January 29

by Michael Granados

Want the BEST answer from an Expert Affiliate Marketer on “Is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Legit?”

I’ll cut right to the chase, Yes, 110% High Ticket Affiliate Marketing is Legit and one of the best ways to make a higher commission with just one sale. In fact, Some programs pay up to 60%+ in affiliate commissions and up to $5,000+, but you can’t just get “fixated” on the “sale”, there’s ONE treat that makes it work…

But before I get into what this “treat” is, just know that in this article, I “Michael” will be pulling back the curtains to detail and show you how to get into high ticket affiliate marketing without making mistake after mistake, how to properly promote the product(s), and how to accelerate your results much faster!

Did you know besides high ticket affiliate marketing though, there is a “Residual Income” business that is WAY Better and much EASIER to get into, along with bringing people into a platform that pays you 80% commissions on ALL products and residuals for work you did just one time?

With “Residual Income” Affiliate Marketing, you REALLY make your business passive and predictable because you DON’T have to start with $0 every single month…You wouldn’t want to start off at $0 every month, would you? Just imagine helping someone get a high ticket product of like $2,500 where you’d get like $1,000 ONLY to then start from $0 again the next month? No matter what your pipeline looks like, there you are again…alone.

If you think you’ve heard enough, you can check out my #1 recommended residual income product that pays out 80% in commissions here.

Alright, let’s get into it.

What Is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing (And How Does It “EXACTLY” Work For You?)

First of all, we need to cut out what it isn’t…High Ticket Affiliate marketing is not usually products under $1,000 in value BUT the concept of that has changed - You can find certain products priced at $100 but are originally priced a lot more, or are just $100+ to begin. The other way to look at is that high-ticket affiliate marketing products are looked at as $1,000+ in price/value when you generate a sale from it, you’re gaining at least $100+ from.

Is There A High Ticket Affiliate Marketing “Catch?”

I wouldn’t say there is, BUT there’s a “TRAP” For Sure…Before I tell you what that is, let’s look at what people mistakenly do…

You could EASILY find yourself promoting VERY Pricy products that people don’t need, they may not be as effective (more so defective), and there is SO MUCH unethical practice, here’s what I mean. 

Everyone jumps on the HYPE train to “make money now” and to sell the most expensive product and products in exchange for a larger sale and herein is where the TRAP comes in ESPEICALLY if you are in the “Make Money Online” space…

You end up falling for the “Follow Train” where High Ticket Affiliate Marketing is “The thing” and you begin to hear it and see it from the “dudes” and the ladies trying to get you on board to do what they’re doing…

It’s at this point you find yourself reading a Facebook post, a Blog Post, watching a YouTube video, you end up in someone's “messenger chat” and more.

If you find yourself in touch with someone who “Unethically” does things or at LEAST is pursuing you just for a sale and nothing more (like to get to know you at the very minimum), you will get A LOT of “commission breathe” - This is a term we use for people who just about money and only want you so they can earn.

PART 2 Of The Make Money Online Catch

This can come before the first part above (so no particular order), you get A TON of people who are in the “Make Money Online” field who usually join a course that is high ticket to then turn right around and then promote it to you…

I mean, if you know the course, if you’ve applied it yourself and have had success with it to any capacity, I can understand - But SO MANY people join these types of make money online courses to only turn right around on this hamster wheel and get you to buy it, and it doesn’t end there (BEWARE of this next part).

PART 3: Start with a Low-Priced Course

In the make-money online educational space, Many courses have what’s called a “Value Ladder” (which in it’s own sense is legit), where you will get shown a product with less than like $50 as the front end, it could be a course, a challenge, or something else…

Thereafter, once you’re in their culture and environment, BAM! You get a High Ticket Affiliate Makreting course introduced to...Where I have a problem with that is not always necessarily the material (it could be high quality and for the right person), but the people promoting it to you and perhaps the “advisors” or “coaches”...

I’ve heard of things in the high ticket space where people get pressured to buy a course and that they get told whatever is necessary for people to buy a product. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it’s there.

Most people end up putting their finances in strain to just buy a course too…I believe in being “resourceful” and to understand how to afford something, but if you’ve tried (and I mean you really tried), you need to budget wisely and not overspend.

People easily buy high-ticket courses to never finish them and properly apply them, and then they can’t get their money back at that point - A Sunk cost, but a HUGE Sunk cost at that…Tell me how the world of economics and stability holds out for you then.

Instead, I recommend “Residual Income” Affiliate Marketing with a “High Ticket” twist…This is one where you focus on building your residual income so you don’t have to keep starting at $0 (No matter what your pipeline and pattern of success looks like), one where this “All In One” platform pays out 80% commissions on ALL products and residuals to earn $120 per month per person, and even $800 one time…

See my #1 recommended alternative to high-ticket affiliate marketing with a residual income way:

Is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Hard?

high ticket affiliate marketing

It can be if you have TOO Many limiting beliefs holding you back like:

  • Fear of failure is not addressed
  • Your belief system is not on the right course
  • You are not persistent and consistent
  • You don’t stay disciplined

But I mean, that’s with everything, right? Except, it can be harder to convince but more so “confirm” somebody to have the product. It’s easier for someone to take a low-ticket and lower-price product (even faster) than to buy into a high-ticket product. It’s all about “touch points” though…

If you learn the “art of marketing” and you stay focused on the right strategy and tactics that work, then sure, anything is possible. But again, remember, you start at $0 again after a sale. If you focus on promoting “lower entry” products that are less than like $50 one time or so can make it easier.

The other point I’d like to make is that “low-ticket” and “residual income” products” are MUCH better for creating financial stability because people can be impulse buyers, there’s no extra added “time gap” for someone to purchase a higher ticket product as much (hesitancy is what I mean by that), and you get predicability coming in every single month.

That’s why I prefer this Residual Income with low-ticket affiliate marketing system where you can clone one of my high-earning businesses and make it your own, with done-for-you videos, pages, templates, scripts, and more:

5 Steps To Build A High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Business

  • STEP 1: Choose the RIGHT Product
    • This is the biggest roadblock, if you don’t choose the right product that solves BIG enough problems and a major problem, you could find yourself getting lesser buyers who well, really don’t want to buy. It’s one thing to have a narrow audience who want to buy ut if you don’t have the right product…you know where this is going.
      • I’ll get into certain products later, but you need one with enough “product-market fit”, or in other words, it has supply and demand, it’s PROVEN to work, it solves a big problem majority in either the “Wealth, Health, or Relationships space.
  • STEP 2: Choose The RIGH “Conversion System”
    • This is the #1 reason people fail in getting people to buy - If you want people to eventually buy, you MUST have this “conversion system” that’s a machine that works like clockwork to “Nurtue” your leads and can easily get them to eventually buy your product/services.
      • I’ve become affluent at creating systems in all affiliate marketing spaces - I’ve promoted Health, E-Business, and E-Marketing (Make Money Online), as well as in the “Financial Space” which Is what I moved into in my later years. I still do them all on clockwork.
      • Think of your “conversion system” like the engine of a high quality and expensive car like a “Ferarri” for example - Without the right engine that’s not clogged up and ruined, the spark plugs are in the best condition and more, you “may” get something, or you may get nothing…This is one of the biggest reasons people jump from one opportunity to the next.
  • STEP 3: Choose A “Niche” (targeted market you can grow an audience in)
    • To my points earlier, you will want an audience you can build awareness in yourself and in your business (think personal and business branding), you want a topic you can focus in and build your audience - You add value through “content marketing” - You have YouTube, Blogging, Social Media, and many other avenues.
      • Like I said earlier, the best industries are those in the Wealth (Make Money Online, FInancing, etc.), Health (Joint Pain, back pain, etc.), and Relationships (How to date in your 20s, dating for men and women who have been single for 5 years, etc.)
  • STEP 4: Get The Fuel online (traffic, leads, and overall conversions)
    • This is the “Chevron” or like the “Arco” or a “Shell’ gas station where you will fuel your car with gas or diesel so you can have a well-oiled car and conversion machine (engine) running for you.
      • You can get “traffic” from places like Google, Bing, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and many other places.

Best High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Courses Right Now

While there are many High Ticket products and choices, here are great ones:

I’ve promoted quite a bit of these and done well, and the “make money online” courses to start a business are with Legendary Marketer and ENTRE Institute. But above all these, MOST Important is protecting and having my “Residual Income” product(s)...

So while you can have High Ticket Affiliate Marketing products, I greatly advise you to have your residual products in line. You can check out my #1 recommended Residual Income system where you can clone of my high-earning businesses and make it your own here:

High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Alternative

There are Definetely A LOT of high ticket affiliate marketing alternative models that work well and I've already shared with you what I believe to be best - Which is "Residual Income" products. I'll share my favorite alternative and best recommended one below but before I do...

There's also something like "lead generation" by helping create local businesses and businesses around the states and in other places create their business website, help them with social media, reputation management, and more - This way you can rent out their site - I've done this with my digital maketing agency and lead generation business on many platforms, one most recent is with "GoHighLevel".

It can be entry level and very beginner friendly, and it also helps you create a passive income stream for each client for like a site you can host on GoHighLevel for like $100-$500+ a month per person, as well as for other services, but here's what I recommend...

Getting into my #1 recommended residual income business (Right Here) where you can learn all about affiliate marketing and then have this "Lead Generation" and "digital marketing agency" as a backend service - I can help you with that as time goes on too.

Final Thoughts (And Getting Started Faster)…

What was your favorite part about High Ticket Affiliate Marketing that you learned today? Did you have a least favorite part about the high ticket field?

With so much noise left and right (in front and behind too), it’s HARD to not only understand how high ticket affiliate marketing works but “WHO” to trust and “WHY” you should trust the person trying to not only share the information with you but the actual platform you’ll be an affiliate of, but I do know one thing…

I’m a VERY Trustworthy, loyal, and reliable person who wou;dn’t want to steer you in the wrong direction. I’m not that type of person.

So if you’d like to check out my recommended high ticket affiliate marketing products/services, you can see them above, BUT if you’d like to see my #1 recommended residual income product that pays out 80% commissions on ALL products and has residuals…For work you did one time to get them, then click here to see more:

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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