October 15

by Michael Granados

Would you like to have a high-demand skill that puts You Dead-Center in a thriving $129 BILLION-Dollar Industry That’ll stuff your pockets with Daily Commission Checks...The size of most two-week paychecks?!

Is Inbound Closer A Scam OR Can YOU really learn a skill that can take the cap off your earning potential in As little as 21 days by earning commission checks part-time, from anywhere in the world, Using nothing but a phone and a 6-page PDF?

I won’t waste your time - Inbound Closer Is NOT A Scam Bit is it the right fit for you? Inbound closer is a legitimate training course that’ll help you learn a high in-demand skill that puts you dead center in a Thriving $129 BILLION-Dollar Industry by getting people searching for you and closing them on a big product/service with a huge price tag so you can make more money!

I “Michael Granados” will reveal to you the simple steps it takes to get MULTI-Millionaire dollar entrepreneur and business owners knocking on your door thirst as heck wanting YOU to help them make more money and because of the ONE high-ticket income skill I’ll show you - you’re going to turn your dreams into a reality.

By the way, I've written reviews of other "high-ticket income skill" programs like Dan lok and his high ticket income closer that is outrageously not good.

Let’s get started.

Inbound Closer Overview

Person's Name: Tyler Welch

Occupation: Digital Marketing Entrepreneur, Agency Owner

Type Of Business: High Ticket Lead Generation/Digital Agency

Best Product Known For: Inbound Closer

Best for: Beginners, 9-5 employees, people who want to run a digital agency business, people who don't mind getting on the phone

inbound closer take home

Summary: Inbound Closer is designed to show you step-by-step how to attract multi-million dollar business owners and business owners who will gladly pay you $1,000's+ to bring them more people(clients) into their business. An inbound closer is defined as someone who's responsible for closing down high qualified leads and if it makes sense for that person to invest with you, then you invite them into the program.

With Inbound Closer you don't just set up a system where leads are coming to you, scheduling on the calendar when to talk to you and then you would jump on a phone call to see if they are the right fit and then close them to earn a high-ticket sale.

You'll make a commission percentage for helping the business owner get a high-ticket lead. I think it's a good program but if you're not the type of person who wants to spend their time on phone calls and "wanting" to talk to people over a sales call, then I wouldn't do it - I have a better recommendation and mentor in the digital agency space who does this and more(click the button below to find out)

Rating: 88/100

Recommended: Yes

What Is Inbound Closer?

Inbound Closer is a step-by-step training course showing you how to find and attract multi-millionaire entrepreneur and business owners to pay you $1,000’s+ In Commission Checks without going through the trouble of marketing services, building websites, landing pages, or doing ANY leg work!

Traditional online marketing used to be where you’d have to go banging on people’s Facebook page, website or a way where you had to “hunt” down the prospect, but with Inbound Closer you get people to come to you(inbound leads) and this way is more attractive because you become the hunted, make sense?

An inbound closer is a person who is responsible in closing down highly qualified leads and if it makes sense for that person to invest, then you will invite them into the program or service….

And of course, since you’re helping the entrepreneur make a profit where they otherwise would’ve of missed out…

They are more than happy to hand you a piece of that revenue as a commission! These commissions are so “Juicy” and Massive that it’s going to be very tempting for you to let go of your job.

Do you think you have to be this “salesy” person? Or call people who don’t want to hear from you? Or use a lot of traditional selling tactics that would make you feel slimy…

And if that’s not your thing, NO WORRIES! This is different from any sales gig, and let’s go deeper into that.

Going inside Inbound Closer

The luxury in being an inbound closer is that people have already applied to request more information for a particular product or service and there is zero setup on your part, and here’s how that looks step-by-step”

STEP 1: The Customer Comes To You

STEP 2: The Customer Fills Out An Application

STEP 3: The Customer Chooses A Time On Your Calendar

You can take as many calls as you want and you can choose the schedule that works best for YOU which means you’ll have the freedom to:

  • Make your own schedule
  • Take calls when it convenient for you

And since every customer comes to you in the EXACT same way, these calls are practically rinse and repeat. In fact, you can follow a script that looks something like this:

inbound closer script

And according to Tyler Welch, you can expect to close a commission and get a fat commission check on 40% of your calls!

Tyler goes on to explain how if you sold a $9.800 product/service the majority of people would only get 10-20% commissions which means you get a $980 cut minimum, and that’s what he makes now…

inbound closer 30k

Plus, that’s only with one client! You don’t have to quit your job yet, so here are the numbers laid out so you can earn 6-figures or more part time:

Here’s what Other People had to say…

inbound closer reviews

For starters like you, let’s say you only have one client, your client charges $9,800 for their high-dollar offer…

And you make the industry minimum of 10% commissions. That means for every customer you help, you make a $980 commission. And because you’re just starting out, your closing percentage is a little more than half of what Tyler averages…

So following the done-for-you script, you close 40% of your calls, and let’s say since you only want to work part-time until you quit your current job, You only want to take calls for 2 hours per day, 4 days per week..

That works fine because it means you’ll have more than enough time to take 2 calls each day that you want to work, which comes out to 8 calls per week. And let’s say you take a vacation and only work 3 weeks out of the month…

At 8 calls per week for 3 weeks, that’s 24 calls a month and since you’re just starting out closing 40% of your calls, you’re average a little over 9 closes out of those 24 calls every month - not bad!

The math comes out to $8,820 in JUST ONE MONTH!

And you did it while:

  • Working 2 hours per day
  • 4 days per week
  • Only 3 weeks out of the month

Pretty cool, right?

Tyler then says if you stick with it for a year and didn't change a thing, you’re taking home $105,840 per year!

inbound closer take home
  • How much marketing did you do? Zero
  • How Much Customer Support did you do? Zero
  • Did you build an online course? No
  • Did you create any content? No
  • Did you handle inventory? No
  • You didn’t have to build a website
  • You didn’t have to drive traffic
  • You didn’t do any hiring or firing

When you pay for the program(and I’ll reveal the cost just after this section), you will get:

  • Post-call recordings and breakdowns. After you handle a phone call with a new lead, they will be analyzed to see where you are making mistakes and costing you the lead so you can go back and correct it next time.
  • The Inbound Closing Accelerator. This is the inbound closing system which is Taylor’s proprietary telemarketing system based on over 3,000 phone calls that have secured him more than over $42 MILLION in new business - It’s a 21 day course.
  • The Daily Commission-Checks Blueprint. You’ll be shown how to secure your first client in one week.
  • Access to the Inbound Closer Mastermind Group. This is a group of like-minded individuals with who you can bounce ideas off and get help with
  • Taylor’s network of online entrepreneurs.

Being an inbound closer, the Entrepreneur does all the leg work for you.

How Much Does Inbound Closer Cost?

Inbound closer will cost you a $97 one time payment and it comes with a money back guarantee. If you decide this program is not for you, then you can send an email to hello@thesalesmentor.com to be reimbursed.

Who Is Inbound Closer For?

Inbound Closer was designed for people who want to get out of the 9-5 rate race and are tired of spinning their wheels waking up every day frustrated that they have very little they make and have to go to a J-O-B just to earn a paycheck to pay the bills.

Here’s more:

  • For people who want to become their own boss with an amazing business opportunity that puts you in control over your freedom and you don’t have to be stuck reporting to someone else.
  • For beginners who want a side-hustle, part-time, and even full-time position where you can earn $1,000’s+ every single month(remember the $9,800 Commissions I was talking about earlier?)
  • You don’t want the responsibility of handling customer support, making websites, storing inventory and so much more.
  • Aspiring Marketers and Entrepreneurs who want to learn a high-ticket income skill where you can translate it in any other field and you can get paid huge commissions.
  • Work from home moms, dads, students, and so much more!

Pros And Cons


  • Very Lucrative earning potential with this One High-ticket income closing skill so you can make more money in less time which means you'll have more freedom to do what it is you want when you want to.
  • PROVEN Digital Entrepreneur Taylor Welch who's made over $42 Million dollars and you can model and replicate his process which means you'll have more confidence and certainty this can work for you too.
  • Done-For-You phone call scripts so you don't have to worry about trying to figure it out all alone and from scratch or making mistake after mistake which means you'll close more people and make more sales faster!
  • Post call recordings and breakdowns so you can analyze and learn from Taylor and may others what went wrong and what to do right which means you'll become skillful in no time and taking action sooner rather than later.
  • Freedom To work from wherever and whenever you want to so you can choose your hours and schedule your calls YOU want to take which means you won't be held down to an office, a 9-5 job and going to work to make someone else happy!


  • You're going to spend most of your time on the phone and if you don't like being on the phone and verbally communicating with someone you may not know, then it will be harder for you to "Want" to do. 


I know you’re weighing your options and whether or not you want to be an inbound closer, I came up with other alternatives that I’ve tried and tested:

These are all different training programs on the fact that you don’t have to be an inbound closer who spends their time taking phone calls…

If that’s not your thing, then I invite you to check any of those alternatives I just listed above, and to make it easier, I’ll tell you my favorite.

ENTRE Institute, Why?

You get to learn from a 6-figure+ digital entrepreneur in Jeff Lerner who lets you COPY him and his businesses in any of these 3 fields”

So with ENTRE Institute you'll be shown how t help business owners with a digital marketing agency (if client work is what you want), but he also has other programs like I mentioned above in affiliate marketing and course creation.

HOWEVER, if you don't want the Digital Marketing Agency model and would rather go after having a more hands off, passive income business then I highly suggest going with High Ticket Affiliate Marketing...

Which is where you can make $1,000's+ PER sale in less time. And for that I recommend going with Legendary Marketer.

What I Liked Most About Inbound Closer

One of my favorite things about Inbound Closer is the ability to close on as many clients as you want, here’s what I mean…

You’re not restricted as to how many clients you want to reach out to every month, the skies the limit, and if you wanted to do this part-time, or full-time, you can be as flexible as you want…

You make what you want on your terms. One month you might of made $5,000+ and the following it’s like $8,000, and then you have a dip another month, but because you just came off a huge month, you’re basically covered.

You choose when and who you want to take on as a client which makes it easier on you and you can become more comfortable at it.

Final Verdict: Is Inbound Closing Real? 

Yes. Tyler Welch has created for you an amazing training that no one else out there comes close to mastering.

You get TONS of resources like the done-for-you phone call scripts, A Mastermind group to bounce ideas with others and get help, the telemarketing system with over 3,000 phone calls that’s made Taylor over $42 Million dollars so you can replicate and basically COPY what he’s doing…

And you finally get the freedom you’ve always wanted, more money than you thought was possible, and the freedom to work from anywhere and anytime!

If you'd like to checkout Inbound closer, click here, but if you'd rather see my #1 alternative and #1 recommended mentor to learn from and who I've learned from to run a successful business in the top 3 business models online, click the button below...

Do you have any questions or need further help? Feel free to leave me a comment down below and I'll get back to you ASAP!

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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