March 19

by Michael Granados

Congratulations and welcome to my 22 minutes to profits review!

Can this be a hidden gem or an online nightmare?

This program is exactly and no different than any other scheme that I've reviewed for you, and from only one hard look at it, it's replicated the same templates that other programs in the past have used.

First of all, I want to say WHEWWW! You've successfully skipped over the hassle and cost of investing in this program and have done your research before buying a "great" product.

That's the best way to avoid scams and to find the legitimate way to make money in 2019 and beyond.

I want to be completely honest with you, I'm 110% NOT associated with 22 minutes to profits in any shape or form. And if I were, you'd probably hear me talking so shockingly enthusiastic about it by now.

So, please rest assured that I'm not here sale you a pitch to get you to open your wallet, pull out your credit card and make a purchase.

Instead, the real reason I am here with you today is to reveal the inner workings of this scheme and why you should avoid it at all costs.

22 Minutes To Profits Summary

Product name: 22 minutes to profits

Founder: Mark Stafford - Not a real person by the way! 

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing/Work at home opportunity

Price: $47/one time fee

Best for: No one

Summary: 22 minutes to profits hides behind the surface in that it presents itself as a work form home opportunity that tries to lure you in by making these unrealistic claims of income without ever showing you how it is done( a problem with every scam out there). But wait, they have testimonials though? That doesn't mean they are real! Which in this case they are not. These are paid actors. 22 minutes to profits is nothing more than an outrageous scam, and you're not going to get anything by moving forward with them.

Rating: 0.5/100

Recommended: No

What is 22 minutes To Profits?

Simply said, 22 minutes to profits is another one of those "overnight to $300, $400, and even $500 a day opportunities" that look great from a glance, but don't be fooled...

With one hard look and research, it's nothing more than another scheme supersaturating the market. Like we need any more of those right?

What caught my eye before I even did any of my own research was how they claimed to make you instant money without doing any or a lot of hard work. Whenever I see, and you see something like this from the beginning, it's best to look the other way.

If you're someone who is new to affiliate marketing or the digital marketing industry, I really can't blame you for wanting to go all in with it. Other programs that I've seen like this might help you make a short amount of cash, but what ends up happening is that the owner somehow disappears, leaving you on your own and without anything more to earn.

As I visited their landing page, you'll immediately be brought to a video from its creator "Mark Stafford" and he thoroughly explains how you can make $300, $400, and even $500 a day.

[adinserter block="1"]

Along this video, Mark also shares with you a couple of testimonials by people who have "used" the system and have made a boatload of cash in the first couple of days.

In order to continue to the next step of the process, you're going to be asked your full name, and email address. And if you so choose to give them your information, you'll be then taken to another "grand" sales video that hypes up your potential to earn a huge amount of money with this system.

I did my countless hours of research on Mark Stafford online, and I couldn't find any information or background on him apart from his name only being linked to this exact product. Whenever this happens to your or me, it should raise immediate suspicion and red flags.

Red Flag #1: Claims to make a huge amount of money

Red Flag #2: Owner is nearly non-existent

Going Inside 22 Minutes To Profits

Would you like a ready-to-go done-for-you system? Who wouldn't like that right?

I don't see how once someone gets started, they can start earning money in just 22 minutes of creating an eCommerce website. That's insane! Please show me a program that can do that.

But don't get me wrong, if you're good at eCommerce and you can sell many products, then you might be one of these 22 minute gurus.

To achieve this kind of work that 22 minutes to profits claims you can get, you'd have to do some serious hard work. I'm talking about sitting in front of your computer for hours working on things like:

  • Traffic
  • Marketing
  • Product sourcing
  • Advertising
  • and so on

What Are You Getting? As I've stated earlier and as far as I'm concerned, you are getting ready-made templates and websites, traffic sources, and other resources that 22 minutes to profits uses to make money online.

Note: There are programs out there that do come with ready made templates and business websites without having to write or create them your self that actually work, but do require amount of effort still.

I skimmed through their 2 videos and there was no mentioning of anything else outside of their blueprint.  No training provided, no community, no support, etc.

How Will You Make Money With 22 Minutes To Profits?

Okay, I can't say their videos were completely a shamble, they did catch me by surprise when they did a good job of explaining how their system works...Which is never the case with any other scams.

Assuming that you pay the one time $47 initial fee, you will be getting their ready to go websites and products that people can make a purchase from.

The products you would be hypothetically selling from them are mainly from Amazon where you'll need to sign up for their affiliate program. After you sign up, you'll get access to the product links, and you can start plugging them into your website.

The program will tell you where to plug in your links to your website, and where to to go from there.

Is It An Actual Business Model?

I noticed that 22 minutes to profits takes on 2 business models, and both of them are legitimate.

The first one being affiliate marketing, where you simply partner up with other peoples products, you promote and sell them to other people, and you earn a commission from it.

The second one is drop-shipping, where you would establish an e-commerce site, fill it up with loads of products and sell them without holding any inventory.

You're partnered up with wholesalers and distributors who do the fulfillment part of the process once customers have purchased from you and your website.

Who Is 22 Minutes To Profits For?

If you hadn't been listening about the past 15 minutes, This system is not meant for anyone at all.

If you're new to affiliate marketing and want to get started the right way, then check out my step-by-step guide on affiliate marketing

And if you want to explore the drop-shipping industry, here are some of the best resources I cam up with to start:

1.eCom Hacks Academy

2.eCom Success Academy

Although both of these courses are expensive, they will give you the best foundation on how to set up and control an eCommerce business.

The Ugly Truths About 22 Minutes To Profits Revealed

I want to cover a few Large Points on what makes 22 minutes to profits a broken program, and the lengths they go to in trying to convince you to join them.

1. 22 minutes To Profits is Very Similar To Other Scams.

I don't want to scare you but I have something really important I need to share with you.

The second I landed on 22 minutes to profits, I already suspected it was a complete scam. That's because I've reviewed similar other scams that used the same exact or similar sales page.

One of which is End Financial Stress Now

This program usually similar conversational tactics to get you to show interest and then capture your attention by driving you to other sales videos in their marketing efforts.

#2 Terrible and Unrealistic Claims

Even if their system was legit(which it is not by the way), their claims are too far-fetched and unbelievable.

I've been working with marketers for almost 6 years now and one thing I can tell you is that you're not earning hundreds of dollars per day no matter how good you are


Here's another one:

Throughout these testimonial videos, they keep on going to extreme lengths with these claims that are just unrealistic.

If you're already in the affiliate marketing or eCommerce space, you know that it takes a lot of hard work to get a consistent income stream.

Tired of Scams? Check out my #1 Recommendation HERE!

3. Fake News Articles

It depends on which sales video you've landed one, but both things are the same, 22 minutes to profits makes way too many unrealistic claims. Here's a video that demonstrated that:

And if it were a real program would it have to be advertised on the news this way? Most online programs that are the best of the best don't even share the news spotlight because they don't need to prove it in that way.

In this video, they even made uses of channel logos where they appeared on.But let's get one thing clear, these news videos they are bragging about makes no mention of 22 minutes to profits or to anyone else.

There is no mention of a single company at all!

4. Fake Testimonials

If you've watched these salves videos entirely like I have, you'll come across people who have "claimed" to have success with the system.

The funny thing I found about these testimonials are that they are also giving out testimonials to other programs too.

Notice how in the top right of the first image there is a logo that says "Fiver"... these people are hired from there to make these testimonials.

What I Did Like About 22 Minutes To Profits?

Absolutely outside of another laugh, Nothing! This is not meant to be disrespectful, but nothing good will come out of this program.

22 minutes to profits has a lot of substance but no real play...if you know what I mean. In other words, there's so much hype about it, but it just doesn't deliver in value and for you to produce any kind of income that's reliable.

Is 22 Minutes To Profits A Scam?

22 minutes To Profits has not proven anything other than being another 2.0 version of other scams that were reviewed by me on this site.

There are just way to many flags, from landing on the page to fake testimonials, fake news stories, a non-existent owner, money earned per day.

This system is not meant o provide ANY value to its visitors except to its creators.

In this 22 minute job review you saw how scary it would be to be apart of a program that does nothing but scam it's own people and the future people thinking about joining.

How I Make A Legitimate Income Online?

I've personally created 3 income streams and a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream and become financially independent at 26 years old without having to further my 3 and a half years of college education and more work experience.

To follow my footsteps and find out how I managed to create such passive income streams after losing my job and in a short amount of time, please click the button below. I've prepared a Special video to explain to you 🙂

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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