April 15

by Michael Granados

Are you ready to jump on board the Mental Wellness Revolution and connect your purpose for better health while creating a long-lasting desirable income for yourself?

Welcome to this Unique Amare Global Review where I “Michael Granados” a health fanatic and Health business owner will be pulling back the curtains to reveal the products, the pros and cons as well as this...

Whether or not this company is the right business opportunity for You, but first…

I’m not a partner of Amare Global so this will be as Unbiased of a review as it gets and I won’t hold back in showing you the Deep dark truths because I wish someone would have done the same for me in the beginning of my journey - “Falling for scams”, feeling frustrated, and out of Luck!

But good news is by the end of this post you’ll have a solid thought process of the Amare Global Opportunity business-wise, and how you can finally move forward in reaching your financial goals, time freedom, and to be able to live life on your own terms.

By the way, I've written reviews of other similar health programs like Bulavita, Melaleuca Wellness, Juuva, CTFO and more.

Alright, let’s get started!

Amare Global Overview

Company Name: Amare Global

Founder: Hiep Tran

Product Type: Network Marketing/MLM Mental Wellness Company

Price: $69.95+

Best for: 9-5 employees, people who want to own their own MLM/Network Marketing Company, beginners, intermediates, experts

amare business opportunity

Summary: Amare Global is a mental wellness Network Marketing/MLM company filled with health products focused on bettering your "gut" so that your physical side can improve your mental side of things.

The belief is to have a great working mind, you have to clean out your gut. While the Business opportunity may look "decent" you have to tread carefully because the network marketing/MLM business model has been going down and it's VERY hard to make any significant kind of money...

There's a very small percentage of people who make really anything. PLUS, you'll be spending A LOT of your time just trying to recruit and duplicate your system to earn as opposed to just promoting and selling the products.

This is why I sided ways with MLM companies like this and got into a better business model where you don't have to focus on recruiting people and you can make $1,000's+ more very well, and if you'd like to see my #1 Recommended Alternative Opportunity to promote ANY health product you'd like and make Huge commissions, click here or the button below.

Rating: 20/100

Recommended: No

What Is Amare Global?

what is amare global

Amare Global is a Mental Wellness company founded by Hiep Tran and the founding Executive team in 2016 that he built to create a holistic, mental wellness platform of products, programs, and people focused on delivering better physical wellness in gout to help with the brain for mental wellness. 

In just 3 short years after its resurgence, Amare established its leadership as “The Mental Wellness Company” and is set for multiple generations of future growth, innovation and impact.

The word “Amare” means to “love” in Latin, and love is the universal language as you may already know. So a little bit about Hiep…

hiep tran amare global

Hiep’s main reason for founding Amare was because of his own journey with his own health and wellness…

Although he has achieved a high level of success in the business world, he did it at the expense of his own physical and mental health. So it was out of these hardships he faced that the idea for Amara began to take shape…

Learning from his journey, Hiep developed a passion for health and wellness which he wanted to share with you and others.

Now let’s go even deeper inside.

Going Inside Amare

Remember how I said Amare’s approach is to create products that target the Gut?

amare global gut health

In the image You kind of get this Pyramid where at the top of the food chain is your mind, and just below in the center is the Axis which is your communication network consisting of:

  • Biochemicals
  • Cells Nerves

Then to the bottom left is the Gut “The sensing brain”, and to the far right bottom is the Heart. So what the diagram is telling you is this…

The way you feel is a result of your gut having chemical complications and then that fires signals(the nerves) to your brain where your mind will then influence the way you behave and act.

Amare Science

Amare mixes Ancient wisdom with modern science to develop all-natural mental wellness products that support:

  • Vigor
  • Happiness
  • Stress resilience
  • Mental performance
  • Whole-body wellness
amare global science

The Amare science is centered around emerging discoveries of the benefits of all-natural products, mindfulness programs, and being a part of a community of positive people. The person who came up with the formula for Amare is Dr. Shawn Talbott who brought more than 20 years of experience and research to the development of the Amare products.

dr shawn talbott amare global

As an athlete himself, he has competed at the national and international levels in rowing, cycling, and triathlons. Shawn is a fellow of the:

  • American College of Nutrition
  • The American College of Sports Medicine
  • American Institute of Stress

Dr. Shawn has been featured on “The Dr. Oz Show” the TED stage and the White House.

Recent Studies Reveal…

Our Gut microbiome includes more than 100 TRILLION bacterial cells - outnumbering human cells by 10-to-1…

And these gut microbes produce more feel-good neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine, than your brain itself!

So these are the very compounds that shape how you feel

Is Amare Global A Pyramid Scheme?

It's very common to find yourself asking "is amare a pyramid scheme?". Definitely not. By definition, a pyramid scheme is a company or organization that operates under having no products to sell. But as you can see so for, Amare has products involved and you sell them or the business opportunity as part of the MLM/Network marketing business model.

Amare MLM?

Amare is a Multilevel marketing company where there are mult-tiers to their earning structure as well how people get paid thats all.

By the way, if you're wondering "what is a pyramid scheme and how it works"...Here’s a video on what defines as a Pyramid scheme:

Now that you know there is no Amare Global Pyramid Scheme, let's move forward and check out the products.

Amare Products

amare global products

When you shop Amare Global products you’ll find different categories to shop under like:

  • Shop All
  • New Products
  • Mental Fitness
  • Stress Resilience
  • Confidence and Weight
  • Gut Health
  • Essential Nutrition
  • Kids and Teens
  • Financial Wellness

Amare Global's flagship product is the gut-brain axis nutrition system

amare global fundamentals pack

The Amare Fundamentals pack won the prestigious 2018 NutrAward for Best New Finished Product. The NutrAward recognizes companies that are investing in rigorous and measurable scientific studies to prove the efficacy of their proprietary ingredients or technologies.

Other notable Award Nominated Products are:

  • Botanical of the year for mood
botanical amare global

  • Finalist for 2019 Probiotic Product of the year for kids FundaMentals
probiotic amare global

One of the new products is ”Amare Edge”

amare edge

This is the only product on the market and the World to combine these 3 powerful ingredients:

  • Mango Leaf
  • Lychee Fruit
  • Palm Fruit

What it does is:

  • Instantly improve your mood, motivation and metabolism
  • Immediate brain power and increase in physical energy
  • Progressive anti-aging benefits and loss of belly fat over time

Amare Edge Reviews

Here's some Amare global edge reviews people left:

amare edge reviews
amare edge product reviews

So does amare edge work? Yes, it definitely does! Now that you've seen the amare edge weight loss reviews, what about the side effects?

Amare Edge Side Effects

There are no side effects to using Amare Edge along with no calories, no sugar, no caffeine, and no GMOs.

NOTE: There's a GREAT Mental Wellness and physical wellness product with the highest quality ingredients on the planet without the expensive pricing mark-ups of other companies and you can see my review of the Organic Superfoods and Essential Aminos and more products by clicking here

Amare Global Mood

amare global mood

Amare Global Mood is an advanced, all-natural mood supported product that targets your feelings of:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness and
  • restlessness

Amare Global Mood Ingredients:

Mood+ contains multiple patented ingredients with well over 20 scientific studies. And amongst these studies, each key ingredient has been know to enhance or improve your cognitive functions.

Some of these ingredients are:

  • Ashwagandha
  • Kanna
  • Rafuma
  • Magnolia Bark
amare global mood ingredients

Want to see my #1 Recommended Mood support product with immune protection, energy and recovery, stress support, digestive support, and detox support? Click here to see the organic super greens product 

Amare Global Weight Loss

In case you wanted to search deeper into the Amare weight loss products, check these out:

amare global weight loss

Some of these products include:

  • Amare Happy Juice Pack
  • Amare EDGE 2-Pack
  • B3 Body Pack
  • And way more

If you want to view more of the Amare weight loss products, click here to see.

Overall, pretty helpful amare products reviews on most of their products, right?

Amare Business Opportunity

amare business opportunity

You can help others achieve overall wellness through Amare’s holistic, natural, and effective solutions. PLUS, gain financial wellness and exclusive rewards along the way just by sharing your Amare experience which means:

  • The Products
  • The Business Opportunity

How It Works…

how does amare global work

As seen in the image above:

STEP 1: Use The Amare Global Marketing System

STEP 2: Give $10 With Your Personal Code

STEP 3: Repeat

Amare Compensation Plan

As an Amare Global Wellness partner, you can earn bonuses which are also referred to as commissions on the sale of products as well as inviting people into the business opportunity.. Bonuses are paid based on your Personal Volume(PV) value of each product as assigned by Amare. These Bonuses are paid in multiple categories:

  • Personal Customer Bonus
  • Heart Start Bonuses
  • Unilevel Bonuses
  • Me and Three Bonuses
  • Bonus Pools
  • Go Forward Infinity Bonus
amare global compensation

Amare Global Lawsuit

Although many MLM’s have a bad history of lawsuits, Amare global doesn’t have any at the moment. However, the man Scott Talbott does have a history of lawsuits with his previous company - Cortislim

So back in 2005, Cortslim had to pay a hefty fee of $4.5 MILLION dollars after it was made they were exaggerating the health benefits of their products. Apparently they made it sound and seem like Cortslim could heal all your health problems and help you lose weight to an extreme length.

Bottom line is you wouldn’t want to see this from any MLM company let alone health and wellness ones and I wouldn’t want to be a part of that so tread carefully!

Amare Global Reviews

Check out what other people had to say in these amare reviews and amare edge drink reviews:

amare global reviews
amare reviews

Here's some from BBB.org and the Amare product reviews

amare global bbb

Very helpful amare global product reviews, right?

How Much Does Amare Global Cost?

From a business opportunity perspective, it will cost you $69.95 to enroll as a wellness partner. And for the products, it can range from $20 all the way up to $200.

Who Is Amare Global For?

Amare Global is made for people who believe strongly in health and wellness according to targeting mental wellness through the Gut so it can improve people’s mental health. As well for those who want to be a part of the Network Marketing/MLM business model promoting the products and selling people the business opportunity...Yes doing both.

Here’s more:

  • Health and wellness enthusiasts who want to try out award-winning products and would like to try out the products while at the same time being a part of the business opportunity.
  • Beginners who want greater mental health and want to learn network marketing/MLM on how to communicate more effectively
  • Intermediates and experts who’ve tried other Network Marketing/MLM opportunities and want to add another stream.
  • Moms and Dads
  • Retirees
  • Students

Who’s Amare Global Not For?

  • People who want nothing to do with a lawsuit on the verge of possibly happening again.
  • Non-health enthusiasts
  • You actually want to earn good money with the business opportunity
  • People who don’t want to be a part of the 99% of people who fail to make good enough money
  • You don’t want to spend all your time recruiting people
  • You don’t want to pay upfront to participate and spend on products to make money.

Pros And Cons


  • Precision targeting for mental wellness through the gut so you can work on your body physically first so that it improves your brain and everyone else's.
  • Clear mission and vision to create one of the best mental health and wellness platforms that connects people who are driven to help one another out improve their lives.
  • Award winning products like the FundaMentals Pack so you can have proper care and the best possible way to increase your gut health and mind.
  • Business opportunity for you to share the products you like/love with others and earn.


  • MLM/Network Marketing company focused on selling and recruiting of the products which can be mentally straining if you don't take the time to recruit people.
  • Scott Talbett's history of being sued just makes you think twice about being involved with this company.
  • Very little people make any money.


There are definitely GREATER alternatives so I’ll share with you from the perspective of the product first and then the couple in the MLM Space if that’s what you’re all about so you can use and share the products with others and then I’ll reveal my #1 recommended business model way better than MLM/Network Marketing in my opinion as well many others if you want to join an opportunity.

So for the products:

By far, LiveGood is your destination for getting healthy and staying healthy with the MOST advanced nutritional supplements on the market TODAY, with the purest, and highest quality ingredients on the planet (literally), with results-driven products without the high cost of other companies.

So if you'd like to learn more about LiveGood and their products as well as opportunity, please click here.

Now for the networking marketing/MLM opportunity if you're looking to use and share the products with others...

For MLM/Network Marketing

Again, LiveGood is best right now and is unlike any other company that's already operating on the fact that it's better positioned to help you do better day per day.

HB Naturals is a CBD Oil MLM company. It’s still within the health and wellness space and I’ve done okay, nothing big since I pivoted from them to fully focusing on my #1 business model affiliate marketing

For Affiliate Marketing:

My favorite is Healthy Affiliate because you’ll learn how to build a highly profitable health niche of your choosing and be able to promote ANY health product you’d like online without being restricted to one company.

healthy course

PLUS, I created this cheat sheet and platform for you after creating a health and wellness business for myself and now I’m turning it over and showing you how to do the same.

What I Liked Most About Amare Global

Hmm, even after not liking MLM’s, I’d have to say the products are very helpful. They are not award-winning for nothing…

You will continue to get innovative products that target your gut health so you can fix the way your brain controls you and flush out all the mental problems you and others are going through.

What I Liked Least

I actually have a list, so let me show you:

  • You’ll lose money. There’s literally a 1% success rate, and you’ll likely fall into the 99% of people who fail.
  • Expensive products. Part of the point is to sell them to people so you can have a higher profit margin but the truth is these products will be hard to sell and you’ll have to upsell and down-sell your own team
  • Selling to friends and family. Even when you’re told you don’t have to sell to your friends and family, you’ll likely end up doing that. This can ruin your relationships with those closest to you.
  • Crowded Marketplace. The health and wellness supplement market is super crowded with people who are brand loyal so convincing someone that your Amare Global product(s) are of better benefit to them where they can leave their other supplement(s)...Good Luck!
  • Scott Talbett's bad past. I wouldn’t want to work with a company where the owner has a bad part of getting a lawsuit against telling people how super their products are.

Final Thoughts 

In the end, Amare Global is another health and wellness MLM/Network Marketing Business Opportunity where you’ll be shown how to sell the products AND recruit people into your system so you get the best chance of earning but the reality is this…

You’ll honestly end up spending A LOT of your money, time, and energy doing activities that don’t move you forward and it’ll reflect in your check and balance statements at the end of the day and month when you’re like “Why haven’t I earned yet!”

Truth is, even though the products are well, the prices and customer base you have to find who will want to buy the products will be quite the process making you feel frustrated, confused, and wanting to quit pursuing an online business…

But there’s a better way - One where you don’t have to rely on MLM’s, and where you can Finally have no constraints and start promoting ANY product will enjoying higher paying commissions consistency, and that’s through my #1 Recommended alternative business model and platform you can find out below…

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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