March 7

by Michael Granados

Are you searching online for any information on anything business, residential, and commercial loan brokering, and want to achieve time and financial freedom as a business loan broker faster? 

How about a way for you to earn a substantial and scalable income working from home as a loan broker without having to cold call, no advertising, and no ad spend?

Welcome into this Procommerce Broker University Review post where I “Michael Granados” will be pulling back the curtains to show you the TRUTHS on what this academy is really about, the pros and cons, alternatives and so much more you can finally create an independent stream of income for yourself as a business loan broker, work from wherever you want, and live I've on your own terms…Being your own boss!

But before we dive deep into things, let me answer the question most obviously on your mind…Is Procommerce Academy Legit? Yes, 110%, however, does that mean it’s the RIGHT fit for you?

So in this post, I’m going to reveal all the things YOU must know before you think about joining. Let’s get into this Procommerce Academy review now.

What Is ProCommece Academy?

procommerce broker university

ProCommerce Broker Academy is offering help and support for people who want to become a business loan broker and those who already are achieving massive success in their journey. With over 75 years of combined experience, you’ll get a competitive edge over everyone else…Even if you’re a complete beginner.

You may have heard of them on their ProCommerce Academy YouTube channel where you get more information as to what's going on.

procommerce broker university youtube

Great, but who’s the owner? Co-owner is Gavin Bird, but who's the other owner? I don’t know because the only person who you see in the videos presenting for the most part and on the website is a Gavin and I know why you’d think it’s just him, but I’ve also seen him as the “contracted Promoter” for a previous company he was with (I won’t say the name to protect the identity)...

So without any indication on the website, I can’t say with 100% certainty who else is the owner as of now - There may be another person behind it who yet doesn’t want to be out in the open?

But is that a bad thing? No, not necessarily, if the training works, it works, but I want a real understanding of what and who I’m getting myself under. For the record, I’m not affiliated with this company or any other company that told me to write a review for this.

Anyways, let’s go deeper inside.

Going Inside ProCommerce Academy 

Before I show you the products, you need some assurance as to if there are “Exceptional Lenders” you are working with because at the end of the day you want to rest your head on your pillow at night knowing you helped your clients get matched with the best lender(s)...

So You won’t have to worry about bad lenders since Procommerce Supplies you with access to a Top-Tier Nationwide Lender Network which means again, you won’t have to worry about:

  • Building a network of lenders…
  • Or working with 2nd and 3rd-tier lenders that do not accept new, inexperienced brokers.

With Procommerce Academy, you get to leverage their experience which translates to what? To buying power and access to some of the most aggressive tier-1 lenders.

ProCommerce Academy Products

There are Products in Development that I’ll get into but Procommerce understands not everyone is ready for a full-fledged training platform with ongoing coaching and support…

If that’s your case, you might be interested in their “ala carte” Success Packs that are:

  • Lead Gen Pack. You’ll be shown how to generate high-quality leads for free.
  • Email Marketing Pack. You will get email marketing templates that get you results.
  • Broker Forms Library. This is a complete forms collection, branded with your name and logo.
procommerce broker academy products

So if you’re interested in these packs, there will be a button you can press below them as you see in the image above and you’ll come to a page that looks something like this:

procommerce products

On this page, You can select which guide/pack you’re most interested in and you can select more than one if not all three. And list a few basic details to get started.

Partnering With ProCommerce 

If you feel like Procommerce Academy is who you’d like to partner with, then You’ll be asked to fill out an application that looks like this:

procommerce broker university partner program

But you might want to wait and see your alternative options below before making a decision.

Procommerce Academy Reviews

Here’s what other people are saying:

procommerce broker academy reviews

How Much Does Procommerce Academy Cost?

Honestly, I don’t see a price anywhere, I believe it comes after you’ve submitted an application and or selected the product(s) you wanted underneath the products page, but although I can’t put a number on it, through my experiences I’ve seen broker programs range from a couple thousand all the way p to like $100k+, but I’m not saying this program is that much, let’s get that straight.

Who Is ProCommerce Academy For?

The Procommerce Academy program is designed for people who are interested in starting or improving on a stable and sustainable work from home business in the business loan broker space and want an easier time getting it done. Here’s more:

  • Beginners who’ve never worked in the business loan broker space and are tired of finding programs full of fluff and theory and don’t want to be scammed as well as waste a lot of time
  • Intermediates and experts who want to improve their loan brokering skills and want access to further help
  • Financial Service-minded/career-oriented individuals who will rise to the challenge of helping people get the funding they deservedly need
  • Marketers and Sales Oriented people who want to understand business owners and how to help them get business funding and even real estate funding
  • Moms and Dads
  • Students
  • Veterans
  • Retirees
  • And so much more!

Who’s It Not For?

I’d say this program is not for the weak of mind who are in it for a quick buck and here’s more:

  • Lazy people
  • Tire kickers
  • Complainers
  • Inconsistent people
  • And more

Pros and Cons


  • No cold calling, no advertising, and no ad spend so you can save more money and energy prospecting and getting quality leads who will turn into great clients for you
  • Up to date training so you can have access to a dynamic and continuously evolving training portal full of all the relevant information, tools, and material you need to be successful as a business loan broker
  • High commission so you don’t have to worry about being compensated for your efforts and right from the beginning you can get paid the highest revenue shares in the industry which means you’ll have a lot of upfront transparency and you’ll always know in advance what your commissions will be.
  • Community support so you can have a like-minded community of people doing exactly what you are wanting to do and you’ll want to reach your goals every day and have the willpower and motivation to push forward even when you’re uncomfortable and things get tough


  • Unsure of “who” the actual other owner is - Is It just Gavin or who else?
  • You don’t know the actual cost of the products
  • You have to go through a call first
  • Fairly new program


There are definitely other loan brokering training programs out there worth giving a look and that have more time in and I’ll reveal some of those options right here:

Of all, I believe Business Lending Blueprint does a great overall training of business loan brokering, Ion Capital does well too and they also have a good real estate financing side of the equation, the up to $2,000,000 program does well when it comes to short term financing training and more with their amazing community of people to help you along the way.

You’ll learn more about each one by clicking through the links above to check them out but if you'd like to check out a free (no catch) opportunity to get started as a business loan broker agent, then check out the up to $2,000,000 program right below

What I Liked Most About Procommerce Academy

There were plenty of things I liked such as the 1-1 support you get from mentors and people who will help guide you along the way so you’re not feeling lost and unsure of what next steps to take in your journey. Plus, it helps when you get experts who know what they’re doing.

What I Liked Least

It’s a little younger of a program but it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re bad. I’m also not too sure if it is just Gavin or someone else who runs the program too.

Final Thoughts And Next Steps

What did you find most fascinating about ProCommerce Broker University?

Listen, there are LOADS of these “business loan broker” training programs but how many of them offer you TRUE support with access to their vast range of products/services with exceptional delivery?

Not many, right? Proceommerce Academy does a good job at fulfilling all of these and even though it’s personally not my first choice, it’s growing and building a strong reputation. But if you’d like to explore what I find to be my #1 Recommended choice for business loan brokering/agent training, then I recommend seeing my solution here:

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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