: You will complete the onboarding process
  • STEP 2: Your inaccurate information will be disputed as well as unverifiable information
  • STEP 2: To optimize your personal credit report and score

Kaydem Credit Free Consultation

To get started with Kaydem Credit you’ll click on a “Free Consultation” button on the home page (or elsewhere) and once you do you’ll come to this page:

kaydem credit repair consultation

You’ll get a 30-minute free consultation and you can select the date and time. The thing that I noticed is sometimes there’s not an early enough date to choose so you’ll have to select perhaps weeks out.

After you select the date, you’ll then add this:

  • Your details:
    • Name, Email, Address (optional), phone number and notes
  • Provide additional information:
    • What is your preferred language?
    • Are you a U.S. citizen or a citizen of Puerto Rico?
    • Are you interested in the joint membership packages?

Kaydem Credit Reviews

Here’s what other people are saying:

kaydem credit repair reviews
kaydem credit repair testimonials

Kaydem Credit Cost

You saw this earlier underneath the packages but from top to bottom of these packages here are the prices again:

  • For Single Credit Repair Packages:
    • Inquiry Removal Package: $348
    • Minor Credit Restoration Package: $498
    • Full Credit Package: $798
    • 12-Month Inquiry Removal Membership Package: $998
  • For Joint Credit Repair Packages:
    • Joint Inquiry Removal Package: $498
    • Joint Minor Credit Restoration Package: $798
    • Cooperative Restoration Package: $1,098 
    • Full Joint Credit Restoration Package: $1,298
    • 12-Month Joint Inquiry Removal Membership Package: $1,698

Would you like to see a more cost-effective solution with Exceptional help and results? 

Who Is Kaydem Credit For?

Kaydem Credit is designed for people who are facing hardships with their credit and need things fixed and removed so they can get a hold on their financial future and get better approvals at better terms and rates for mortgages, auto loans, business loans and much more.

Here’s more:

  • Beginners who don’t want to try to fix their own credit and go through the errors and mistakes of reporting and putting together disputes and more only to find out it was not done correctly.
  • Intermediate and experts who have used credit repair services before and are looking to test out another and have serious problems with their credit
  • People who want the convenience to get their credit repaired without going at it alone making mistake after mistake and taking forever to fix their own credit
  • People who want total accuracy and speed of results
  • You want to get better terms and rates for anything in life and want to increase your odds of getting maximum approvals in your finances and anything in life
  • You have the money to spend quite a bit

Who’s It Not For?

  • People who perhaps have excellent credit and don’t need it
  • People who don’t have the budget and money to spend
  • Tire Kickers
  • Lazy people 
  • People who don’t care about credit and getting better financially and even in health and relationships

Pros and Cons:


  • You get a full-service done-for-you approach so you don't have to go at it alone trying to fix your credit and worry about making mistakes that'll set you back and have to start all over again and it takes longer to get your credit fixed and score up
  • Simple three step process so you can get your credit repaired sooner rather than later
  • You get credit inquiry and derogatory information removal, debt nogotiation and reorganization consulting, and personal credit report optimization
  • A credit repair company that's been around since 2008
  • Multiple different packages for each person to help with their credit
  • Free consult


  • Costs may be high for some people


There are definitely Plenty of alternatives to Kaydem Credit but I had to just say another one I think works well and where I’ve helped out plenty of people with and is very cost-effective at maximum results, it’s this one:

With Compassionate Credit Repair, they will prepare an in-depth analysis from the 3 credit bureaus reports obtained with your Identity Protection account and use them to calculate and indicate areas of improvement for your credit score. They have specialized programming and have fine-tuned individualized plans to clean up your credit and BOOST your score.

So you’ll get things like:

  • Full Credit Analysis and Plan of Action
  • Advanced Metro 2 Dsputing process
  • Updates in your own secured client portal
  • Credit Education
  • And Much MUCH More!

If you’d like to see my in-depth review of Compassionate Credit, please click the button below to learn more:

What I LIked Most About Kaydem Credit

There’s a good amount of things to pick from but if I had to choose the ONE thing is the variety of packages and tailored help for each type of individual who is suffering and going through different credit problems and challenges. Also the fact that they are a full-service done-for-you personal credit repair company…

This way you get to be hands-off as much as you can be and the rest the company will take care of for you.

What I Liked Least

I would say the costs are a bit high for some of the packages, but that’s more or less what you’ll see and others are much higher than that and may not be as effective. 

Final Thoughts

What was your favorite part about Kaydem Credit and did you pick out a least favorite thing about them?

Credit is KING which means if you protect your credit and you sharpen it up like a sharp sword ready to cut through anything, you’ll go from surviving to thriving in your financial life whether that means getting a new loan, getting more personal and business credit cards and much more…

You can’t accept defeat and sit on your couch wondering “What if”, instead you can seek the help of a done-for-you full-service personal credit repair service like Kaydem Credit that helps dispute inaccurate and unverifiable information and helps optimize your personal credit report and score with a tailored plan…

But here’s the other part you need to look at - Are they best for you? There’s also another service I mentioned earlier with Compassionate Credit and I believe they are a strong service to help you repair your credit at maximum efficiency while getting the support and full transparency at the right cost to move your financial life and freedom forward without tripping up, without feeling stressed any long and without throwing in the towel.

If you’d like to get started with your credit repair so you can be at the your best and get the best that’s out there, then please click the button below to see my #1 recommendation for credit repair services.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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