May 7

by Michael Granados

Can you really track and optimize ALL Your marketing All in one place?

Marketing is advancing every day, and sales are being made alarmingly with no trace from where they came from, making business owners miss out on extra $100’s upon $1,000’s and in many cases $100,000+ in revenue because they forgot to track where the “clicked link(s)” were coming from...AY CARAMBA!

ay caramba

I’m sitting here deep into my office chair asking myself the question “Is Clickmagick for real? And here’s what’s distributing about out that…

I have the system! Yes, after all this time using this spectacular link tracking software I “Michael Granados” am STILL in a cloud high above the skies sitting surprised at how helpful and life changing Clickmagick is.

Allow me to share with you and show you what Clickmagick is all about from the pros and cons, alternatives, all the way down to the deep end in this Clickmagick reviews post. Let’s get started:

What Is Clickmagick?

Clickmagick is much more than a “link tracker”, you can easily use it to track and optimize even the most elaborate sales funnel. Basically, it’s a link tracking software tool that’ll easily let you track EVERY Click that takes your audience/consumer through the marketing funnel process.

For example:

If you have a YouTube video on a certain product review and you wanted to not only track the link they will click so they go to the sales page to purchase, but from the first initial click and into your website/funnel and then from there to a purchase, then an upsell, downsell, etc…

You can track ALL of that with Clickmagick fast.

Going Inside Clickmagick

Getting a deeper look at Clickmagick I found some pretty amazing discoveries I’d love to show you.

Clickmagick is functional everywhere you advertise online:

clickmagick review

To add on, you can use it with your website/blog, YouTube channel, email marketing and so much more!

Clickmagick Features And Benefits

Clickmagick has more benefits than other link tracking tools I’ve come across like the one here, and this is what you get:

  • Easily track your ENTIRE sales funnel
  • Use tracking links or your own URL’s - Your choice
  • Cross-Device Tracking for deadly accurate stats
  • Unlimited custom tracking domains
  • Easy-to-use, Real-time stats and reports
  • Advanced Geo-targeting and Mobile Optimization 
  • Effortless Conversion Tracking of ANY Goal or sale
  • Automated Intelligent Split testing
  • Best-in-class automated botfiltering/blocking
  • Click fraud monitoring and traffic quality analysis
  • Multi-mode link rotators
  • Add retargeting pixels to any link
  • Bulletproof link cloaking
  • Lightening-fast link redirects
  • Dynamic affiliate links
  • Postback/webhook/server-to-server tracking
  • Dynamic ad network token & sub-id passing
  • Facebook sharing-custom title, description and image
  • 24/7 link uptime monitoring
  • Google Analytics compatible
  • Public stats sharing
  • Import/Export Your data and stats
  • New Features monthly based on user feedback
  • Growing tutorial and training video library
  • Fanatical US-Based Support team

Now that’s a heavy list right? Are you wondering how the competition stacks up to Clickmagick too?

Clickmagick Competitors

clickmagick competitors

Here’s more:

clickmagick competitors part 2
clickmagick competitors part 3

As you can see, Clickmagick literally blows it competitors out of the water, they simply can’t compare nor compete. I know that beginning marketers and business owners can get away with using other less intuitive link tracking software’s but over time if and when you get bigger and decide to expand, Clickmagick will be your best answer so you get the best tracking possible.

How Much Does Clickmagick Cost?

Clickmagick has a 14-day free trial on all accounts(3), here they are:

clickmagick plan
clickmagick plan
  • Starter plan at $27 per month
  • Standard plan at $67 per month
  • Pro plan at $97 per month

Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes, you get to try Clickmagick risk-free and you can cancel your trial at any time, plus you get a 30-day money back refund at any time.

clickmagick money back

And if you have questions about your plans you can view this here:

clickmagick plan coverage

Clickmagick Experts Academy

Would you mind if Clickmagick over delivered?

There’s no other Link tracking tool and platform where you can get thousands of dollars worth of online marketing training from 6-,7 and even 8 figure marketers - for FREE!

Clickmagick regularly adds new training's and each one has a REAL value that’s at least as much as the cost of Clickmagick itself...So you know you’re getting great value. Here’s how to get it…

Just subscribe to the Standard or Pro plan and you’ll get pick a new training for free each and every month!

Standard Vs Pro Training's

On the Experts Academy page you’ll see two samples you’ll get for the standard and pro training's:

clickmagick standard vs pro
  • Standard training's will cover everything from getting started in Affiliate Marketing to achieving top 10 rankings on YouTube. These training's are exclusive and are not for sale but if they were, they’d sell for at least $67 and each month you can pick a new training...FOR FREE.

Here are the training's you’ll see on this page when you scroll:

  • Affiliate Marketing Mastery
  • Affiliate SEO Magick
  • Market Research Blueprint
  • The Beginner’s Guide To Boosting Conversions
  • The Briggsby Experiment
  • The Engagement Funnel
  • The Revelation Method
  • Traffic Traps
  • Ultimate Guide To Email Marketing
  • Untapped Leads
  • Win More From Testing and Experimentation

Each one of these training's is taught by very respected and expert digital marketers in their own specialties. Like Affiliate SEO Magick with Greg Jeffries.

greg jeffries seo

You can view anyone’s profile by clicking the “learn more” button on that page.

Sample Pro Training's:

  • Pro training's will give you an expert-level masterclass on the covered topic. These are the EXACT training's used by 7-,8, and even 9-figure entrepreneurs and businesses to take their advertising and traffic generation to the next level. These training's have a real world value of $297 each!
pro training's

Here are those training's:

  • Bulletproof Facebook Ads
  • Bulletproof GDN Ads
  • Bulletproof Google Ads
  • Bulletproof Instagram Ads
  • Bulletproof Landing Pages
  • Bulletproof Native Ads
  • Bulletproof Twitter Ads
  • Bulletproof YouTube Ads

Again, you click on the “learn more” text to open the pop up. Here’s the one for Google Ads:


This training is with John Belcher a former Googler.

Pros Vs Cons


  • A whole suite of tracking and optimizing your campaigns for better leads and sales conversions  All In One Place so you can get super targeted on your dream customers and make faster sales which means you’ll reach your income goals quicker giving you more time freedom
  • Easily track entire sales funnels so you don’t have to worry about who and where the sales are coming from which means you’ll be able to form a deeper connection with your audience. Grow your brand fast and blow away your competition effortlessly.
  • Superior speed and accuracy so you can get precise information on where your links are getting clicked on and how to adjust which means you’ll have a machine that doesn’t stop working thus making you frustrated.
  • Phenomenal Live chat support 24/7 so you can get help whenever you need it from experts which means you can get back to the more important parts of your business.
  • LOADS of free training inside of Experts Academy so you can get expert advise and literally copy what the experts are doing which means you’ll have an unfair advantage of everyone else using a different type of link tracking software.


  • I couldn’t think of much and I swear I’m not being biased but it probably would be the fact that you’d be so amazed by the dashboard and features that you’d have to kick yourself to get out and focus on other more important responsibilities

Clickmagick Alternative

As much as I love Clickmagick and use it for everything I do, it would be wrong of me to not show you any alternatives, right?

There’s one close alternative that I’ve used in the past and tested which is:

Clickmeter is similar to Clickmagick with a ton of features and benefits so you can’t go wrong, I made a review about it here. Still, I’d prefer Clickmagick because they over-deliver and are the gold standard of link tracking software.

What I Liked Most About Clickmagick

There’s so much I like about Clickmagick but If I had to choose just ONE thing I liked most about Clickmagick it would be how they over-deliver on literally EVERYTHING. Here’s what I mean…

You get so much state of the art link tracking analytics so you can have everything in one place and that you’re fully maximizing from each and every person that comes in contact from you and wants to purchase.

This way you can easily replicate what’s working and follow a proven tracking method for your needs. Plus, it helps that you get superior training in the standard and pro plans for FREE! It’s insane you get access to these from experts who can help you grow your skills in areas you want.

Final Thoughts

I hope you've enjoyed this Click Magick Review, Clickmagick is the OMEGA of all link tracking software’s and for great reasons...They help you maximize and optimize every single link clicked, you get tracking inside of websites, sales funnels, and so many more places so you don’t have to guess where people are clicking from and who’s buying what.

Don’t be like myself and wait years before you think about investing with a proper link tracking software because it will cost you your time, money, and so many headaches because you’re playing this guessing game of “where are my clicks and sales coming from?” YIKES!

It’s a nightmare, trust me. But I’m sure you know that or have come to terms with it which makes sense why you’re here today. If you’re ready to take the smart leap with Clickmagick, click below:

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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