September 20

by Michael Granados

Sitting on my couch on a Friday afternoon as I write this to you and I'm thinking "Can you use Clickfunnels for affiliate marketing?"

Of course YOU can! How would you like to see the BEST ways to earn with the Clickfunnels Affiliate program...faster and easier than anywhere else?

With the internet exploding and giving people like you and I the freedom to work from anywhere in the world with just a laptop and an internet connection it's no surprise you found my post today, and I'll let you in on a little secret...

Clickfunnels can pay you out in 40% commissions on every product! Well, that's not much of a secret now but when it was, OH Did it explode!

Whether you're a beginner, an intermediate or expert, you can EARN a large amount of income with the clickfunnels affiliate program and I "Michael Granados", a veteran affiliate and clickfunnels one at that who's made well over $1,000's with the program itself will show you ALL you need to get started so you can change your life, live life on your terms without a boss, and how to rack in the 40% commissions, how's that sound? 

By the way, If you want to cut to the chase, you can check out the most comprehensive affiliate review on Clickfunnels there is here, and get my exclusive bonuses.

WAIT! Why should you really listen to me?

I have produced the results with clickfunnels but with other programs to, check it out:

clickfunnels affiliate earnings report
affiliate earnings
clickbank daily commissions

Want To Skip the rest and get right on with starting your Clickfunnels Affiliate account and be mentored by me as your coach? Click here to get started

Clickfunnels Affiliate Commisions Pay Like Crazy!

I couldn't hold out on the HUGE affiliate commissions you can make with clickfunnels affiliate marketing program and I have to start it like this...

Discalimer: My results are not typical, and I'm not saying that you will make any money with them at all. Plus, if you think this is a fast money program or that you don't need to put any effort, you might as well leave!

One of the most appealing aspects as being a Clickfunnels affiliate is their 40% recurring monthly commission which can pay you on a recurring, monthly basis, Sounds awesome right?

Unlike other affiliate programs like Amazon, And products on Clickbank that either pay you a one-time payment or on a course where you can't make a recurring commission but ONLY a one-time sales, Clickfunnels allows you to make repeatable HIGH monthly commissions, and why does it matter to you?

Well for one, you will ALWAYS have a starting pay at the start of every month instead of starting from zero and that's no fun, right? When you have to start from zero and work twice as hard again, who want's to do that?

Clickfunnels has made changes where every new affiliate will start off at 30%, and be eligible for 40% commisions once they get at least 40 members signed up under them, this is just a necessary requirement for sustaining that integrity and quality of the program, understand?

clickfunnels affiliate structure

Clickfunnels Affiliate Benefits

There are many Clickfunnels benefits and I had to pick out a few for you so I felt like I wasn't overwhelming you.

Benefit #1: Share Funnels

One of if not my favorite features that you can use as an affiliate is sharing your funnels with everyone. Clickfunnels gives you a unique share funnel URL that you can pass to anyone else on and off the web, and with a click of a button they will get that exact funnel uploaded into their account...

And if they don't have a Clickfunnels account, they can get signed up for the free 14-day trial.

clickfunnels share funnel URL

Benefit #2: An Ecosystem Of Products

I absolutely love that owner Russell Brunson has come out with TONS of products that you can promote. I go more in-depth inside my Clickfunnels affiliate guide, but you get products like:

And many more!

Each product you sell will earn you 40% commissions, But it gets even better!

Benefit #3: Back-end Sales

Traditional affiliate marketing methods ONLY allow you to make money on the initial sale of your product, leaving your merchant to make more of the money on the back-end, stick with me here.

For example, if you were to promote an Amazon product for let's say $20 at 2% commissions, after your customer buys, Amazon then starts to up-sell them on more complementary products that can be more expensive.

Just imagine how much money you're losing out on, $100, $1,000, maybe $10,000?

Yes.  Here's a video I made for you that explains that better:

Benefit #4: Large Community Of Experts and Like-minded individuals

You can't underestimate the influence a community can have on helping you grow as first and individual, affiliate second.

You've heard the saying "It's not about what you know, but who you know" right?

Well, you can apply these principles with the cast of the Clickfunnels avengers and Clickfunnels official group.

If you ever need help or you want to add value to the group to get noticed, you can comment and you'll get people on your post to add their feedback.

Benefit #5: High Converting Funnel Templates

Clickfunnels is a sales funnel builder tool and at the end of the day it should be promoted as one and not for a make money online software.

What makes Clickfunnels so unique are their highly converting:

  • Optin pages
  • Webinar pages
  • Course templates
  • Sales funnels

And the list goes on!

Literally, all you need to do is change the copy like the headlines, stories, and offers. 

Right before I reveal my ways of earning as a clickfunnels affiliate I have to be completely honest and transparent with you...

Promoting Clickfunnels With An Account

I explain this more thoroughly in my Clickfunnels affiliate guide where you can promote Clickfunnels without having an account but keep in mind this...

How will you be able to solve peoples pain, problems, know their desires, fears, beliefs and needs if you don't use the product yourself?

Practice what you preach is what I always say(or be a practitioner) and get yourself a Clickfunnels account.

Look, I'm sure you're eager to get started, but YOU need a gameplan! How are you going to just sign up to a program and not know how to promote it? You're just going to:

  • Make mistakes after mistakes
  • Spend years getting this ALL wrong
  • You're going to get fed up and think it doesn't work
  • YOU will quit, for sure.

I've seen it all too often, repeat this with me...

"If I Don't Have The Right Strategy, I WILL Make Mistake After Mistake and NOT Make A Thing!"

Alright now let's check out the game plan, Okay?

$100 A Day Clickfunnels Affiliate Strategy!

Would you like to predictably earn $100 a day as a clickfunnels affiliate? How about $1,000's per month?

Good news Is I have a framework(strategy and tactics) which shows YOU how to go about promoting the software, and I made a separate post for it you can see here but I'll reveal the video here:

In this strategy I reveal how you can use Google to sign up business owners who need the software OR you can use the strategy I learned from a mentor of mine named Peng Joon where you can find business owners on Instagram and get them to buy into the fact they need a Sales process...

And then you can share with them your Share Funnel link that I showed you from one of the benefits earlier, remember?

Now, this is JUST one way and a very effective one I've used over the years to crush it, and If you'd like to see others with platforms like a Blog, YouTube Channel, Podcast, social media, visit my Official Clickfunnels affiliate review here.

How To Get Started With Clickfunnels Affiliate Program

In a few easy to follow simple steps you can have your Clickfunnels application submitted and ready to go, and I'll show you how.

STEP 1: Submit your dream car affiliate application

First, go HERE to submit your clickfunnels affiliate application

You'll see the following page:

clickfunnels affiliate application

STEP 2: Fill out your application

apply to be a clickfunnels affiliate

Once you're done, you'll wait under moderation of your approval. Keep checking your emails!

Related Post: Clickfunnels Official Affiliate Program Review

Once your application is good to go and you have a Clickfunnels account, I'll be able to fully help you and give you ALL my attention, Okay? In fact, you can get on a chat with me on Messenger below if you need my immediate help.

How To Get Started

The best way to get started with the Clickfunnels affiliate program is through my link on the following page, but there are also a few good ways to get going:

Way #1: Join The Affiliate Bootcamp

Clickfunnels has a FREE Affiliate Bootcamp where you can watch videos of the top 15+ super affiliates revealing to you their strategies how to promote the Clickfunnels affiliate products and software, this is a good way to get your feet wet and understand affiliate marketing or if you already do...

How to get an unfair advantage. Click here to check out the affiliate bootcamp.

Or You can start with getting a done-for-you viral affiliate business in a box with Clickfunnels by pressing the button below.

What did you think about this review? Is there anything you need my help with that I didn't answer here today? Feel free to leave me a comment below or you can personally reach out to me via messenger here.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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