One jump after another, one level after the next, Mario is inching was way closer to his precious princess peach and WAM!
He get's blasted back to the previous level only to go back and fall for the same trap again. but it's his destiny to save his princess from Bowser or is it?
Maybe this next follow up question will give you the "AHA" moment you needed all along on how to make 1000 a day with affiliate marketing!
"Are you leveling up?"
Look, I know you want me to tell you my secret to making your first or next $1,000 a day with affiliate marketing but do you even understand your own journey?
Most people stand around waiting for people to come to them or they have the "build it and they will come" mentality, but I hate to break it to you...
That's a fairy tell piece of you know what. Getting to my first $100 days was hard enough, I went back and forth, reaching new levels of personal development as well days where I just wanted to rip my hair out...
But one thing always stood, I was raising my game! And that's what I expect from you if you want to make your $1,000 days with affiliate marketing a reality. Like they say:
"Once you make your first $100, then the next $100 can be replicated, then you're at $1,000 and then closer to $10,000 before you can even think it...seriously!
What if I told you this can be done WITHOUT any paid ads? That's right, you can do this with organic traffic and I'll show you how I was able to do this too!
Have You Made Your First $1?
Look, I know you want to make your first $1,000 a day in affiliate marketing and then some, but this is the reality checkpoint, you know...
Like when a race car hits a checkpoint, the reality sets in that there's just one more lap and the cup is another 500 meters up ahead. This is the same thing with affiliate marketing, it's a journey!
If you haven't made your first $1 cents for that matter, you should be less concerned about how you can make your first $1,000, but assuming that you have an idea of how affiliate marketing works and you've been in this game for sometime but the roadblocks just keep pushing you down along with:
- Your fear of missing out
- Your mentality
And you see everyone else around doing it so why can't you?
Listen to me very closely, do NOT compare yourself to anyone else! You're different and you don't know how long it took that other person to get to where they are today. Also, if your first thought is "how this", "how that", you're sure to hit those flat tires...
And by that I mean procrastination. Alright, now that you and I have an understanding that it's a long term game, and you shouldn't compare yourself to anyone else, let's talk about the strategy!
Leverage Skills Not Opportunities
Do you have a favorite athlete? A movie star?
What differentiated them from everyone else doing the same thing, and how did they get to where they are today?
SKILLS my friend. Michael Phelps wasn't trying to be the best tennis player, or soccer player, he worked on his swimming skills EACH and EVERY day. This took sacrifice, consistently, and can you guess what else?
SKILLS. Most people I meet in the affiliate marketing world either have or had a problem with shiny objects and jumping from one product to the next, one mentor to another and quite honestly, they were cheap.
If you have a cheap mindset that's your first mistake. Thinking that the world should conspire and gravitate to you is a load of bullshit. So what should you do?
Have a self-educated mindset where you'll do whatever it takes to get the right marketing and sales skills to earn those $1,000! I actually made a video about how long it'll take you to make money in affiliate marketing
Every single day you need to show up, keyword being every. And executing on a blueprint both go hand in hand to reach your true potential. Now let me get into what I'd do if I were you all over again.
Focus On High Ticket Products/Services
Hopefully you've heard about low ticket commissions like Amazon, Shareasale and a couple others, that's where I spent the majority of my first couple of years building my Amazon niche site(Remove Back Pain). And while those times were fun and great as the beginner pathway, I have since then moved onto like they say:
"Bigger and greater things". Or in my words, as your coach to reach your true potential as an affiliate. The way to get to your first $1,000 FASTER is through high ticket products/services as opposed to spending what could be years on a low ticket commission product, let's face it...
Back in 2005 through about 2015 you could focus on amazon niche sites as a main source of income but since then Googles algorithms have gotten tougher, competition is much greater, and it's not so much the "hip" thing.
Don't get me wrong, I still run my amazon niche site but I combine my affiliate marketing services along with it as my second stream of income. So what should you sell?
$1,000 Recurring Income And Software Services
You're probably already selling these services but stick with me for a moment an I'll unleash you to the jaw dropping part.
To make your first $1,000, you can promote products/services like:
- Email automation tools
- Landing page software
- Theme Builders
- WordPress Sites
- SEO tools
- Affiliate Products
Top 2 High Ticket Affiliate Programs(#2 Is INSANE!)
#1 Clickfunnels Affiliate Program
One of my favorite software services and the one I believe so hard that can make you become a $1,000 affiliate earner is through Clickfunnels.
It's a drag and drop web-page where you can capture highly targeted leads. get more conversions, and sales. Also, they have an amazing affiliate program where you can win a dream car!
Here's the best part, Clickfunnels has tons of products that you can promote, from:
- Books
- Copywriting software
- Membership plans
- Challenges
That's not even the half of it...seriously. That doesn't even factor the part where you can sell your own courses, membership sites, both digital and physical products if you so choose to have your own.
Most importantly, is to keep in mind the human factor in all this. You need to care, and give MASSIVE value to your selected niche targeted audience. The more you give, the more you'll get back in:
- Your confidence
- Your certainty
- Skills
- Intelligence
- Power
- Style
- Wealth
- Physical Appearance
- Happiness
- Money
Great, but what's the game plan to follow?
HOLD UP! Checkpoint up ahead...
Do you know your "who"? Like, do you know who it is you're speaking to and trying to help out? If you don't have this, nothing else from this point will even matter to you.
I'll draw out an example for this next part but to figure out your own niche, you can check out my how it's possible to make a living as an affiliate article here.
The mentality with high-ticket vs low ticket affiliate marketing are like night and day, especially in the Clickfunnels world. Off the bat, you're probably already targeting other affiliates, or you plan to, but think again?
It's glit and glamour to target other affiliates but if you're just targeting beginner affiliates, you still need a USP(unique selling proposition). What makes you different than everyone else targeted affiliates?
That's how I started, and It works great especially at the start, but overtime you'll notice a different approach and if you're "who" changes, it's not so bad, it actually means you're not another bot following the crowd.
Back to the "who" now. If I choose target "amazon affiliate marketers" as my "who", ask yourself, where are they?
- Facebook?
- Instagram?
- Twitter?
- YouTube?
- Google?
- Forums?
- Your kitchen?
Just kidding on the last one, I'm actually getting hungry as I'm writing to you.
That list can drag, but it's important to find out where your group in congregating. You're probably already doing this in your journey as a beginner, but doing direct and "hunting" marketing is how most of us began.
This is where you're going to social media and talking to everyone. It's not the most attractive strategy of marketing but it works. The reason I bring it up to is not because it was my first starting point(I did SEO), but this is how you can earn your first $1,000 a day.
$1,000 A Day on Instagram
In my $100 A day article I spoke about leverage social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, and this is what I want to hit on.
There's one Special product that earns you $100 A day FULL commissions as an affiliate called the One Funnel Away Challenge.
For this blog post I won't focus on the specifics of what it is, you can always click on the hyperlink right up above to see it, but wit this one product you can earn your first $100 A day with my Instagram Direct Messaging on your likes and followers and People in your niche.
If you haven't signed up for the One Funnel Away, that's a great place to start. How about the, $1,000 days though Michael?
You can keep ramping up the Instagram strategy I talk about inside my course when you join the One funnel away challenge through me until you get to your first $1,000 or...
You can combine this one product with the others in the Clickfunnels affiliate dashboard and the others that I recommend. In the Clickfunnels world you have different payment plans:
- $97
- $297
- $697
- $2000+
If someone purchases the Clickfunnels software, you'll get 40% commissions off ALL those prices up above.
Let's do the math:
$97 x 40%/100 = $38
$297 x 40%/100 = $118
Can you see where this is going?
Each plan is unique in that there are more features and benefits. You need to be the person that can pair people with these payment plans, and you can do that through UNDERSTANDING and building a RELATIONSHIP with your audience, it's that stupid simple. Don't complicate it.
You can do it without an audience but I strongly recommend you build your audience. People buy from those they trust and like remember that, you've been a nice way. Being on Instagram is no different than a place like Facebook, you want to build up an audience that can:
- Know
- Like
- And trust you
Be a human being, and care about your audience! That'll translate into collecting emails, and showing up for you will be a habit and will go much smoother.
Before I hit on the Instagram Strategy, there are other organic routes you can take too like:
- Search Engine Optimization. Start a blog, and or YouTube channel. Focus on one at a time.
- Network, Network, Network! And Network, If you don't have an audience, you're likely in the one hinting others stage. You want to get to a point where you're the one being hunted or in other words we call that attraction marketing. Give value to your marketplace and watch people come to you. Post frequently inside Facebook, setup a Facebook group and show up. I talk about this more in my free Clickfunnels course.
- Email! The money is in your list. I won't lie, most of my revenue and big buck commissions come through email, and it's because I worked at putting a list of people that are targeted traffic and I've bult a strong bond with them.
- Follow people who have been where you want to be. Get a mentor and model what it is they are doing.
How To Make $1,000/Day On Instagram With These Products
Now that I've shown you a bit around Clickfunnels and their products, let me show and tell you about the other products you can sell. These can be in the Make money online niche, Health and Wellness, dating and relationships, but I like the affiliate products like:
STEP 1: Choosing products
- Easy1Up: $2,000 or $1,000
- Wealthy Affiliate: $49/month
- Affiliate 2.0: $897
- Wolves Masterclass: $497 or 2 x $297
- Affiliate Marketing Wolf: $97/month
- Clickfunnels: $97/month
Have an ascending and descending product, meaning that you have a product line of products that have a base and a higher price, in-case your prospect can't buy the most expensive, then you can alternatively go for the lower priced product.
STEP 2: Lay your foundation on Instagram
It's a REAL pain in the ass having to show up in people direct message inbox that have no desire to have what you want to give them...Hence, this is a COLD audience.
Instead, you need to go after a WARM audience, people that know, like, and trust you. These are the ones who are following you, watching your Instagram stories, liking your post, commenting on them,etc. With that said, you HAVE to keep warming your audience up with content, and creating content that is congruent, like:
- Entrepreneur Life
- Not working 9-5
- Getting out of debt
- Lifestyle
STEP 3: Be the hunted, not the hunter!
Stop reaching out to people with no interest, and to a cold audience. Reach out to a warm audience, and the fastest way to get their attention is through Instagram stories.
Here's a script you can use on one of your stories:
"Reply "Cash" for more info on one of my $3,000 per week online side hustle"
And if you don't have your own results, no worries, leverage someone else's. When I started, I was leveraging someone else saying something like "reply "cash" for more info on how 6-figure a month earner Bob is making $3,000 per week online with this side hustle".
Now, I can't cover everything all in words here, so I want to give you the opportunity to get hold of the FULL 5 page Exclusive script on the rest of the steps, plus how to use the 4-simple steps of:
- Introduction
- Qualify
- Presentation
- Close
Here's a view of what you'll see:
You can download my full script here:
This next part, I'm going to cover just one of the many affiliate products I talked about from earlier on my list of products. Ad the rest, I'll have more links inside of my course when you join.
#2 ENTRE Institute
ENTRE Institute is a digital education company helping everyday people start an online business in the top 3 business models:
- Affiliate Marketing
- Digital Agency
- Course Creation
And they have a lucrative affiliate program thanks to Jeff Lerner where you can earn over $16,000 in commissions PER Referral!
BONUS: Legendary Marketer
One of my favorite high ticket affiliate programs is Legendary Marketer who has LOADS of front end, middle, and backend products for higher ticket commissions like:
- Books
- Training
- Challenges
- Traffic
- Subscriptions
- Coaching
- Consulting
- And Much More!
David Sharpe(owner of Legendary Marketer) has created a very lucrative affiliate program where you can earn $1,000's+ per sale but you also get an education unlike no other.
BONUS #2 - Wealthy Affiliate
Now let me tell you about how you can add an extra affiliate program that can:
- get you to your first $1,000 and $1,000/days together and faster
- Or $1,000 by its own
I'm a blogger and I make most of my revenue through affiliate marketing but none of that would have been possible if I didn't come across the #1 affiliate marketing platform and blogging platform all together...
And before I tell you, let me just say that there are many people whether they are affiliate or not that need a website/blog to reach their own audience and learn how to showcase their special talents to make money with.
Everyone needs Search Engine Optimization skills whether they know it or not and Wealthy Affiliate is the place to achieve it.
With Wealthy Affiliate you'll put together your own blogging website and be able to rank your content to attract your buyers so that they can click on your affiliate links, and rank these post on the first page of Google.
Here's me ranking one of my post on page 1 of Google:

I'm second and I have my YouTube video that ranks on Google's search engines.
Here's a video review I put together about how Wealthy Affiliate works and how you can earn recurring revenue with them:

In short here's what the video goes over and what I'm adding onto:
- You'll earn $23.50 Monthly recurring, $175 yearly recurring and earn $100+ per premium signup.
- Commissions are $8 for the first month $19 special offer, then $23.50 thereafter. Starter members earn $4 for special offer referrals, then $11.75 monthly and $87.50 yearly commissions

I also wanted to show you a hypothetical calculation of how much you can be earning monthly

Keep in mind this is a "what if" and everyone's earnings are different depending on the effort they put in. As you can see I entered 40 referrals per day, if 12% of them signed up, and the average months just one person stayed for which was 10 months, you can earn a monthly income of $31,163!
If you divide $31,163/30 days = $1,038 on average.
Then you've reached your goal of $1,000/day and that's just with the Wealthy Affiliate platform, what if you had the Clickfunnels One funnel away challenge and their affiliate program combined?
Massive results. I'm not saying you need to have the two, but it helps to spread your affiliate commissions. This can easily be done with Clickfunnels by itself too.
In the example scenario 1, if you earn 5 referrals per day at a 12% upgrade rate and you get a 4 month average stick rate, that's a monthly income for you of $1,458!
And in example scenario 2, if you were to get 50 referrals per day at a 12% upgrade rate, with 6 months average, you'll get $22,398 per month.
This is very doable, but many people quit early because they "think" they tried everything or they just don't have the WANT to do this as their primary income source.
Hitting my first $1,000 day was hard, keeping it at $1,000 a day, now that's another story, but anything is possible! Stick with me after the next section where I'll show you how you can do this.
Are You Ready For Paid Ads?
The truth is you can generate $1,000 days and $1,000 a day with organic traffic, but if you've been in this for awhile, you might want to dabble in paid ads and or get better at it.
Facebook seems to be the first choice for most people,but my favorite is Google adwords, and part of it has to do with the experiences I've had and because I'm Google ad certified and I've seen the revenue that can come in.
The difference with Facebook and Google is that people on Google have the intent to purchase while people on Facebook are well...there to be social right?
Your goal should always be to collect and build up your list no matter what. If any social media shuts down or if you don't have your own website(which every affiliate should have), then you'll have your email list of warm to hot buyers.
When it comes to Facebook ads, I've had my falls at the beginning and I've had great income generating days as much as $150+.. And yeah, there could be more don with it, but I love the Organic process and that's my main focus. Imagine if I went full throttle with the paid route?
The great thing about a software like Clickfunnels is the community that comes with it. You have people who specialize in different areas from funnel design to paid ads and everything in between. I can run my own ads but It's always good to have someone else help if you don't know or have the time to study it.
I have my list of people and I'll give them out to you. One of them being Same Lowe.
My Clickfunnels & Wealthy Affiliate Deadly Combo
I told you to wait around and thank if you do, now I want to show you a system to use to get just $1,000 a $1,000 a day or heck just your first $100.
I'm someone who knows that a blog is not your business, read that part again. Yes, your blog, your YouTube channel, Podcast are not your business, so what is it and what is a business?
Your blog is a marketing channel to get your customers into your business. Look at Amazon, Ebay, Target...
If you've ever ran a blog, YouTube channel, Podcast and social media, around these kind of affiliate programs, the business is the merchant not you.
You're marketing channel is creating the awareness to get people into the business - Amazon, Ebay, Etc. And you don't have the control to upsell your customers on more complementary products, at the very least you can create a capture page to get their information so that you can email them over again but...
You're losing out on tremendous dollars! It hurts I know the feeling. Instead, I want you to focus your efforts on sales funnels.
A sales funnel if you don't know this already is intended to walk your audience/customers through the journey of making a purchase. It's like when you walk into a garden center at your local retailer...
The employee helps you pick the plant, then he/she recommends you the dirt to go with the plant, now the flower pot, the shovel to take the dirt out and put it back in, and even a garden center to make your place look great.

That's what a sales funnel will do, and that's why you're struggling as an affiliate at this moment...
It's time you wake up from this point moving forward and get real with yourself.
I use this very own blog along with my other automated traffic sources to get people into my funnels and it's worked wonders for me and I want to show you what I'm doing inside of my business now.
$1,000 Days? from RemoveBackPain on Vimeo.
Also, I forgot to mention that I do offer you my own complete A-Z Affiliate Marketing course when you go signup for your own:
As a bonus on the mindset of low ticket affiliate products and high ticket one, I wanted to show you an example of how to place different products in front of your dream customer
BONUS Earning Potential!
Can you believe that I'm not done yet?
On top of what you're getting by promoting both the One Funnel Away and Wealthy Affiliate, I'm also going to throw in one of my ready to go sales funnel and website niche project in the CBD Niche!
I designed my own ready to go CBD Affiliate Machine that you can learn more about below...
I'll show you how to target people who:
- Want to join your CBD Business Opportunity
- Who and how to promote your CBD Products
Final Thoughts And How To Get Started
At the end of the day, every customer is not created equally and it'll take you try after try organically and the paid route to filter out who is real about what you have to offer them.
And that's ok, you want that, it shows you're growing and you're taking data/statistics into consideration. Most people are only out there to chase money, but if you can take the data organically and paid and understand how every number has a story...
You'll crush your competition and those $1,000 days will soon turn into $10,000 dollar ones, I'm sure of it.
Now, the next part if you haven't gotten started is to pick up my Free High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing Mini course where I'll show you how to focus on a specific audience and to turn what is "some theory", into a realistic one.