July 15

by Michael Granados

Are you interested in supplementing your income part-time or even a new full-time career by becoming a licensed Insurance agent?

How about receiving a Guaranteed Lifetime Income? Welcome to this “Freedom Equity Group Review” where I “Michael Granados” an experience insurance agent as well as a multiple full-time home-based business owner will be pulling back the curtains...

To show you behind this “MLM” company the HARD truths no one else is willing to be upfront with you on...

The pros and cons, alternatives and so much more you need to know if you want to achieve more financial freedom, time freedom, and to live life on your own terms!

Today’s work environment is very scary - You’re left with the feeling of waking up every morning thinking the thought “there no point in return”, and you’re just left stuck facing a soul-sucking job and an income loss out of your control…

To make matters worse, you trade your time for money, having no more energy at the end of your day, and you play the mind games in your head about what should you do next. I know the feeling very well and take it from me when I say when you take control back of your life, you’ll be the one with the last laugh.

If you're left wondering "is freedom equity group legit", yes they are but that doesn't mean they are right for you and you'll find out in this post what to do.

By the way, I've written reviews on other type of MLM insurance companies such as Symmetry Financial, Family First Life, Virtual Financial Group, and more.

Alright, let’s get started.

What Is Freedom Equity Group?

Freedom Equity Group is a Multi-Level Marketing/Network Marketing company started by three guys named Ronald Bloomingkemper, Ronald Petrinovich, and Bill St. Clair who each have decades of success in marketing both Life Insurance and Annuities nationwide to bring you on board as an Independent insurance agent selling Life insurance and Annuities to people.

Their focus is to Indexed UL’s and Indexed Annuities 

Here is a video review of Freedom Equity Group that I made in case you wanted to see that version too:

Freedom Equity Group Vision

Freedom Equity Group Pyramid Scheme?

I’m sure you’re concerned about the whole “MLM” thing but even more so if Freedom Equity Group is a pyramid scheme, so here’s my answer…

No. By definition a pyramid scheme is where there are no products to be sold and it’s just about levels of recruiting, but FEG does have Life Insurance and Annuities to sell to people. So you can rest assured you’re not looking at a company with false promises and some form of a scam. Moving away from the feg insurance pyramid scheme notion, let's go deep inside the program now.

Going Inside Freedom Equity Group

Running things by the numbers, here’s what Freedom Equity Group has accomplished:

freedom equity group results

  • Year Founded in 2002
  • 50 States served
  • 182,000+ Satisfied customers
  • Over $5.4 Billion of face amount in force

Freedom Equity Group Partners

freedom equity group partners

As you can see from the image above, FEG has partnered with:

  • AIG
  • Fidelity and Guarantee Life
  • American National
  • National Life Group

Freedom Equity Group Opportunity

If you wanted to become an independent insurance agent with FEG, you will be promoting two insurance products worldwide:

  • Life Insurance
  • Annuities

FEG has partnered with some of the best insurance companies in the world such as:

  • Fidelity and Guaranty
  • American National
  • Life of the Southwest
  • AIG
  • Phoenix
  • American Equity
  • National Western Life

Freedom Equity Group Compensation Plan

Freedom Equity Group gives you two options to earn and here is the freedom equity group commission structure:

  • Selling Life insurance policies or
  • Recruiting sales insurance representatives

You get 6 affiliate ranks that range from training sales representatives to the regional vice president position. Your rank position is dependent on the volume of policies you sell.

Here are all the 6 ranks:

  • Training Representative = 30% 
  • Representatives = 35% 
  • District Managers = 40%
  • Division Managers = 45%
  • Regional Managers = 55%
  • Regional Vice Presidents = 70%

Going back to the MLM recruiting deal, you can get paid between 7% and 14% down to the sixth generation.

How To Join Freedom Equity Group

Before you get signed up as an FEG member, you will have to get invited in first. So theirs this page where you have to enter your referral details...And I won’t be recruiting you by the way since I’m not a member and a believer of this program.

join feg

Freedom Equity Group Reviews

freedom equity group reviews
freedom equity group bbb

Freedom Equity Group Complaints

These also happen to be Freedom equity group job reviews:

freedom equity group stories
freedom equity

Freedom equity group salary

The average Freedom Equity Group insurance agent yearly pay in the United States is approximately $84,069

How Much Does Freedom Equity Group Cost?

Freedom Equity Group costs nothing to join, and to become an independent insurance agent but what it will cost you is your time and effort to make this work. As well if you want to market with paid advertising theirs that side of things…

But what I’ve realized from online insurance MLM’s is that you really end up earning peanuts, how? These systems are designed more about recruiting than it is about selling the actual product, and selling insurance is NOT easy, here’s what I mean.

There are plenty of insurance companies doing the same thing, and the only “fancy” attraction to them always ends up being the recruiting component which is a huge downfall in the first place.

Who Is Freedom Equity Group For?

Freedom Equity Group is designed for people of all levels who want to get away from their 9-5 job and start a part-time and even full-time career selling Life insurance and annuities through an MLM structured company. Here’s more:

  • MLM/Network Marketing enthusiasts who don’t mind spending most of their time recruiting people and selling boring insurance policies.
  • Beginners who’ve never made a dollar online and want to learn how to network and build relationships with people through selling insurance
  • Intermediates and advanced make money online seekers with or without MLM experience who want to diversify their skills and income streams.
  • Sales minded individuals
  • Moms and Dads
  • Students
  • Retirees

Who Is It Not For?

  • Non-MLM enthusiasts who don’t want to spend their time selling boring insurance policies and having to recruit people.
  • People who want to make significant life-changing money
  • People who want to develop more than just networking and relationship skills
  • Tire Kickers
  • Non-sales minded individuals
  • Fast money seekers
  • No effort seekers

Pros And Cons


  • Average salary of $84,000+ which is above the 29% national average in the US so you can at least see there is earning potential behind it.
  • Ability o be your own boss so you don't have to rely on a 9-5 all your life.
  • Partnered with some heavy hitters so you get a better sense of feeling this is legit and you'll be taking care of your clients with the highest providers.
  • Different commission structure payouts


  • MLM based business with complicated earning structures and compensation plans 
  • Selling insurance is really difficult and it'll make you feel like you have another "job".
  • Hard selling


There are definitely FAR greater alternatives and I’m not even talking “Insurance” here, so I’m going to hand you a hard hat with the name on top that reads “Affiliate Marketing” and I’ll ask you to trust me on this…

As I just mentioned, Affiliate Marketing is my #1 Recommended passive income home business you can do online and from the comfort of anywhere. With this model, you can promote ANY product/service without having to own one, no need to hold inventory, fulfill on customer support, or be this “techy” genius.

So What I’m going to do is list you a few options in this industry and then I’ll reveal to you another great business model.

For Affiliate Marketing:

I highly recommend Legendary Marketer as a digital education institute where you’ll learn the skills to market high commission paying programs of $1,000+ PER sale with step-by-step guidance like no other. It’s run by a man named Dave Sharpe who’s an 8-Figure earner and has been featured on Forbes.

I made a full review of the program you can check out below.

Other than Affiliate Marketing, one of my latest passive income business ventures online has come through being an Alternative Loan Broker

As an alternative Loan Broker agent you can help small businesses get working capital (as well other options) without having to be licensed, you can make high commissions, and help be at the center of stimulating the economy.

For Loan Brokering:

By far my favorite company is DAC which has a FREE to join program as an Independent Business Loan agent and high paying commission structure behind it.

Here's a post about the opportunity:

What I Liked Most About Freedom Equity Group

For what it's worth I do like how they've been around since 2002, they've served 50 states, and have over 180,000 satisfied customers which means they're doing something right...

And people are getting insurance in a couple of ways with Life insurance and annuities which gives people flexibility.

What I Liked Least

The MLM business model which usually is based upon recruiting people rather than selling the actual insurance policies and selling insurance is NOT easy since there are LOADS of companies doing the same thing...

You're going to run into a lot of friction and with all the hurdles for someone to get an insurance policy like rates, compounds and more, it's a long process.

Final Thoughts

What was your favorite part about Freedom Equity Group? Was there something you didn't like most?

Look, selling Insurance can be a hit or a miss, it's attractive to do it online because of the different ways you can earn an income and with so many people looking for new make money from home opportunities, somehow Insurance is always the "go to" thing...

But if you don't want to spend your time "selling", having to overcome friction, get paid peanuts for your time and so forth than I highly recommend going away from the Insurance business model online and spend your time on more lucrative ones where you're not "selling", rather you're helping and doing other less invasive methods...

And that's why I recommend something Like being a loan broker because you can earn High Ticket Commissions, this opportunity is free to join, and you get paid on Multiple levels - And if that interest you, click the button below to learn more about the opportunity now.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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