February 16

by Michael Granados

What I’m about to tell you might be too good to be true.

Can you really get a Funnel Hacker Cookbook PDF Download  for FREE?

100% absolutely yes!

In just a second I’ll show you the BEST way and where to download it with some amazing bonuses, but let me tell you ONE thing you need to know first…

This cook book is like what a Miner is to mining..GOLD!

I’ll cut to the chase, you can just download your free pdf or you can do it the more jaw-dropping way...

You can download it through me and I’ll give you TONS of extra bonuses like A free book, my library of share funnels, and so much more! What do you say?(Read until the end how).

But if you want to get on with your business, you can download your funnel hacker cookbook through the following link:

Download your free cookbook pdf here.

Funnel Hacker Cookbook Overview

Product Name: Funnel Hacker's Cookbook

Founder: Russell Brunson

Product Type: Sales Funnel Marketing, Business, Entrepreneur, Work from home

Price: FREE

Best for: Marketers, Sales, Entrepreneurs, Business, work from home

Summary: The Funnel Hacker Cookbook is a shortcut to putting together any funnel piece by piece kind of like a puzzle, so you can easily market your products/services to your audience and start generating a great revenue. 

Rating: 100/100

Recommended: Yes

What Is The Clickfunnel Hacker Cookbook?

The funnel hacker cookbook is a list of the Top 22 sales funnels for FREE that's been created by Clickrunnels owner Russell Brunson.. It’s kind of like an actual food cookbook where you’ll get the sales funnel recipes to grow your business. It’s that simple…

Look at the “ingredients” that make up a particular funnel and imagine how you can use them for your business. 

Why Do You Need It?

Years ago I’d be like “Cool, how’s a book of funnels going to help me make money?”

It’s funny because the realization hit me harder and much sooner than I thought, I wanted to promote my health and wellness business with some type of an optin form but I had no idea how to set one up…

And silly me, I had the funnel hacker cookbook sitting afar from me in my google drive document file and I completely forgot all about it!

WARNING: Don’t do that! If I would have just refereed to the cookbook more often, the RIGHT funnels would have been made. I know that you ca get it for free, and often times we dismiss something that’s free…

But don’t take this cookbook for granted, it’s THE fundamental building block. That’s why I also ordered the Physical copy so:

  1. I wouldn’t forget
  2. It feels amazing to have

And yes, you can also get a physical copy to go along with your digital one. I actually recommend you do, it feels great to have on hand and almost feels like an actual food cookbook…

I brought it to the kitchen one day thinking I was about to make a chocolate cake. Might as well used it anyway haha.

Where To Get Your Funnel Hacker Cookbook Free PDF

On the first page you’re going to see this:

funnel hacker cookbook

STEP 2: Press the orange button on this page(it’s big, you won’t miss it).

Plus, when you get it through the link above, I'll give you free access to:

  • My Membership Course($997 Value)
  • 3 Books(worth over $60)

After you get it through me, you will then be re-directed through instant download access, or go with the hard copy which brings up the following:

STEP 3: Enter your email

funnel hacker cookbook email

STEP 4: Watch Your Funnel Strategy video

the funnel hacker cookbook

On this page you’ll watch the video and you can also go through the “watch next” videos for:

  • Page Recipes
  • Funnel Recipes

STEP 5: Download your free funnel hacker cookbook.

funnel hacker download
  • Click on “Download The Free PDF”
  • Or you can get the hard copy shipped to you(having both is great).

Going Inside The Funnel Hacker Cookbook

There’s so much to cover inside so I’ll just cover a small piece.

Once you’re inside, you’ll get things like:

  • A cover photo
  • A Table of contents
  • General information

I scrolled down and found a random page.

funnel cookbook

You’ll get a set of direction and a “funnel scripts” line which tells you that you should use a headline, and scripts for every funnel.

click pop

The more you scroll down for this “Click Pop” example, you’ll get more help on how to get it setup. What you just saw was only a small fraction of what you'll see inside of the funnel cookbook pdf, there's SO much to learn from that you'll get a good kick out of.

Extra Resources - FREE BOOK

I recommend that you compliment the Funnel Hackers Cookbook PDF with a book called Dot Com Secrets. What is it?

As owner Russell Brunson calls it: “It’s The Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online”

In other words, it’ll go more in-depth how to use all the different types of funnels from free-plus shipping, self-liquidating, Webinars, to so much more!

Plus, you get the scripts to use for all of them, which will help fast track your success and free up more time to do the things in your business that matter most or just spend more free time with your friends and loved ones.

By the way, I made a full-review of how you can get DotCom secrets here if you want to learn more about it.

Final Thoughts And Your Free Funnel Hacker Cookbook

Have you grabbed your funnelhacker cookbook pdf yet?

The funnel hacker cookbook is one of a kind and it’s a MUST have. Whenever you want to know about the building blocks of a particular funnel, you can refer to the cookbook…

And whenever you want all the scripts, the way to use these funnels correctly, I’d refer to dot com secrets.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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