September 16

by Michael Granados

I'm sitting deep into my office chair, laptop out in front of me and I'm very well thinking the same thing you are...

it's time for a How to get out of debt worksheet!

YIKES! I need to get out of debt...and I need to make a move on it now, or else I will forever be...

caught up in a loop of never ending worries, distractions, worrying about how much money I should be spending on living expenses such as:

  • Groceries
  • Housing
  • Credit cards

and so forth, all because of one thing that's on our minds...


Let me ask you, are you looking for a better way to enjoy your life?

How about finally being able to become debt free and NEVER again have to look back and say, DAMN, there goes another $10,000 of debt added onto what I already had?

My name is Michael Granados, and I've been EXACTLY where you are right now...

Every way out seems like a dead end, the bills just keep coming, the debt just keeps mounting like when snow falls from the sky and fills the most top point of a mountain making it one hard ass cold Point...

And before you realize it you're like HOLY CRAP...I can't go on like this anymore, something has to change, not tomorrow, not next month, not next year, like today!

What I'm about to reveal to you are options to not only just lower your student loan debts, car debts, credit card debts among many more out there, but I'm going to show you the BEST way, and what I did to get over $15,000 in student loans out the door and say "ASTA LA VISTA....BABY."

Let's dive right in!

Why Can't You Escape Debt Right Now?

Like a college student has to understand their "why" they are pursuing a certain major, you have to know "why" you are in a debt rat race...

Or in other words why you can't escape your current debt issues. But if you're like me, and you can't wait to find out the #1 way I was able to become debt free and my #1 recommendation, check it out here.

Knock knock, "Who's there?


Ah crap!

Without a second thought you're already thinking the worst, and as humans we're immediately lead to feel discouraged about everything currently happening in our lives like:

  • Our job
  • Our family
  • Our relationships with friends
  • Bills
  • Living expenses
  • Money

Rather than making anything positive out of it, your thoughts turn to negatives and you'll start to blame literally everything you're doing right now, and start to blame all these external sources...

"Well if I didn't go to school", "Well If I just could have avoided that car accident", and instead of ever coming to a clear solution, your mind can't empty out the negative pipes.

Set aside, two of the major reasons you can't find a debt free solution is because:

  1. You're in the "I am a victim mindset"
  2. You aren't looking in the right places

First, you need to take a breather, actually do it right now...

One, two, ready go!

Now, I want you to imagine yourself in your happy place, sipping a Margarita, your Jack Daniels, or your Kool-Aid for that matter...

And really focus on how happy you are in that moment. How do you feel?

That's where I'm going to take you but not in an imaginary world, but a realistic one, where you can finally take a break, pay off your debt and go on living your life the way you want.

Related: How I paid $10,000+ worth of student loan debt faster

How I Paid Off All My Student Debt Faster Than Working

No I'm not going to give you some kind of gimmick, or tell you to go sell drugs or any of that nature, but I will tell you what you've been missing all your life, and it's been staring right back at you.

As a student with over $15,000 of college debt, and a job that was paying me awfully low(minimum wage), trying to handle 2 jobs at once, trying to make a "side-hustle income"...

I thought I had it planned out. I set a goal to pay off my loans as this is the most logical step for any person coming out of school or any form of debt - to get a traditional corporate job, pay it off with interest and other financially accumulated investments.

And so I paid off $250 every month to NelNet services, put a bit aside into my savings, and then used the rest for my living expenses...

But it always felt like I was just surviving! I absolutely hated this feeling...

And to think that I was paying a minimum amount every month, so that until I reached the age of 60+ I would pay just half of this??

It's insane! So what I did was I invested into market trading for a while, and that only lasted long enough to know that the money wasn't coming in consistently, I tried all sorts of things online like surveys and quick make money through pay pal apps...

But that fell short because it was only fast cash that promised you lots of money, yeah right!

It wasn't until I researched these "how to really make a passive income online making money opportunities" that made me think different.

After thorough research through Google, I cam across an article that was about how a person made a living working from home, running their own online business by just blogging.

Sounded like a bunch of crap to me if I tell you the truth, and boy was I showed otherwise.

I saw how average everyday people with debt, stay at home moms, and dads, students, 9-5 workers, and so on were earning $1,000's, $10,000's of dollars and then on...

By blogging about their passion, hobby, or interest. What would any person who hears about that do you ask?

Research it more and more...and after my couple of researches, I honestly never looked back again.

As they say, the rest was history, and now I've made it my mission to help you do the same so you don't have to suffer with a debt that'll last you centuries, and hurt you every single day...

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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