July 8

by Michael Granados

Would you like to get very quick funding for your business so you can start fueling your dreams?

Welcome to this Fundwise Capital Review where I “Michael Granados” will be pulling back the curtains to show you whether or not this alternative loan lending program is legit, the pros and cons, alternative options and so much more so YOU can finally secure the Right funding for your small business, but first...

You’re the reason our economy is stable and why it rises in the hardest of times (just look at COVID), yet you have the notorious banks on one end who are ready to put a “Stamped disapproval” and wait until they tell you “have a nice day!”

To make matters worse you come to the realization that you can’t be helped, leaving you in the dark and not a day later closing the doors to your business - well their goes ALL of your hard work and dreams. Fortunately there’s a solution…

Fundwise capital can help, they are legit, there is no fundwise capital scam but the better question is this - “Are they the RIGHT fit for YOU?

Let’s get started figuring that out in this Fundwise Review.

Fundiwse Capital Overview

Product Name: Fundwise Capital

Founder: Corey Price

Product Type: Small Business Loan Service, Finance, Capital

Price: $297 to join as an agent, $0 for the application as a small business owner.

Best for: Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and many more

fundwise c

Summary: Fundwise Capital is an alternative financial funding services company offering capital for small business owners through partnering with third party lenders and getting people through a pre-approval and approval process.

Fundwise focuses more so on startups, and on-going small businesses with an emphasis on having a good credit line. I believe what they're doing is great and have many upsides to help you as an Independent agent BUT I'm not a fan with the rates, the high credit entrance and much more...

And I believe there are better alternatives where you can get in on as an Independent brokerage agent for FREE and help people get small business funding with the Minimum requirements where they can have bad credit scores, getting smaller size and bigger size fundings, no rates necessary (complicated rates), and further on...

One of these being my #1 Recommended Alternative lending Independent opportunities with Up To $2,000,00 you can learn about here.

Rating: 90/100

Recommended: Yes

What Is Fundwise Capital?

what is fundwise capital

Fundwise Capital is a Utah-based well established alternative financial services company that mainly specializes in helping new businesses find funding for working business capital along with many other services. Like many other loan lending companies, they are the mediator (middlemen) between pairing you up with third-party lenders.

Why Fundwise Capital?

Unlike other alternative SBA lenders, Fundwise Capital focuses on serving both startups and ongoing small businesses and they look at your personal line of credit and the information inside your credit card profile.

During the underwriting process, Fundwise will deeply look at both your personal credit score and monthly revenue to determine whether you qualify, and even if one credit line doesn’t meet the criteria, you can bounce back with the others for example:

  • You don’t qualify with Transunion BUT you do qualify with…
  • Equifax and
  • Experian

Along with providing a healthy monthly revenue, then you’ll likely be approved. PLUS, it helps when you go through an easy and fast financing solution that doesn’t require:

  • ANY tax returns
  • Time in business or
  • Other extensive requirements

Don’t forget the application process is a hassle-free and you can get your funding in as much as 10 days. So if you wanted the lowest rates possible and you have a good personal line of credit in most areas and you need an SBA loan sooner rather than later, Fundwise Capital is your institution.

Otherwise, if you have a poor credit score, you’re not a startup and want to earn up to $25K and even as much as $2,000,000, then I highly advise checking out my #1 recommended Business loan service here

P.S. Are you a startup business owner with pre-revenue or less than $3k per month and less than 3 months time in business and would like to get up to $500,000 personal/startup funding? Click here to see my #1 recommended personal/startup funding option

Another addition is their credibility where they’ve been featured…

fundwise capital featured in
  • Silicon Slopes
  • The Huffington Post
  • Reviews on Facebook
  • Inc. Verified Profile

Now let’s go even deeper inside.

Going Inside Fundwise Capital

Remember how I said Fundwise has a no hassle-free application process? These are the 4 simple steps to getting started:

fundwise four steps
  1. Apply
  2. Consultation
  3. Get Funded
  4. Post Funding

Yes, it’s that darn simple! And I’ll be showing what that looks like soon but first I want to show you the services.

Fundwise Capital Services

Fundwise concentrates on helping four types of businesses and business owners:

  • Startup Funding. If you’re just getting started with your brick and mortar company or a digital one, you can expect to get between $15k-$150k in funding. This way you can secure working business capital for assets you’ll need like:
    • Marketing, Equipment, rent, bills, inventory and much more
  • Small Business Loans. Up to $500k is what you can expect to get. This is more for businesses with at least $250k/year in sales or you can get a line of credit or term loan to grow. 
  • SBA Loans. $250k-$5 Million. If you’re needing to expand your business and get more money with longer terms at a low-interest rate, then you can go with the SBA loan option.
  • Real Estate Investor Financing. Loan amount of $75k-$2 Million. In case you’re flipping homes or fixing up properties to hold and rent out, Fundwise has one of the best REI financing programs available anywhere. You can get:
    •  up to 90% LTV (Life Time Value)
    • Always 100% financing on the rehab
    • Interest-only
    • 9 payments rolled into the loan

Related: Best Real Estate Financing Questionnaire 

Fundwise Capital Funding Criteria

Here’s a bird's eye view of the criteria Fundwise is after and the fundwise credit score:

  • Works with startups and existing small businesses
  • You’ll need at least a 680 credit score to be approved at all
  • Could take more time to get funded than other places
  • Have at least $10K in revenue made per month
  • Be in business for at least 1 year (not startups)
  • 10 to 21 day funding period

Fundwise Capital Types Of Funding

  • Have 3 to 7 years line of credit
  • Between $25,000-$300,000
  • 0%-15% interest rates for your first 9 to 15 months

Fundwise Capital Fees

  • Other fees included $500 or more plus 9% approval fee
  • 6% to 23% APR

How To Qualify

Although you have a better idea of what you need to qualify, I wanted to create this section to break down ALL that you need to qualify for both persona and business funding. 

For Personal Funding:

  • 2+ years of positive credit
  • A credit score of 680+
  • No recent collections shown
  • Current credit limit of $5k+

Related: Best Personal Funding Up To $500,000 Combo program

For Business Funding:

  • 3+ years of positive credit
  • Credit score of 700+
  • Be an LLC or Corporation
  • No recent collection allowed
  • Have a current credit limit of $5k+
  • Have less than 5 inquires in the last 6 months

What You Need To Apply:

Here’s a small list of things you’ll need to be ready with:

  • A Credit monitoring account with CreditCheckTotal or PrivacyGuard
  • Depending on your personal credit you may need to show your last 2 paystubs
  • Any general information about your business such as a business address, phone, Tax ID, etc.
  • Your personal information such as a phone number, email, date of birth, address, social security

Fundwise Capital Underwriting Process

I feel like you should know what the underwriters are analyzing and assessing during the underwriting process so you really get a feel if it’s worth your time or not and not to be worried.

So like I said earlier, Fundwise Capital and the underwriters are mostly concerned with your personal line of credit and your credit profile, and they’ll be looking to see if you have a 680+ credit scores on:

  • Experian
  • Transunion
  • Equifax
  • And personal income of $40,000+

Your personal credit profile must have some age to it like at least 2 years or more. If your personal credit profile is thick enough and your credit scores are high enough, you may not have to show any type of income verification. Here’s what happens at the end…

At the end of the underwriting process, you will be given a total funding estimate that is based on the information the underwriters manually reviews on all 3 of your credit reports. And if you’re pleased with the loan amount you’ll be given, Fundwise Capital will continue with your application.

But if you decide to decline the funding amount, then you’re credit scores will NOT be affected and you can go on your ways. Thereafter, the underwriters will then send your application to the exact lenders who feel and know what you will qualify for. The rest is just a waiting period to get funded (10 to 21 days).

How To Get Started

There will be a pre-approved application page that looks like this:

fundwise capital application

STEP 1:Fill Out The Questions

You’ll want to fill out each question to your best capacity. You’ll be asked things like:

  • How much money do you need?
fundwise step 1
  • How’s Your Credit Score?
fundwise capital credit score
  • Have you had a bankruptcy in the past 5 years?
fundwise application
  • When Did you start your business?
fundwise capital business

On this part if you haven’t started your business (you’re a startup), then you’d click the line where it says you haven’t started and you’ll see this:


So I won’t go through the rest but you see how you’ll be asked a series of hassle-free 9 questions, right?

STEP 2: Approve Or Disapprove Your Loan Amount

STEP 3: Get Funded

It’s that simple and straightforward.

While the Fundwise process is simple and streamlined, I believe in a greater alternative up to $500,000 you can get your hands on as a startup with pre-revenue or less than $3k per month in the last 3 months, and even for non-startups you can check out here:

Fundwise Capital Reviews

fundwise capital reviews
fundwise capital testimonials

Here are some reviews according to Trustpilot:

fundwise capital trustpilot

Fundwise capital complaints

Here are some complaints according to Fundwise Capital BBB:

fundwise capital complaints
fundwise capital bbb affiliate reviews

These Fundwise capital reviews bbb are credible and they're something to take into account if you feel like you'd fall into that group.

Fundwise Capital Affiliate Program Review

Would you like to help small businesses owners get working capital as an independent agent and earn a sweet passive income doing it?

Fundwise Capital has a partners program where you can get a PROVEN program that enables you to get paid between $800-$1,000 PER Deal by sharing a link with entrepreneurs.

Here’s what you get:

  • Easy referral submissions
  • Easy online applications
  • HUGE earning potential!
  • Comprehensive education
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Custom Tracking Dashboard
  • Done-for-you websites
  • Done-for-you landing pages

And Inside the fundwise agents Partner training program here’s what you’ll get:

  • Learn how to generate leads on auto-pilot from Instagram and a tool called Stim Social…
  • How to earn an override commission on other Fundwise Referral Partners…
  • How you can earn between $800-$1,000 PER deal by just sharing a link with other like-minded entrepreneurs, small business owners, house flippers, and investors…
  • How you can use Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Groups to find HOT leads and daily deals…
  • How to use Meetup.com to start finding deals right away…
  • How you can generate leads from your phone or laptop anywhere at any time to make substantial life-changing money…
  • How some of the Fundwise Capital partners are making mid-six-figure incomes in commissions on the side…
  • How you can join the private Fundwise Partners Facebook group for live training, strategies, and coaching.

I wanted to leave the “cost” to be a partner for the cost section below but I’ll tell you the cost to be a Fundwise Partner…

It’s $297 to join, plus there are monthly fees included. That’s not to mention the extra material you might need like running Ads and so forth.

TOP partners are earning more than $250K/year in commissions. Exciting stuff there, right? 

Fundwise Agents Continued...

So aside from being a Fundwise agent who refers small business for funding, you can refer "agents" who want to get into the program and earn from them, how does this work?

There's a powerful software that scans and gathers targeted contacts that are most likely to partner under you and refer business...

Those contacts are automatically added into email drip campaigns in your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool and emailed out to you.

You'll then receive replies in your "Responses" area where you can replay and provide more info about partnering and referring leads too!

Essentially Fundwise will create the opportunities, you engage and get business, make sense?

What You Get...

  • 600, 1200, or 2,400 leads delivered and mailed for you each month 
  • Email campaigns that are built strongly for you
  • A Simple response system
  • An easy to use CRM tool so you can stay organized and on top of your work
  • LIVE Training
  • You can bring partners under you for free to build up override commissions.
  • Build yourself up recurring income by offering this service to businesses
  • NEW - Social Media Marketing Package for Gold and Platinum levels! $400/month value

If you'd like to learn more about how it works and the cost, then click the link right here to check out Fundwise agents

How Much Does Fundwise Capital Cost?

There is no cost to fill out a pre-qualified application however everything has a cost and you’ll be using your “time” so be conscious of what you’re doing and don’t waste your time if you don’t think it’s the right fit. And if you’re on the affiliate side of things then you’ll be expected to pay $297 to join, PLUS monthly fees are included.

Who Is Fundwise Capital For?

Fundwise Capital is made for beginners who are startups and small business owners who’ve been in business for some time now who both have at least 2 years of quality and clean credit scores and a profile. Here’s more:

  • Owners with a credit score of at least 680
  • You have personal funding with at least 2+ years of positive credit
  • You have at least 3+ years of positive business funding
  • You have no recent collections
  • You have a current credit limit of $5k
  • You’re a real estate investor needing qualified financing
  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Any Industry Included

Who’s It Not For?

  • People with poor credit scores
  • People with collection
  • People who don’t have a current credit limit of $5k
  • You don’t have at least 1 year in business
  • You don’t want to wait 10 to 21 days to get funded

Pros And Cons


  • Startup and Small business capital so you can have the flexibility to get funded as a beginner an intermediate and expert at what you do which means you'll feel relieved knowing you can get helped.
  • Quick funding in as little as 7 days so you don't have to worry waiting for weeks, months and even in some cases years to get your money which means you'll be able to use it for your expenses and many parts your business needs to grow and scale!
  • 0% interest rate for up to 15 months so you can keep getting an easy repayment schedule that works for YOU which means you'll feel more confident and certain you can pay back your loan and in time
  • Individual coaching to make sure your business become a successes and stays that way long-term. This ensures you'll always have mentorship showing you how to grow as a business owner and a person that will translate to others.


  • Focused on higher levels of credit (680+) which most people applying for alternative business loans don't have.
  • Interest rates up to 9% which can make getting and paying back your loan a complicated process.
  • Be in business for at least 1 year


There are definitely other alternatives in the Loan Lending field and actually ones that I favor being better in many ways, one of those being:

By far, my favorite Business Loan Service is this up to $35,000 same-day instant approval with Bitty Advance and even an up to $2,000,000+ alternative program and parternships I have because they can give you up to $2,000,000 in business capital (more than Fundwise at $500,000) and you also get their unparalleled branch service where you can get up to $25k for meeting minimum requirements.

Unlike Fundwise Capital, this up to $2,000,00+ program works with:

  • A 450+ credit score and 500+ for another service
  • All you need is 4 months in business
  • No collateral needed
  • Need to be making at least $5k
  • SAME DAY Funding is Avaialble!

You get a HUGE advantage and bigger payoff in my opinion after trying them out. They are for non-startups as you see but if you're pre-revenue and a startup, then you can go here. PLUS, if you’re looking at their Affiliate partner program, you can do exceptionally well, and all the details will be in the post below…

Enter your text here...

There are other companies like:

Although there are those alternatives, I would stick with the up to $2,000,00 program as your go-to All-around solution.

What I Liked Most About Fundwise Capital

I’d have to say my favorite aspect is the Startup funding solution, why? Well, no many business lenders work with startups because there's more risk and no assurance of establishment which helps bring secure funding…

But Fundwise Capital serves this market well since they understand what it was once like to be a startup not getting approved by the banks. It’s helpful to have flexibility with their small business loan market to so it’s nice to have that option if you want it.

What I Liked Least

I’d have to say it’s not an ALL-IN-ONE solution which means they don’t cater to alternative lending solutions like for healthcare, telecom, customer financing and much more…

And at some point we as business owners will want those services but you’ll have to go elsewhere to get them. Also, they focus on having high personal credit scores which don’t get me wrong isn’t all that bad and serves to a higher quality market but not everyone has at least 2+ years of personal credit line, it’s clean and so forth.

Final Thoughts

What was your favorite part about Fundwise? Was there something you disliked most?

Listen, You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your hands and your small business at the hands of the big banks, your own savings account, or your friends and family but you do…

And it hates me to see you have to struggle and feel like you’re at a dead end. To make matters worse you end up quitting and feeling left hopeless. Luckily for you there’s a solution and it can be Fundwise Capital…

With them you can expect superior service and get approved for a loan up to $500,000 faster and securely. If you want to commit with Fundwise Capital you can OR if you’d rather go with a company that has minimal qualification with A LOT more flexibility and happens to be my #1 recommended service, click the button below to get started.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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