July 7

by Michael Granados

What Is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Htam exactly?

High Ticket Affiliate Marketing is where you can earn higher paying commission for referring people to programs and you ccan get paid often in the range of $500 -$1,000+ per person. You can put in the same amount of effort promoting a high ticket product as you can for a low-ticket priced one with the same amount of traffic making the payoff much greater with a higher priced item.

Why High Ticket Affiliate Marketing?

Why Affiliate Marketing High Ticket Items is so powerful As I mentioned earlier in the definition of what high ticket affiliate marketing is, let’s imagine this…

You have a pain relief cream from Amazon you’re promoting for a rate of $15 with a commission percentage of 10% and on the other hand you have a digital software product of $550 that pays out 50% in affiliate commissions…

The amount you make for your pain relief cream is .05 and the amount of you made for the $550 you sold is $275, which looks better?

Yeah, the second, right? Now think about how much effort you just put in to promote both...let’s say you ran a Facebook group and you made one post about the product and people reacted similarity to both - they clicked to go visit the product and they purchased, what was different?

Not much. Your effort to make the post was the same, the goal was the same, so not much in terms of effort changed there.

There are MANY upsides to promote high ticket affiliate products and here's a list:

  • Make $1,000's+ PER Sale
  • Higher Commission percentages (40%+)
  • Takes the same effort to promote a low-ticket product as is a high-ticket one.
  • Reach your monthly income goals with fewer sales
  • Go Full-Time much faster
  • And Many More!

Now that you know what is htam and why htam, let's see what are the highest paying affiliate programs in the high ticket space...

What Are The Highest Paying Affiliate Programs?

I wrote a very in-depth review of the best paying high ticket affiliate programs that can pay you over $10,000 PER person you can check out here but I'll summarize one of them right below...

Best High Ticket Affiliate Programs

Starting with one of my personal favorites:

#1 Clickfunnels

cf affiliate

What if you had the ability to promote a suite of digital information products and software people would throw themselves at to buy without hesitation and earn up to 40% in commissions?

Clickfunnels is that and more, listen. With Clickfunnels you get a Sales Funnel Building tool that allows you to create pages to collect your leads email and information, show them sales pages, go through upsells, downsells, memberships and so much more!

Every business NEEDS a Sales funnel especially in times where a Website is too cluttered with buttons people can push and go away from, the message isn't clear enough for your future customer to take action and buy from you and so forth.

So with a "Click Funnel" you entice hungry business owners or even newbies looking to grow their business with a funnel and get paid out handsomely for your time.

I made a full comprehensive review post of the Clickfunnels Affiliate Program and you can click the button below to see more about it.

#2 Legendary Marketer

lm affiliates

What if you had one of the most powerful ways to earn income online with a proven and powerful approach to marketing and selling high ticket products?

By tapping into the Legendary Marketer affiliate program you are getting a goldmine of experience and you get to leverage the professional team they have to help grow your online income and empire!

You can promote many products like:

  • Ebooks
  • Video Courses
  • Memberships
  • High ticket blueprints
  • And more!

I made a full review of Legendary Marketer below you should check out to learn the full details.

#3 ENTRE Institute

e institute

One of my most recent partnerships is with ENTRE Institute who like Legendary Marketer are a digital education platform but here's where ENTRE is different...

Aside from the up to 40% in commissions you can earn, they have like the Highest payouts of $16,000+ PER Referral! PER REFFERAL!

You can rest assured you're promoting high quality products such as:

  • Personal Development
  • Productivity
  • Group memberships
  • Digital Agency course
  • Affiliate Marketing Course
  • Course Creation course
  • Coaching
  • And so much more!

I made a full review of ENTRE Institute and their affiliate program in this post you can check out:

#4 Amazing Selling Machine

amazing machine

Would you like to discover how to earn MASSIVE payouts in the next few weeks by helping others start their own ecommerce businesses?

You'd be promoting an Amazon FBA course who's created by Multi-Millionaire experts who know their way around and have created a PROVEN platform to help others succeed with it.

They're ready to pay you over $2,000 per person which means you get to make 40% per sale!

I made a full review of Amazing here you can check out:

High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Italia

I wanted to make this seperate section for the Italian crowd of people that I've helped for sometime and if you're wondering what the best high ticket program are in Italia, then the ones above are.

Final Thoughts 

Which High Ticket Affiliate Program you saw on the list today is your favorite?

Listen, You can't go wrong with any of these h.t.a.m programs BUT what if you had a way to mix ALL of them together so you can do what I call "Connection Marketing?"

This way you'll be able to profit from moving people around through products related to one another and even better are complimentary?

If you want to take this method on, then I highly recommend you get started by literally CLONING My 6-Figure High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Business by clicking the button below to see how.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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