September 11

by Michael Granados

How would you like to easily pile up to 720+ Autopilot Subscribers and $360+ Per month from just 1 Viral email lead over and over again?

What Is Hardcore Funnel System and how can YOU launch Your FREE ‘Hardcore Funnel’ in just 5 minutes?

Harcore funnel system is a done-for-you revolutionary NEW funnel system built by Bryan Winters that’s totally FREE, fully hosted, and ready-made to power you to get 1 typical subscriber to your email list by turning their traffic into UNLIMITED leads for YOU….On True Autoopilit, so you can pile up leads and unlimited commissions.

And on top of the leads and unlimited commissions, this system is PROVEN to work. 

Going Inside The Harcore Funnel System

Bryan Winters created a revolutionary High IQ(High Income Quotient) software that runs behind the scenes of your ready-made, fully hosted Hardcore Funnel(Website) that you’ll receive instantly and for FREE once inside your HFS member area.

The hardcore funnel system is not designed to produce a trickle of extra cash, it’s designed to blow the doors off other so-called viral systems and to put you on the path to financial freedom and the internet lifestyle…

We’re talking about spending more time with your friends and family, making more money than you do at your day job, taking beach vacations or cruises while your ready fhs funnel continues to stuff your accounts with leads and cash!

In a nutshell, here’s how the system is proven to work…

  1. First, you’ll get your own high converting FHS funnel. Personalized. Fully hosted, And FREE. 
  2. Secondly, you get-ready made ads and traffic sources to “ignite” your funnel. Meaning, get as many subscribers as you want.
  3. THE theHigh IQ software will turn those direct leads into a viral cash crop for you.

Let’s look at how this works in action with an example:

Imagine we have a person you refer who’s name is “John” and let’s say John goes on to refer 144 people through his own HFS funnel his first week(which Brian claims this is easily doable).

BOOM! John’s leads also join your list in their backend member area to unlock their own HFS funnels...meaning those 144 leads will also join your list on AUTOPILOT. But that’s not all…

This action runs 5 Levels deep!

Now let’s say John’s direct and indirect referrals also get 144 leads each during week 1, that’s 144 leads times 5 people which equals 720 autopilot leads for you! And that’s only the leads, listen to this.

There are two versions of the FHS system:

  1. FHS Standard. Used for list building.
  2. HFS Millionaire. Designed to pile up both leads and unlimited commissions. 

Which is best?

Bryan recommends you go with HFS Millionaire so that you can stuff your bank account with zero extra effort, while you also build a massive email list. 

On the home page you’re going to see this page:

what is the hardcore funnel system

You can watch the video version that goes into the details I already covered and you will see proof of what other people are saying.

What Other People Are Saying 

How To Get Started

On the home page you’ll be given the chance to create your FREE account:

what is the hardcore funnel system

You’ll be brought to this part where you can create your account:

hardcore funnel system login

Choose Your Membership

In this part you can select your membership which can be:

  • HFS Millionaire(Viral List + income builder)
  • HFS Standard(Viral List Builder Only
hfs membership

I'd go with the HFS MIllionaire since it gives you more. This is the next page you’ll see after submitting your details and choosing your membership:

hfs members area

You’ll be shown a congratulations video and how your funnel and info has been sent to your email:

This is how your email will look:

Your told to login to your account and watch tis video:

You’ll be given 4 steps to complete:

STEP 1: Unlock Your HFS Funnel(Website) by subscribing to 4 HFS member email lists

hfs step 1

STEP 2: Monetize Your Funnel

hfs monetize funnel

As you can see at the very top you’ll have to click on the “Click Here” blue button to enter Your ID Username, and if you don’t have a Clickbank ID, you’ll go create one here.

You must do this if you want to get paid! This is how your link clicks will get tracked by to you so you can earn the commissions.

STEP 3: Optional Step

hfs step 3

Here you’ll have the option of connecting your HFS account to an autoresponder service like:

This is where you’ll store your leads automatically.

STEP 4: Required For All Members

hfs step 4

Once your funnel is unlocked you will begin promoting it straight away and doing it ideally for 20-45 minutes every day for as much as you

Re able to by using the resources shown in the image right above HFS’s ready-made ads are automatically customized with your HFS funnel link. So what you can do is simply copy an ad(such as an email ad), and then go to click the second link(up above) to find free or paid places to run your ad(s).

Here’s how they look, starting with the ready-made ads:

hfs email swipes
hfs email swipe 2

For Unlimited Traffic:

hfs traffic

Underneath this you’ll find Solo ad vendors:

hfs solo ad vendors

Email ad swap venues:

Banner ads:

hfs banner ads

And other resources of traffic like:

  • Traffic Software
  • Social Media Ad Platforms
  • CPM Ad Platforms
  • Group/Member Mailers, Safelists, etc.
  • PPV Traffic
  • Blogging Platforms
  • Video Sharing Sites
  • CPA Networks
  • Banner Ad Exchanges
  • Article Directories
  • Social Media Sites
  • Auction Sites
  • Mobile PPC Networks
  • Online Forums
  • Classified Ads
  • Traffic Exchanges
  • Miscalenous Traffic Sources

For Checking Your Leads:

The last step under step 4 is to check your stats which you can see how to do in this video:

After step 4, you’ll be able to access your HFS Funnel Links:

hfs funnel link

At the moment mine say locked because I created a new account just to show you this demo.

Your Squeeze Pages

Scroll down a bit(passing the stats part) and you’ll find your squeeze pages or otherwise known as optin pages where you’ll be able to collect leads information.

hfs squeeze pages
hfs lead pages

There are a total of 12 right now.

And that’s it! 

Once you complete all 4 steps you’ll be ready to rock and roll - sending traffic to your squeeze pages, collecting emails, and placing offers in front of your audience.

How Much Does Hardcore Funnel System Cost?

The system is FREE to join but if you want to become a higher member you can join the "5 figure-day" for just $7 to start and then there will be upsells after that. 

Who Is Hardcore Funnel System For?

The Hardcore Funnel System is designed for people who don’t want to spend their time learning about emails. Copywriting, funnels, websites, and more and would rather plug into a system that does all the work for them. It’s also for:

  • 9-5 Workers who are sick and tired of spending all their time working for little to nothing, and at the end of the month look at their check and have nothing because all the money went towards bills, debts, family, and so much more!
  • People who want a ready-made system with all the templates and formulas done for them and want to get started faster.
  • Beginners and Experts who understand that this is a process that takes time to earn but are okay with spending their money with ads to start.
  • For aspiring online marketers who want a place to get started and understand that this might not be the end all be all and want to continue to grow in their career
  • For Entrepreneurs and digital marketers who want an extra stream of income and want to diversify so, they earn more from different places.

Pros And Cons


  • You get a powerful done-for-you system so you can build your email list faster with paid traffic which means you will be able to communicate easier and have more people to sell too.
  • Free way to get started so you can get a feel for the training before fully committing which means you will have exposure to resources you’ll be able to apply in other affiliate marketing business models if you choose to go elsewhere
  • Ready-made ads so you can have an unfair advantage running paid traffic and getting it right the first time which means you won’t make mistakes not getting your ad(s) approved and wasting time, energy, and money testing.
  • Done-for-your squeeze pages so you have an optimized for conversion funnel which means you will have more people signing up and a lot faster


  • You only get the Free version for collecting leads and you’d have to pay additional money for traffic which can be very costly especially for a beginner
  • You’re not quite sure what the conversion numbers are like for every 3 people that land on your squeeze page, how many of them will convert into actual leads? 
  • Upsells like “5 figure day” for $7 and more after that can cost you $1,000’s.

HFS Alternatives

I’d be wrong not to show you what other options you had on the table, right?

Over the years of internet marketing, I’ve tried literally everything and I can tell you for a fact there are better options, and they are:

The closest one to HFS would probably be the 12-minute affiliate where you get a done-for-you system you can plug into, but here’s the problem with these “done-for-you” systems…

They don’t focus on branding! Buying into these systems and thinking you DON’T have to do anything but buy traffic from solo ad providers or ad traffic channels and sitting back while the money comes in is nonsense! Her’s why…

YOU end up spending hundreds and thousands of dollars to figure out what works before you’ve really even made a $1 back, I'm not joking. Plus, you have to rely on paying for your traffic rather than getting it FREE with organic strategies…

And the fact that you’re tied to promoting a product you might not even care enough about or feel passionate about, will suck. I’ve been there and trust me when I say this…

You’re better off finding products that you “Like” to promote like the ones in this 12-minute affiliate system or something like with ENTRE here.

What I Liked Most About Hardcore Funnel System

If I had to pick JUST one thing I liked most about the Hardcore Funnel System it would be a large amount of resources at your disposable, why exactly?

Well, you get resources that show you the email swipes to use, the ads to run, a whole directory of traffic sources to use, plus you get to tap into the done-for-you squeeze pages so you don’t have to create them from scratch and spend years trying to figure out if they will actually convert.

Other than that, I’m not a big fan of “done-for-you” systems, I prefer branding and picking products that you’re actually going to be passionate about.

Final Thoughts: Is Hardcore Funnel System The BEST?

What did you like most about the Hardcore Funnel System?

While I wouldn’t say it’s the “best’ way to make money online with affiliate marketing, it does let you tap into a ready-made system where you have to test by running paid or free traffic, but keep in mind this…

YOU will still have to put in the time, energy, and money to see if it works. Sometimes these done for you systems don’t pay you dividends in return quick enough, and you’ll be spending most of your time kicking yourself in the foot if it doesn’t work(I’ve been there done that).

So if you don’t want to be sucked into forking out hundreds and thousands of dollars for traffic, and might I add on the time and energy, and be bored out of your mind promoting something you don’t care enough about, then I highly recommend you check out my #1 affiliate marketing system by clicking the button below.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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