February 5

by Michael Granados

Are you an overworked Entrepreneur or small business owner who wants to take a stand and get leverage?

Are these 123 Employee Reviews real AND can you really outsource your work to dedicated Virtual Assistants so you can increase productivity and lower expenses?

Yes, they are! Listen, how many times have you felt frustrated handling EVERYTHING? You’re the marketer, the salesperson, the copywriter, the sales funnel guy, and like the guy calling out for “Buller”, it goes on and on, right?

The problem is you never free up your time to focus “enough” on your main responsibilities in and out of business and at the end of the day, you end upbeat and feeling like nothing got done. Good news is there’s a solution…

It’s 123 Employee, and they are ONE of the best outsourcing companies and I “Michael Granados” will pull back the curtains and show you how, the pros and cons, alternatives and so much more so you can FINALLY be able to have more financial freedom, get your time and energy back, and be able to live life on your own terms!

Alright, let’s get started.

What Is 123 Employee?

what is 123 employee

123 Employee is an affordable outsourcing company created by Daven Michaels who’s goal is to offer a high-level of ongoing training for his employees and clients. You’ll be provided with business process outsourcing, specializing in online and offline marketing, customer service, and virtual assistant services from their 3 outsourcing centers.

Why 123 Employee?

There’s a saying that goes “you get what you pay for”, and if you look at the industry of outsourcing, you can pick up a gig on Fiver or even Upwork for about $3-$5 for let’s say a writer, but will it be quality?

Most of the time it’s not, and even when you pay high, you’re not getting the best of the best from the experts, so that’s where 123 Employee fills in the gap so you don’t have to worry about outsourcing ANYTHING you need at the highest level possible which means you’ll get results much faster and earn Much more!

Featured In:

123 employee featured in

Okay, now let’s go inside 12 Employee…

Going Inside 123 Employee

At the 123employee website, you’ll see this page:

123 employee home page

You get two choices depending on your needs:

  • Enterprise
  • Small Business

I’ll stat worth Enterprise first:

123 employee enterprise

The 123Enterprise solution is a specialized voice service provider that can provide you with the voice service you need for a range of voice-related services, serving you several key verticals.

For Services you get:

  • Telemarketing
  • Inbound Calls
  • Help Desk
  • Tech Support 
  • Monitoring
  • Appointment Setting
  • Operational Support
123 employee enterprise services

For Verticals you get:

  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Communications
  • Consumer Goods
  • Energy and Utilities
  • Healthcare
  • Info, Media and Entertainment
  • Insurance
  • Life Sciences
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Technology
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Travel and Hospitality
123 employee enterprise verticals

For Why Choose Us:

  • Experience
  • Exceptional Training
  • Track Record
  • Good English Speakers
  • Customer Excellence
  • New Facility and Equipment
  • State-of-the-Art
why 123 employee enterprise

And if you want to learn more, you can click on the “red” Learn More” button and you’ll get this page:

123 employee learn more

You can submit a message to get in contact with the team and they’ll get back to you ASAP.

Now, for Small Business:

123 employee for small business

Clients are hiring 123 Employee for:

123 employee virtual assistants

  • Social Media
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Article Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Blogs
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Datamining
  • Research
  • Telemarketing
  • Customer Support/Service
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Personal Assistant
  • And much more!

Huge upside, right? That’s what I love about 123 Employee, they can help you increase your results on any platform for any type of business and you’re likely not good at all these parts of business…

You might do well but for example, if you’re a blogger like myself, you might not like being on Facebook, or maybe you know video marketing is really important but you dread the fact that you have to edit your videos, make thumbnails, add tags and all this…

But with a 123 Employee virtual assistant, you will no longer feel frustrated about the smallest details. Your time is energy and time is money, and when you hire someone, you move lightning faster over your competition.

FREE Resource:

On this 123 Employee home page you can pick up:

  • 3 months service for 30 hours free…
  • List Building 5-part video series…
  • Outsource This Audio CD…
  • Outsourcing Blueprint App…
123 employee free resources

All you need to do is put your name and email to get it.

What Other People Are Saying…

123 employee reviews
123 employee testimonials

123 Employee Clients

123 employee marketers
123 employee success stories
123 employee happy customers
123 employee

How Much Does 123 Employee Cost?

The cool thing is 123 Employee allows you to choose your employee(s) by giving 123 Employee a job description and they’ll match you up with the appropriate candidates with the skill level, education and experience you desire. Here are the plans:

  • Silver. 40 Hours/Month. At $497/Monthly
  • Gold. 80 Hours/Month. At $897/Monthly
  • Platinum 160 Hours/Month. At $1,387/Monthly
123 employee cost

Getting started is risk-free, you won’t pay ANYTHING upfront, which means you’ll get the chance to meet your 123 Employee before you hire, so you know what you will be getting before committing your financial resources.

Think about it, if you add up all the costs of having an employee in addition to their salary, in most cases it easily adds an extra $5-$10 an hour, if you consider this, it’s like you’re getting a FREE employee.

123 employee free

Adding all this up you’re getting $1,000’s of dollars worth of built-in value.

Who Is 123 Employee For?

123 Employee is made for the person who wants to be at the TOP of their game and crush their competition with the best outsourcing company there is and knows he/she can’t settle for anything but the best. Here’s more:

  • Marketers, business owners, and overworked entrepreneurs who have too many tasks and responsibilities on their plate suffocating them from getting anything 100% done(and the right way) and want to delegate their work to someone who can help them out.
  • Beginners, Intermediate and experts who want more time freedom and want the luxury of being able to automate their business by hiring Virtual Assistants to take care of the tasks in your business.
  • For people who dread doing certain activities within your business like writing, social media, and or more and don’t want to spend their precious time trying to figure it out and only do a half job on it.
  • People with a business startup who want to grow as fast as possible without being tied down to doing everything inside their business by themselves.
  • People ready to scale their business to the moon and need the best virtual assistants to work with.
  • People who want a “culture” and friendly environment where you can not only thrive in but be happy you get to collaborate and enjoy community with.

Who’s It Not For?

  • Individuals starting with one focus and one skill and you may not need outsourcing just yet at the beginning
  • People not serious about starting, growing, and scaling their business

Pros And Cons


  • Super dedicated virtual assistants so you have all time to allocate your focus on the things that matter to you most while the VA’s are getting the job done for you in less time which means you’ll free up your schedule to do more of the things you love.
  • Sharp and innovative marketing and support agents so you can always meet your companies and objectives while maintaining your company’s bottom line which means you’ll crush your marketplace and become the most recognized brand in your industry!
  • All top marketers use 123Emplloyee so you don’t have to worry about getting the Best results and long-lasting service too which means you’ll put out work above standard no matter what
  • Daven Michael’s who’s PROVEN to do this for many years and has created a formula so you can win and be happy outsourcing your work. This ensures you’ll be in great hands and looked after by someone who cares a lot about you as a person and not just for business.


  • There really are none, and I’m not saying that to be biased. I mean, maybe the price is a little higher than most outsourcing places, but you get what you pay for and it targets people who want the best so that’s fine.


There are some alternatives out there and it all depends on what you need, right, so here they are:

Fiverr is a great place to find gigs for any project you have in mind, like YouTube thumbnails, social media posting, logo design and much more.

With something like UpWork, you will find many of the same things but more with people helping you write blog posts.

What I Liked Most About 123 Employee

There’s so much to like about 123 Employee, so instead of choosing just ONE, I made a list for you:

  • A team of hundreds of virtual assistants
  • Outsourcing is affordable for small businesses and enterprise solutions
  • Increase productivity and lower expenses
  • Specializing in offline and online marketing
  • Fully redundant voice and data
  • Top marketers use 123 Employee
  • Features in places like Forbes, NBC, Fox News and more!
  • Daven Michael’s who the outsourcing King and living legend

What I Liked Least

  • There really wasn't anything I disliked and that’s not to be biased. Everything you need to outsource at the highest level is here with 123 Employees.

Final Thoughts And Next Level Steps

What was your favorite part about 123 Employee? Did you have a least favorite?

Man, there is A LOT to love about them and one of the biggest reasons is their suite of top-performing Virtual Assistants are incredibly easy to work with and they deliver nothing but exceptional work so that way you’re not having to get frustrated or feel worried like your work won’t get done at your desired time.

I know the feeling of handing off your work to someone who may not know your business as well as you do but at the expense of wasting more time, energy, money and getting no results doing it by yourself, what’s the better option?

Yep, outsourcing, right? The thing that excites me the most(and I know you will too) is you get The best of the best marketers coming to Davin Michael’s because they want results and results in less time…

So if your time is precious and you’d like to free up as much time to enjoy your afternoon, go out on a date and not have to worry about what’s happening in your business and get to actually enjoy your vacation, then look no further than 123 Employee…

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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