June 25

by Michael Granados

Do you want to be a millionaire one day?

What about a perfect webinar script template?

Welcome to my Russell Brunson Perfect Webinar Script review, where you're going to see all things Clickfunnels and how you can build a FASTER income with just one webinar!

My name is Michael Granados and I've been making a full time passive income from the comfort of my home, quite in fact, I'm sitting at my dinner table as I'm writing to you. Would you like to be in this position or growing your own digital empire one day?

Good, that's how great minds think...without hesitation, and strength. By the way, I also wrote two other articles that show you what you can do with a live webinar and how to broadcast one here if you want to see how you can use the script I'll give you today to change the world.

What I'm about to share with you inside this review is exclusive(you can't find this anywhere else), and I'm going to go deep inside how to build out your perfect webinar with Russell Brunson's script, and if you stick reading this through the end, I'll reveal to you how you can get the Perfect webinar script, video, funnel, and resources all for Free! Plus A Video Walk-Through On How To Get Setup!

And I'm not talking shipping and handling. What I mean here is actual membership access with my link!

Perfect Webinar Script Summary

Product Name: Perfect Webinar Script

Founder: Russell Brunson

Product Type: Video Marketing/affiliate marketing/Work at home opportunity

Price: $7 But I'll show you how to get it for ALL basically for free(with bonuses)!

Best for: Affiliate Marketers, Entrepreneurs, home-based business owners, off line and online businesses, every day life.

clickfunnels perfect webinar script review

Summary: The Perfect Webinar Script is all about helping change your audiences false beliefs, get them onto your vehicle and offer them a great package to join you or buy from you. This script is amazing and it will literally be your go to for everything that you do online and be able to make $1,000's upon MILLIONS online. A Webinar is the mecha of online communication and turning your prospects into buyers like crazy. It's the difference between making just a couple $100 to $10,000! And you can get your copy for the price of a happy meal.

Rating: 99/100

Recommended: Yes

At any time if you have any questions, feel free to leave me a comment down below and If you have seen enough and want to skip the article, you can get the perfect webinar template HERE.

What Is The Perfect Webinar Script?

Did you know that the real name behind it is "The Perfect Webinar Secret?" Hmm...

Puzzled there I was sitting sunk into my office chair one day as I was asking myself:

"A Secret?" OH NO! Not "A" Secret, but multiple ones. Chances are that you want a better way to connect with your audience, to sell them on your opportunity, or to just make yourself known to your marketplace. Whichever one it is, you have to know one thing.

The perfect webinar script can make you a butt load of Cha Ching! Also Known as Money. Before I go into the "How", let me give you the BOLD statements my owner of Clickfunnels Russell Brunson himself:

One piece of paper made Russell a Millionaire. What is it already Michael!?

I have my own copy sitting right in front of me so let me show you that piece of paper.

From Beginning to end you have:

  1. Intro
  2. Content
  3. Let me ask you a question
  4. Stack 
  5. Close

By the way, here is the video version review for the Perfect webinar secrets review I did on YouTube:

This one Script is ALL you need to get to your first $100, $1,000, your first million. In a a matter of a day you can build out your own perfect webinar and launch it to the whole online world...Well maybe not the whole online world but your audience.

By the way, Russell goes into detail what this script is all about and in his other format called the "Invisible funnel webinar" inside of his free DotCom Secrets book that I show you in video here.


The Problem:

You want to sell your opportunity to your audience, make $1,000+, 6-figures+ but so does everybody else.

But here's the real problem you're facing. If you don't learn to tell the right stories, secrets, closes to get people to raise their hands and say "yes" I will buy, the odds will be against you. You'll suffer tremendously persuading people to purchase your more expensive products, to get them to ever sign up with you on a call. The only reason you're still "trying" is because you keep telling yourself lies that you can do it without the perfect webinar(which you can, but you won't have to right skills to help you make TONS more money).

The Solution:

Well, luckily for you, there's now a solution - The perfect webinar script that you're going to see more of here today. It'll help you connect with your prospects much faster and easily which means you can sell more and work less "around the clock". You'll be able to go Live, and even automate your webinars so you can make money in your sleep!


Why You Need A Webinar In Your Business(10x Results)

You have infinite potential to set a fire inside someone, to electrify them first and then at the end provide them with a solution.Here's the sad thing about the state of a business...

Most people that should buy your product don't, because they don't see the true benefit of your product/service, they just understand what they see on the surface, and what you offer at that level is no different than anyone else.

Mediocre products are beating you, eating your lunch, and these products that come with tricks and gimmicks beat you to your end consumers.

If people only could see:

  • Who you really were
  • What you really stood for
  • What you represented

...That's when you'll get people who go "Well, why didn't you tell me that years ago?"

The realization that a webinar brings is electric and it creates the most impact in a simple setting. Don't you want the best version of yourself, to be better than the competition?

Webinars educate but also sell, and that's why they are extremely useful and a must have.

People say "I could do a webinar, but I could use Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat", whatever platform that is to post a quick post, that doesn't compare to the power the perfect webinar will bring you.

When you take the time to create a webinar, you're telling your audience and showing them that you care about them and their success on a level no one else is willing to go through.

Related: Perfect Webinar Script PDF

Why The Perfect Webinar Matters To Me...

Not to go far back into my Backstory, I was like any person who was fed up with their 9-5 being a slave to a company that didn't give a damn about me, and from working my butt off in college to not reaping the benefits...

I knew I needed a change. Without wasting time, I turned to the internet and I found out how people were making a living by simply selling other peoples proven products. Hey! I want to do that. So what did I do?

I did what most people do, Researched. After about my third month in with no success in this "affiliate marketing" game, I partnered up with an actual training platform that taught me everything about how to rank in google, how to network with people on social media, how to run ads, and so on.

Little did I know that my health and wellness business website would blow up to what it is now. I knew I had something, I was blogging, producing YouTube Videos around it and making money in the process, but I was ready to do more.

It wasn't until I partnered up with Russell Brunsons Clickfunnels program that I decided it was time to sell my own Book, and that made me realize that hey, what If I tried doing a webinar?

I already felt comfortable producing my own YouTube videos, blogging, doing power point presentations, so why not give it a go?

At the time I had just joined a platform called FueledLeads - a social media automation tool, and I thought to myself "This is the time".

The time to throw up a webinar. So there I was practicing in front of the mirror, putting on the perfect webinar secret face like I know somethings you don't, and I put up a presentation that I thought was worthy. 

Can you believe me when I say I bombed it? Yes I did. Where did it go wrong?

I didn't practice and I only modeled what other people were doing and not actually taking the script, studying it and seeing how to make it my own. It was that exact day that I decided to invest in the Perfect Webinar script.

A week later, I gave my FueledLeads presentation another shot - I just updated the old powerpoint presntation with everything I had learned to do better, and then launched it again.

I had one signup after the next, one basic Instagram and More advanced bonus package purchases after another, BINGO!

Here's that exact webinar in a YouTube Video that I have now:

Perfect Webinar Outline(Russell Brunson Perfect Webinar Template)

If you haven't seen the power of what the Perfect webinar secret script can do for you, let me break it down even more with this image and then show you more of the skill sets that goes into this:

perfect webinar script from clickfunnels


intro to perfect webinar script

At the beginning of your webinar you have your intro. During this part of your presentation, you're going to start by Hooking your audience in with like a catchy headline, for example:

"How To Become A Social Media Expert Without Having To Chase Around Influencers Or People."

Part 2 would be to giving your audience a reason to stay until the very end like: "If you stay until the very end, I'm going to give you all the slides to this presentation and you'll get my free eBook.

Qualify Yourself: Give your listener a reason to believe in you and why you're qualified to do this. An example of this would be:

"I'm a high ticket closer"

"I have 5+ years of digital marketing skills.

And then there is the future pace. Put your audience in a position to imagine where they can be in a day from now, a week, a month and so forth. Give them a reason to believe that they too can become successful but only through your system.

The 3 Secrets

3 secrets to the perfect webinar script

This has to be my favorite part and the one that is like your make or break if people will stay throughout the presentation. Here, you need to focus on breaking your audiences belief and then rebuilding it. For example:

If someone thinks they have to be a "techy" or have years of experience doing what you do, they something like "how it doesn't take any technical experience and any beginner can do it" is a good way to go.

The 3 secrets allow you to break down false beliefs that your audience might have and then rebuild them with your new experience. Once you get this part down, the rest is just about adding your offer which I will get to in a minute.

Having just 3 secrets will help make your webinars much more thrilling, curious, and you'll be able to have more to engage your audience with during the webinar.

The Stack Slide

stack slide perfect webinar script from clickfunnels

If you're going to be a successful internet marketer or if you want sell any product/service at a low and high ticket cost, you better get familiar with the concept of the "Bonus Stack".

When you're asking your audience, people for anything, you are not telling them what's in it for "You", more so what's in it for them. So, you have to create your offer around what will benefit your consumer. Up to this point we've delivered the Hook, your Story that is relevant to your audience, and now you have to create your irresistible offer!

And if you haven't learned how to create your story 100% You really need to check out Russell Brunsons Expert Secrets. You'll see how to break down false beliefs, experiences, stories, and create your offer. Also, you get to see the stack slide.

Anyways, how long should you spend on this part? A great time to shoot for is about 7 minutes. Let me show you an example of what not to do first:

When you meet someone for the first time, should you ask them to marry you? 

A BIG FAT NO! Unless your goal is to actually get a slap to your face, you should. Otherwise, if you want to get to the sell, you have to first start with an irrestiable foundation offer. What do I mean?

Rather than asking someone to marry you, why not say this instead step by-step:

STEP 1: First, this is what we're going to do. We will go get sushi.

STEP 2: Then we'll go and check out this concert right after, or we can go to the one tomorrow.

STEP 3: Now, we'll go out to a party with friends and family. 

Boom! Do you see how this translates to creating an irresistible offer around your physical or digital product?

You've taken away the barrier of discomfort and instead you've added value with trust, a relationship and now it'll be easier to sell your partner onto marriage.

How To Close The Deal

perfect webinar script close

The grand finally will come to closing the sale. You've hit on the stack slide, but you still need to speak back out to your crowd, but how?

At the end you'll learn how to explain to your attendees how to have a shift in their thinking that what you're handing out to them they can't get elsewhere. You're audience will see how they can brake their old habits and how you are creating a better ecosystem for them.

Related: FREE Secret Book Shows How To Use The Webinar Script

Going Inside The Perfect Webinar

You've already seen me break down the skill sets of the perfect webinar script but what If I took that an extra Level higher?

I have the perfect webinar script that I took my wallet out, grabbed my credit card and payed for that was free + shipping. Have a look at what to expect inside:

from clickfunnels

Here is the dashboard when I log in with Russell Brunson introducing the perfect webinar script.

STEP 2: Click on "The Perfect Webinar(Script & Training) 

perfect webinar script for clickfunnels lesson videos

and then here is the second video with a button you can press to get the funnel hacks funnel into your account.

perfect webinar script

Pretty neat stuff right? The Russel Brunson perfect webinar template is tried and tested to convert for you.

Stick with me because I haven't even told you how you can get this for free by just setting up your own free account through me. And if you want to get your own template downloaded into your account, you can do so by clicking on the following...

Russell Brunson Perfect Webinar Slides

If you're looking for slides of the perfect webinar script then you'll get them inside your perfect webinar template download I highlighted just above. They come in a video format as well from Russell explaining how to go through them thoroughly.

How To Use Value Ladders For Your Perfect Webinar

You're probably asking yourself: When is the right time to use a webinar?

Anytime is great, but let me show you the concept of what's called "The Value Ladder" In this next video and demonstrate how to position your webinar inside your own business.

Perfect Webinar Secrets Pros and Cons

This wouldn't be a review if we didn't have Pros and Cons would it?

Let's keep the ball rolling on why there is so much to love with the perfect webinar with these Pros:


  • Very Comprehensive script prevents you from having to fumble through trying to figure out for yourself what you need to say, how and where to position your hooks. You won't have to worry about getting a level of depth, detail and professionalism from the greatest high ticket closer in Russell Brunson himself because of this.
  • Once you make a purchase you'll immediately be able to digitally access your copy before your physical copy arrives right at your doorstep. This ensures that you can get started right away without waiting for your hard physical copy.
  • This product comes with in-depth sales funnel information so that you can get the hang of using webinar funnels and every other template Clickfunnels has to offer. If this is your first time around funnels, there is no better place to use sales funnels, lead generation, webinars, courses, and so much more to sell your products. I like this because I can use webinars, and in my other funnels, I changed the selling environment.
  • The perfect webinar secret script is well written. This is just another great feature and reason why you can count on producing the best webinar possible for your audience and to sell your product and services

Ofcourse, along with the good has to come the bad right? While there are somethings I dislike about it, I can't say they're enough to keep me away, nonetheless here they are:


  • Bringing in traffic(people). It's obvious that no webinar in the world will show you how to bring people inside, so one of the downsides(if it is at all) is getting people inside to watch it. You'll want to have previous skills and knowledge as to how to drive traffic, and get leads that are after what you are offering.


The Pros Heavily outweight the cons, as the Perfect webinner script has a ton of upside, you'll need it in one form or another in your online journey. Get it here.

  • Very Comprehensive script prevents you from having to fumble through trying to figure out for yourself what you need to say, how and where to position your hooks. You won't have to worry about getting a level of depth, detail and professionalism from the greatest high ticket closer in Russell Brunson himself because of this.
  • Once you make a purchase you'll immediately be able to digitally access your copy before your physical copy arrives right at your doorstep. This ensures that you can get started right away without waiting for your hard physical copy.
  • This product comes with in-depth sales funnel information so that you can get the hang of using webinar funnels and every other template Clickfunnels has to offer. If this is your first time around funnels, there is no better place to use sales funnels, lead generation, webinars, courses, and so much more to sell your products. I like this because I can use webinars, and in my other funnels, I changed the selling environment.
  • The perfect webinar secret script is well written. This is just another great feature and reason why you can count on producing the best webinar possible for your audience and to sell your product and services

That's all I can think about when it comes to cons, really not much to worry about right?Like I said, you need traffic, but how do you get it? Your niche is different than everyone else's, but one thing is always the same...

How you get traffic from different sources. And one the ways that I'm able to get most of my traffic to my webinars are by ranking on the first page of google. In fact, I can help you make 6 figures alone without a webinar! Imagine what you can do with one?

If you want to learn how I drive SUPER targeted traffic to my webinar and my products and services, then check out my #1 recommendation.

How Long Will It Take Me To Make Money?

Hey look I get it, you want to use the Perfect Webinar Script to help you make your first $100, $200, $2,000+, but rather than asking how long...

Why not ask instead "What are the necessary skills that I need to make this work?"

The perfect webinar script is SO powerful, it's actually recommended by Stephen Larsen a member of Clickfunnels that you use it in just about every thing you do...

  • Publishing content
  • telling stories
  • breaking false beliefs
  • a speech
  • a sales pitch

It should be your go to script for everything, and you can earn great money with practice and execution. Like I mentioned just before, your webinar will be judged on that one thing...

Your bold promise. If all the secrets and stack bonuses can reflect back to your bold promise, you will be set. And the Bonus stacking is going to be a breeze.

The bonus stack is where you will earn your keeps, and see how INSANELY powerful it is for you to sell your high-ticket services, products and services. In fact...

You don't even need to sell a product during the presentation! HUH!?

I know how that sounds, why would you perform and release a webinar without pitching someone? That's what knowing your audience is all about, and sometimes a free to join or call offer is enough.

Related: Using Epiphany Bridge Stories To Sell Faster And Effectively

Who Is The Perfect Webinar Script For?

Is it wrong for me to say that the best person who's ever made a webinar is Russell Brunson? Might as well call him "Russell Brunson The Perfect Webinar"...Like it's some type of nickname. 

But he's not the only one that has gained this ultimate status...

The perfect webinar is for EVERYONE in the offline traditional business space, along with:

  • Online entrepreneurs
  • Infopreneurs
  • Digital strategist
  • Affiliate marketers
  • Digital Agency
  • Small business owners

And so much more! In fact, anyone in every day lives can use it to sell themselves on who they are, we've actually been having to sell ourselves but we just don't catch on to it.

Who Is The Perfect Webinar Script Not For?

Do you not want to make an IMPACT and earn an Income together at the same time?

If you don't, the perfect webinar would not be right for you, and also for a couple more reasons:

  • You don't care about changing your confidence and certainty
  • You might not have a business

Those are really the two only reasons you might not want to take part with the perfect webinar.

What I Liked About The Perfect Webinar Script

Can I just say everything? It's Funny when I talk to people and I tell them that I call Russell this..

"Russell Brunson The Perfect Webinar". Why?

The guy throws out stories and perfect webinar scripts in everything he says which is GENIUS! I've done well with my own webinars but If I can do what he does...Let's not even go there right? haha.

Honestly, Christmas came soon, the almighty sent me a gift that I wish I had a hold of years ago even before I ever thought about starting my own online business.

There are so many things I enjoyed so I will name one of my favorites.

I felt like after a few practices and just one run that I was a WHOLE new person. I felt like I could sell anything to anyone with a structured and strategic approach.

The messaging is the first stage of it all and if you can get your audience past that hump, the offer is just a no-brainer to listen to. Also what I love about it and what Russell Brunson mentions is this...

If you were to start an online business or move your business online and had to pick out one Funnel to communicate with your audience, it would be a webinar funnel.

What I Didn't Like About The Perfect Webinar Script

There's really nothing that I disliked about this perfect webinar script other than the fact that I didn't find it sooner!

I can't say there was anything wrong with it besides the fact that I kept messing up my first 3-5 times trying to get it all together in a presentation and presenting it live or pre-recorded haha.

But learning how to do anything right takes practice.

Now, let me show you how the Perfect Webinar Script PowerPoint from Russell will look like.

Russell's Perfect Webinar PowerPoint Template Guide

Sometime down the road, I'll have to make a video about my own PowerPoint that I've made for my webinars and demonstrate them for you, but for now this works.

How To Get The Perfect Webinar Script For FREE

I could only share with you so much, the rest you have to get your hands in and experience the perfect webinar yourself. Here's the good thing...

You can go ahead and get the perfect webinar script for free HERE.

3 Perfect Webinar Examples

I wanted to share with you 3 awesome perfect webinar examples you can model in your own business and give you a BOOST of confidence to increase your businesses awareness and income.

EXAMPLE #1: Expert Secrets Webinar:

EXAMPLE #2: Funnel Hacks Webinar

EXAMPLE #3: Wealthy Affiliate(Me)

3 Perfect Webinar Scripts

Russel's new book Traffic Secrets is out and no I'm not going to tell you to go and buy it but I do want to point out that he's giving away free resources that reveal two other types of webinar's you have to see for yourself:

My Final Verdict, How I Make Money With The Perfect Webinar Script + My Bonus

Okay Michael, I know this sounds great in Theory but how can I make the magic happen?

It doesn't matter if you're in the health and wellness industry like me, the technology business, outdoors, b2b, affiliate marketing, digital agency, whichever it is - you have a perfect webinar script.

I Want You To Imagine What Your Life Will Be Like...

I want you to imagine having Your own unique webinar with your own product/service. You post it on the web. You show it to people. They sign up one after the next. They sit in their seat watching your live or automated webinar with excitement. They see your story, and are so focused to hear about your secrets to achieving the success that you have right now.

Now, imagine having these people at the end purchase your product and then these people turn around and refer others to your webinar. Next time, you’ll get a flock of visitors from referrals, from searching for you online, from consuming your content and then are directed to your webinar. This time you have more than you can handle(which is great), and then more buy this time...

How will this boost your credibility? What will your business look like? How will you feel about yourself? Obviously, having a webinar is very valuable to you and your business.

My first ever webinar that I was about a social media management tool called FueledLeads that is now a review ranking on the first page of google by the way. It's an organic reach tool that can get you more followers, send out Direct Messages automatically and so on. I felt weak to my knees doing my first ever webinar, and did it go right?

Heck no! Like you read earlier ofcourse. But after I found Perfect Webinar Secrets, I perfected my webinar and I created my hook, story, and offer without having to think about it. What if I gave you the perfect webinar script at no cost?

Two ways:

  1. For a limited time, I will give you my perfect webinar script with when you sign up with your free clickfunnels account! And if you already have an account, and you'd like to purchase, you can do so here.
  2. Otherwise, if this is your first time and you don't yet have a Clickfunnels account, you can just grab the perfect webinar by itself with my bonuses below.

Perfect Webinar Bonuses( $1,638 Value - Yours Free)

Bonus #1 The Perfect Webinar Funnel. This first presentation will help you to see exactly how to use the Perfect Webinar script. Others have paid over $297 for JUST THIS ONE VIDEO, but you'll be getting it FREE when you order the Perfect Webinar today

It will help you to know exactly how to create a webinar that gets people to move and buy your product! This will help you to close sales with absolute certainty everything you have a chance to talk in front of a group! (297 Value - Yours Free)

Bonus #2: The Funnel Frameworks Training. Part of the "Perfect Webinar" training, you will be actually telling stories and teaching your frameworks. Many people have never developed frameworks yet, or don't know how to teach them in a way that causes impact.

This video will help supplement the perfect webinar, and help you to teach your frameworks and tell your stories in a way that gets people to move!

You'll also get this training on "How To Teach Your Frameworks" for FREE when you sign up today!($297 Value - Yours Free)

Bonus #3: The Stack. One of my speaking mentors (Armand Morin) changed my world the day he took me aside during an event, and taught me how to use a close that he had invented that he called “The Stack.”

Since then, this closing technique has worked so well for me, that I refuse to do a single presentation without it!   

I tried taking it out of my presentation ONCE, and my sales plummeted, so I plugged it back in, and I’ve used the stack ever since!

I’ll take you through my slide deck, showing you how I use the stack in my presentations…(this is a 2 ½ hr in-depth training video on how to use the stack in your presentation!)

I’ll explain in detail:

  • What I did on each slide…
  • Why I did it...
  • And all the physiology behind how this closing technique works!

($197 Value - Yours Free)

Bonus #4: The Perfect Webinar Funnel. After your webinar is created, you're going to need a funnel to get people to register for your webinar

In this bonus you will get access to my training show you HOW to build "The Perfect Webinar Funnel" as well as 7 PRE BUILT funnels that you can use!  This will help you to get people to actually show up for your webinars and get people. ($297 Value - Yours Free)

Bonus #5: FREE Customized Perfect Webinar Funnel Template. This done-for-you template will help you put your first or next webinar really fast and with a highly convertible template that will automate itself for you 24/7 which means you'll be able to sell to your audience at any time and any place!($97 Value - Yours Free)

Bonus #6: 3 Special Webinar Examples. Want to see what 6-figure+ business owners are doing to blow up their webinars and make consistent sales online? I will reveal to you TOP webinars, why they converted, and how you can model them to make a lucrative income.($67 Value - Yours Free)

Bonus #7: FREE Epiphany Bridge Scripts. The reason webinars are so effective is because of the messaging, more specifically storytelling. And you're going to get a Free book with perfect webinar templates and examples as well what a professional would say.($19 Value - Yours Free)

How to get these bonuses: 

Once you get your template, I'll know that you made a purchase through my link and I'll cross reference that you did and send you these exclusive bonuses. 

Do You have any questions you'd like me to answer? Suggestions, opinions, your thoughts are all welcomed.If you want to know more about the Funnel Builder Secrets Savings Plan, see it HERE.

Questions And Answers

Here are the commonly asked questions about the perfect webinar script and webinars in general.

Can I sell physical and digital products with this script?

Of course! The perfect webinar and the general principle of a webinar is to help businesses promote physical and digital products all together. I'll even tell you from my own experience, I've sold physical products from Amazon and also digital products like Software, email, lead generation, blogging and so much more.

Do I have to promote a product with a webinar?

No you don't. The perfect webinar is the literally the best communication script you can use for EVERYTHING that you will do both online and offline. You can put up a YouTube video, a post on Facebook(or any social media platform for that matter), your email copy, an ad, a normal conversation with a family member, friend, and stranger...you can use the perfect webinar to craft the right communication. Also, you can just book people to a phone call at the end of a webinar.

Will I make a lot of money with this script?

You most certainly can! But I don't know your own specific need...just yet. And it also depends on what product/services you are promoting to your audience, since a $100 product vs a $1,000 product are going to produce you different profit margins. One thing to keep in mind is that the more value you bring to the webinar, the more you stand a chance of making.

Where can I use a webinar in my business?

You have to know the value a funnel will bring to your business, and that's stronger communication and engagement with your audience and at the same time you can sell people your products/service(the value ladder).

There's front-end vs back-end funnels and at the bottom you have a free plus shipping or Self liquidated offer. And then at the middle of that value ladder you have the perfect webinar. That's where you can fit your webinar in - the middle, more pricier product.

Do I need a video recording software?

Great question. You really only need a software like Zoom to do your live/automated webinars, something like GoToWebinar, or even Webinar Jam. Other than that you can connect your perfect webinar script to the clickfunnels software with their done for you templates. 

Will I need anything else to go with the script?

Besides your excitement to take action, I would say you could start getting a handle on what funnels are if you haven't already, and I have my #1 recommended software for it here And as an extra resource, you should get the DotCom secrets book where you'll have a greater understanding of how to use funnels, sales funnels, and the amount of different scripts for other funnels you'll want to use.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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