December 24

by Michael Granados

How would you like to see the 15 Day Affiliate Marketing Challenge of a Lifetime?

On the count of three was the very first thought and feeling I had when I dove deep head first into the 15 feet shallow and dark waters of this 15 day challenge but little did I know I was about to resurface much faster like a humpback whale out in the ocean…

Literally Blowing the water out with excitement and determination to grow and turn my life back around and go back down into the deep waters that this time was filled with bright lights.

Listen, there are many online affiliate marketing challenges but the question you have to hear is this…

How many of them will actually get you results? How many of them will fulfill your happiness and cause you to have more determination? Luckily you’ll get clarity on that today as I “Michael Granados” a full-time affiliate marketer who owns a health and wellness business(as well others) will show you the ONE Ultimate 15 day affiliate challenge that is unlike any other out there, the pros and cons, alternatives, and more.

By the way, I also wrote a review where I uncover the 30-day affiliate marketing challenge so I’ve been around the block with any daily challenge. So let’s get started!

Best Affiliate Marketing 15 Day Challenge

By far the best 15 day challenge affiliate marketing free is this one...

#1  Day Online Business Builder Challenge

the 15 day online business builder challenge

If you’re looking to start a wildly profitable online business but don’t know where to begin and want to earn High-Ticket Commissions Marketing Valuable Digital Products People already want to buy, then look no further than the 15 day online business builder challenge.

PLUS, you get to make more money than you would be selling lower ticket products like those of Amazon, Walmart, etc.

Here’s what you’ll get access to:

  • The #1 High-Ticket Business Model To Launch Online(Newbie Friendly)
  • Why Low-Ticket Business Models Are Keeping You Broke(see the Math)
  • Download All My High-Ticket Templates, Scripts, and Funnels
high ticket commissions challenge

One of my favorite features of the Online Business Builder challenge is the supportive step-by-step video guidance that Legendary Marketer creator David Sharpe walks you through because you get a video unlocked every single day where David shares with you the high ticket affiliate marketing business model, the mindset you must have and the daily assignments.

If that’s not enough, I think you’ll also like that The Legendary Marketer 15 Day Challenge comes with:

  • PROVEN done for you expert sales funnels so you can get ahead of the game before you’ve even started which means you’re going to earn much faster and become a more effective marketer unlike those that fail...hard on their butt.
  • Countless hours, weeks, months, and even years from sifting through the insane overload of information online from shady sources so you don’t have to worry about failing and scratching your head(or nuts), which means you’ll feel happier and fulfilled and that’ll translate on over to your closest loved ones.
  • Powerful training videos each day along with purposeful assignments so you get critical up to date information on what’s working TODAY and so you can hold yourself accountable in the process which means you’ll learn while you earn.
  • You get a dedicated advisor who will personally help you develop your business plan and get it into action faster so you can have the right game plan to take action on and to keep you responsible and accountable which means you’ll feel like someone actually cares about you that doesn’t have to do with money!
  • MILLIONS of other people who are finding success with the challenge and leaving their job so you can have 100% confidence and certainty that if others are finding success so can you which means you’ll lean into doing the work to build the business of your dreams.

As you can see, there is so much to love about the 15 day business challenge and so many people are saying amazing things about it, look below:

business builder challenge
business builder reviews
legendary business

Just Imagine getting the challenge in your hands and getting the feeling of some type of “discovery” where you no longer feel lost and not value for what you’re worth, and day by day another video unlocks and revealed to you at the end of the 15 days is a business plan you can take full advantage of to build the part-time business or full-time business of your dreams…

And before you know it, you’re reaching your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals, whether that’s a few $100 a day to $5,000+ per month, the skies the limit. 

How Much Is This 15 Day Challenge Affiliate Marketing?

You might think this has to be worth $100’s and even $1,00’s dollars right? Well, how about $7? Yep, that’s all.

You’re getting the opportunity of a lifetime at such a low price and the fact it’s risk-free makes the pot even sweeter. I wouldn’t wait on it because who knows...The price could go up(but still worth getting into), or it could be taken away and you lose your chance to build a business that can replace your 9-5 Income!

PLUS: You're going to get my over $12,000 in FREE Bonuses you can click here to see.

Free 15 Day Challenge Download?

I get asked the question above WAY too often and so many people are searching for a "Free" version, and here's my answer...

There is No free download or for the most part a 15 day affiliate marketing challenge free download of any sort to be honest. Once upon a time there was but now it's a small payment of just $7 and if you're going to complain or not be "resourceful" enough to get a small amount to get started and what can change the course of your entire life...

That's priceless. Not to mention, it's not a risk. However, if you wanted anything free from legendary that's not the 15 day challenge, I do have a few free guides you can checkout here to just get you more familiar with David, the company first.

High Ticket Vs Low Ticket Products

Let me ask you a question…

Would you rather sell a bunch of $15 physical products from Amazon at like 1% commissions(yeah that’s really Amazon’s affiliate program these days) and get pennies in return OR promote a high-ticket product at like $100+ and get like 20%-50% commissions?

It doesn’t take a math genius to know that dollars are far better than pennies. You can make the same comparison if you sold a $100 physical product at like 15% commissions and get like $5-$15 and not make any money on the backend OR you can promote the same $100 or $2,000 product to your audience and make a 50% commission and make like $1,000 from that $2,000 product.

Don’t get me wrong, low-ticket products are amazing and I do promote them too but it’ll take more volume of people to make that monthly commission you want as opposed to selling like one product and make the commission you needed right away.

I switch back between low and high-ticket because there’s value in the two and whenever let’s say I don’t get a high-ticket sale or someone requests their money back, I have the low-ticket products still helping me out...and vise versa.

Who’s The Online Business Builder Challenge For?

The Online Business Builder Challenge is made for people who want to Better their lives financially by building an internet business that’ll bring in income for many years to come and for those who don’t want to settle for what you’ve been conditioned to think which is “Go to school, Get A Job, Get Married”, and live out your life paying your debt and bills with nothing left over.

Here’s more:

  • Beginners who want to skip over the “Low-Ticket” affiliate marketing business model and want to get into making $1,000’s worth of affiliate commissions with the “High-Ticket” affiliate marketing business model instead, and at the same time want to build something sustainable and long-lasting.
  • Struggling Affiliate Marketers OR any other business model owners who need to pivot and make higher ticket affiliate commissions where you don’t have to deal with customer support, have inventory, or feel like this “techy” person.
  • People who want done-for-you scripts templates and funnels so you don’t have to start from scratch and figure out what converts best.
  • 9-5 workers who are sick and tired of the daily grind of putting on a dress shirt, the jeans, the shoes, get in a vehicle and waste all this time doing “busy” work and feeling super tired by the time your day is over and leaving you frustrated.
  • Moms and Dads
  • Students
  • Retirees
  • And many more!

Who’s It Not For?

  • People who don’t want to challenge themselves
  • People who are tire kickers
  • Push-button seekers
  • Fast money seekers
  • People not in it for the long haul
  • Skeptical people

Pros And Cons


  • PROVEN 15 Day high-ticket affiliate challenge so you can be prepared to start a business and be earning money online in 15 days which means you’re going to get results much faster than anywhere else
  • Powerful training videos unlocked every day so you can visually see what David Sharpe has to say and show you which means you’re going to feel more excited and in spirit to not only learn but take immediate and proper action
  • Purposeful everyday assignments so you can keep yourself responsible and accountable at all times which means you don’t have to worry about growing and becoming the person you need to become.
  • Your own Business Plan Advisor so you get to develop a business plan AND put it into action which means you’ll become fearless because of the right plan and strategy you’re going to have moving forward!
  • Saved countless hours, weeks, month, and even years from sitting through the insane information online from shady sources so you don’t have to worry about failing which means you’ll get up to date information and the best there is


  • There really are no cons, and I’m not saying this to be biased.


There really are no alternatives to the 15 day affiliate marketing challenge(s) you saw here today, however there is a free 5 day affiliate marketing challenge with a 100 day bootcamp where you're given 100 days to turn this "hobby" into your full-time career...

And You get 15+ of some of the best super affiliate's revealing their secret strategy to you so you can take it and run with it. What program is this?

It's called the Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp created by one of the greatest affiliate marketers and creates of the Clickfunnels sales funnel software Russell Brunson. While I don't think it's the "Ultimate" replacement to the 15 day legendary marketer challenge or any other, it's a great place to start understanding how to use strategies and tactics that best fit your needs and making them work.

You can check out my full Affiliate Bootcamp reviewed post by clicking the following button:

What I Liked Most About The Challenge

My favorite part about the challenge has to be the Interactive part where you get assignments and a Business plan advisor, why?

You will become unstoppable on the fact that you will hold yourself responsible and accountable for what you WANT. Anybody can go through a course but how many will Actually interact with the assignments and even more interact with a business advisor?

When you hook yourself on to that and open yourself up, show your vulnerabilities - that’s where you grow! Trust me, you have to first learn how to become uncomfortable if you want to live comfortably...that’s how all this works.

Plus, it helps that your business advisor will REALLY care about you as an individual and set a plan for you you’ll thrive with.

What I Liked Least

There wasn’t anything that I Didn’t like and again I’m not saying this to be biased but because it’s the truth. Let’s just entertain the fact that I did find something I didn’t like though…

I mean, I would say how about more videos? 15 days is enough but I would love 30 days too just because the content was amazing.

Final Thoughts And FREE Bonuses!

What was your favorite part about the 15 day challenge? What about your least favorite?

Although there are LOADS of affiliate marketing business models online there is ONLY one that’ll get you high-ticket commissions, earn you the income you desire much faster, and help you reach your full-time goals as an affiliate marketer sooner rather than later, but you have to pick the right system to lead you there…

And in all my years of doing affiliate marketing, the 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge will get you there much faster and give you the clarity you need to build a long-term business that’ll create the freedom you want, give you more time, and let you live life on your own terms.

15 Day Challenge Bonuses ($12,684 Yours Free!)

First, here are all the bonuses you will get from David:

90% off: The 15 Day Challenge - This bonus will break down step-by-step how to transform your life into a high-ticket product information seller. This took David from drug addict to over $10,000,000  ($199 Value)

FREE Bonus #1: A 1-On-1 Business Advisor that will walk you through the training and help create a game plan that's right for YOU. ($299 Value!)

FREE Bonus #2: The Legendary Marketer Community that is going to provide you with all the support you need right now on your journey to success. ($175 Value!)

30 Day 'Keep It All' Money Back Guarantee we're so confident that this training will change your life that if you're not satisfied within 30 days, Jeff will refund your money and let your keep the $673 worth of bonuses free as his gift to you.

Now Here are all the bonuses you will get from Me(Michael Granados)

BONUS #1: My Exclusive Affiliate Marketing For Entrepreneurs Academy Mini Course($497 Value). Dave will show you what affiliate marketing is in one of the lessons, and I’m also an expert in this field with many years doing it to perfection. My course will show you video training and tutorials from the ground level up, from making offers, messages, websites, funnels, email, copywriting, lead generation, traffic, ads, organic traffic, freebies, and so much more you'll have to see! All this is just a mini-course with expert knowledge, and if you take David on his Full-Affiliate Marketing Course, I'll unlock the WHOLE Course for you which is regularly priced at $2,097(yep, this is true, no catch)!

BONUS #2: Exclusive access to my High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing For Entrepreneurs Academy Course($397). There are many levels of affiliate marketing and high-ticket is one of the fastest ways to help you earn $1,000's+ in commissions having to sell less products at all times! You'll be shown the direct-route to making more commissions in less time with my material, and offers so you can hit the ground running as fast as possible without having to mess up(over and over too).(PLUS, Bonus #9 below will show you one of the ways to my 6-figure funnel you'll have to see to believe - trust me!)

BONUS #3: 180 Done-For-You Emails by a professional Copywriting expert($6,097 Value). These done-for-you emails are no joke, a professional copywriter has made sure to give you the best internet marketing emails you can get...anywhere online PERIOD! These will last you about 6 months+. Just put them into your email autoresponder, sit back, relax, and watch the magic happen!

BONUS #4: Viral SEO Secret Hacks Course($397 Value). I’m going to give you my COMPLETE Search Engine Optimization(SEO) course where you will be able to effortlessly get your website as well YouTube and Pinterest ready in less time to start making you commissions.

Bonus #5: Facebook Accelerator Explosion Course($297 Value). You will not have to worry about how to maximize your engagement on Facebook anymore with my video training course which will show you step-by-step how to get maximum exposure to your products/services for the long-term.

Bonus #6: Special Access To ALL of My Social Media and Extra Guides So you can have a greater way to make an impact and income on channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Email Marketing and more which means you're going to crush it and make more money in the long-run($197 Value),

Bonus #7: Discover Your Niche Mastery Blueprint Guide($197) You're getting in your hand my prized niche mastery blueprint where you can nail down your Niche and dominate your marketplace NO MATTER WHAT goes down! This blueprint uncovers the step-by-step process to selecting the RIGHT niche so you don't have to worry about making money in it or having to try again. There are videos in this blueprint I pulled from my Affiliate Marketing that would be worth $100's each and you'll see the 5 crucial steps before choosing a niche part!

BONUS #8: Cliff Notes PDF and Checklist of the 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge ($17) so you can get a quicker recap of what you learned in each step/video and day by day so you don't get lost and can refer to more resources like my videos to help you along the way at all times.

Bonus #9: FREE Access to My 6-Figure High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Funnel you can clone and use for yourself to generate high ticket commissions daily all the time($597 Value). If you need help getting started and want to promote some high ticket Make Money Online offers like Legendary Marketer, I'll give you Exclusive access to my funnels with all the scripts, templates, promotional material and more to fire you forward faster. PLUS, I have other high ticket products you can promote to Multiply your commissions!

Bonus #10: Free Access To My Private Facebook Group with a 1-1 Coach side and training to it($127 + Value). I have a group for like minded individuals who are growing their business and want to become or are digital entrepreneurs. You’re also going to get full access to 1-1 Zoom calls with me!

Is it OK if I over-deliver for you?

Special Bonus #1: You'll get my fast action Storytelling for business scripts so you can "sell" without selling($97 Value) which means what? You won't have to feel like a salesman, rather you can use stories to get your point across and make the sale.

Special Bonus #2: My Full Sales Funnel Domination Course($997 Value) so you don't have to worry about how to use sales funnels or even create one from scratch at all! Yep, that's right, I have FREE templates I give away so you can start generating revenue right away which means you'll free up more of your time to do what you like doing.

Special Bonus #3: My Very special and one of a kind "One Blog Post Away Challenge"($2,097 Value). You will get my very popular and life-changing 30 day blog challenge unlike no other out there where you will be able to build a highly profitable blog in 90 days or less(just watch)! Most people just show and tell you to get a domain and hosting and then get a website, but this is not that - I've reverse engineered the whole process and made it effective and efficient of your time so you can know EVERYTHING from getting leads, to sales, copywriting and so much more, it'll be AWESOME! 

PLUS: I always throw in extra bonuses - you have to see to believe.

If you’re ready to take the next steps and get in on this Challenge, click the button below to get started…

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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