January 8

by Michael Granados

Want the best Clickfunnels Blog Template EVER?

Are you read to increase your leads, sales, and conversions in all that you do?

Hey there, this is Michael Granados, I'm an authority blogger who's made well over $4,000+ A month with my blogs in the health and wellness space and others - and thanks to Clickfunnels, I've been able to steadily increase my earnings. Wondering how?

Clickfunnels allows bloggers like you and I to make money from other sources then a blog like:

  • Webinars
  • Product Launch funnels
  • Ebook funnels
  • and so much more!

And In this article I'll go over how to use a special Blogging template that I've used over the years to grow my health and wellness(lower back pain) business, this site as well, and my consulting business...

But before I do, if you're ready to grab my Blogging template, you can click HERE right now.

Let's get started.

What Are Sales Funnels For Bloggers?

I know you have an idea of what Clickfunnels is so I'll keep this section short so we can move into how my blogging template works, OK?

Clickfunnels for bloggers makes it SUPER easy to showcase your blog, books, and so many other products and services like a traditional website but with greater conversions...

Here's a video on why sales funnels are NECESSARY for you as a blogger to 10x your sales.

Most people will say that blogging is dead and that video has taken over and while part of that may be true, blogging being dead is not. People will want to connect with you better by video because at the end of the day...

People buy from people, and the ones they know, like and trust. Your blog is still a great way to get sales and unlock the power of SEO for many years to come. But now's the time to start using funnels to showcase your digital or informational products, to get people from your blog over to a funnel and so much more.

Clickfunnels Blog Template Breakdown

I'd like to show you a step-by-step breakdown of how the clickfunnels blogger template is put together and how you can best use it, but let me tell you that there is not only ONE template size fits all.

There are many ways to make a blog template inside of clickfunnels miscellaneous feature setup but I've made it at least easier for you to walk away with one which is the Ebook funnel and website funnel too.

Here's a video on how to create a blog funnel:

Awesome right? Don't be confused wit the fact that Clickfunnels can completely replace your WordPress website though!

Use your website blog for the purposes of SEO.

Part 2: Free Blogging Case Study and Templates

NOTE: You can also walk through clickfunnels blog building process and case studies from other bloggers:

clickfunnels blog funnel

I recommend at least checking this out first and you can always come back here and download my FREE blogging templates.

FREE Home Page Website Template Breakdown

In my Clickfunnels Share funnel library, I have a couple free website templates that you can use to connect your blog to if you'd like. I want to show you one of them:

home page funnel

there are a total of 2 pages here as you can see. But you can customize it by adding new steps and adding blog pages like you saw in the video above. 

STEP 1: Home Page

clickfunnels website template

You can customize this funnel for your own needs and add different menus too.

STEP 2: Thank You Page

thank you page

I broke this down into a video for you too:

Free eBook Blogging Template Breakdown

I use a very simple "best selling book" funnel that's been PROVEN to work well time and time again. What I love about this template is that like most bloggers, we have a free eBook we want to giveaway or a free plus shipping one and this template makes it easy for you to do so.

best selling book funnel

As you can see from the image above, there are three total steps in this funnel.

STEP 1: Video Sales Letter With An Order Form 

free plus shipping book funnel

You can add a simple video where you talk about the free plus shipping book you're giving away and tell the person to submit their information to the right of the screen.

There's a strategic way of presenting your video that I can help you out with, but the best way to learn about it is through the Free DotCom Secrets Book.

In that book, Clickfunnels owner Russell Brunson breaks down the scripts he uses to sell $1,000,000 dollars worth of books.

STEP 2: One Time Offer Page. 

After someone purchases, they will be redirected to an upsell, and this can be the actual product you want someone to buy from you so you can make a profit. See, the whole idea of giving away something cheap or a free plus shipping in this example is to get hyperactive buyers and to move people up into your more expensive products...

As well help you break even on ad costs.

one time offer

STEP 3: Order Complete Page

At the end of the funnel is the order complete page where you can show your customer how to access their product and a information post purchase.

So there you have it, a simple eBook funnel that is famously used by bloggers to get going in the clickfunnels and funnel world.

Free Access To My Templates

I have a share funnel library of blogging templates inside of Clickfunnels that I would be happy to give away to you if you decide to become a Clickfunnels under my link.

If you want to go through the blogging mixer Clickfunnels page like I showed you up above, you can press on the button down below, otherwise click on the shared funnel link HERE.

Do you have any questions for me, or need any form of help? Feel free to leave me a comment down below and I'll be there to give you a hand.

Thank you,


Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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