August 26

by Michael Granados

Did you win the lottery?

Do you want to first start of with a new job?

Which one sounds most realistic to you right now?

You'd probably say question #2, but call me crazy when I tell you that you can have both!

A bit confused? I know, I was too at the time I was looking for a new job and also trying to find "the one", and here's what happened...

I flopped. I'll share more on that later, right now let me tell you about whether or not "Is Insight Global A Scam?"

The reality is that you're scouring the internet looking for a fresh take on a new job, and that's exactly what I'm going to uncover with Insight global, and how you can land your first or next job. So let's get into it!

Insight Global Overview

Product Name: Insight Global

Founder: Glenn Johnson

Product Type: Staffing agency, employment

Price: None

Best for:  Employees, Employers, 9-5 workers

insight global staffing agency

Summary: Insight Global is a fortune 100 staffing agency company that will work hard to ensure you have your first or next job in a short term or long term contract position. They have been around since 2001 and have built a good reputation among their other staffing agency counterparts.

Rating: 82/100

Recommended: Yes

What Is Insight Global?

Your friends, family, or close employees probably let you in on a tip or two about what insight global is, but there's so much they didn't tell you.

Insight Global is a staffing agency helping individuals like yourself find jobs and employers fill up their positions. OH MAN!...

Not another one of these staffing agencies and what makes this one special then others? Well let me tell you before you switch off.

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, brings in quality employment to you and to its employers as well staffing solutions for huge Fortune 100 customers all across the United States as well Canada.

Not looking for just full-time employment? The great thing about Global insight is that they offer:

  •  short-term contract
  • temporary-to-permanent
  • direct placement 
  • and enhanced staffing services

...and all on top of that you can get yourself a full-time position if you so choose to.

But Michael, where's the special part come in? Glad that you kept that in mind, here it is...

Global insight specializes in places contract job seekers into these 5 types of job areas(In no particular rank order):

  1. Information Technology
  2. Accounting
  3. Finance
  4. Engineering(Non-IT)
  5. Government Jobs

Here's a picture of that:

insight global, and is it a scam?

Awesome stuff right?!

Unlike other staffing agencies, you either get less range and ones that solely focus on getting you into the more "general labor" category like, Construction, and machining. I know this very well, I used to work through staffing agencies and about 9 times out 10, it was always focused on general labor positions.

But now I don't have to worry about another staffing agency or if I will EVER lose my job because I have financial freedom now.

Going Inside Insight Global

Have you checked out Insight global yet?

Scanning and checking out Insight global, I found out some pretty fascinating stuff, and others that were quite alarming that I MUST tell you.

Going through the "About Us" I found some pretty hardcore core principles that were on the upside with things like since 2001, all promotions have come within the organization. Why is it done this way?

For one, it fosters hard work, superior customer service, along with:

  • Effective responsiveness
  • and deeper caring for you as an employee

Hey, who doesn't want to be apart of a warm, loving organization that will let you rest easy knowing they have your back?

Count me in!

Honors And Awards

I have to be honest, I'm sweating right now!

There are so many awards that Global Insight has, and it backs up why they offer tremendous assistance to you and their employers. JUST some of the honors and awards are:

  • Best Workplace for millennial's
  • Best workplace in Consulting and Professional Services
  • Best of Staffing Client Award

And guess what? That was just for 2019!. The list goes on from 2013-2019!

Employer, Consultant, and Employee Testimonials

You heard that right, there are testimonials from all walks of life...or I mean all types of jobs.

Here are just some of each, starting with employer testimonials:

insight global employer testimonials

For Employee Testimonials:

insight global employee testimonials

And for consultant testimonials:

insight global consultant testimonials

Insight Global Training 

Is it safe to say we're both living on cloud 9? 

I've to this point said so much good about Insight global, where and when can it go wrong?

Welcome to the gauntlet! As much as I like Insight global, and I have nothing against their recruiting process or level of training but for the most part people that come into Insight global usually will fall short of what their expectations of "landing the right job" is.

While you get on the job training, most of the time people end up taking a sales role training. Is that what you want?

At the beginning you'll come on board and be mentored by your designated manager and or supervisor on how to go about delivering sales. It's like being in a system where you only get to move up based on how many people you can bring in.

While this is on the "Insight Global" direct employer position, if you're looking to work for insight global, it'll be a stretch because after the first 4-6 weeks, then you can move up for more supplemental training.

This is where most of the complaints come from, and you see them all over review sites like Glassdoor. The problem I have with working for Insight global is that you get paid on a very low wage, base salary + commissions.

So do you want to recruit like crazy?

I know I don't. Now, what about the 5 different job types I mentioned earlier?

You can land a good job in these areas, but most are not entry level as you might think. If the words accounting and finance didn't get you thinking about a bachelors degree, I hope now it has.

There's no shortage of jobs but you have to go through pre-qualifications with Insight Global(like other places) to see if you can even take the next step in the hiring process. And even after you get the job, you're still placed on a contract, part time to full time role where anything can happen.

Do you like reporting to an agency? I hated it, and I'm glad I never have to do this again, take it from a guy who went through about 10!

What I Like About Insight Global

Surely, I have good things to say about Insight global but they are not in the category of "greater than everyone else", and I'll explain that, but first what I like.

My favorite part about Insight Global has to be that the staffing agency works hard to make sure you can be the right fit for a position and that you can land the job for what your skills.

The 5 different types of job categories that Insight global focuses on is a huge plus, especially if you already have a degree and are looking to use it. As a former University and community college student I can understand you there...

I was always looking for the next big role and looking to move up in the world, but one promising role after the next, I was fed up and pissed off with the temporary lay offs, and that's coming from someone who has a degree in a useful field...

Business and logistics. 

Is Insight Global A Scam?

Ofcourse not, Insight Global is a legitimate staffing services agency and I haven't ran across one that was...yet.

On the fact that you can get "another job" or your next career position, Insight Global can give you a hand in that. There's no better feeling than to have a paycheck coming in at the end of every weak or two weeks so I get where you are coming from.

Insight global like any other staffing agency yin the world can improve their ability to find a role for every person, but then again you can't satisfy everyone. And to ensure that you'll have a job long-term is not always a given.

Nonetheless, Insight global is there if you need them. So, you've heard me talk about going from one agency to the next, and how I gave up the agency life and have more time freedom, let me tell you more on that now.

How I Make Money

Jobs are changing, you can longer work at a company for 40+ years, the average person switches about 5 jobs in their lifetime, and they never stay fully convinced, but what If there was a better way?

This might sound crazy but I make a living on the internet. I'm DEAD SERIOUS. You can laugh at me and roll your eyes but I don't have to rely on a boss, or wasting another moment thinking when work will be over...

Because I can control that, and my cash flow. If you'd like to learn how I am making well over 6 figures and a full time living just from my laptop and internet service, check out my #1 recommendation below... 

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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