May 19

by Michael Granados

Would you like to get an Endless flood of free high-quality leads from Facebook?

This unique first-hand experience Profile Traffic Formula Review will uncover for you a Facebook Organic marketing hack you can use to get UNLIMITED Free Leads using Facebook...with just your Facebook profile!

With the rising costs of Facebook ads, the IOS ad updates, and every other ad platform proving too costly to play in, MILLIONS of people have turned to social media to generate free traffic and leads for their business, but it comes at a challenge.

You’ll hear the “greedy gurus” tell you to just post a spammy link in Facebook groups or to friend request everyone and their mother to tell them about your “NEW” Business opportunity (or something else)...

And then there are the people like you and I who try to do things by the book but have a hard time, why? Because you’re simply using the wrong outdated strategies/tactics!

Fortunately though, the Profit Traffic Formula is here to help you siphon anyone from your Facebook profile directly to your lead generating machine!

Let’s get going.

What Is Profile Traffic Formula?

what is profile traffic formula

Profile Traffic Formula is an interactive blueprint designed by Social media expert Blake Nubar to show you how to transform your social media profiles to get Free Traffic so you can grow your business today. You’ll be focused on turning your Facebook profile into a Super Powerful machine that generates Unlimited traffic for you faster.

Related: Who’s Blake Nubar?

Going Inside Profile Traffic Formula

Three huge payoffs with the Profile Traffic Formula are:

  • You’ll get Unlimited Free traffic and leads from social media
  • Perfect for beginners and professionals
  • Set it up once and grow your business around the clock

How It Works

profile traffic formula how it works

Every time you interact on social media:

  • Liking…
  • Commenting…
  • Sharing…
  • Posting…

What you’re doing is generating rich, organic traffic straight back to your profile page (whether you realize it or not)

profile traffic blueprint works

Even if you’re one of those people like me who’s not that active on social media, you’ll still have a natural flow of potential Free traffic passing through your social media profile every single day!

And if your profile isn’t optimized to capture and convert traffic...then you’re missing out on Hungry Buyers with each passing second. 

3 Simple Steps To Turn Your Social Media Profile Into A Funnel

Here’s how to turn your social media profile into a funnel that generated unlimited free traffic organically…

STEP 1: Optimize Your Profile

profile traffic blueprint optimize

This 100% unique 9-Point optimization system will turn your profile page into a powerful lead trap that captures free lead from social media

STEP 2: Connect An Offer

profile traffic blueprint offer

You’ll be able to connect the perfect sales funnel, affiliate offers, e-commerce store, lead magnet or Facebook Group into your profile to siphon off Free Traffic organically from social media 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

STEP 3: Drive Free Traffic

profile traffic blueprint traffic

As you interact on social media you will naturally see visitors landing on your profile page!

Here’s how it looks like on the inside…

profile traffic formula inside

A Few Of The Secrets You’ll Find Inside…

  • The easiest, fastest, and most-beginner-friendly way to grow your social media TODAY - pg.5
  • The hidden traffic on Facebook -pg.6
  • How every time you interact on social media such as liking, commenting, sharing, posting, it generates a crowd of “profile visitors” - pg.11
  • If your profile isn’t set up and optimized to capture your potential customers you’re missing out BIG time! - pg.12
  • How to completely transform your Facebook profile into a “lead machine” that brings you, new customers, 24/7! - pg.13
  • The 7-step blueprint and how to easily crush it - pg.15

What Other People Are Saying

profile traffic formula reviews
profile traffic blueprint reviews

How Much Does Profit Traffic Formula Cost?

You’d think the cost would be enormous but you ONLY have to pay just $7! Yep, there’s no catch, Blake only wants the best for you and to make sure you know how to properly crush it with your Facebook profile.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes. You are backed up by a 100% money-back guarantee. If you don’t love the blueprint, you’ll be refunded your 7 bucks and even keep the blueprint. Woah, so you don’t have to return the blueprint?

Who Is The Profit Traffic Formula For?

Profit traffic formula is made for business owners of all levels who want the fastest and easiest way to grow their business by optimizing their Facebook profile for more quality leads and sales.

Here’s more:

  • Beginners who are stuck or just getting started out and want a sure way to capture the higher quality of leads in their business.
  • Intermediates and experts who are struggling or want a new way to get more leads from social media and want to learn how to optimize their Facebook profile to get a flood of leads k knocking at their door.
  • Entrepreneurs looking to expand or grow their social media presence
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Digital Agency Owners
  • Ecommerce
  • Amazon FBA
  • Network Marketers
  • And so much more!

Who’s It Not For?

  • Lazy people
  • People who won’t spend much time on Facebook
  • People with no Facebook presence
  • Unsocial people

Pros And Cons


  • UNLIMITED FREE Leads so you can keep more money in your pockets while getting an endless amount of high quality leads which means you'll always have people wanting to buy your product/services.
  • Facebook Profile Machine so you can have a sales funnel built into your Facebook account which means you'll have a pipeline to send your visitors through the experience of getting to know you before they ever buy and that will make all the difference.
  • Most beginner friendly way to grow your income and business online today so you don't have to worry about learning paid ads, SEO, or other forms that can be very technical which means you'll get started capturing leads faster and making sales much faster too!
  • 3 Simple steps to turn your social media profile into a funnel that generates you unlimited free traffic organically so you can easily get set up which means you'll start connecting with people right away to collect sales.
  • Drive on-demand traffic from your smartphone so you can be present at all times wherever you are which means you'll be able to leave your office and check your phone to see what's happening


  • Social media can be about being "social" and if you're not into connecting with people on a daily basis, then the Facebook organic strategy you do every day may not be your thing.

The pros heavily outweigh the cons, and having a Facebook profile that generates you endless leads is great but if you don't want to be "social" than you can check out my #1 recommended alternative to build your leads and sales here.


I’ve been around the industry of internet marketing for a while now and every now and then a new product will rise that’s similar to this, but I haven’t seen anything that comes close to Profile Traffic Formula.

What I Liked about what Blake Nubar has done is create an ecosystem where you don’t just get to learn how to optimize your Facebook profile for endless leads but he gives you the strategies and tactics in his business to ensure people will come to your profile and how to effectively communicate on Facebook all the time.

But if You're not into being "Social" kind of like myself and would prefer a different platform then I recommend doing the following:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is where you can rank your website/blog on the first page of Google and get Free organic traffic by people finding your post through search. There are many people searching for solutions to their problems and you can appear in front of them
  • YouTube SEO. There's Blogging for SEO and YouTube SEO where you can make videos that last forever on the web.

What I Liked Most About Profit Traffic Formula

I’d have to say the interaction you get, what do I mean? You’re already spending time being social on Facebook, you might as well use it to be productive in growing your own business, right?

So either way, you’re enjoying what you’re doing at a low expense. PLUS, it helps when all you have to do is set it up once and you’re rolling.

What I Liked Least

What I didn’t like is just how much this product then pushes you to join a higher upsell course. I get it’s an entry product at a low cost but if it had more pop than just bark and sizzle, I’d overlook that other part.

Nonetheless, it’s still a good entry product to learn from.

Final Thoughts

What part stood out to you the most today? Was there something that just made your eyes light up when you saw/read it?

Listen, Facebook is getting harder and harder to get reach to your ideal audience, especially with the large costs of advertising, what effect will you have on the table?

You do have a smarter way, and that’s with Organic Facebook marketing and being able to optimize your Facebook profile so you can ensure you’ll be getting a flood of high-quality leads, and sales as a result. You will be able to get your content in front of your ideal audience and ensure you are only getting leads you want to work with.

This is where the profit traffic formula comes into place. If you want to have the fastest and easiest time growing your Facebook presence and be able to capture an enormous amount of high-quality leads in less time then I highly recommend you pick up your copy of the Profit Traffic Formula right below…

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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