February 12

by Michael Granados

Want to see “The” Prolific Groovepages vs Clickfunnels battle of your life that’ll be so unique you’ll at the end be thinking to yourself “Yep, that’s the clear Winner!?”

Man oh man, GrooveFunnel is like a New deputy in town looking to make a name for themselves in the Funnel building world as the Best and trying to take the mantle as Sheriff over Clickfunnels and doing all they can to be the front runner…

And BAM! Gunshots fired. Listen, you have a business(or will soon) and you deserve the fastest, most high converting page building templates so you can convert more leads into high paying customers so it’s VITAL you pick the right one or else…

You could be subject to sitting out on the sidelines while everyone else is making money and you’re not. Luckily you’re in for a treat today, as I “Michael Granados” a user of the two funnel building giants will be pulling back the curtains and going to extreme lengths to show you how to use the page builders step-by-step, the similarities, differences, pros and cons, and so much more so by the time you’re done, you have the one you need to propel your business into the future.

Alright, let’s get rolling.

What Is GroovePages?

Groovepages is a Zeus like powerful website, landing page, and funnel builder application inside of GrooveFunnels used to help you build and create high converting pages custom-tailored to your branding so you can attract a Noah's are like Flood of your dream customers to your business and convert them into leads and customers.

This is where you’ll spend a bulk of your time coming up with beautifully designed pages to collect more email addresses so you can follow up with people on the back through email automation as well be able to ascend your customers through upsells and downsells in the customer buying process, but here's more…

You can create Website home pages for your WordPress website that GrooveFunnels has built! How cool is that, right?

This is what makes Groovepages so exciting - the fact that you can host a WordPress blog and use Groovepages to put together a crafty home page for it.

Related: GrooveFunnels Official Review

What Is Clickfunnels?

Clickfunels is the MECHA of sales funnel building software where you can in seconds build a series of web pages(called a funnel) to convert your audience into leads and then into customers as well high raving fans.

With Clickfunnels you’ll be able to:

  • Guide your visitors step-by-step through the purchasing process within your sales process so they don’t get confused or want to exit your site. 
  • You can point your customers to the ONE product you want them to buy so they don’t have to take forever and be confused about what to purchase
  • And be able to follow up with your visitors after they leave and even if they didn’t buy your product(s)s right away!

Related: Clickfunnels Official Review

GroovePages Compared With Clickfunnels

#1 Fast Drag And Drop Editor

When it comes to customizing your templates, you get fast drag and drog capabilities so you can quickly find the right element in your editor and drag to your template in just seconds. Anytime you want to drag an element to your design you will get to drop them in-between content, above, below, or wherever you see the best fit.

The slightest difference I see in the editors is Clickfunnels has a color Outline for the types of blocks like:

  • Green = New Section
  • Orange = Text
  • Blue = Columns

I do enjoy that feature with Clickfunnels because it shows me where to add new items and how to better organize and structure my templates.


#2 Done-For-Your Funnel Templates

I love both page builders because you get done-for-you templates so all you have to do is customize it to fit your brand and the rest as far as the aesthetics are done.

When you get a done-for-you template, you get a better visual representation and you have a starting point so you don’t have to spend all your time in front of the screen thinking about where to start.

Here’s how the Groovepages templates look like:

groovepage templates
groovepage template

Here’s for Clickfunnels:

clickfunnels templates
clickfunnels template

You have a few more ways to build funnels with Clickfunnels on the fact that you can do it instantly or select a series of steps for your industry and then the type of funnel:

clickfunnels build
clickfunnels funnel build

After you select your funnel, you can get more specific details about it, for this example, it’s the “Squeeze Page Funnel”:

clickfunnels squeeze page funnel

You get a video of Russell Brunson(link) showing you what a squeeze page funnel is and how to use it, as well there is a text format to see.

squeeze page funnel

Right below is Step 2, where you’ll select a template

select template

You can choose from both Free and Paid:

clickfunnels funnels

For Groovefunnels:

You get the options to select from:

  • Single pages
  • Complete Sites
  • Funnels 
  • My Templates
groovepages site building

And if you wanted to have all your webpages together from the start, you would have to go to the “Funnels” tab and select one of these templates which will come with the prebuilt upsells and all the rest:

groovepages funnel

# 3 Stat Tracking

Want to know how well your funnel(s) performing day in and day out?

You will get stats like:

  • Visits
  • Unique Visitors
  • Bounce Rates

The only differences are that you have to be inside of your Groovepages editor screen to access the statistics in the tabs and with Clickfunnels, it’s on the outside where all your funnel steps are:

groovepage stats
clickfunnels stats

Another thing too is that Clickfunnels doesn't show you the “Bounce Rates”, but GrooveFunnels does but Clickfunnels makes up for it by showing you the stats for each page in your funnel on the same screen.

#4 Shopping Cart Integrations

Both GroovePages and Clickfunnels come with in-built shopping carts so you can make the buying and check out process for your customers simple and smooth. A Notable difference though is this…

With GroovePages, you can add the “Ecommerce” Groovesell and Groove Checkout elements on any type of page/template you create with GroovePages but with Clickfunnels you can only add the shopping cart features to the “Sales Pages”.

There’s no right or wrong, or better, it just depends on what you’re creating.

GroovePages Vs Clickfunnels differences

#1 Elements Blocks

When I used both Page builders I quickly discovered that Groovepages has more variety of element block, one of those being the Text blocks:

groovepages text

Not only do you get headers from H1 to H6, but you also get things like:

  • Title And Paragraph
  • Icon + Title and paragraph
  • Icon + Heading
  • Block Quote

Some of these you’ll find with Clickfunnels page builder but you have to add them separately. With Groovepages you can have them bundled together for saving you time. PLUS, you also get more devices:

groovepages devices

  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • Tablet H
  • Tablet V
  • Phone 
  • Watch
  • Browser

Mike Filsaime of Groovefunnels leaves no stone unturned. It’s even more important now to have as many devices possible because we’re mobile more than ever and there’s just so much technology to keep up with.

#2 Automatic Saves

Have you ever forgotten to save your work and had to start all over or in a place you dread?

Yep, I know the feeling far too well. The cool thing is with GroovePages you get an Automatic save feature so you don’t have to worry about constantly pressing the save button or having to forget and losing all your hard work. This is one thing Clickfunnels lacks and I’ve wished for a ling-time for them to add this…

And believe me, I’ve lost A LOT of good work because I either forgot to save something or my screen crashed for some reason or I just exited out. Now, Clickfunnels does give you a little pop-up box asking you to save your work or not:

groovepages save

So it has that going for it, but I mean C’mon, let’s get an autosave feature on there Clickfunnels!

#3 Return Button

Groovepages HUGE advantage over Clickfunnels page builder is the “return arrow” where you can go back to your previous edit, why is this important?

Well, what if you added a paragraph but accidentally erased it? If you press the backspace arrow in Groovepages, you can return back to it but with Clickfunnels you can’t…

And that truly sucks, I’ll be honest with you. I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I lost something inside of my clickfunnels editor because I accidentally erased something or I needed to review something.

groovepages return button

#4 Publish Your Pages 

Groovepages gives you the option to publish your pages with them by setting a GroovePages Subdomain or you can publish the pages on your own Domain if you have like a Website.

This capability gives you the power to quickly create pages and integrate them with your own site. Unlike with Clickfunnels, you have to download a WordPress plugin for that to happen…

And even then, it's not published on your own domain.

groovepages publish

#5 Switch In Between Apps

We know Clickfunnels has no apps, but GrooveFunnels does and inside of the GroovePages editor you can quickly switch between all the apps:

groovepages funnels

This is great if you have another project going on or if you need to reference something straight.

Related: GrooveFunnels Vs Clickfunnels Overall Review

GroovePages Vs Clickfunnels Pricing

Starting with GroovePages you can have it for FREE! Yep, you heard that right. In fact, you can stay on the free Grroovefunnels plan for as long as you’d like which means you won’t have to worry about being pressured to pay after a trial. Here are more plans…

Silver Plan:

If and once you decide to upgrade, you can go into the silver plan which is $99 per month and will upgrade all your apps in your free account to silver and go with additional app features like:

  • GrooveMember
  • GrooveMail
  • GrooveVideo

Gold Plan:

The third tier is the Gold plan that goes for $199 per month and will include everything inside of the Silver plan including features and apps like:

  • GrooveBlog
  • GrooveDesk
  • GrooveQuiz
  • GrooveSurvey
  • GrooveCalendar

Now here’s the best plan in my opinion…


Would you like a lifetime deal where you can get EVERYTHING for a limited time only discounted price of $1,397?

That’s a bargain. Look at it this way - with this deal you’ll be saving over $12,000 per year! Compared to Clickfunnels where you’ll be spending easily over that.

Clickfunnels Cost:

Unlike Groovepages free-forever account, you get a Free 14-day trial with Clickfunnels so you can test out the platform before you fully commit and see if it’s the right and best fit for you. Here are the paying plans…

Standard Plan:

After the 14-day trial, you can get the $97 per month standard plan which comes with limited access to Clickfunnels features like only having 100 pages, having only 20 funnels in your library as well a total of only 3 domains. I believe this is enough if you’re just getting started or even if you have experience.

Another cool thing is you get limited access to FunnelFlix which is like Netflix but for Digital Marketing.

Platinum Plan:

Clickfunnels’s platinum plan is $297 per month and will allow you to tap into the Ultimate power of Clickfunnels with things like:

  • Unlimited funnels
  • Unlimited pages
  • A Total of three user accounts
  • Unlock the follow-up funnel feature
  • Access to all FunnelFlix courses

Two Comma Club X:

This is like the VIP plan for $2,497 per month where you get double and even triple the quantity of things like:

  • Sub Users
  • Payment gateways
  • Domains
  • Chat Support
  • And more!

This plan is currently not open to the public but there’s a waitlist you can get on here

Who's GroovePages For?

Groovepages is made for people who want to have access to a robust drag and drop software with the latest and greatest technology servers you can ask for so you can power your brand off the roof without having to worry about losing your work or having variety for anything you want to create and build.

Here’s more:

  • People who want high converting lead and sales funnel templates so you can always depend on converting people into leads and sales right away.
  • People who want an “autosave” feature so you don’t have to worry about forgetting to save your work or losing it.
  • A Return button so you can always go back to the previous step and make the correct adjustments.
  • Beginners, intermediates, and experts who want a lightning-fast page builder so you can focus more on the things in your business that matter like cultivating relationship s and building your empire as fast as possible!
  • If you’re on a budget to start and don’t want to pay after a trial.
  • You want access to the best apps to grow and scale your business.
  • People who want everything in one place - from the WordPress blog to funnels, to video, email integrations and so much more.
  • Digital Marketers
  • Traditional Brick and mortar business owners
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Agency owners
  • Ecommerce
  • Amazon FBA
  • Network Marketing
  • Freelancers
  • Moms and Dads
  • Retirees
  • Students
  • And so much more!

Who’s It Not For?

  • People who have been using another funnel builder for a long time and are hesitant to move things over.
  • People who don’t want everything all in one place and prefer third-party apps
  • Die-hard Clickfunnels fans or any other page builder
  • Tire kickers
  • Lazy people

Who’s Clickfunnels For?

Clickfunnels is for the individual who wants the BEST sales funnel builder anywhere online and wants access to highly optimized converting page templates so you can almost guarantee leads and sales to follow.

Here’s more:

  • People who like more organization and prefer the border-color schemes when editing your work so you know what’s a column, what’s a text block, and so forth
  • Beginners, intermediates, and experts of all businesses so you can find a funnel for anything you need.
  • Custom funnel building abilities so you can choose between every funnel under the sun by clicking a few buttons and getting full details on them.
  • You want a dedicated and established community to fall back on so you can get help at all times.
  • You want a culture where it feels more like a family instead of just a way to make more money.
  • You don’t mind the limitations on the autosave and return button features.
  • Bloggers
  • Ecommerce
  • Network Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Amazon FBA
  • Coaches
  • Consultants
  • Agencies
  • And More!

Who’s It Not For?

  • People who want accept to apps so you don’t have to connect to many third-party apps
  • People who don’t want to worry about having to save their work every time and not be able to return to a previous step
  • Tire kickers
  • Lazy people

Pros And Cons

Pros to GroovePages:

  • Lightning-fast page building editor so you can get your templates done faster without having to wait for lag times which means you’ll be able to work on other parts of your business like building your network, creating content and other things
  • LOADS of elements so you don’t have to worry about finding the right element to add in your page which means you’ll have a well-branded machine running for you 24/7, 7 days a week.
  • Autosave integration so you can keep working while having your work autosave which means you won’t lose your work and have to start all over again.
  • Return to the last step feature so you get to fix a previous step or add onto which means you’ll never have to worry about where your content went
  • GrooveApps inside your editor so you can transfer from one app to the next for maximum involvement and for your business to be precisely put together with ease which means you’ll build your business much faster.
  • State of the art technology so you get the fastest loading pages which means you’ll rank highly and have your audience take action without having to wait and click away.


  • Still in the early stages.

Pros To Clickfunnels:

  • Color schemed blocks so you know what’s a column, a text block, a new block and so forth which means you’ll be more organized and have a more structurally built funnel.
  • Highly conversion and Proven templates so you can convert ANYONE into a lead and a customer which means you’ll have templates you can rely on for any part of your business.
  • Funnel Building options so you can click a few boxes and fully find the right template for your needs which means you’ll have more awareness and clarity on not only how the funnel works but how to apply it properly.
  • Share funnels so you can share your link with others and easily let someone else upload the funnel into their account which means you’ll spread your work amongst many people and that opens up your brand.


  • No autosave feature
  • No Return feature
  • Experience lag times
  • Doesn’t feature every device


There are definitely some other alternatives and I made a list of them:

Related: GrooveFunnels Review Uncut

Frequently Asked Questions

Is GroovePages Better Than Clickfunnels?

I mean it depends on what you need, right? If you want the latest and greatest technology with more elements and the ability to autosave as well have a return button while at the same time have the flexibility to build amazing pages, then GroovePages may just be up your alley.

But if you prefer an established community and a proven platform that’s been around for a while with the capabilities to build high converting sales funnels at the click of a button and integrate with many options, then Clickfunnels might be for you. Again, it depends on what you really want.

Honestly, I think GroovePages has already overtaken Clickfunnels on the fact that there is so much less clunkiness, hardly any lag times and you can be more versatile. No one ever said Clickfunnels had the best drag and drop software before so that shouldn’t stop you.

And if you want an all in one solution, then Groovefunnels is it.

What Makes GroovePages More Unique Than Clickfunnels?

Definitely has to be the apps and robust technology developed platform. Where else will you get like 20+ apps to power EVERYTHING all in one place? I mean, there’s Karta but Groovefunnels will overtake Kartra if it hasn’t already and the lightning fast technology will help increase ranking and visibility for your brand much better.

Which Is Cheaper?

In the long-run, GrooveFunnels, why? Look at their Platinum deal at just over $1,000, and compare that to the price of click funnels Platinum costs alone at $297 per month, no multiple that by 12 months in a year and you get $3,564 Per year…

And with Groovepages you’re already saving over $2,000 plus you’ll be saving over $12,000. You can’t say that about Clickfunnels can you? Plus, the free plan is unparalleled - use it as much as you can before you decide to upgrade.

What I Liked Most About Both

There’s A LOT I can point out but for both I liked the Leadership behind the two software’s what do I mean?

For Groovefunnels you get Mike Filsaime who is highly reputable as a software technology developer as well as a respected marketer and with Clickfunnels you get Russell Brunson who is like the head honcho of Affiliate Marketing and all-around marketing…

So you know the quality of the product just by going off that. This is also good to know and have because you know the software’s will only keep growing in inventiveness, creativity, and the right vision so you don’t have to worry about them fading away(and having to move somewhere else)

What I Liked Least

Let’s see, this will be different from everyone's perspective but I disliked that GroovePages does’ allow you to go through a process like Clickfunnels where you can find the right funnel for you by checking off a few boxes and there’s not much of a description on how to use them…

For the beginner, this can be confusing. And for Clickfunnels I don’t like that they have no autosave and return back button feature as well they can be a little glitchy.

And The Winner Is…

The One that works best for you! This will help...

What was your favorite feature about each funnel building software? Did you have a least favorite part?

Whether you’re trying to build the highest converting optimized pages for your business or looking for the fastest page builder, you’ll get that with both Groovepages and Clickfunnels, and here’s what that looks like long-term…

You’ll have a money-making generating income stream running for you 24/7, 7 days a week so you can literally make money while you’re asleep and not have to worry about starting over each day…

And in these days with so much uncertainty, it’s best to have a funnel working for you around the clock. If you’re ready to get started, you can click here to get your Free 14-day Clickfunnels trial OR you can get your FREE Account with GrooveFunnels below….

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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