January 20

by Michael Granados

Want to see some INSANE CTFO Reviews that’ll get you wondering “What in the heck?!”

I’ll get straight to the point and answer what’s on your mind “IS CTFO some kind of a scam?

The short answer is No, but there’s more to this Multi-Level Marketing/Network Marketing company than meets the eye, and I “Michael Granados” with many years of experience buying CBD products for my own health and family members as well as Owning an online health and wellness business will uncover the truths, the pros, and cons, and give you a firs-hand look inside the company…

And by the time you’re done, Hallenluah - you’ll know what next steps to take. But first, I’m not a recruiter of the company nor am I no longer a buyer from them and you’re going to run into many people reviewing this company trying to sell you an “online business” opportunity but let me ask you this…

How many of them have ACTUALLY built one in the health and wellness space? Not very many and I’ll show evidence of that with CTFO and other related companies, so stick with me and let’s get moving.

What Is CTFO

CTFO is short for Changing The Future Outcome is an organic CBD Company with a variety of CBD products in every form, from oils to creams, balms, gummies, and more you can purchase as a consumer AND they also have an associate to promote their products as a network marketing company.

According to Forbes, the CBD market is going to become the next BILLION dollar industry and will grow by a staggering 700% in the next couple of years and get this, by 2026 the cannabis industry is projected to be at $50 Billion and a portion of that will be due to Hemp CBD Oil derived products. Crazy, right?

It doesn’t end there...A new estimate emerged as an analyst of the BirghtField Group says the hemp-CBD market alone could hit $22 Billion by 2022!

Okay, that still doesn’t answer the question “Is CTFO the right fit for YOU?”

Related: How To Simply Become A CBD Distributor


According to CTFO, they’re the best MLM Company of 2020(it’s not 2020 anymore), why?

You share something with someone(referral) and if they are interested they’ll check out CTFO and not think twice about it. It’s kind of like when you’re scrolling on Facebook or Pinterest and you see this amazing recipe so what do you do?

You’ll likely devour it and make it yourself but you’ll also share it with your friends and family, right? In return, you generate potential business or page views as it’s called for someone else's business...One you don’t have to own!

This is how network marketing works - you share products and your business ideas you’re in love with to the people you know and if they like it they’ll buy CBD from you or join the business opportunity and replicate what you’re doing…

In this way, you build a team, and it a win-win for everyone involved. Now I’m not a fan of network marketing because of a few reasons:

  • You depend on duplication to make money
  • You hardly many any money unless you’re at the top and you can thoroughly train people how to recruit.
  • The people you train and don’t train don’t take action
  • Thus you don’t really make anything even when you promote the products

Before I go way into depth with this, let me show you inside CTFO and the products, and then we’ll circle around to this if you’re interested in the business side of things, okay?

But in case you want to get on with it and see my #1 recommended way to make money online AND to steal my healthy affiliate cheat sheet so you can make more commissions in less time, click here.

Related: How to become a CBD Oil Affiliate

Going Inside CTFO

On the home page you’ll see this screen:

ctfo home page

Right away you’ll be presented with a couple of options:

  • Become an Associate 
  • Shop For CBD Online

Let’s go shopping for CBD like a few kids in a candy shop, shall we?

ctfo shop

CTFO has four main categories and they are:


ctfo health

Bliss extra strength is your shortcut to an elevated mood, reduces stress and anxiousness while calming your fear in a flash. 

Here are the key benefits:

ctfo health key benefits


ctfo anti aging

CTFO has a non-abrasive exfoliant that was handcrafted and carefully chosen natural and organic ingredients.

The nutrient-rich chemical compounded formula removes your dead skin cells effortlessly and conditions your skin for the next step in a quality skincare regimen.

Here are the Key Benefits:

ctfo anti aging key benefits


ctfo nutrition

Would you like to start your day with a handcrafted Colombian coffee beverage?

Each wholesome cup is enhanced with 10xPURE oxygenated delivery crystals containing:

  • Lauric Acid
  • Caprylic Acid
  • Frankincense

People have been known to use these for therapeutic benefits. This energizing beverage will help you power through your day and you’ll likely get a raise at your job!

Key Benefits:

ctfo nutrition benefits


ctfo pets and benefits

The CTFO Pure Hemp treats can help reduce your pets:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety

While at the same time helping keep your pet feeling and acting youthful.

Now, let’s look at ALL the categories when you go shopping…

ctfo categories

You’ll see a list of 16 categories on the left of your screen there and they are:

  • 10xPURE. Helps stabilize the CBDa, not previously thought possible. So CTFO combined their CBDa with CBD to produce a worldwide exclusive product you can only find with CTFO.
10x pure

  • 10XPURE Coffee.
10x pure coffee

  • Celluvie and Dermavie

  • Weight Loss Products
ctfo weight loss products

  • CBD Drops
cbd drops

  • CBD Spray and Capsules
cbd sprays and capsules

  • CBD Luxury Products
cbd luxury products

  • CBD Relief Creams

  • CBD Skin Products
cbd skin products ctfo

  • CBD Hair Growth Products
cbd hair growth

  • CBD Sun Care
cbd sun care

  • Pure Hemp Pet Products
pure hemp pet products

  • Non-CBD Health and Nutrition
cbd health nutrition

  • Non-CBD Skin Products
non cbd skin

  • Other Packages
other cbd packages

  • Events and Materials

Product Documentation

ctfo product documentation

CTFO believes in quality, transparency, and accountability and that’s why they provide third-party testing and documentation to back up everything they share.

All CTFO’s CBD products are manufactured in GMP certified facilities, which means they’re regulated by the FDA to ensure that what they put on their labels is what is inside the products - nothing false or gimmicky like many CBD companies do, to be honest.

CTFO says they have the highest quality and purity available anywhere, and they offer a 60-day, empty container money-back guarantee to prove it.

Look, I can agree with everything they said except the “Highest Quality and Purity Available” part because ANY CBD company will say this…

This is just a marketing position. And while their products are good, it doesn’t mean they’re the best and after trying so many different companies and products, CTFO is not the highest in these standards or the ‘Gold” standard as they say.

In case you wanted to see the ingredients and measurements that go into a product, here’s a certificate of analyst for CBD Oil:

ctfo certification of analysis

CTFO Opportunity

ctfo opportunity

Is there a doubt in your mind Health And Wealth are two major problems we face today?

The internet makes things SO much easier for you especially with things like COVID-19 and being stuck at home all the time, people are literally flocking the internet to buy and start a home-based business and all you have to do is share your Free and personalized website with people and they can check it out on their own time without you having to pitch them.

Supposedly, CTFO offers a turnkey business which makes it easier for you to get people to join and start their business quickly. And as your team grows the Hemp CBD product volume being distributed through your business will increase and result in higher commissions for you.

CTFO Compensation

ctfo compensation plan

So you’ll get compensated depending on the builder pack you’re on and the ones you sell, and they are:

  • Platinum Packs
ctfo platinum packs

The platinum pack is designed for people who want to go deep and save more money than the other two packs I’m about to show you and qualify you for all Fast Start Pay and 21 Levels of Matrix Team Pack Pay for life.

Here are what some of those packages look like:

ctfo platinum products

  • Gold Packs
ctfo gold packs

With the gold packs, you get a deeper discount and save you more money and qualify you for all Fast start pay and 14 levels of Matrix Team Pack Pay for life.

Here's what some of those packages look like:

ctfo gold products

  • Silver Packs
ctfo silver packs

The silver packs qualify you for all Fast start pay and 7 levels of Matrix Team pack pay for life and save you money.

Here are some of the silver packs:

ctfo silver products

Business Builder Packs “Fast Start Pay”

business builder packs fast start pay ctfo

  • All packs pay CV which means you don’t have to purchase a package to get paid
  • When you sell your first silver pack anybody that you personally bring in you’ll earn $25 and when you bring another person, then’s another $25, and so on.
  • On the fourth silver, pack sold you’ll make $100 all the way up to the 7th pack sold

For Gold:

  • Doubles to $50 per pack up to the third pack
  • Doubles to $200 on the fourth pack up to the7th pack

For Platinum:

  • Doubles to $100 for your first three business packs sold
  • Doubles to $400 for the fourth packet and beyond sold

Related: Make Money Selling Supplements Online

The other cool thing about CTFO is they have no gimmicks as they give you a Full Dynamic Compression(Fast Start and Team Pay) which means as your packs are getting sold, if there’s someone above them that didn’t buy a pack, the fast packs will be chasing up the upline until they find someone to pay…

This way you’re always getting people to buy who you recruit.

Matrix Pay

ctfo matrix pay

For this example we’re using the silver pack and remember that there are only 7 levels and each customer/associate added per level is:

  • 3
  • 9
  • 27
  • 81
  • 243
  • 729
  • 2,187

And the silver packs range from $299.97-$399.97, for each level respectively you’ll get paid out:

  • $75.00
  • $45.00
  • $135.00
  • $405.00
  • $1,215.00
  • $3,645.00
  • $21,870.00

Your pay total is then $27,390!

That’s just on the starter pack, what if they bought on the gold or premium pack?

  • For Gold, your pay would then be $54,780.00
  • For Platinum, your pay would then be $$109.560.00

So it’ll be the average of all these three packages becomes you’ll get people who buy a mix.

Here’s a video that explains it in more detail:

Rank Chart And Qualifications

So there are CTFO Ranks in the company and these are them:

  • Customer
  • Associate
  • Active Associate
  • 1st Level Manager
  • 2nd Level Manager
  • Senior Manager
  • Executive Manager
  • $5K Executive Manager
  • $10K Executive Manager
  • $15K Executive Manager
  • $25K Vice President
  • $50K Senior Vice President
  • $100K Executive Vice President
  • Presidential Director
  • Presidential Director Plus
  • Senior Presidential Director
  • Executive Presidential Director
  • Top Gun
ctfo ranks

One-Time Rank Advancement Bonuses

ctfo one time rank

Based on each rank I just listed above, you’ll get paid some very sweet bonuses and they are:

  • $5K Executive Manager - $500
  • $10K Executive Manager - $1,000
  • $15K Executive Manager - $1,500
  • $25K Vice President - $2,500
  • $50K Senior Vice President - $5,000
  • $100K Executive Vice President - $10,000
  • Presidential Director - $25,000

No more than 60% of volume can come from anyone leg. This compensation requires 8 consecutive weekly pay periods ob being qualified for this rank.

UniLevel Pay

ctfo unilevel pay

The rank required for UnliLevel pay are as follows:

  • Associate. On Level
  • 2nd Level Manager
  • Senior Manager
  • Executive Managers
  • $25K Vice President and Higher

For each level, you can earn 20% Commission Volume on all your Personally Enrolled Customers or Associates, and then continue getting rewarded as they introduce people to CTFO. You’ll see your earnings compound as the magic of duplication occurs throughout your organization.

Regenerating Matrix Pay

ctfo regenerating matrix pay

The image above shows a matrix payout compensation plan where it’s one of the keys that differentiates amongst other network marketing companies and allows a greater number of people to get paid more! How?

Well, in a standard “Forced” Matrix, the growth can mean that commissionable sales can easily get forced too far down your downline, ending up between the levels from which you get paid. CTFO solves and fixes this Dilemma for you with their smart invention of Profit-Sharing Positions(PSPs). A PSP is this “additional income center” that you earn for each person you refer after your third person.

Profit-Sharing Positions Power

ctfo profit sharing

PSPs are placed one level above the fourth direct and on and you’ll not get a PSP for your first, second or third directs but when you get your fourth direct you will get a PSP after that. Each of these new PSPs will earn commissions at the same rank and qualification as the original top position. 

In result, you’re getting triple the pay!

Infinite Bonus Pay

ctfo infinity bonus pay

The Infinite Bonus Pay is a 3-5 year plan to help associates retire wealthy. You can earn additional percentages from your entire teams' Commission Value(CV) - with Unlimited depth. This will truly help you reap the benefits of residual income. 

Also, in addition to the 7 infinite bonus pay ranks in the image above, Top Gun also qualifies to share in the Top Gun Bonus Pool, and this bonus is the companies whole CV Volume. So when you’re sharing this pool, it’s not just your team earring money, it’s the whole company too!

Each pack qualifies you for life

What Other People Are Saying…

Here are some reviews of CTFO from Glassdoor:

changing the future outcome reviews
ctfo reviews

How Much Does CTFO Cost?

CTFO is completely FREE to join. There are no hidden fees, you get a turnkey business startup, and no commitments(leave anytime). OR…

Option 2 would be to buy into the Builders pack. If you buy one of the three bonus packs you’ll be on your way to building your business much faster and get access up to 21 lines down. 

ctfo cost

Who’s CTFO For?

CTFO was designed for people who want an alternative way to earn money from the regular 9-5 life and are interested in health and wellness in particular the CBD industry and want to join a massive profit-sharing network marketing MLM company.

Here’s more:

  • Beginners just getting into network marketing/MLM who want to learn the networking skills with marketing and sales to help you understand what it takes to make money online and how meaningful relationships really are.
  • Intermediates and experts who’ve maybe tried another network marketing opportunity and it just didn’t work out or want to diversify their income streams and create multiple ways of earning.
  • Network Marketing/MLM enthusiasts who don’t mind recruiting and sharing a product they “Love”(keyword being “love) to earn money.
  • Moms and dads
  • Students
  • Retirees
  • And much more!

Who’s CTFO Not For?

  • People who don’t want to be limited to ONLY promoting a companies products
  • People who don’t want to spend all their time recruiting people(duplication)
  • People who don’t want to buy into a product to get paid worth your time.
  • You don’t want to rely on someone else for making your income.

Pros And Cons


  • Organic CBD Proven products so you can feel consciously healthier before you've even taken a taste or tried the product and so you can physically put the cleanest ingredients in your body which means you'll have more energy and motivation to be active and enjoy what you like doing most.
  • Supercharged full spectrum CBD Oil makes it easier for your body to absorb the oil and feel good while it runs throughout your body which means you'll heal much faster without wasting minutes for it too kick in.
  • Associates program so you can learn the skills of networking and marketing with like-minded individuals which means you'll want to continue pushing yourself to be better(and want better too!)
  • Compensation plan and ranks so you can get paid on different levels and earn more money in less time which means you'll grow a team who can duplicate the same process.


  • You'll end up getting frustrated how very little you earn with the network marketing business opportunity and you'll see how difficult it really is to grow a team who can do the same thing as you which means you'll be this lone wolf left without just about nothing but a downline of recruits and some people purchasing products that doesn't amount to anything life changing. 


There are definitely some more Superior Alternatives to CTFO and I’ll first start off by naming a few network marketing companies to be fair and then I’ll show my #1 recommended business model that’s far better than network marketing where you can get paid worth your time.

For Network Marketing:

I was an associate of HB Naturals for some time and recruited a HUGE Downline but I really never kept up with it because it was DIFFICULT, why?

The people I brought in I’d train to duplicate the process but like over 90% of them wouldn’t do the same to others and even sell the products they were supposedly enthusiastic and passionate about, Mama Mia!

So this is a big reason I don’t like network marketing -you end up doing too much work for nothing and you’ll end up getting paid way less than you think. What’s the solution?

There's a few... For one, a MUCH greater MLM opportunity that's not inside the CBD space...

It comes in the form of the financial services industry as a business loan broker (specifically with a company called David Allen Capital, Inc). Listen, CBD MLM's can still be profitable but they are "the thing of the past" and right now is the best time to pivot...

So if you're still looking for an "MLM" opportunity where you can get paid 25%-50% of overrides on your team and get up to $180,000, then I highly recommend checking out the most lucrative opportunity today and moving forward by clicking the button below.

Second, There’s affiliate marketing, where you are not held to promoting Just one company CBD products, having to depend on a downline and buying your way in, In fact, you don’t even need any of that!

With affiliate marketing, you don’t have to hold any inventory, fulfill customer support, focus on recruiting, or be this techy giant…

And here are my recommendations:

Wealthy Affiliate is my personal favorite because you’ll learn how to piece together a website blog and you can produce content around a niche like CBD and promote many different companies CBD and health and wellness products(like Market Health) without being tied down to one company OR having to pay your way to getting compensated very well.

What I Liked Most About CTFO

For what it’s worth, I liked the variety of CBD products offered at an affordable price actually better than most CBD Companies and that you can choose from the four main categories in:

  • Health
  • Anti-Aging
  • Nutrition
  • Pets

This way you can get a little something for everyone and you won’t get stuck having to purchase all types of CBD products from different companies you’re unsure about.

What I Liked Least

The company is more into the business side of network marketing than anything else and you will take A LONG time to profit and that doesn’t just only go for CTFO but every other network marketing MLM opportunity…

You just waste all this time and energy trying to recruit people who in turn don’t go out there and do the same with others and your results are dependable on them...Not yourself!

Final Thoughts And Next Level Steps

What was your favorite and least favorite part about CTFO?

Listen, CTFO is a legitimate CBD Network Marketing company that’s unique from anything else on the market in the fact that you get quality products that vary from Oils to balms, creams, and more…

And as an associate, you get to reap the benefits of higher tiers of pay with the matrix’s and different levels of rank payouts, but don’t be fooled by the compensation plan…

You’ll have to put in A LOT of work upfront first to get to these levels and unless you enjoy recruiting people more than you like selling the actual products, you shouldn’t get into it, why?

You’ll end up wasting more time, energy, and money trying so hard and earning so little and that’s how Network Marketing goes, not just with CTFO but ANYWHERE else you go. People are attracted to the business model because it’s like the most common one around ant the compensation plan as well…

But like I said, it’ll be an uphill battle, are you willing to stick that one out? If you value your time, money, and energy and want to put it into a business model that’ll keep you around for many years to come AND in a happy and positive mindset, then I invite you to check out my #1 recommended program and mentor below…

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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