May 19

by Michael Granados

Want to build the highest income generating Soap Opera Email sequence and get people buying from you over and over...and over again?

You've come to this page in search for Soap Opera Examples but these aren't just your everyday average soap opera sequences...

These are by the best in the business! Putting a PROPER soap opera sequences doesn't have to feel like a WWE Wrestling match where you're going back and forth wrestling ideas, poking in at other people's email list after email list until you find one that hits home with you...

It can be as easy as walking a dog(maybe not) and as simple as reading an article about how to write the best soap opera examples(no pun intended), but you get my point, right?

Now let me show you how to craft soap opera script examples that are going to blow your expectations out of the lagoon

What Is A Soap Opera Sequnece?

soap opera examples

Firstly, you need to know that a Soap Opera sequence is nothing more than the first 5-7 or so messages put together into an email autoresponder sequence that'll fire these messages every other day one-by-one warming them your audience up about:

  • "Why they should care about what they're going to get"

You need to remember that you're in the business of helping people solve their problems and people are tuned into how YOU can help them solve that and your 5-7 or so automated email sequence will show them what's so important, and why it matters to them.

Now, When you put together a soap opera sequence, you're NOT going to straight out sell someone your product, what you WILL do is build it out until the last email and that's when you get to pitch to them what you have.

Those initial emails at the beginning are in the meantime telling a story by using the epiphany bridge script which you can grab for free here.

Basically, you're giving people a backstory of how you achieved the transformation that has you where you are today, and you can demonstrate that through a product/service or a business opportunity.

Related: 3+ Awesome Epiphany bridge story examples

Plus, every email leads to the next one with a "cliff hanger" at the end like for example:

Tune in to tomorrow's email where I'll show you how My education was striped away from me and I lost $10,000!

That'll get someone to say "heck yes, I'll be there in my email inbox waiting for it."

3+ Examples Of Soap Opera Sequences

The First one is from Clickfunnels Super Affiliate Spencer Mecham:

#2: Ryan Wegner

#3: Ben Byrne

#4 Mark Archer

#5 Steve Buller

Final Thoughts And A FREE Book

All these Soap Opera Sequence Examples are going to skyrocket your conversions like you wouldn't believe it in so many ways than monetary...

You're going to build a tribe of people who will care, have trust with you and want to keep opening your broadcasted emails later on. There's no better way to keep someone on their toes and wanting to come back to your emails than a Soap Opera Sequence and that was proven in today's article.

If you'd like to get a FREE Book that has a done-for-you soap opera script by internet marketing entrepreneur Russell Brunson, then go ahead and click the button below.

Michael Granados

Michael Granados is an expert blogger and a 6+ figure-a-year affiliate marketer. As an expert, He's created a health and wellness brand as well enjoys helping others learn about different marketer tools, systems, and helping people achieve an awesome life personally, physically, and professionally.

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