May 7

by Michael Granados

Want to have an unfair advantage over competition on how to market yourself as a realtor?

You’ve put yourself through hard working days of getting your real estate license, you’ve experienced what’s it like to work with people finding a new home, but that didn’t prepare you for Marketing Correctly did it?

Marketing is the last missing key you need to glue your career together and when you do it right you will gain a huge amount of exposure and profitability like you couldn’t imagine. I Michael Granados am going to offer you that key here today, and show you step-by-step the techniques, strategies, and tactics you need to reach the goals and success you’re looking for.

I put together a list of the 11+ best ways you NEED to be marketing yourself as a realtor, real estate agents and so forth, with free courses, and guides along the way.

By the way I also made a mega post on how I've helped out financial advisors succeed too here(among many other industries).

Let’s get started!

11+ Best Ways To Market Yourself As A Realtor Effectively

how to market yourself as a realtor

#1. Use Social Media

No debating, this had to go as my #1 on the list, you MUST use social media if you want the most amount of exposure and clients. You may be thinking “you mean advertising right?”

Well, that’s one form that is most recommended but you also have ways to grow your authority through organic traffic on places like:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

For the fastest exposure though, you will want to advertise. I’ve helped out a fair share of realtors/real estate agents get their foot in the door to Facebook advertising and launch their business to the point where it’s BOOMING.

Facebook has this amazing tool called “Audience Insights’, where Mr. Mark Zuckerberg LITERALLY reveals to you all the data of people. Why is this important to you?

You can gather data on demographics with things like:

  • People’s financial brackets
  • Where they live
  • What they do for a living
  • Education
  • What are their hobbies
  • Their interest
  • What pages do they follow
  • Etc

This is super powerful because you can target your ads to people who are interested in certain pages related to real estate, age ranges, occupations, and you can zone in on “WHO” your ideal client is.

STEP #2: Give away a free lead magnet

What’s a free lead magnet? This is your chance to give away a related real estate freebie like a PDF, guide, checklist, etc. to your ideal audience in exchange for their email.

So what happens is they land on something called a “Landing page” and their only option is to give you their email address/information in exchange you give them something that they want.

I made a full review on the #1 system you can do this with where I also give you done for you real estate web sites here.

#2 Host A Client Event

Has the thought of hosting a live event crossed your mind? Maybe, but it sounds a bit scary right?

Don’t worry, it’s rather easy and fun. You can host a workshop or a seminar where you gather your existing client base to show your appreciation for them, and at the same time your existing client base will bring new fresh faces like friends and family that are your potential new leads.

Your event can be a picnic or one targeted to real estate tips, tricks, secrets, hacks, and so forth. It doesn’t have to be related to real estate, in fact, when you carry out a “casual event”, you can show more of your personal side which will attract people to you and you can then proceed to hand out business cards, collect emails, phone numbers, and more.

Related: Aweber Autoresponder Email Tool

#3 Leverage Your Existing Clients For Referrals

This will commonly be your go to move and it’s how you’ve been able to attract your clients, so keep it up. It’s kind of like a review but in this way it’s more of a social share of your website, business page, or word of mouth from an existing  client.

Once someone is satisfied with the results you gave them you can ask if they can refer you to others.  The higher level of service you can provide, the greater the referrals you will have. Which brings me to my next point.

#4 Focus On Specialization

Why should people do business with you? What makes you different than all the other realtors in your area?

People want realtors with a specialization, this is how they make most of their decisions on who they choose. Think about all the Google searches that bring up “realtors near me”...

So many right? People don’t just select the first search result any more, they want a realtor who specialized in an area that they need most. Do you work better with apartments, condos, houses, land?

Put a lot of thought into this and then you can offer something your competitors can’t.

#5 Use Reviews

Whether you have great or poor reviews, people want to read them - this is how they make their final decisions. You should start collecting reviews and placing them on sites like:

  • Google
  • Yelp
  • Consumer reports
  • Facebook

People want to know they can trust you and what greater way to know than reviews?

#6 Have A Facebook Business Page

A Facebook page is like the new advertising billboard. Yep, it’s true. Which part? The cover photo. Your cover photo will tell your clients who you are, what you do, and how they can get more information from you.

Outside of your cover photo, you can post:

  • Reviews
  • An about me section
  • Your services
  • Location
  • Contact number
  • Messages
  • And so much more

By having a consistent organic posting schedule in combination with running a Facebook ad, you will have the perfect strategy.

#7 Use Google Ads

Facebook isn’t the only place to advertise, you also have the Big G, or Google. I use it just about every day as I’m Google ads certified, and have helped out many realtors list their ad on the front page of Google’s search results.

Of course, it depends on what you offer, if the cost is right, and other factors, but at least people are “intently” searching for a realtor as opposed to Facebook where they’re just there for entertainment.

#8 Start A Website/Blog

Did you know a website presence builds greater trust, relationships, and on going business?

Unlike your Facebook and social media pages, you actually have a REAL asset - your website. No one can take that away from you. On your site you can:

  • Blog
  • Share videos
  • Add a contact form
  • Layout your services
  • Give away a freebie

There’s so much you can do with a website. And if you want to take it a step further than just a generic site, add a blog.

This way you can build more of a bond with people, you can inform them about what you do, and did I mention people can find you by doing a simple Google search?

Yep. It’s true. People everyday are typing into search engines like Google for ways to solve their real estate problems, and you can show up on the first page of Google without paying for ads!

This is done through something called Search Engine Optimization and Keyword Research.

#9 Get On Video

Video marketing is a BILLION dollar industry and it’s the fastest way to build rapport and trust with anyone these days. In fact, the whole landscape of marketig has shifted to video…

So you can do Facebook lives, Instagram stories, or things like YouTube. Don’t worry, you don’t need to show your face on camera if you’re shy.

#10 Storytelling

The #1 biggest unique selling proposition isn’t always your deal but who YOU are, what do I mean?

Have you heard of the phrase “facts tell, stories sell?” The same is true about yourself, you need to position yourself as the realtor that people need to invest their time and money with but the problem is that your battling it out with a lot of other realtors…

So you have to differentiate yourself and “sell” yourself by telling a story. A story has 3 things:

  • An attractive character. You The realtor
  • A Desire. You want more leads thus more sales
  • Conflict. You keep running into competition or you don’t know what to do

Related: Expert Secrets Free Book

You can use a story to communicate where you’ve started to how you’ve gotten to where you are today. People don’t just want to invest with you because you have the best recommendations/reviews, but because they want to feel emotionally attached to the fact that you seriously are there to help them.

So, I made for a you a FREE Done-for-you script you can use to tell stories here.

#11. Use A Marketing Funnel

Marketing funnels are the process of taking a possible lead, warming them up to you by subtlety offering to give them something for free in exchange for their email address. Why?

It’s a small mico-commitment that says “Hey, I’m interested, I’d like to know more about so and so and how his real estate expertise can help me out”.

But that’s not where it ends…

In a typical website you’d lose someone because there are so many buttons all over the damn place they can click to go away, but in a dedicated marketing funnel they have no where to click away. They’d have to press the backspace or “x” sign to get out.

Even better, is using a sales funnel which you can use to sell more of your products/services in one shot. So, when someone receives the freebie you gave them, then you can offer them your product/services on the following page, and if they buy, you can offer them more similar items and they keep ascending up with you…

This is called the Value ladder which is taught inside of this free book called dot com secrets. My favorite marketing funnel to use is from a software called Clickfunnels, which easily allows you to market yourself faster and effectively, so much so I already made a done-for-you realtor funnel.

Final Thoughts

You don’t have to beat yourself up if you don’t have proper marketing skils right now, you can develop them over time and or you can have me do it for you, which one will it be?

These 11+ Tips to market yourself as a realtor are PROVEN and work but only if you take action, and if this material resonated with you today, I’d like for you to reach out to me down below so I can helps set up a plan for you or you can check out the Sales funnel Clickfunnels software and get a done-for-you realtor funnel right away.

Do you have any questions, comments or concerns you'd like to share with me? Feel free to leave me a comment down below and I'll get back to you ASAP!

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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